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1 造林树种的选择

The selection of afforestation tree species

根据襄汾县东西两山不同的立地条件、各树种的生物学特性及在不同立地类型的生长表现,考虑树种来源、劳力、资金条件等因素,本着适地适树和优先选用优良乡土树种的原则进行荒山绿化树种的选择。苗木一般选择1~2 a生,侧柏最好使用容器苗,高度25.0 cm以上;刺槐地径1.0 cm以上;核桃地径1.5 cm以上。

According to the different site conditions of xiangfen things two mountains, the biological characteristics of various tree species and growth performance in different site type, consider species origin, condition factors such as labor, capital, in line with to the principle of optimal tree and select excellent native tree species for greening tree species selection of barren hills. Nursery stock generally choose 1 ~ 2 a, biota orientalis had better use container seedlings, height 25.0 cm or more; Acacia diameter 1.0 cm or more; Walnuts ground diameter 1.5 cm or more.

2 造林密度及配置、混交方式

2 afforestation density and configuration, mixed mode

2.1 造林密度侧柏一般栽植在山坡的中上部或条件差的山脊,穴状或鱼鳞坑整地,密度可掌握在220~330株/667 m2;刺槐、核桃适宜在土壤条件较好的水平阶及梯田成片栽植,密度一般为110~150株/667 m2。

2.1 afforestation density using general plant in the slope of the upper or poor ridges, cavernous or scale-hole ploughing and density can be master in 220 ~ 220 plants / 330 m2; Acacia, walnut in soil conditions good level of order and planting of terraces and density is generally 110 ~ 110 plants / 150 m2.

2.2 种植点配置为充分发挥水土保持林的水土保持作用,侧柏、刺槐在种植点配置上选用”品”字形,核桃采用正方形的配置方式。

2.2 growing point is configured to give full play to the water and soil conservation of soil and water conservation forest, arborvitae, acacia, choose "goods" glyph on planting some configuration, walnut square configuration method.

2.3 混交方式根据山区地形地块的自然分布情况,树种混交方式一般选用不规则的块状混交。

2.3 mixed way according to the nature of mountainous terrain block distribution of tree species chosen commonly irregular block mixed mixed mode.

3 整地方式

Three site preparation modes


Site preparation is an important link for afforestation in front of, in accordance with the requirements of the soil and water conservation, in view of the location and size of the slope up and down slope, and adopt different ways of soil preparation according to actual condition, to minimize the ground surface, adjust measures to local conditions.

3.1 山坡上一般对山坡上部及25°坡以上的地段,采用穴状、鱼鳞坑整地,规格穴状坑穴径30.0~40.0 cm,深20.0~40.0 cm,穴面要稍向内倾斜;鱼鳞坑长径30.0~50.0 cm,短径30.0~40.0 cm,深20.0~40.0 cm,外侧有土埂,半环状,高10.0~20.0 cm,坑面外高里低,坑上方左右两角斜开引水沟,以积蓄坡面径流。

3.1 general on the upper slopes and slopes more than 25 ° slope area, USES the cavernous, and scale-hole, site preparation, specifications cavernous holes diameter 30.0 40.0 cm, 20.0 40.0 cm deep, the hole surface slightly inward tilt; Scale-hole diameter 30.0 50.0 cm long, the short diameter 30.0 40.0 cm, 20.0 40.0 cm deep, outside have TuGeng, half ring, 10.0 ~ 20.0 cm, outside the pit surface observed is low, so that both Angle of oblique hole above open flume, slope surface runoff to savings.
