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Dawn Loggins,a North Carolina high school senior left homeless by her parents the summer before her senior year,is graduating from Bruns High School in Lawndale,NC.While that’s quite the accomplishment,what comes next is truly1:she’s going to Harvard University in the fall.

Dawn grew up in a less-than-ideal situation,to say the least.Her house had no2or running water,so she was forced to do her homework in the dark and go days,even weeks, without3.She lived with parents who abused drugs.

At Burns,Dawn was4to Governor’s School,a one-month summer program in North Carolina for5high school juniors.She left for the program for her good marks in June and returned to Lawndale in July to find her house6,with an eviction(收回)notice on the front door.Dawn was officially7.Employees at Burns helped her in any way they could.

Dawn didn’t let her situation stop her8to be successful.As a senior,she participated in typical high-school extracurricular9at Burns:She also worked as a janitor(门卫)at Burns to earn extra money—all while making10A’s…And earlier this year,she got an acceptance letter from Harvard.On top of being accepted,Dawn received a full scholarship to 11it.

Since Dawn’s story has circulated worldwide,people have sent12and money to the teen.Dawn doesn’t want the money for herself,13.

“When I get to college,I can work for what I14,”she told CNN.Dawn hopes to start an organization to help other students with15barriers so that they can continue their education.

1.A.interesting B.challenging C.relaxing D.amazing

2.A.bed B.window C.furniture D.electricity

3.A.showering B.solving C.feeding D.sleeping

4.A.led B.taken C.accepted D.sent

5.A.gifted B.careful mon D.local

6.A.sharp B.bright C.dark D.empty

7.A.anxious B.homeless C.sick D.uncomfortable

8.A.change B.drive C.truth D.improvement

9.A.activities B.jobs C.discussions D.studies

10.A.different st C.straight D.difficult

11.A.show B.attend C.spend D.choose

12.A.sympathy B.desire C.thanks D.encouragement

13.A.too B.instead C.either D.though

14.A.refuse B.know C.need D.lose

15.A.few B.similar C.small D.regular


Children16spend more time playing outside17less likely to suffer from short-sightedness。Two new studies have added to the18(body)of evidence19daylight20

(play)an important role in preventing the condition。

It is not known21daylight is important but some experts believe levels of the brain chemical dopamine play a role.High22(level)of dopamine in the eyeball have been

associated23a lower risk of short-sightedness。

Short-sightedness,or myopia,is24eye condition that causes a person to see things clearly close-up but struggle to see things when they are far away。

In childhood it is correctable,but it is also linked to the development of severe forms of the eye disorder in adulthood,which25creases the risks for potentially blinding diseases such as glaucoma and retinal detachment。




How to eat healthfully can be especially complex for working women who often have neither the desire nor the time to cook for themselves(or for anyone else).Registered dietitian(营养专家)Barhara Morrissey suggests that a few simple rules can help.

“Go for nutrient dense foods,”she suggests,“foods that contain a multiple of nutrients.For example,select whole wheat bread as a breakfast food,rather than coffee cake.Or drink orange juice rather than orange drink,which contains only a small percentage of real juice-the rest is largely colored sugar water.You just can’t compare the value of these foods,the nutrient dense ones are so superior,”she emphasizes.

Morrissey believes that variety is not only the spice of life—it’s the foundation of a healthful diet.Diets which are based on one or two foods are not only virtually impossible to keep up the strength,they can be very harmful,she says,because nutrients aren’t supplied in sufficient
