Sociocultural theory and SLA 社会文化理论与二语习得

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two levels of mental functions
lower level
higher level
• Lower level mental functions involve impulsive and spontaneous actions which depend on their concrete surroundings and visual situations, such as using a stone to crack a walnut. Learning involves various higher level mental functions, such as logic memory, voluntary attention, conceptual thought, planning, perception, and problem solving. • These mental activities are mediated by signs and symbols, such as algebraic symbols, diagrams, schemes, and, of course, language.
• From Vygotsky’s perspective, the main symbolic tool available for the mediation of mental activity is language. Language not only facilitates the child’s effective manipulation of objects but also controls the child’s own behavior. It further directs the child’s attention, formulates a plan, or articulates the steps to be taken in solving a problem or accomplishing a given task.
• 搭手架有6个基本的功能(AntŽ n,1999: 305; E llis& Barkhu izen, 2005: 235), 即吸引注意力、 简化任务、维持目标、确定已完成任务和 理想方案间的差距、控制解决问题时所产 生的挫折和演示将执行的理性行动。
私语(private speech) /内语( inner speech)
• ZPD的特性
他人指导下表现水准 工 作 的 难 度
• ZPD动态的本质
工 作 的 难 度
他人指导下表现水准 独立表现水准
独立表现水准 独立表现水准
搭手架( scaffolding)
• The process of supportive dialogue which assists children’s learning has come to be known as scaffolding (Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976).
• The difference between the task children can accomplish independently and the task children can accomplish with assistance is called “the zone of proximal development ” (ZPD), which is defined by Vygotsky (1978) as: “the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers”. Therefore, learning should precede development and this is the area a teacher should be aware of and on which he/she works.
内化( internalization )
• Internalization: the process through which members of communities of practice appropriate the symbolic artifacts used in communicative activity and convert them into psychological artifacts that mediate their mental activity.
Baidu Nhomakorabea
• Scaffolding – in its literal meaning – is a temporary structure that is often put up in the process of constructing a building. As each part of the new building is finished, the scaffolding is taken down. The scaffolding is temporary, but essential for the successful construction of the building. • Bruner (1978) uses it as a metaphor in describing it as “…the steps taken to reduce the degrees of freedom in carrying out some tasks so that the child can concentrate on the difficult skill he/she is in the process of acquiring ”.
控制( regulation)
• 低级心理机能向高级心理机能转化的过程 被称作控制(Darhower, 2000: 9)。 它物控制 ( object- regulation) 他人控制( other- regulation) 自我控制( self- regulation)
• 在儿童成长的过程中, 他们起初要完全依靠他人, 没 有能力控制周围的环境。而在儿童心理发展的早期 阶段, 环境会影响儿童, 这一阶段被称为它物控制阶 段( object- regulation)。例如, 父母叫儿童去拿远处 的一个玩具, 在去拿玩具的过程中儿童很可能会被 其他的东西吸引而忘记父母的指令。 • 在下一个阶段儿童可以完成某些任务, 但必须在父 母、年长或者能力更强的同伴帮助下完成, 这些帮 助是由恰当的语言作为中介的, 这一阶段被称为他 人控制( other- regulation)阶段。他人控制的功能主 要通过对话来实现。 • 儿童会逐渐掌握大部分策略性功能, 并最终获得完 全独立的策略性功能, 即获得自我控制( selfregulation)。因此, 认知发展是儿童通过符号的中介 作用来获得对策略性心理活动的控制( Lantolf& Appel 1994: 9- 12)。
• Internalization enables humans to abstract from physical objects and material actions.
临近发展区( zone of proximal development)
• Based on his belief that learning takes place first interpersonally and then intrapersonally, Vygotsky (1986) argues that learning leads to development and described good instruction as “that which marches ahead of development and leads it” in school.
中介(mediation )
• The most fundamental concept of sociocultural theory is that the human mind is mediated. • Vygotsky argues that humans do not act directly on the physical work; instead, they rely on tools and labor activity(physical tools) to change the world. They also use symbolic tools to mediate and regulate their relationships with others and with themselves and thus change the nature of these relationships.
Sociocultural theory and SLA
What is sociocultural theory ?
• Lev Vygotsky
• At the heart of Vygotsky’s theory lies the understanding of human cognition and learning as social and cultural rather than individual phenomena.
• Vygotsky (1978) identifies two developmental levels. The first level is called “actual developmental level” in which the child can independently complete tasks to some degree of difficulty. The second level is called “potential developmental level” , that the child can achieve with adults’ assistance.
• • • • • • • • 中介(mediation ) 控制( regulation) 内化( internalization ) 临近发展区( zone of proximal development) 搭手架( scaffolding) 私语(private speech) /内语( inner speech) 活动理论( activity theory) 心理发展研究方法( genetic method)
• Private speech:a term first used by Flavell in 1966 (quoted in Diaz and Berk 1992:20). • This kind of speech is "typically defined, in contrast to social speech, as speech addressed to the self (not to others) for the purpose of selfregulation (rather than communication)". In other words, when an individual uses private speech in verbal communication, s/he is not talking to another individual but trying to control her/his own self in that the speech helps mentally process task demands.