





( ) 1) A. mobile B. camera C. dress

( ) 2) A. son B. daughter C.nephew

( ) 3) A. black B. green C. grey

( ) 4) A. right B. horse C. taxi

( ) 5) A. he B. she C. her


1) My new is on the chair. It’s red.

2) The man the black umbrella is Mr Jenkins.

3) Look at the young man the old car.

4) Oh, that’s Paul. Paul is Lucy’s .

5) Is it a ? No,it isn’t . It’s an umbrella.


( ) 1. What colour is the bird?

A. Green

B. Blue

C. Grey

( ) 2. Whose is the dress?


B. Karen’s.

C. Paul’s.

( ) 3. Who is Tim?

A. Tom’s cousin.

B. Robert’s brother.

C. Robert’s cousin.

( ) 4. What is it ?

A. It’s a mobile.

B.It’s a desk.

C. It’s a bicycle.

( ) 5. Which boy?

A. The boy on the red bicycle.

B. The boy in the old car .

C. The boy with black umbrella.



()A . son B. daughter C. nephew D. mobile

( ) A . pencil B. ruler C. book D. coat

( ) A . green B. red C. flower D. silver

( ) A.father B. brother C. mother D. teacher

( ) A. bird B.fish C. cat D. key

五、写出下列单词的中文或者英文意思。( 20分 )


哪一个她的 young cousin their dress right

六、选择填空。( 30分 )

( ) 1. A: _________ that boy in the blue coat?

B: That’s Simon.

A. What’s

B. Who’s

C. Whose’s

( ) 2. A: ________ is Tom’s car? B: It’s silver.

A. What color

B. What

C. Which

( ) 3. A: Who’s that girl?

B. ______________

A: The girl on the red bicycle.

A. Which girl?

B. Is that girl Mary?

C. That’s Jane’s cousin.

( ) 4. A: Is this your book? B: __________

A. Yes, it is not.

B. No, it is .

C. Yes, it is. ( ) 5. A: ________________ B. No, it is not my pen.

A. It’s your pen.

B. Is this your pen?

C. This is my pen. ( ) 6. A: Whose is this hat? B: ______________

A. My hat is red.

B. It’s Sophie’s.

C. Is it yours? ( ) 7. A. ________ colour is your coat? B. Oh, it’s blue.

A. Whose

B. Where


( ) 8. A: _________________ B: It’s a camera.

A. What’s this?

B. Whose is this?

C. Is this a camera? ( ) 9. A: Who is that old (年老的)man? B: ________________ A. He is in the old car. B. His umbrella is blue.

C. He is George’s father.

( ) 10. A: ________ is that woman in the shop(商店)?

B: It’s Mrs. Jones.

A. Whose

B. Which


七、仔细想一想,再根据上下文以及回答完成对话。( 15分)

A: Look, George! _____1_____ is that?

B: It’s an umbrella.

A: ___2_____ is it? 1. ___________

B: It’s Mike’s. 2. ___________ A: _____3_____ is Mike? 3. ___________

B: He is the boy _____ 4______ the car. 4. ___________

A: ____ 5______ is his car? 5. ___________

B: It’s red.
