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[ i :] 长元音与短元音 cheap feet he's peach sheep
In three weeks at least A leaf on a tree eat a lot speak out A. Beef or chicken ? B. let me see.chicken for me ,please . A. coffee or tea ? B. coffee ,please.
china center polar sofa after obey
a dancer a doctor a manager a driver A. Something 's burning? 什么
东西糊了? B.Oh,my fish! 哦,我的鱼。 A.Don’t worry,I prefer it well done. 没关系,我喜欢烤过了的鱼。
音速体验; a
boy ; a toy; a gold coin ; a bottle of oil a boiled egg; a lot of noise
对话演练 A: I want to buy a toy for Roy.我想给罗伊买 玩具。 B: For Roy? You want to buy him another toy?给罗伊吗?你要给他再买一个玩具吗? A: Why not? He enjoys playing with toys. 为什么不?他很喜欢玩玩具的。 B:He enjoys destroying toys. You'd better not to spoil the boy.他也很喜欢毁坏玩具。你 最好别把他给惯坏了。 A:No,I won't. 不,我不会。
3.脱口而出 1)He's from a very poor family.他来自一个很 贫穷的家庭。 2)We were unsure about who was to blame. 我们说不清楚该责怪谁。
3)I'm sure that's pure gold.我肯定那是纯金的 。
4)Behold the furioue duel,看来这场激烈的决斗, Between the casual tourist,发生在一个偶来的游客 , And the rural jeweler,与当地的珠宝商之间, For a curious and luxurious jewel.只为那奇异而华 丽的宝石。
音素体验 a
deer a beer an ear a tear a theater a museum 对话演练 A: Hello,my dear,can you hear me?
喂,亲爱的,你能听到我说话吗? B: I do, but not clearly. 我能听见,但不清楚。 A: Bring back some beer and a toy deer for Jerry. 哦,你买些啤酒回来,还有,给杰瑞买个玩具鹿。
East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝不如自己的草窝。 Let's keep in touch.让我们保持联 系。 Don't stand in my way.不要妨碍 我。
:Hi.How's your back ? 你好,你的背 怎么样了? B:It's getting better,thanks. 好多了,谢 谢。 A:What's the matter,Mary? 玛丽,你怎 么了? B:I had a bad day yesterday.昨天我的 运气很遭。

音素体验 [a:] a car; a star; a part; a class; a basket; a banana 对话演练 1)A : Can you pass the maths exam? 你通 过数学考试了吗? B : No . You know maths is too hard. 没 有。你知道数学太难了。 2)A : Can you help me with my art? 你能帮 我学美术吗? B : OK. I’m not bad at art , I think .好吧, 我想,我的美术还不差。

A moon ; a school ; a room ; a shoe ; a ruler; A group

A :So many articles to choose ! 有这么多 东西可选择! B :Yes . But it’s hard to choose. 是啊,但 很难选择。
B: Ok,some,pears and a Teddy bear. 好吧,买些梨和一个玩具熊。 A:Oh,dear me. 哦,我的天啊。 脱口而出 New Year′s Day is near. 新年就要到了。 She ′s sincere,serious and a bit mysterious. 她诚恳认真,又有点神秘。 I want to be quite clear on this problem. 我希望搞清楚这个问题。

A book : a cook : a woman : Sugar : push : put

A :Well , this one is good . 哦,这个很 好。 B :Mm , I think that one is good , too . 嗯,我觉得那个也不错。
B:Sure .He wants me to marry him.当然了,他想让 我跟他结婚。
2) A:How cruel to fight a duel! I never think that is right.决斗多残忍啊!我一直认为那样是不对的。 B:It was not only fair but also holy in the old days.在古代,决斗不但很公平,而且还很圣神呢。 A: I couldn't imagine that. What cases cause people to duel?对此我无法想象。什么样的事会让人们去 决斗呢? B: So many. Such as dueling for love,dueling for dignity. 很多比如:为爱情而决斗,为尊严而决斗啦 。
litter [ i ] ship his chip fit pitch
Hit in the face Give her a gift
six sick hicks have quick wits
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交。 Eat more fish , less meat. 多吃鱼,少吃肉。

1.音素体验 a pear; a bear; a chair; a square; an airport; a pair of 2.对话演练 A:Let's go there, Cary. 我们去那吧,凯里。 B:No, I don't want to go there.不,我不想去那。 A:Why not , Cary? 为什么不,凯里? B:I'm afraid of the bears on the stairs.我害怕坐在阶梯 上的熊。 B:Well,they're all plastic bears full of air.好了,那是充 气的塑料熊。
3.脱口而出 1)Where there's a will, there's a way。 有志者事竟成 2)Wherever there's oppression,there's resistance. 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。 3)She was not aware how deeply he loved her.她没有察觉到他深爱着她。

a tourist; poor; sure ; cure
2 对话演练 1)A: What a beautiful jewel! 多漂亮的宝石 啊! B:This was the gift for my birthday.这是我 的生日礼物。 A:It's it from your boyfriend?是你男朋友 送的吗?
have a lot of things to talk about.我们有许多事情要 谈。 We'll not stop until we reach our goal .不达目的绝不罢休。
Baidu Nhomakorabea
[æ ]
an egg a desk a pen a bed bench a tent a pet
3) A:Have you been to Europe?那你到过欧洲吗? B:No. But I have a plan to jion a group tour. 没有。但我想参加一个旅游团去。 A:To be a private tourist is a lot of fun.自助游会很 有趣得多。 B: But I love to meet new people. 但我喜欢认识些 新朋友。
while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。 Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。 All day long the sun shines bright. 白天阳光普照。 Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。
I a pie
a knife a kite
a lighter an icecream
A: Try the French fries.吃点薯条吧。 B: Well,the smell´s so nice.Mm,they are fried well. 好啊,真香啊。嗯,炸得不错。 A: Let´s have icecreams for dessert. 甜点我们就吃冰淇淋吧。 B:How many icecreams are there in the fridge? 冰箱里有几个冰淇淋? A:Let me see.Nine .Three of them are pineapple flavor. 我看看,九个。有三个是菠萝味的。 B:Well,I prefer pineapple flavor icecreams. 好吧,我要菠萝味的。

[ ə :]
earth work world first learn Turn over as a nurse A bird in a word The early bired catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 Birds of a feather flock together.物以类 聚。

Let me have a look at the book .让我看 一看这本书。
音素体验 a dog a fox a frog a shop a watch a ball a talk a horse a door a lawyer
对话演练 A:What are you looking for?你在找什么? B:My wallet .I think I have lost it. 我的钱包,我想我把他给丢了。 A: Anytning important in it?里面有什么重要的东西么? B:Yes.Alomst four hundred dollars and my driving license.差不多400 美元和我的驾照。

A bus : a brush : a nut : a cup : A sup : a son

A :Could you come for lunch ?你能来吃 午饭吗? B :I would love to .But …我很愿意,但 是。。。 A :I have ordered Peking duck .我订了 一只北京烤鸭。 B :Peking duck ?北京烤鸭?