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880M 850M 等系统使用

机床螺距补偿参数:5016bit 1 and bit 2决定补偿功能

220* backlash


X轴3160=20 3200=20 3240=20000 3280=

Y轴3161=120 3201=120 3241=20000 3281=

Z轴3162=220 3202=220 3242=20000 3282=

12.6.5 Machine data for fictitious axes

MD 224* Software limit switch

MD 228* Software limit switch

MD 232* Software limit switch

MD 236* Software limit switch

The software limit switch need not be input if the fictitious working area is outside the real possible working area, as the control always restricts the fictitious software limit switch to the limit switch of the A1R axis (linear axis of transformation).

MD 276* Acceleration

The acceleration value must be calculated in such a way that the real axes of transformation are not overloaded (minimum acceleration value of A1R to A5R).

MD 280* Maximum speed

MD 288* JOG speed

MD 292* Rapid JOG

The speeds can be freely selected, as they are monitored by the control.

MD 304* IPO parameter

MD 360* Operating mode group of the axis

MD 564* Bit 6 Fictitious axes

The axis is declared as a ”fictitious axis”. Fictitious axes have no position control. The MD 200* measuring circuit assignment is therefore meaningless.

MD 564* Bit 7 Axis exists

MD 568* Encoding of the axis name

MD 576* Axis not permitted in channel

12.1.1 Corresponding data

• NC-MD 316* (Reference point pointer for + compensation)

• NC-MD 320* (Reference point pointer for - compensation)

• NC-MD 324* (Distance between 2 leadscrew error compensation points)

• NC-MD 328* (Compensation value)

• NC-MD 344* (Modulo value for rotary axis)

• NC-MD 6000 to 6249 (Leadscrew error compensation points)

Note carefully:

Changes to NC MD data for leadscrew error compensation do not go into effect until after

completion of POWER ON and reference point approach.

MPF 100(坐标测量程序,西门子系统使用)

R11=1 (测量轴号X=1,Y=2,Z=3)

R2=-6 反向量(起点反向量)

R3=-80 测量间距(间隔)

R4=5 暂停时间(间隔点)

R6=-560 (终点坐标量程)

R20=10 (测量次数)

R21=0 记次开始

N5 @714

R1=160 测量起点坐标值

R5=160 起点坐标

R1=R1-R2 (计算起点位置)绝对坐标

N10G0G53@440R11R1 (R11为定义轴,@440为R11轴移动到R1位置)G04 F=R4


N20 R1=R1+R3

N25 G0G53@440R11R1

N30 G4F=R4

N35 @124R6R1K-20 (如果R6≥R1则向下执行,否则执行N20句)

N40 R1=R6

N45 R1=R1+R2

N50 G0G53@440R11R1

G04 F=R4

N55 R1=R1-R2

N60 G0G53@440R11R1

N65 G4F=R4

N70 R1=R1-R3

N75 @124R5R1K85(如果R5≥R1则向下执行,否则执行N85句)

N80 @100K-60 (绝对跳转至N60)

N85 @620R21 (R21的数字递增,至10停)

N90 @125R20R21K-5

N95 M30
