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第一章 绪论..................................................................................................................1 1.1 概述..................................................................................................................1 1.2 选题背景及意义..............................................................................................1 1.3 国内外研究现状..............................................................................................3 1.4 本文研究内容..................................................................................................4
本学位论文作者完全了解 天津大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。 特授权 天津大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检
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1. It studied the relationship between the dielectric properties, physicochemical properties and the aging state of XLPE cable insulation. The dielectric properties, physicochemical properties will change with the influence of electrical stress, thermal stress and environmental effect, etc. The influence of electrical stress, thermal stress is the most important. The measurement of these parameters can be used as an effective method for aging state assessment of XLPE cable insulation.
本文的研究内容和取得成果如下: 1、确立了 XLPE 电缆绝缘的老化状态与其电气及理化性能之间的相关性。 XLPE 电缆绝缘在电场、温度、机械及环境等的同时作用下其电气性能及理化性 能会发生变化,其中温度和电场是造成 XLPE 电缆绝缘发生老化的最主要因素。 通过对比不同老化程度的 XLPE 电缆绝缘的介电及理化性能等参数的测量,可以 对其老化状态进行有效评估。 2、研究了多种 XLPE 老化性能评估方法,包括宽频介电阻抗谱测试、傅里 叶红外光谱(FTIR)测试、差示扫描量热(DSC)测试、机械性能测试以及耐压 性能测试。采用上述方法对人工加速老化及实际运行不同年限的 XLPE 电缆试样 进行了老化评估,结果证明了 XLPE 电缆绝缘的宽频介损频谱、氧化诱导期、羰 基指数、断裂伸长率、耐压性能在表征电缆绝缘的老化状态方面有很好的一致性。 当绝缘出现老化时,材料的介质损耗增大、氧化诱导期减小、羰基指数升高、断 裂伸长率降低、耐压性能下降。 3、XLPE 电缆绝缘的宽频介损频谱(尤其是低频区)与其老化状态存在明 显关联,该方法精度高,测试快,可以用来准确地表征其老化程度。缺点是只能 反映电缆整体的老化程度,对局部树枝化的反映较差,且仪器价格昂贵,不易推 广。测试 XLPE 电缆绝缘的氧化诱导期和羰基指数可以定性地评估其热氧老化程 度,但对样品要求较高,测试步骤较复杂。测试 XLPE 电缆绝缘在恒定电场下的 耐压时间比击穿电压能更好地反映其老化程度,该方法简单有效,适合工程应用, 但需多次测量减小误差。
XLPE 高压电缆绝缘老化状态评估研究
Research on Assessment Method for Insulation Aging State of XLPE Cables
领 域:电气工程 研 究 生:薛程 指导教师:杜伯学 教授 企业导师:朱晓辉 高工
天津大学电气与自动化工程学院 二零一三年十二月
关键词: XLPE 电缆 理化性能 老化状态 宽频介电谱 氧化诱导期 交流耐压
The XLPE cable has been more than 40 years’ operation history in China. A lot of research show that the degradation of XLPE cable insulation is not the result of a single factor, but a variety of factors such as electrical stress, thermal stress and environmental effect. The operating cable insulation degradation conditions is always the focus of attention of the grid operation corporation, but at present , most studies of XLPE cable insulation degradation is new cable which is never put into operation in China and abroad, the study of performance of operating XLPE cable insulation degradation is less. The dielectric and physicochemical characteristics of XLPE cable insulation varies with its aging state obviously. Therefore, the test of the dielectric properties, physicochemical properties and power frequency breakdown characteristics of XLPE cable insulation before and after aging is necessary. The measurement of these parameters can be used as an effective method for aging state assessment of operating XLPE cable. In this paper, the research contents and achievements are as follows:
2. The method for aging state assessment of XLPE cables are studied, including dielectric loss (tan δ), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), oxidative induction time (OIT) and breakdown voltage. The dielectric and physicochemical properties of XLPE cables before and after aging are analyzed. The experimental results indicate that the dielectric loss of XLPE insulation、oxidative induction time, carbonyl index and breakdown voltage have good consistency in terms of characterization of the cable insulation degradation performance. The dielectric loss increases, oxidative induction time decreases, carbonyl index degradation increases and breakdown voltage decreases when the cable insulation degradation occurs.
KEY WORDS:XLPE Power Cable, Physicochemical Properties, Aging State,
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy, Oxidation Induction Time, AC Breakdown Voltage
交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆在国内已有 40 多年的运行历史,国内外大量研究表明, 交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化并不是单一应力作用的结果,而是电、热、环境等多种 因素共同作用的结果。运行中的电缆绝缘的老化状况一直是电网单位关注的重 点,但目前国内外对 XLPE 电缆绝缘老化的研究大多是未投入运行的新电缆,对 已运行交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化机理及老化状态的研究还较少。不同老化程度 XLPE 电缆绝缘的介电及理化性能特征明显不同。因此,测量老化前后 XLPE 电 缆绝缘的电气性能、理化性能的变化,研究电缆绝缘材料各项性能与其老化之间 的对应关系,找出有效的 XLPE 电缆老化状态评估方法很有必要。
本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的 研究成果,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢之处外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表
或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 天津大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证
书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中 作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。
3. The dielectric loss spectrum (especially in the low frequency region) of XLPE
cable insulation is significantly associated with its aging state. The method is accurate, quick and can be used to accurately characterize the degree of aging state. The disadvantage is that it can only reflect the overall degree of aging and the equipment is expensive and difficult to promote. The test of oxidative induction time and carbonyl index can qualitatively assess the degree of thermal aging. But the test procedures are complex. The test of tolerance time is better than the breakdown voltage in the assessment. This method is simple and effective, suitable for engineering applications, but multiple measurements are necessary to reduce the error.
本学位论文作者完全了解 天津大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。 特授权 天津大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检
索,并采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编以供查阅和借阅。同意学校 向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘。
1. It studied the relationship between the dielectric properties, physicochemical properties and the aging state of XLPE cable insulation. The dielectric properties, physicochemical properties will change with the influence of electrical stress, thermal stress and environmental effect, etc. The influence of electrical stress, thermal stress is the most important. The measurement of these parameters can be used as an effective method for aging state assessment of XLPE cable insulation.
本文的研究内容和取得成果如下: 1、确立了 XLPE 电缆绝缘的老化状态与其电气及理化性能之间的相关性。 XLPE 电缆绝缘在电场、温度、机械及环境等的同时作用下其电气性能及理化性 能会发生变化,其中温度和电场是造成 XLPE 电缆绝缘发生老化的最主要因素。 通过对比不同老化程度的 XLPE 电缆绝缘的介电及理化性能等参数的测量,可以 对其老化状态进行有效评估。 2、研究了多种 XLPE 老化性能评估方法,包括宽频介电阻抗谱测试、傅里 叶红外光谱(FTIR)测试、差示扫描量热(DSC)测试、机械性能测试以及耐压 性能测试。采用上述方法对人工加速老化及实际运行不同年限的 XLPE 电缆试样 进行了老化评估,结果证明了 XLPE 电缆绝缘的宽频介损频谱、氧化诱导期、羰 基指数、断裂伸长率、耐压性能在表征电缆绝缘的老化状态方面有很好的一致性。 当绝缘出现老化时,材料的介质损耗增大、氧化诱导期减小、羰基指数升高、断 裂伸长率降低、耐压性能下降。 3、XLPE 电缆绝缘的宽频介损频谱(尤其是低频区)与其老化状态存在明 显关联,该方法精度高,测试快,可以用来准确地表征其老化程度。缺点是只能 反映电缆整体的老化程度,对局部树枝化的反映较差,且仪器价格昂贵,不易推 广。测试 XLPE 电缆绝缘的氧化诱导期和羰基指数可以定性地评估其热氧老化程 度,但对样品要求较高,测试步骤较复杂。测试 XLPE 电缆绝缘在恒定电场下的 耐压时间比击穿电压能更好地反映其老化程度,该方法简单有效,适合工程应用, 但需多次测量减小误差。
XLPE 高压电缆绝缘老化状态评估研究
Research on Assessment Method for Insulation Aging State of XLPE Cables
领 域:电气工程 研 究 生:薛程 指导教师:杜伯学 教授 企业导师:朱晓辉 高工
天津大学电气与自动化工程学院 二零一三年十二月
关键词: XLPE 电缆 理化性能 老化状态 宽频介电谱 氧化诱导期 交流耐压
The XLPE cable has been more than 40 years’ operation history in China. A lot of research show that the degradation of XLPE cable insulation is not the result of a single factor, but a variety of factors such as electrical stress, thermal stress and environmental effect. The operating cable insulation degradation conditions is always the focus of attention of the grid operation corporation, but at present , most studies of XLPE cable insulation degradation is new cable which is never put into operation in China and abroad, the study of performance of operating XLPE cable insulation degradation is less. The dielectric and physicochemical characteristics of XLPE cable insulation varies with its aging state obviously. Therefore, the test of the dielectric properties, physicochemical properties and power frequency breakdown characteristics of XLPE cable insulation before and after aging is necessary. The measurement of these parameters can be used as an effective method for aging state assessment of operating XLPE cable. In this paper, the research contents and achievements are as follows:
2. The method for aging state assessment of XLPE cables are studied, including dielectric loss (tan δ), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), oxidative induction time (OIT) and breakdown voltage. The dielectric and physicochemical properties of XLPE cables before and after aging are analyzed. The experimental results indicate that the dielectric loss of XLPE insulation、oxidative induction time, carbonyl index and breakdown voltage have good consistency in terms of characterization of the cable insulation degradation performance. The dielectric loss increases, oxidative induction time decreases, carbonyl index degradation increases and breakdown voltage decreases when the cable insulation degradation occurs.
KEY WORDS:XLPE Power Cable, Physicochemical Properties, Aging State,
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy, Oxidation Induction Time, AC Breakdown Voltage
交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆在国内已有 40 多年的运行历史,国内外大量研究表明, 交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化并不是单一应力作用的结果,而是电、热、环境等多种 因素共同作用的结果。运行中的电缆绝缘的老化状况一直是电网单位关注的重 点,但目前国内外对 XLPE 电缆绝缘老化的研究大多是未投入运行的新电缆,对 已运行交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化机理及老化状态的研究还较少。不同老化程度 XLPE 电缆绝缘的介电及理化性能特征明显不同。因此,测量老化前后 XLPE 电 缆绝缘的电气性能、理化性能的变化,研究电缆绝缘材料各项性能与其老化之间 的对应关系,找出有效的 XLPE 电缆老化状态评估方法很有必要。
本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的 研究成果,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢之处外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表
或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 天津大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证
书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中 作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。
3. The dielectric loss spectrum (especially in the low frequency region) of XLPE
cable insulation is significantly associated with its aging state. The method is accurate, quick and can be used to accurately characterize the degree of aging state. The disadvantage is that it can only reflect the overall degree of aging and the equipment is expensive and difficult to promote. The test of oxidative induction time and carbonyl index can qualitatively assess the degree of thermal aging. But the test procedures are complex. The test of tolerance time is better than the breakdown voltage in the assessment. This method is simple and effective, suitable for engineering applications, but multiple measurements are necessary to reduce the error.