Fedora Linux 系统调用或常用命令详细解析 rngd
1. touch命令touch命令的作用是创建一个空文件或者修改一个已有文件的时间戳。
它的基本语法是:touch [选项] 文件名其中,选项可以是:-a:只修改访问时间-c:如果文件不存在,不创建新文件-m:只修改修改时间-r:把指定文件的时间戳复制给另一个文件-t:指定修改时间,格式为[[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss]例如:# 创建一个空文件test.txttouch test.txt# 修改test.txt的访问时间和修改时间为当前时间touch test.txt# 修改test.txt的访问时间为2021年4月1日10:00:00touch -a -t 202104011000.00 test.txt# 把test.txt的时间戳复制给test2.txttouch -r test.txt test2.txt2. rm命令rm命令的作用是删除一个或多个文件或目录。
它的基本语法是:rm [选项] 文件或目录其中,选项可以是:-f:强制删除,忽略不存在的文件或目录,不提示确认-i:交互式删除,删除前提示确认-r:递归删除,删除目录及其子目录和文件例如:# 删除一个文件test.txtrm test.txt# 删除一个目录test,并提示确认rm -ir test# 强制删除一个目录test及其子目录和文件,不提示确认rm -rf test3. cp命令cp命令的作用是复制一个或多个文件或目录。
为什么要用系统调用?实际上,很多已经被我们习以为常的C语言标准函数,在Linux 平台上的实现都是靠系统调用完成的,所以如果想对系统底层的原理作深入的了解,掌握各种系统调用是初步的要求。
Fedora Linux 系统调用或常用命令详细解析 rngd
NAMErngd − Check and feed random data from hardware device to kernel random deviceSYNOPSISrngd[−b,−−background][−f,−−foreground][−o,−−random-device=file][−r,−−rng-device=file][−s,−−random-step=nnn][−W,−−fill-watermark=nnn][−t,−−timeout=nnn][−?,−−help][−V,−−version] DESCRIPTIONThis daemon feeds data from a random number generator to the kernel’s random number entropy pool, after first checking the data to ensure that it is properly random.The−f or−−foreground options can be used to tell rngd to avoid forking on startup.This is typically used for debugging. The−f or−−foreground options, which fork and put rngd into the background automati-cally,are the default.The−r or−−rng-device options can be used to select an alternate source of input, besides the default /dev/hwrandom. The−o or−−random-device options can be used to select an alternate entropy output device, besides the default /dev/random. Note that this device must support the Linux kernel /dev/random ioctl API.FIXME: document random-step and timeoutOPTIONS−b,−−backgroundBecome a daemon (default)−f,−−foregroundDo not fork and become a daemon−ofile,−−random-device=fileKernel device used for random number output (default: /dev/random)−rfile,−−rng-device=fileKernel device used for random number input (default: /dev/hwrandom)−s nnn,−−random-step=nnnNumber of bytes written to random-device at a time (default: 64)−W n,−−fill−watermark=nnnOnce we start doing it, feed entropy to random-device until at leastfill-watermark bits of entropyare available in its entropy pool (default: 2048).Setting this too high will cause rngd to dominatethe contents of the entropy pool. Low values will hurt system performance during entropy starves.Do not setfill-watermark above the size of the entropy pool (usually 4096 bits).−t nnn,−−timeout=nnnInterval written to random-device when the entropy pool is full, in seconds, or 0 to disable(default: 60)−?,−−helpGive a short summary of all program options.−V,−−versionPrint program versionAUTHORSPhilipp RumpfJeff Garzik − jgarzik@Matt Sottek。
--暂时免费要的就快下.买的书中转换来的很全Linux 系统命令及其使用详解(大全)(来源: 中国系统分析员)cat cdchmod chowncp cut名称:cat使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cat [-AbeEnstTuv] [--help] [--version] fileName说明:把档案串连接后传到基本输出(萤幕或加> fileName 到另一个档案)参数:-n 或--number 由 1 开始对所有输出的行数编号-b 或--number-nonblank 和-n 相似,只不过对于空白行不编号-s 或--squeeze-blank 当遇到有连续两行以上的空白行,就代换为一行的空白行-v 或--show-nonprinting范例:cat -n textfile1 > textfile2 把textfile1 的档案内容加上行号后输入textfile2 这个档案里cat -b textfile1 textfile2 >> textfile3 把textfile1 和textfile2 的档案内容加上行号(空白行不加)之后将内容附加到textfile3名称:cd使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cd [dirName]说明:变换工作目录至dirName。
其中dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径。
若目录名称省略,则变换至使用者的home directory (也就是刚login 时所在的目录).另外,"~" 也表示为home directory 的意思,"." 则是表示目前所在的目录,".." 则表示目前目录位置的上一层目录。
范例:跳到/usr/bin/:cd /usr/bin跳到自己的home directory:cd ~跳到目前目录的上上两层:cd ../..指令名称:chmod使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:chmod [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] mode file...说明:Linux/Unix 的档案存取权限分为三级:档案拥有者,群组,其他。
域名类型 这样的;主机名是用于什么的呢?在一个局域网中,每台机器都有一个主机名,用于主机与主机之间的便于区分,就可以为每台机器设置主机名,以便于以容易记忆的方法来相互访问。
主机名相关的配置文件:/etc/hosts;主机名配置文件主机名的配置文件大多是/etc/hosts ;hosts - The static table lookup for host name(主机名查询静态表);由于Linux 发行版本众多,与主机名相关的配置文件有时也有所不同。
现在我们说说常见版本的主机名配置文件;主机名配置文件/etc/hosts解说Fedora/Redhat 或以Fedora/Redhat为基础打包的发行版,主机名配置文件是/etc/hosts Debian或以Debian为基础打包的发行版,主机名配置文件是/etc/hostname 和/etc/hosts Slackware的主机名配置文件是/etc/hosts那我们来读读/etc/hosts的内容,看这个文件是用来做什么的。
hosts 配置文件是用来把主机名字映射到IP地址的方法,这种方法比较简单。
注:在debian 中还有一个/etc/hostname的文件,这个文件就是直接把本地主机名写进去就行了,但要和/etc/hosts中的本地主机名保持一致。
open命令的语法如下:int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);pathname:指定文件的路径和名称。
flags:指定文件的打开模式,如O_RDONLY(只读)、O_WRONLY (只写)、O_RDWR(读写)等。
unlink命令的语法如下:int unlink(const char *pathname);pathname:指定要删除的文件的路径和名称。
rename命令的语法如下:int rename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);oldpath:指定要重命名的文件的路径和名称。
Fedora Linux 系统调用或常用命令详细解析 rndc-confgen
NAMErndc−confgen − rndc key generation toolSYNOPSISrndc−confgen[−a][−b keysize][−c keyfile][−h][−k keyname][−p port][−r randomfile][−s address][−t chrootdir][−u user]DESCRIPTIONrndc−confgen generates configuration files for rndc.It can be used as a convenient alternative to writingthe rndc.conffile and the corresponding controls and key statements in named.conf by hand. Alternatively, it can be run with the−a option to set up a rndc.keyfile and avoid the need for a rndc.conffile and acontrols statement altogether.OPTIONS−aDo automatic rndc configuration. This creates a file rndc.key in/etc(or whatever sysconfdir wasspecified as when BIND was built) that is read by both rndc and named on startup. The rndc.keyfiledefines a default command channel and authentication key allowing rndc to communicate with namedon the local host with no further configuration.Running rndc−confgen −a allows BIND 9 and rndc to be used as drop−in replacements for BIND 8and ndc,with no changes to the existing BIND 8named.conffile.If a more elaborate configuration than that generated by rndc−confgen −a is required, for example ifrndc is to be used remotely,you should run rndc−confgen without the−a option and set up arndc.conf and named.conf as directed.−b keysizeSpecifies the size of the authentication key in bits. Must be between 1 and 512 bits; the default is 128.−c keyfileUsed with the−a option to specify an alternate location for rndc.key.−hPrints a short summary of the options and arguments to rndc−confgen.−k keynameSpecifies the key name of the rndc authentication key.This must be a valid domain name. The defaultis rndc−key.−p portSpecifies the command channel port where named listens for connections from rndc.The default is953.−r randomfileSpecifies a source of random data for generating the authorization. If the operating system does notprovide a/dev/random or equivalent device, the default source of randomness is keyboard input.randomdev specifies the name of a character device or file containing random data to be used insteadof the default. The special value keyboard indicates that keyboard input should be used.−s addressSpecifies the IP address where named listens for command channel connections from rndc.Thedefault is the loopback address−t chrootdirUsed with the−a option to specify a directory where named will run chrooted. An additional copy ofthe rndc.key will be written relative to this directory so that it will be found by the chrooted named.−u userUsed with the−a option to set the owner of the rndc.keyfile generated. If−t is also specified only thefile in the chroot area has its owner changed.EXAMPLESTo allow rndc to be used with no manual configuration, runrndc−confgen −aTo print a sample rndc.conffile and corresponding controls and key statements to be manually inserted into named.conf,runrndc−confgenSEE ALSOrndc(8),rndc.conf(5),named(8), BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual.AUTHORInternet Systems ConsortiumCOPYRIGHTCopyright © 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")Copyright © 2001, 2003 Internet Software Consortium.。
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大多数Linux系统还包括像提供GUI界面的X Window之类的程序。
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Linux常⽤命令操作⼤全(推荐收藏)⽬录1.系统信息2.关机 (系统的关机、重启以及登出 )3.⽂件和⽬录4.⽂件搜索5.挂载⼀个⽂件系统6.磁盘空间7.⽤户和群组9.⽂件的权限 - 使⽤ "+" 设置权限,使⽤ "-" ⽤于取消10.⽂件的特殊属性 - 使⽤ "+" 设置权限,使⽤ "-" ⽤于取消11.打包和压缩⽂件12.RPM 包 - (Fedora, Redhat及类似系统)13.YUM 软件包升级器 - (Fedora, RedHat及类似系统)14.DEB 包 (Debian, Ubuntu 以及类似系统)15.APT 软件⼯具 (Debian, Ubuntu 以及类似系统)16.查看⽂件内容17.⽂本处理18.字符设置和⽂件格式转换19.⽂件系统分析20.初始化⼀个⽂件系统21.SWAP⽂件系统22.备份23.光盘24.⽹络 - (以太⽹和WIFI⽆线)1.系统信息命令arch显⽰机器的处理器架构(1)uname -m显⽰机器的处理器架构(2)uname -r显⽰正在使⽤的内核版本dmidecode -q显⽰硬件系统部件 - (SMBIOS / DMI)hdparm -i /dev/hda罗列⼀个磁盘的架构特性hdparm -tT /dev/sda在磁盘上执⾏测试性读取操作cat /proc/cpuinfo显⽰CPU info的信息cat /proc/interrupts显⽰中断cat /proc/meminfo校验内存使⽤cat /proc/swaps显⽰哪些swap被使⽤cat /proc/version显⽰内核的版本cat /proc/net/dev显⽰⽹络适配器及统计cat /proc/mounts显⽰已加载的⽂件系统lspci -tv罗列 PCI 设备lsusb -tv显⽰ USB 设备date显⽰系统⽇期cal 2007显⽰2007年的⽇历表date 0412********.00设置⽇期和时间 - ⽉⽇时分年.秒clock -w将时间修改保存到 BIOS2.关机 (系统的关机、重启以及登出 )命令shutdown -h now关闭系统(1)init 0关闭系统(2)telinit 0关闭系统(3)命令shutdown -h hours:minutes &按预定时间关闭系统shutdown -c取消按预定时间关闭系统shutdown -r now重启(1)reboot重启(2)logout注销3.⽂件和⽬录命令cd /home进⼊ '/ home' ⽬录'cd ..返回上⼀级⽬录cd ../..返回上两级⽬录cd进⼊个⼈的主⽬录cd ~user1进⼊个⼈的主⽬录cd -返回上次所在的⽬录pwd显⽰⼯作路径ls查看⽬录中的⽂件ls -F查看⽬录中的⽂件ls -l显⽰⽂件和⽬录的详细资料ls -a显⽰隐藏⽂件ls [0-9]显⽰包含数字的⽂件名和⽬录名tree显⽰⽂件和⽬录由根⽬录开始的树形结构(1)lstree显⽰⽂件和⽬录由根⽬录开始的树形结构(2)mkdir dir1创建⼀个叫做 'dir1' 的⽬录'mkdir dir1 dir2同时创建两个⽬录mkdir -p /tmp/dir1/dir2创建⼀个⽬录树rm -f file1删除⼀个叫做 'file1' 的⽂件rmdir dir1删除⼀个叫做 'dir1' 的⽬录'rm -rf dir1删除⼀个叫做 'dir1' 的⽬录并同时删除其内容rm -rf dir1 dir2同时删除两个⽬录及它们的内容mv dir1 new_dir重命名/移动⼀个⽬录cp file1 file2复制⼀个⽂件cp dir/* .复制⼀个⽬录下的所有⽂件到当前⼯作⽬录cp -a /tmp/dir1 .复制⼀个⽬录到当前⼯作⽬录cp -a dir1 dir2复制⼀个⽬录ln -s file1 lnk1创建⼀个指向⽂件或⽬录的软链接ln file1 lnk1创建⼀个指向⽂件或⽬录的物理链接touch -t 0712250000 file1修改⼀个⽂件或⽬录的时间戳 - (YYMMDDhhmm)iconv -l列出已知的编码4.⽂件搜索命令find / -name file1从 '/' 开始进⼊根⽂件系统搜索⽂件和⽬录find / -user user1搜索属于⽤户 'user1' 的⽂件和⽬录find /home/user1 -name \*.bin在⽬录 '/ home/user1' 中搜索带有'.bin' 结尾的⽂件find /usr/bin -type f -atime +100搜索在过去100天内未被使⽤过的执⾏⽂件find /usr/bin -type f -mtime -10搜索在10天内被创建或者修改过的⽂件find / -name \*.rpm -exec chmod 755 '{}' \;搜索以 '.rpm' 结尾的⽂件并定义其权限find / -xdev -name *.rpm搜索以 '.rpm' 结尾的⽂件,忽略光驱、捷盘等可移动设备locate *.ps寻找以 '.ps' 结尾的⽂件 - 先运⾏ 'updatedb' 命令whereis halt显⽰⼀个⼆进制⽂件、源码或man的位置which halt显⽰⼀个⼆进制⽂件或可执⾏⽂件的完整路径命令5.挂载⼀个⽂件系统命令mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2挂载⼀个叫做hda2的盘 - 确定⽬录 '/ mnt/hda2' 已经存在umount /dev/hda2卸载⼀个叫做hda2的盘 - 先从挂载点 '/ mnt/hda2' 退出fuser -km /mnt/hda2当设备繁忙时强制卸载umount -n /mnt/hda2运⾏卸载操作⽽不写⼊ /etc/mtab ⽂件- 当⽂件为只读或当磁盘写满时⾮常有⽤mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy挂载⼀个软盘mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom挂载⼀个cdrom或dvdrommount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrecorder挂载⼀个cdrw或dvdrommount /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrecorder挂载⼀个cdrw或dvdrommount -o loop file.iso /mnt/cdrom挂载⼀个⽂件或ISO镜像⽂件mount -t vfat /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5挂载⼀个Windows FAT32⽂件系统mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbdisk挂载⼀个usb 捷盘或闪存设备mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass//WinClient/share /mnt/share挂载⼀个windows⽹络共享6.磁盘空间命令df -h显⽰已经挂载的分区列表ls -lSr |more以尺⼨⼤⼩排列⽂件和⽬录du -sh dir1估算⽬录 'dir1' 已经使⽤的磁盘空间'du -sk * | sort -rn以容量⼤⼩为依据依次显⽰⽂件和⽬录的⼤⼩rpm -q -a --qf '%10{SIZE}t%{NAME}n'sort -k1,1ndpkg-query -W -f='installed-size;10t{Package}n'sort -k1,1n7.⽤户和群组命令groupadd group_name创建⼀个新⽤户组groupdel group_name删除⼀个⽤户组groupmod -n new_group_name old_group_name重命名⼀个⽤户组useradd -c "Name Surname " -g admin -d /home/user1 -s /bin/bashuser1创建⼀个属于 "admin" ⽤户组的⽤户useradd user1创建⼀个新⽤户userdel -r user1删除⼀个⽤户 ( '-r' 排除主⽬录)usermod -c "User FTP" -g system -d /ftp/user1 -s /bin/nologin user1修改⽤户属性passwd修改⼝令passwd user1修改⼀个⽤户的⼝令 (只允许root执⾏)chage -E 2005-12-31 user1设置⽤户⼝令的失效期限pwck检查 '/etc/passwd' 的⽂件格式和语法修正以及存在的⽤户grpck检查 '/etc/passwd' 的⽂件格式和语法修正以及存在的群组newgrp group_name登陆进⼀个新的群组以改变新创建⽂件的预设群组9.⽂件的权限 - 使⽤ "+" 设置权限,使⽤ "-" ⽤于取消命令ls -lh显⽰权限ls /tmp | pr -T5 -W$COLUMNS将终端划分成5栏显⽰命令chmod ugo+rwx directory1设置⽬录的所有⼈(u)、群组(g)以及其他⼈(o)以读(r )、写(w)和执⾏(x)的权限chmod go-rwx directory1删除群组(g)与其他⼈(o)对⽬录的读写执⾏权限chown user1 file1改变⼀个⽂件的所有⼈属性chown -R user1 directory1改变⼀个⽬录的所有⼈属性并同时改变改⽬录下所有⽂件的属性chgrp group1 file1改变⽂件的群组chown user1:group1 file1改变⼀个⽂件的所有⼈和群组属性find / -perm -u+s罗列⼀个系统中所有使⽤了SUID控制的⽂件chmod u+s /bin/file1设置⼀个⼆进制⽂件的 SUID 位 - 运⾏该⽂件的⽤户也被赋予和所有者同样的权限chmod u-s /bin/file1禁⽤⼀个⼆进制⽂件的 SUID位chmod g+s /home/public设置⼀个⽬录的SGID 位 - 类似SUID ,不过这是针对⽬录的chmod g-s /home/public禁⽤⼀个⽬录的 SGID 位chmod o+t /home/public设置⼀个⽂件的 STIKY 位 - 只允许合法所有⼈删除⽂件chmod o-t /home/public禁⽤⼀个⽬录的 STIKY 位10.⽂件的特殊属性 - 使⽤ "+" 设置权限,使⽤ "-" ⽤于取消命令chattr +a file1只允许以追加⽅式读写⽂件chattr +c file1允许这个⽂件能被内核⾃动压缩/解压chattr +d file1在进⾏⽂件系统备份时,dump程序将忽略这个⽂件chattr +i file1设置成不可变的⽂件,不能被删除、修改、重命名或者链接chattr +s file1允许⼀个⽂件被安全地删除chattr +S file1⼀旦应⽤程序对这个⽂件执⾏了写操作,使系统⽴刻把修改的结果写到磁盘chattr +u file1若⽂件被删除,系统会允许你在以后恢复这个被删除的⽂件lsattr显⽰特殊的属性11.打包和压缩⽂件命令bunzip2 file1.bz2解压⼀个叫做 'file1.bz2'的⽂件bzip2 file1压缩⼀个叫做 'file1' 的⽂件gunzip file1.gz解压⼀个叫做 'file1.gz'的⽂件gzip file1压缩⼀个叫做 'file1'的⽂件gzip -9 file1最⼤程度压缩rar a file1.rar test_file创建⼀个叫做 'file1.rar' 的包rar a file1.rar file1 file2 dir1同时压缩 'file1', 'file2' 以及⽬录 'dir1'rar x file1.rar解压rar包unrar x file1.rar解压rar包tar -cvf archive.tar file1创建⼀个⾮压缩的 tarballtar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2 dir1创建⼀个包含了 'file1', 'file2' 以及 'dir1'的档案⽂件tar -tf archive.tar显⽰⼀个包中的内容tar -xvf archive.tar释放⼀个包tar -xvf archive.tar -C /tmp将压缩包释放到 /tmp⽬录下tar -cvfj archive.tar.bz2 dir1创建⼀个bzip2格式的压缩包tar -xvfj archive.tar.bz2解压⼀个bzip2格式的压缩包tar -cvfz archive.tar.gz dir1创建⼀个gzip格式的压缩包tar -xvfz archive.tar.gz解压⼀个gzip格式的压缩包zip file1.zip file1创建⼀个zip格式的压缩包zip -r file1.zip file1 file2 dir1将⼏个⽂件和⽬录同时压缩成⼀个zip格式的压缩包unzip file1.zip解压⼀个zip格式压缩包12.RPM 包 - (Fedora, Redhat及类似系统)命令rpm -ivh package.rpm安装⼀个rpm包rpm -ivh --nodeeps package.rpm安装⼀个rpm包⽽忽略依赖关系警告rpm -U package.rpm更新⼀个rpm包但不改变其配置⽂件rpm -F package.rpm更新⼀个确定已经安装的rpm包rpm -e package_name.rpm删除⼀个rpm包rpm -qa显⽰系统中所有已经安装的rpm包rpm -qa grep httpdrpm -qi package_name获取⼀个已安装包的特殊信息rpm -qg "System Environment/Daemons"显⽰⼀个组件的rpm包rpm -ql package_name显⽰⼀个已经安装的rpm包提供的⽂件列表rpm -qc package_name显⽰⼀个已经安装的rpm包提供的配置⽂件列表rpm -q package_name --whatrequires显⽰与⼀个rpm包存在依赖关系的列表rpm -q package_name --whatprovides显⽰⼀个rpm包所占的体积rpm -q package_name --scripts显⽰在安装/删除期间所执⾏的脚本lrpm -q package_name --changelog显⽰⼀个rpm包的修改历史rpm -qf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf确认所给的⽂件由哪个rpm包所提供rpm -qp package.rpm -l显⽰由⼀个尚未安装的rpm包提供的⽂件列表rpm --import /media/cdrom/RPM-GPG-KEY导⼊公钥数字证书rpm --checksig package.rpm确认⼀个rpm包的完整性rpm -qa gpg-pubkey确认已安装的所有rpm包的完整性rpm -V package_name检查⽂件尺⼨、许可、类型、所有者、群组、MD5检查以及最后修改时间rpm -Va检查系统中所有已安装的rpm包- ⼩⼼使⽤rpm -Vp package.rpm确认⼀个rpm包还未安装rpm2cpio package.rpm cpio --extract --make-directories binrpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/arch/package.rpm从⼀个rpm源码安装⼀个构建好的包rpmbuild --rebuild package_name.src.rpm从⼀个rpm源码构建⼀个 rpm 包13.YUM 软件包升级器 - (Fedora, RedHat及类似系统)命令yum install package_name下载并安装⼀个rpm包yum localinstall package_name.rpm将安装⼀个rpm包,使⽤你⾃⼰的软件仓库为你解决所有依赖关系yum update package_name.rpm更新当前系统中所有安装的rpm包yum update package_name更新⼀个rpm包yum remove package_name删除⼀个rpm包yum list列出当前系统中安装的所有包yum search package_name在rpm仓库中搜寻软件包yum clean packages清理rpm缓存删除下载的包yum clean headers删除所有头⽂件yum clean all删除所有缓存的包和头⽂件14.DEB 包 (Debian, Ubuntu 以及类似系统)命令dpkg -i package.deb安装/更新⼀个 deb 包dpkg -r package_name从系统删除⼀个 deb 包dpkg -l显⽰系统中所有已经安装的 deb 包dpkg -l grep httpddpkg -s package_name获得已经安装在系统中⼀个特殊包的信息dpkg -L package_name显⽰系统中已经安装的⼀个deb包所提供的⽂件列表dpkg --contents package.deb显⽰尚未安装的⼀个包所提供的⽂件列表dpkg -S /bin/ping确认所给的⽂件由哪个deb包提供命令15.APT 软件⼯具 (Debian, Ubuntu 以及类似系统)命令apt-get install package_name安装/更新⼀个 deb 包apt-cdrom install package_name从光盘安装/更新⼀个 deb 包apt-get update升级列表中的软件包apt-get upgrade升级所有已安装的软件apt-get remove package_name从系统删除⼀个deb包apt-get check确认依赖的软件仓库正确apt-get clean从下载的软件包中清理缓存apt-cache search searched-package返回包含所要搜索字符串的软件包名称16.查看⽂件内容命令cat file1从第⼀个字节开始正向查看⽂件的内容tac file1从最后⼀⾏开始反向查看⼀个⽂件的内容more file1查看⼀个长⽂件的内容less file1类似于 'more' 命令,但是它允许在⽂件中和正向操作⼀样的反向操作head -2 file1查看⼀个⽂件的前两⾏tail -2 file1查看⼀个⽂件的最后两⾏tail -f /var/log/messages实时查看被添加到⼀个⽂件中的内容17.⽂本处理命令cat file1 file2 mand <> file1_in.txt_or_file1_out.txtcat file1command( sed, grep, awk, grep, etc...) > result.txtcat file1command( sed, grep, awk, grep, etc...) >> result.txt grep Aug /var/log/messages在⽂件 '/var/log/messages'中查找关键词"Aug"grep ^Aug /var/log/messages在⽂件 '/var/log/messages'中查找以"Aug"开始的词汇grep [0-9] /var/log/messages选择 '/var/log/messages' ⽂件中所有包含数字的⾏grep Aug -R /var/log/*在⽬录 '/var/log' 及随后的⽬录中搜索字符串"Aug"sed 's/stringa1/stringa2/g' example.txt将example.txt⽂件中的 "string1" 替换成 "string2"sed '/^$/d' example.txt从example.txt⽂件中删除所有空⽩⾏sed '/ *#/d; /^$/d' example.txt从example.txt⽂件中删除所有注释和空⽩⾏echo 'esempio'tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'sed -e '1d' result.txt从⽂件example.txt 中排除第⼀⾏sed -n '/stringa1/p'查看只包含词汇 "string1"的⾏sed -e 's/ *$//' example.txt删除每⼀⾏最后的空⽩字符sed -e 's/stringa1//g' example.txt从⽂档中只删除词汇 "string1" 并保留剩余全部sed -n '1,5p;5q' example.txt查看从第⼀⾏到第5⾏内容sed -n '5p;5q' example.txt查看第5⾏sed -e 's/00*/0/g' example.txt⽤单个零替换多个零cat -n file1标⽰⽂件的⾏数cat example.txt awk 'NR%2==1'echo a b c awk '{print $1}'echo a b c awk '{print $1,$3}'paste file1 file2合并两个⽂件或两栏的内容paste -d '+' file1 file2合并两个⽂件或两栏的内容,中间⽤"+"区分sort file1 file2排序两个⽂件的内容sort file1 file2 | uniq取出两个⽂件的并集(重复的⾏只保留⼀份)sort file1 file2 | uniq -u删除交集,留下其他的⾏命令sort file1 file2 | uniq -d取出两个⽂件的交集(只留下同时存在于两个⽂件中的⽂件)comm -1 file1 file2⽐较两个⽂件的内容只删除 'file1' 所包含的内容comm -2 file1 file2⽐较两个⽂件的内容只删除 'file2' 所包含的内容comm -3 file1 file2⽐较两个⽂件的内容只删除两个⽂件共有的部分18.字符设置和⽂件格式转换命令dos2unix filedos.txt fileunix.txt将⼀个⽂本⽂件的格式从MSDOS转换成UNIXunix2dos fileunix.txt filedos.txt将⼀个⽂本⽂件的格式从UNIX转换成MSDOSrecode ..HTML < page.txt > page.html将⼀个⽂本⽂件转换成htmlrecode -l | more显⽰所有允许的转换格式19.⽂件系统分析命令badblocks -v /dev/hda1检查磁盘hda1上的坏磁块fsck /dev/hda1修复/检查hda1磁盘上linux⽂件系统的完整性fsck.ext2 /dev/hda1修复/检查hda1磁盘上ext2⽂件系统的完整性e2fsck /dev/hda1修复/检查hda1磁盘上ext2⽂件系统的完整性e2fsck -j /dev/hda1修复/检查hda1磁盘上ext3⽂件系统的完整性fsck.ext3 /dev/hda1修复/检查hda1磁盘上ext3⽂件系统的完整性fsck.vfat /dev/hda1修复/检查hda1磁盘上fat⽂件系统的完整性fsck.msdos /dev/hda1修复/检查hda1磁盘上dos⽂件系统的完整性dosfsck /dev/hda1修复/检查hda1磁盘上dos⽂件系统的完整性20.初始化⼀个⽂件系统命令mkfs /dev/hda1在hda1分区创建⼀个⽂件系统mke2fs /dev/hda1在hda1分区创建⼀个linux ext2的⽂件系统mke2fs -j /dev/hda1在hda1分区创建⼀个linux ext3(⽇志型)的⽂件系统mkfs -t vfat 32 -F /dev/hda1创建⼀个 FAT32 ⽂件系统fdformat -n /dev/fd0格式化⼀个软盘mkswap /dev/hda3创建⼀个swap⽂件系统21.SWAP⽂件系统命令mkswap /dev/hda3创建⼀个swap⽂件系统swapon /dev/hda3启⽤⼀个新的swap⽂件系统swapon /dev/hda2 /dev/hdb3启⽤两个swap分区22.备份命令dump -0aj -f /tmp/home0.bak /home制作⼀个 '/home' ⽬录的完整备份dump -1aj -f /tmp/home0.bak /home制作⼀个 '/home' ⽬录的交互式备份restore -if /tmp/home0.bak还原⼀个交互式备份rsync -rogpav --delete /home /tmp同步两边的⽬录rsync -rogpav -e ssh --delete /home ip_address:/tmp通过SSH通道rsyncrsync -az -e ssh --delete ip_addr:/home/public /home/local通过ssh和压缩将⼀个远程⽬录同步到本地⽬录rsync -az -e ssh --delete /home/local ip_addr:/home/public通过ssh和压缩将本地⽬录同步到远程⽬录dd bs=1M if=/dev/hda gzipdd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/file1备份磁盘内容到⼀个⽂件tar -Puf backup.tar /home/user执⾏⼀次对 '/home/user' ⽬录的交互式备份操作( cd /tmp/local/ && tar c . )ssh -C user@ip_addr 'cd /home/share/ && tar x -p'( tar c /home )ssh -C user@ip_addr 'cd /home/backup-home && tar x -p'tar cf - .(cd /tmp/backup ; tar xf - )find /home/user1 -name '*.txt'xargs cp -av --target-directory=/home/backup/ --parentsfind /var/log -name '*.log'tar cv --files-from=-dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1做⼀个将 MBR (Master Boot Record)内容复制到软盘的动作dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1从已经保存到软盘的备份中恢复MBR内容命令23.光盘命令cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/cdrom -eject blank=fast -force清空⼀个可复写的光盘内容mkisofs /dev/cdrom > cd.iso在磁盘上创建⼀个光盘的iso镜像⽂件mkisofs /dev/cdrom gzip > cd_iso.gzmkisofs -J -allow-leading-dots -R -V "Label CD" -iso-level 4 -o ./cd.isodata_cd创建⼀个⽬录的iso镜像⽂件cdrecord -v dev=/dev/cdrom cd.iso刻录⼀个ISO镜像⽂件gzip -dc cd_iso.gz | cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom -刻录⼀个压缩了的ISO镜像⽂件mount -o loop cd.iso /mnt/iso挂载⼀个ISO镜像⽂件cd-paranoia -B从⼀个CD光盘转录⾳轨到 wav ⽂件中cd-paranoia -- "-3"从⼀个CD光盘转录⾳轨到 wav ⽂件中(参数-3)cdrecord --scanbus扫描总线以识别scsi通道dd if=/dev/hdc | md5sum校验⼀个设备的md5sum编码,例如⼀张 CD 24.⽹络 - (以太⽹和WIFI⽆线)命令ifconfig eth0显⽰⼀个以太⽹卡的配置ifup eth0启⽤⼀个 'eth0' ⽹络设备ifdown eth0禁⽤⼀个 'eth0' ⽹络设备ifconfig eth0 netmask控制IP地址ifconfig eth0 promisc设置 'eth0' 成混杂模式以嗅探数据包 (sniffing)dhclient eth0以dhcp模式启⽤ 'eth0'route -n show routing tableroute add -net 0/0 gw IP_Gateway configure default gatewayroute add -net netmask gw192.168.1.1configure static route to reach network '' route del 0/0 gw IP_gateway remove static routeecho "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward activate ip routinghostname show hostname of systemhost lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa(1)nslookup lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa(2)ip link show show link status of all interfacesmii-tool eth0show link status of 'eth0'ethtool eth0show statistics of network card 'eth0'netstat -tup show all active network connections and their PIDnetstat -tupl show all network services listening on the system and their PIDtcpdump tcp port 80show all HTTP traffic命令iwlist scan show wireless networksiwconfig eth1show configuration of a wireless network cardwhois lookup on Whois database到此这篇关于Linux 常⽤命令操作⼤全(推荐收藏)的⽂章就介绍到这了,更多相关Linux 常⽤命令操作内容请搜索以前的⽂章或继续浏览下⾯的相关⽂章希望⼤家以后多多⽀持!。
以下是一些常用的Linux命令及其解释:1. ls - 列出目录中的文件和子目录ls命令是Linux中最常用的命令之一。
2. cd - 更改当前工作目录cd命令用于更改当前工作目录。
例如,可以使用cd /var/log 命令将当前工作目录更改为/var/log目录。
还可以使用cd ..命令返回上一级目录,使用cd命令返回上一次访问的目录。
3. mkdir - 创建新目录mkdir命令用于创建新目录。
例如,可以使用mkdir /var/log/myapp命令在/var/log目录下创建一个名为myapp的新目录。
4. rm - 删除文件或目录rm命令用于删除文件或目录。
例如,可以使用rm file1 file2 directory1命令删除file1、file2和directory1文件。
5. cp - 复制文件或目录cp命令用于复制文件或目录。
例如,可以使用cp file1 /var/log/myapp/命令将file1复制到/var/log/myapp目录下。
6.. grep - 搜索文件中的文本grep命令用于在文件中搜索指定的文本。
Fedora Linux 系统调用或常用命令详细解析 rmmod
This manual page Copyright 2002, Rusty Russell, IBM Corporation.
modprobe(8), insmod(8), lsmod(8)
rmmod − simple program to remove a module from the Linux Kernel
rmmod [ -f ] [ -w ] [ -s ] [ -v ] [ modulename ]
rmmod is a trivial program to remove a module from the kernel. Most users will want to use modprobe(8) with the -r option instead.
-v --verbose Print messages about what the program is doing. Usually rmmod prints messages only if something goes wrong. -f --force This option can be extremely dangerous: it has no effect unless CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD was set when the kernel was compiled. With this option, you can remove modules which are being used, or which are not designed to be removed, or have been marked as unsafe (see lsmod(8)). -w --wait Normally, rmmod will refuse to unload modules which are in use. With this option, rmmod will isolate the module, and wait until the module is no longer used. Nothing new will be able to use the module, but it’s up to you to make sure the current users eventually finish with it. See lsmod(8)) for information on usage counts. -s --syslog Send errors to syslog instead of standard error. -V --version Show version of program and exit.
Fedora Linux 系统调用或常用命令详细解析 rmid
NAMErmid − The Java RMI Activation System Daemonrmid starts the activation system daemon that allows objects to be registered and activated in a virtual machine (VM).SYNOPSISrmid [options]DESCRIPTIONThe rmid tool starts the activation system daemon. The activation system daemon must be started before activatable objects can be either registered with the activation system or activated in a VM. See the JavaRMI Specification@/javase/6/docs/platform/rmi/spec/rmitoc.html and Activation tutorials@/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/rmi/activation/overview.html for details on how to write programs that use activatable remote objects.The daemon can be started by executing the rmid command, and specifying a security policyfile, as fol-lows:rmid −J−Djava.security.policy=rmid.policyNote:When running Sun’s implementation of rmid,by default you will need to specify a security policyfile so that rmid can verify whether or not the information in each ActivationGroupDesc is allowed to beused to launch a VM for an activation group. Specifically,the command and options specified by the Com-mandEnvironment and any Properties passed to an ActivationGroupDesc’s constructor must now be explic-itly allowed in the security policyfile for rmid.The value of the sun.rmi.activation.execPolicy property dic-tates the policy that rmid uses to determine whether or not the information in an ActivationGroupDesc may be used to launch a VM for an activation group.Executing rmid by default*starts the Activator and an internal registry on the default port, 1098, and*binds an ActivationSystem to the name java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem in this internal registry.To specify an alternate port for the registry,you must specify the−port option when starting up rmid.For example,rmid −J−Djava.security.policy=rmid.policy −port 1099starts the activation system daemon and a registry on the registry’s default port, 1099.Starting rmid frominetd/xinetdAn alternative to starting rmid from the command line is to configure inetd(Solaris) or xinetd(Linux) tostart rmid on demand.When rmid starts up, it attempts to obtain an inherited channel (inherited from inetd/xinetd)by inv o king the System.inheritedChannel method. If the inherited channel is null or not an instance of java.nio.chan-nels.ServerSocketChannel,then rmid assumes that it was not started by inetd/xinetd,and it starts up asdescribed above.If the inherited channel is a ServerSocketChannel instance, then rmid uses the .ServerSocketobtained from the ServerSocketChannel as the server socket that accepts requests for the remote objects it exports, namely the registry in which the java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem is bound and thejava.rmi.activation.Activator remote object. In this mode,rmid behaves the same as when it is started from the command line,except:*Output printed to System.err is redirected to a file. This file is located in the directory specified by thejava.io.tmpdir system property (typically/var/tmp or/tmp)with the prefix"rmid−err"and the suffix"tmp".*The−port option is disallowed. If this option is specified,rmid will exit with an error message.*The−log option is required. If this option is not specified,rmid will exit with an error message.See the man pages for inetd(Solaris) or xinetd(Linux) for details on how to configure services to be started on demand.OPTIONS−C<someCommandLineOption>Specifies an option that is passed as a command−line argument to each child process (activation group)of rmid when that process is created. For example, you could pass a property to each virtual machinespawned by the activation system daemon:rmid −C−Dsome.property=valueThis ability to pass command−line arguments to child processes can be useful for debugging. For exam-ple, the following command:rmid −C−Djava.rmi.server.logCalls=truewill enable server−call logging in all child VMs.−J<someCommandLineOption>Specifies an option that is passed to the java interpreter running rmid.For example, to specify that rmiduse a policyfile named rmid.policy,the−J option can be used to define the java.security.policy prop-erty on rmid’s command line, for example:rmid −J−Djava.security.policy=rmid.policy−J−Dsun.rmi.activation.execPolicy=<policy>Specifies the policy that rmid employs to check commands and command−line options used to launchthe VM in which an activation group runs. Please note that this option exists only in Sun’s implementa-tion of the Java RMI activation daemon. If this property is not specified on the command line, the resultis the same as if−J−Dsun.rmi.activation.execPolicy=default were specified. The possible values of<policy>can be default,<policyClassName>,or none:*default (or if this property is unspecified)The default execPolicy allows rmid to execute commands with specific command−line options only ifrmid has been granted permission to execute those commands and options in the security policyfile thatrmid uses. Only the default activation group implementation can be used with the default execution pol-icy.rmid launches a VM for an activation group using the information in the group’s registered activation group descriptor,an ActivationGroupDesc.The group descriptor specifies an optional mandEnvironment which includes the command to execute to start the activation group as well as any command line options to be added to the command line. By default,rmid uses the java command found in java.home.The group descriptor also contains properties overrides that are added to the command line as options defined as:−D<property>=<value>The permission com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecPermission is used to grant rmid permission to execute a com-mand, specified in the group descriptor’s CommandEnvironment to launch an activation group. The per-mission com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecOptionPermission is used to allow rmid to use command−line options, specified as properties overrides in the group descriptor or as options in the CommandEnvironment, when launching the activation group.When granting rmid permission to execute various commands and options, the permissions ExecPer-mission and ExecOptionPermission need to be granted universally (i.e., granted to all code sources). ExecPermissionThe ExecPermission class represents permission for rmid to execute a specific command to launch an activation group.SyntaxThe name of an ExecPermission is the path name of a command to grant rmid permission to execute. A path name that ends in "/*" indicates all the files contained in that directory (where "/" is the file−sepa-rator character,File.separatorChar). A path name that ends with "/−" indicates all files and subdirecto-ries contained in that directory (recursively). A path name consisting of the special token "<<ALL FILES>>" matches anyfile.Note:A path name consisting of a single "*" indicates all the files in the current directory,while a path name consisting of a single "−" indicates all the files in the current directory and (recursively) all files and subdirectories contained in the current directory.ExecOptionPermissionThe ExecOptionPermission class represents permission for rmid to use a specific command−line option when launching an activation group. The name of an ExecOptionPermission is the value of a command line option.SyntaxOptions support a limited wildcard scheme. An asterisk signifies a wildcard match, and it may appear as the option name itself (i.e., it matches any option), or an asterisk may appear at the end of the option name only if the asterisk follows either a "." or "=".For example: "*" or "−Dfoo.*" or "−Da.b.c=*" is valid, "*foo" or "−Da*b" or "ab*" is not.Policyfile forrmid When granting rmid permission to execute various commands and options, the permissions ExecPermission and ExecOptionPermission need to be granted universally (i.e., granted to all code sources). It is safe to grant these permissions universally because only rmid checks these permis-sions.An example policyfile that grants various execute permissions to rmid is:grant {permission com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecPermission"/files/apps/java/jdk1.2.2/solaris/bin/java";permission com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecPermission"/files/apps/java/jdk1.2.2/solaris/bin/java_g";permission com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecPermission"/files/apps/rmidcmds/*";permission com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecOptionPermission"−Djava.security.policy=/files/policies/group.policy";permission com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecOptionPermission"−Djava.security.debug=*";permission com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecOptionPermission"−Dsun.rmi.*";};The first two permissions granted allow rmid to execute the 1.2.2 version of the java and java_g com-mands, specified by their explicit path names. Note that by default, the version of the java command found in java.home is used (the same one that rmid uses), and does not need to be specified in the pol-icyfile. The third permission allows rmid to execute any command in the directory/files/apps/rmid-cmds.The fourth permission granted, an ExecOptionPermission,allows rmid to launch an activation group that defines the security policyfile to be/files/policies/group.policy.The next permission allows the java.security.debug property to be used by an activation group. The last permission allows any property in the sun.rmi property name hierarchy to be used by activation groups.To start rmid with a policyfile, the java.security.policy property needs to be specified on rmid’s com-mand line, for example:rmid −J−Djava.security.policy=rmid.policy**<policyClassName>If the default behavior is not flexible enough, an administrator can provide, when starting rmid,the name of a class whose checkExecCommand method is executed in order to check commands to be executed by rmid.The policyClassName specifies a public class with a public, no−argument constructor and an implemen-tation of the following checkExecCommand method:public void checkExecCommand(ActivationGroupDesc desc,String[] command)throws SecurityException;Before launching an activation group,rmid calls the policy’s checkExecCommand method, passing it the activation group descriptor and an array containing the complete command to launch the activation group. If the checkExecCommand throws a SecurityException,rmid will not launch the activation group and an ActivationException will be thrown to the caller attempting to activate the object.*noneIf the sun.rmi.activation.execPolicy property value is "none", then rmid will not perform any validation of commands to launch activation groups.−log dirSpecifies the name of the directory the activation system daemon uses to write its database and associ-ated information. The log directory defaults to creating a directory,log,in the directory in which thermid command was executed.−port portSpecifies the port rmid’s registry uses. The activation system daemon binds the ActivationSystem,withthe name java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem,in this registry.Thus, the ActivationSystem on the localmachine can be obtained using the following Naming.lookup method call:import java.rmi.*;import java.rmi.activation.*;ActivationSystem system; system = (ActivationSystem)Naming.lookup("//:port/java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem");−stopStops the current invocation of rmid,for a port specified by the−port option. If no port is specified, itwill stop the rmid running on port 1098.ENVIRONMENT V ARIABLESCLASSPATHUsed to provide the system a path to user−defined classes. Directories are separated by colons. Forexample:.:/usr/local/java/classesSEE ALSOrmic, CLASSPATH, java。
linux文件系统的系统调用命令 -回复
linux文件系统的系统调用命令-回复Linux 文件系统的系统调用命令Linux 操作系统是一个开放源代码的操作系统,它以其稳定性、强大的性能和可靠的安全性而受到广泛的认可。
在Linux 中,文件系统是一个重要的组成部分,它负责管理文件和目录,并提供了一些系统调用命令来操作这些文件和目录。
本文将详细介绍一些常用的Linux 文件系统的系统调用命令。
一、概述系统调用是Linux 内核提供给用户空间程序调用的接口,它们允许用户空间程序与操作系统进行交互。
二、文件系统的系统调用命令1. 创建文件:`open()``open()` 系统调用命令用于创建文件。
2. 关闭文件:`close()``close()` 系统调用命令用于关闭文件。
3. 读取文件:`read()``read()` 系统调用命令用于从文件中读取数据。
4. 写入文件:`write()``write()` 系统调用命令用于向文件中写入数据。
5. 移动文件指针:`lseek()``lseek()` 系统调用命令用于移动文件指针的位置。
6. 创建目录:`mkdir()``mkdir()` 系统调用命令用于创建目录。
7. 删除文件或目录:`unlink()` 和`rmdir()``unlink()` 系统调用命令用于删除文件,它接受文件名作为参数。
`rmdir()` 系统调用命令用于删除目录,它接受目录名作为参数。
linux常⽤命令⼤全,常⽤的linux命令有哪些1、ls命令就是 list 的缩写,通过 ls 命令不仅可以查看 linux ⽂件夹包含的⽂件,⽽且可以查看⽂件权限(包括⽬录、⽂件夹、⽂件权限) 查看⽬录信息等等。
常⽤参数搭配:ls -a 列出⽬录所有⽂件,包含以.开始的隐藏⽂件ls -A 列出除.及..的其它⽂件ls -r 反序排列ls -t 以⽂件修改时间排序ls -S 以⽂件⼤⼩排序ls -h 以易读⼤⼩显⽰ls -l 除了⽂件名之外,还将⽂件的权限、所有者、⽂件⼤⼩等信息详细列出来实例:(1) 按易读⽅式按时间反序排序,并显⽰⽂件详细信息ls -lhrt(2) 按⼤⼩反序显⽰⽂件详细信息ls -lrS(3)列出当前⽬录中所有以"t"开头的⽬录的详细内容ls -l t*(4) 列出⽂件绝对路径(不包含隐藏⽂件)ls | sed "s:^:`pwd`/:"(5) 列出⽂件绝对路径(包含隐藏⽂件)find $pwd -maxdepth 1 | xargs ls -ld2、cd 命令cd(changeDirectory) 命令语法:cd [⽬录名]说明:切换当前⽬录⾄ dirName。
实例:(1)进⼊要⽬录cd /(2)进⼊ "home" ⽬录cd ~(3)进⼊上⼀次⼯作路径cd -(4)把上个命令的参数作为cd参数使⽤。
cd !$3、pwd 命令pwd 命令⽤于查看当前⼯作⽬录路径。
实例:(1)查看当前路径pwd(2)查看软链接的实际路径4、mkdir 命令mkdir 命令⽤于创建⽂件夹。
可⽤选项:-m: 对新建⽬录设置存取权限,也可以⽤ chmod 命令设置;-p: 可以是⼀个路径名称。
实例:(1)当前⼯作⽬录下创建名为 t的⽂件夹mkdir t(2)在 tmp ⽬录下创建路径为 test/t1/t 的⽬录,若不存在,则创建:mkdir -p /tmp/test/t1/t5、rm 命令删除⼀个⽬录中的⼀个或多个⽂件或⽬录,如果没有使⽤ -r 选项,则 rm 不会删除⽬录。
1.Linux进入与退出系统 进入Linux系统: 必须要输入用户的账号,在系统安装过程中可以创建以下两种帐号: 1.root--超级用户帐号(系统管理员),使用这个帐号可以在系统中做任何事情。
屏幕显示: [root@loclhost /root] # 这时就可以对系统做各种操作了。
修改口令 为了更好的保护用户帐号的安全,Linux允许用户随时修改自己的口令,修改口令的命令是passwd,它将提示用户输入旧口令和新口令,之后还要求用户再次确认新口令,以避免用户无意中按错键。
虚拟控制台 Linux是一个真正的多用户操作系统,它可以同时接受多个用户登录。
cd:全拼change directory,功能是从当前⼯作⽬录切换到指定的⼯作⽬录。
mkdir:全拼make directories,其功能是创建⽬录。
pwd:全拼print working directory,其功能是显⽰当前⼯作⽬录的绝对路径。
rm:全拼remove empty directories,其功能是删除⼀个或多个⽂件或⽬录。
rmdir:全拼remove empty directories,功能是删除空⽬录。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
rngd − Check and feed random data from hardware device to kernel random device
rngd[−b,−−background][−f,−−foreground][−o,−−random-device=file][−r,−−rng-device=file][−s,−−random-step=nnn][−W,−−fill-watermark=nnn][−t,−−timeout=nnn][−?,−−help][−V,−−version] DESCRIPTION
This daemon feeds data from a random number generator to the kernel’s random number entropy pool, after first checking the data to ensure that it is properly random.
The−f or−−foreground options can be used to tell rngd to avoid forking on startup.This is typically used for debugging. The−f or−−foreground options, which fork and put rngd into the background automati-cally,are the default.
The−r or−−rng-device options can be used to select an alternate source of input, besides the default /dev/hwrandom. The−o or−−random-device options can be used to select an alternate entropy output device, besides the default /dev/random. Note that this device must support the Linux kernel /dev/random ioctl API.
FIXME: document random-step and timeout
Become a daemon (default)
Do not fork and become a daemon
Kernel device used for random number output (default: /dev/random)
Kernel device used for random number input (default: /dev/hwrandom)
−s nnn,−−random-step=nnn
Number of bytes written to random-device at a time (default: 64)
−W n,−−fill−watermark=nnn
Once we start doing it, feed entropy to random-device until at leastfill-watermark bits of entropy
are available in its entropy pool (default: 2048).Setting this too high will cause rngd to dominate
the contents of the entropy pool. Low values will hurt system performance during entropy starves.
Do not setfill-watermark above the size of the entropy pool (usually 4096 bits).
−t nnn,−−timeout=nnn
Interval written to random-device when the entropy pool is full, in seconds, or 0 to disable
(default: 60)
Give a short summary of all program options.
Print program version
Philipp Rumpf
Jeff Garzik − jgarzik@
Matt Sottek。