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( 1. China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute CORP. LTD. , Chengdu 610041 , China; 2. Department of Civil Engineering, Key Llaboratory of Structural Engineering and Vibration of China Education Ministry, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 , China; 3. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045 , China; 4. China Institute of Building Standard Design and Research, Beijing 100048 , China) Abstract: Steel Plate Shear Wall( short for SPSW) structures are beginning being used in structural application. Until now, there have been several design codes for unstiffened SPSW at abroad. However, such a specification on SPSW been prescribed in China is more conservative, whose design criteria is still based on the concept of thick SPSW design. According to American ( AISC - 341 2005 ) , Canadian ( CAN / CSA S16 - 01 ) and Chinese highrise building regulations, the unstiffened SPSW was contrasted in the design process. The related example in calculations was given and the results of the design were compared. The item to be calculated here is the shear resistance, especially the postbuckling strength after the thin wall buckling and forming the tension field. The results show that the correlative provision in America and Canada can more accurately reflect the shear resistance of the wall with large heightthickness the provision in China can only accurately reflect it with small heightthickness ratio, which is not accurate or economical ratio. However, for thin plate wall. Key words: unstiffened steel plate shear wall; design code; shear resistance; postbuckling strength

渡, 即预先将鱼尾板与框架焊接, 内嵌钢板再与鱼尾 板焊接( 双面角焊 ) 或栓接。 钢板剪力墙的整体受 力特性类似于底端固接的竖向悬臂板梁, 在大震作 用下内填钢板首先屈服, 消耗地震能量, 边框 ( 柱与
第 38 卷 第 6 Building Science

1 2 3 2 4 建, 石永久 , 戴国欣 , 王元清 , 杨蔚彪
( 1. 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司 , 四川 成都 610041 ; 2. 清华大学土木工程系, 清华大学结构工程与振动教育部重点实验室 , 北京 100084 ; 3. 重庆大学土木工程学院 , 重庆 400045 ; 4. 中国建筑标准设计研究院 , 北京 100048 ) 要:钢板剪力墙已在高层建筑中开始得到应用 , 国外已有钢板剪力墙的设计规范 , 但中国对钢板剪力墙的设计 方法规定还比较保守, 其设计准则仍基于厚钢板墙的设计理念 。 本文根据美国规范 AISC - 341 2005 、 加拿大规范 摘 CAN / CSA S16 - 01 以及中国的高层建筑规程对非加劲钢板剪力墙的设计过程进行了对比 , 对墙板的抗剪承载力, 尤其是对薄板屈曲后形成拉力场的性能进行了相关实例的计算 , 并对设计结果进行了比较 。 结果表明, 美国和加 拿大规范在高厚比较大时 , 能较准确反映墙板的抗剪承载力 ; 中国规范只是在高厚比较小时能准确计算其抗剪承 高厚比较大时, 既不准确, 也不经济。 载力, 关键词:非加劲钢板剪力墙; 设计规范; 抗剪承载力; 屈曲后强度 中图分类号:TU391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008 - 1933 ( 2012 ) 06 - 005 - 05
Comparative study on design methods for unstiffened steel plate shear wall in different codes
XU Jian1 , SHI Yongjiu2 , DAI Guoxin3 , WANG Yuanqing2 , YANG Weibiao4