


Workholding Manual
因为专注 所以专业
第 1 页 共7页
Electro Permanent Magnetic Chuck
2、工作条件 无易燃易爆物体、气体、粉尘、导电颗粒;无腐蚀性液体;远离高温、强电磁场。
3、注意事项 本产品属高压强电设备,内部没有需要用户调节的部位,请勿打开外壳,以防发生人身
二、技术特性 1、性能特点
◎ 控制器在待机或充退磁成功后电源与主回路隔断,无输出。 ◎ 具备过流保护功能,当磁盘发生异常导致电流过大,控制器自动切断输出,并且面板 指示灯红绿交替闪烁报警。 ◎ 具有欠电流指示功能,继电器常开触点,充磁成功时闭合。 ◎ 输入电压交流 380V,输出直流最高 170V。 ◎ 具有动作间隔时间调节及输出脉冲宽度调节等功能。 ◎ 集成化设计,产品性能稳定可靠。 ◎ 充退磁动作均下升沿启动。 ◎ 可通过 CN1口与 PLC连接,实现远程控制功能。 ◎ 即可用于磨用电永磁吸盘,也可用于铣用电永磁吸盘。 ◎ 单线圈磁盘、双线圈磁盘均可使用。 ◎ 可选择使用按键或外部编码器设置弱磁强度。
2、技术参数 ◎ 额定输入电压:AC380V±5%; ◎ 输出电压:MAXDC170V; ◎ 输出最大电流:30A; ◎ 充磁时间:0.1~1.0s可调; ◎ 充磁强度:1~n级;(n视磁盘大小而定) ◎ 退磁等级:1~3级;(为脉冲输出次数,一般为 1即可)。



.目录Index1、基本原理和使用条件Basic principle and operating conditions2、产品型号及含义Models and contents3、用途及使用范围Usage and applicable range4、结构及特点Structure and characteristic5、电气性能Electrical property6、型号、技术参数与外形尺寸图Models, technical data, and overall dimension drawing 7、使用注意事项Cautions8、保养及维修Maintenance and service1.基本原理和使用条件 Basic principle and operating conditions1.1 基本原理 Basic principle电磁铁工作时,电源及控制设备向电磁铁供给直流电,电磁铁内部产生强大的磁场,通过壳体磁路和工作气隙对被吸物产生强大磁力而达到搬运物料的目的。

When electromagnet works, the power source and the controlling device supply direct current to the electromagnet. A strong magnetic field will be generated inside the electromagnet, the magnetic field gives enough strong magnetic force on the material through the shell magnetic circuit and the operating clearance to lift the bulk material .1.2 使用条件 using conditions1.2.1 使用地点的海拔高度不超过2000m。



一.概 述 二.使 用工 作 条件 三. Z D Z系 列单 相 交流 制 动电 磁 铁 四. M W Z系 列交 流 电磁 块 式制 动 器 五. M W Z S系 列交 流 电磁 块 式制 动 器
2 3 3~8 9~1 6 1 7~2 3
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润滑油。装配端盖时,请注意压紧端盖。 c. 定 期 检 查 主 弹 簧 松 紧 力 , 以 防 溜 钩 。 d. 定 期 检 查 制 动 器 摩 擦 片 是 否 松 动 。
7、 订 货 注 意 事 项 : 如单独购买电磁铁时:
a.请注明是用于 主钩、 行 车或上料车使用等要求 。 b. 需提供贵 单位原制动器型号 及附 图3中的制动 杆3的螺纹直径M和横 轴4的 直 径 等 即 可 。 如 果 在 附 图3中 有 件2, 请 提 供 其 直 径 以 及 主 弹 簧 丝 直 径 。 若 为YWZ型制动器 定货 的注 意事项同 附图3; c. 订 购 电 磁 铁 时 应 尽 量 另 行 订 购 电 磁 铁 控 制 器 作 为 备 件 。 D.订购控 制器 时,请注意是ZDZ1型还是ZDZ2型控制器。
3 .Z DZ型电磁铁 技术 参数 A .ZDZ1型(普通型)电磁铁 技术参数(表一 )
ZDZ1-230 ZDZ1-1000 ZDZ1-2000
额定 行程 mm
推 (吸) 力(N)
通电 持续

工作电流(A) 动作时间(S)
吸持 启动 释放 吸持 (万次)
≤0.1 ≤1 ≤0.30 ≤0.20 200 ZDZ1-100



68 4±0.20(吸合时)
DTBF-69YZ c.使用方法 1)用 4个 M8×30内六角螺钉将电磁铁安装于相应的电磁阀上。 2)用 S4的内六方扳手将“接线盒”上的 4个 M5×15内六角螺钉取出。取 下“接线盒”。 3)旋出加“夹紧螺栓”。分别取出“垫片”、“防尘垫”,“电缆密封圈”。并 将“防尘垫”丢弃不用。 4)将外径为 8mm并符合 GB12972-1991《矿用橡套软电缆》、MT818-1999《煤
矿用阻燃电缆》要求的三芯电缆(用户自备),按“电缆密封圈”、 “垫片”、
4)用 S6的内六方扳手将“接线盒”上的 4个 M5×15内六角螺钉装入电磁
c.电压规格 : DC12V; 24V; 110V; 220V d.型号含义:
DT B F -69 Y Z 直流 湿式 额定吸力(N) 阀用 隔爆型 电磁铁
2. 结构特征及工作原理 本产品外壳为金属结构。线圈和外壳之间的空隙,采用环氧树脂浇
封隔离,不产生电路火花。电磁铁为螺管推动式,采用螺钉与液压电 磁阀连接。通电时衔铁带动推杆推动阀芯运动,打开阀腔,实现液压 的通断控制。自身无复位装置,依靠电磁阀体内弹簧复位。 3.技术特性
使用说明书 1. 概述
a.本产品为隔爆型直流湿式阀用电磁铁,靠电源的通断实现阀芯的位 移运动,达到液压自动控制。
b.本产品用于直流电压至 220 V 的控制电路中,作为电磁换向阀的动 力元件,适用范围不应超过 GB3836.2 中 dⅠ规定的要求。表面温度 符合温度组别 T4 的规定。



RCDD12G3悬挂式电磁除铁器使用说明书镇江电磁设备厂有限责任公司厂址:江苏省镇江市二道巷67号电话:(0086511)85626924 85624123 85624037 传真:(0086511)85622591 邮政编码:212005 E-mail:sales@一、用途RCDD系列悬挂式电磁除铁器是我厂研制开发的一种全封闭自冷却式电磁除铁器,能适用于冶金、电力、煤炭、化工等工作环境十分恶劣,粉尘污染严重的场所,连续工作,安全可靠,该系列产品与带式输送机、振动式输送机等设备配套使用, 能除去混杂在非磁性散状物料中重量为0.1-35公斤的铁磁性物质,既可用于原料品位的提高与净化,同时也能用于回收各种磁性物质,对防止研磨机、破碎机等机械设备的破坏和磨损以及防止皮带的纵向撕裂起着可靠的保证作用,该系列产品广泛用于电力、冶金、矿山、陶瓷、化工、玻璃、造纸、建材、制糖、食品等行业。








2.工作原理:当电磁线圈通入直流电后,在磁极气隙中产生强磁场, 当输送带所送物料经过电磁铁下方时,混杂在物料中的铁磁性物质在磁场力的作用下向电磁方向迅速移动, 并被吸附。


三、型号意义及技术要求1.型号表示意义:R C D D ─ 12 G3高磁场强度第3种适应胶带宽度:1200mm自动卸铁、自然冷却电磁式除铁器矿山机械类其它设备2.接线图:直流输入图一1.左机架2.皮带托辊3.弃铁皮带4.电磁箱5.卸扣6.防爆电机7.右机架8.传动滚筒9.改向滚筒 10.防爆接线盒3.技术规范四、安装及调试1.消除运输途中所积聚的尘埃。


本产品适用于有防爆要求的控制元件中,例如:液压系统中的方向控制阀;可应用于有煤尘、甲烷 爆炸性气体的煤矿矿井或类似的矿山、化工、石油等易燃场合。
2.1 大气压力80~110kPa; 2.2 周围空气温度:-20℃~+40℃; 2.3周围空气相对湿度不大于95%(25℃时); 2.4 在含有甲烷、煤尘爆炸性危险气体的煤矿井下; 2.5 液压油:粘度为 10-350cst,过滤精度<25u。
V / 频率
m m 额定吸力
安标证编号 出厂日期
201 年

4.3 防爆结构要点 1) 电磁铁要求隔爆空腔内部的爆炸性混合物产生爆炸时,隔爆外壳不损坏,并且保证内部火焰不能 通过外壳接合面而引起电磁铁外部爆炸性混合物爆炸。 2) 组成隔爆外壳的零件,精加工后均经过 GB3836.2-2000 规定的 1.0MPa,历时 10+2S 静压试验合格, 以保证可承受最大的内部爆炸压力而不损坏。 3) 联接隔爆外壳的紧固螺栓数量不可缺少,拧入深度为螺栓的直径的 1.2~1.5 倍,以承受爆炸压力。 每个螺栓和螺母下均有弹簧垫圈,防止自行松脱。 4)电磁铁的外壳、接线盒盖、底板、导磁管、电缆密封圈等是隔爆零件,其隔爆面不得磕碰,不得 有划痕等影响隔爆效果的缺陷。 5)接线盒进、出线口设有密封圈,其电缆最小外径要与密封圈内径相符,以保证压紧螺母压装后,
1 20.5
材质: 耐油丁腈橡胶NBR 50IRHD



DSN-Y电磁锁使⽤说明书⼀、概述DSN-Z DSN-Y型系列户内电磁锁是⼀种防⽌⾼压开关设备电器误操作的电控机构联锁装置。












Siemens SIRIUS Soft 74436412200 电磁铁说明书

Siemens SIRIUS Soft 74436412200 电磁铁说明书

Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 1:17443641220074436412200744364122007443641220074436412200T e m p e r a t u r eT pT L74436412200Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-HCF of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component was designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component was designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, as the core may flake apart.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not guarantee any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of their own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the Würth Elektronik technical soldering specification. All other profiles will void the warranty. •All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application may damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the costumer application, the potting material may shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the core or wire contacts. Werecommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects. Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties. •Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations may have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompletenessWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODElGa004.0002023-04-26DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-HCF SMT High CurrentInductor ORDER CODE74436412200SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODElGa004.0002023-04-26DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-HCF SMT High CurrentInductor ORDER CODE74436412200SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。



DSW4G—Z/Y型户外电磁锁安装使用说明书1、 概述1.1 DSW4G-Z ,DSW4G-Y 型户外电磁锁是10KV 及以上电压等级高压隔离开关设备防止误操作的电控机械联锁装置,主要供配人力操作机构的隔离开关、接地开关与断路器之间防止误操作之用。

1.2 型号含义1.3 使用环境条件a 环境温度+40℃~-30℃,高寒地区+40℃~-40℃。

b 海拔高度不超度2500mm 。

c 使用环境的污秽等级为GB5582-85《高压电力设备外绝缘污秽等级》中的0级、1级或II 级。

d 安装场所应无火灾、爆炸危险、化学腐蚀及剧烈振动。

1.4 产品外形图见附件1 1.5 主要规程和技术参数主要规格和技术参数见表12、结构和主要原理DSW4G型户外电磁锁由锁栓、旋钮、指示灯和防护罩等组成锁的整体,使用时安装到所需联锁的人力操作机构上,同时在操动机构输出轴上安装一个相应的附件,当锁栓插入附件槽中。




3、安装和调试3.1 DSW4G型电磁锁可由用户自行安装于人力操动机构上部,电磁锁外形尺寸如图1所示,与各种操动机构的连装图见附图4、图5、图6。

3.2 电磁锁安装时应注意,电磁锁解开后,锁栓与附件应留有约2mm距离,以保证电磁锁解锁后能自保持为准。


3.3 将DSW4G型电磁锁引出线接通电源后,用电气解锁钥匙(见图3)向右(右侧)或向左(左侧)旋转90°,待指示灯亮后,即可进行解锁操作,若指示灯不亮,可先进行试解锁操作,若能解锁,则可能是指示灯故障,否则说明无电,电磁铁未吸合,此时应进行电气联锁回路的检查,千万不可进行强行解锁操作。




二、技术参数2.1环境:①海拔不超过2000米;②周围空气温度不高于+40℃,不低于-10℃;③周围空气相对湿度日平均不大于90%(20℃);④无剧烈震动;⑤垂直安装,倾斜度不超过5度;⑥无雨雪侵入,无爆炸危险,无对绝缘有破坏作用的环境;2.2设备:①电源:三相 380V 50Hz;②输出电压:DC0~220V;③反向消磁电压:DC170V;④反向消磁时间:1.5~3S;⑤充电电压:DC0~280V;⑥充电电流:DC0~15A;⑦对地电阻:≥1MΩ;⑧保磁时间:≤15min;三、工作原理(1)本系列产品由调磁整流部分和充电部分构成。



吸料时,1KW 吸合,整流桥输出正向电压给起重电磁铁励磁,电磁铁吸料后,若遇电网停电,备用电源自动馈入电磁铁,保证被吸物料不至于落下,确保安全。


消磁时间由1KT 延时释放时间确定和手动控制器手柄置放料。





安装、操作、维护手册关于电磁阀尺寸的常规性信息:Clark Cooper电磁阀的一些特殊术语解释理解;如:“全端口”尺寸电磁阀,是指接口尺寸规格与电磁阀的通径一样大小,再如:“减少型端口”尺寸电磁阀,是指管接口尺寸大于通径尺寸.电磁阀的流量系数Cv是通过电磁阀的每个尺寸流量测试确定的值。

“全端口”阀将具有比“减少型端口”阀的Cv更高.每个阀门的Cv等级都列在产品目录里的表格中.Cv的定义是当阀门打开时将以一定压力差情况下流过阀门的多少加仑的水量.以下等式可用于确定:•计算流量, 给出 Cv 和∆P•计算Cv, 给出流量值和∆P•计算∆P, 给出流量值和 CvCv = 阀门的流量系数(无量纲值)S = 比 重(1.0为空气或水)T = 绝对温度(°R)(°R =°F + 460)P1 = 输入端压力( PSIG)∆P = 压差在阀门处于打开位置,进出口直接的压差.PSIV = 特定体积CFP(立方英尺/磅)安 装:安装阀门之前,请确保操作压力、维护和电气要求与您的安装兼容。

切勿施加不相容的流体介质或超过阀门的压力和温度等级. 阀门应由专业的人员安装和维护.阀门方向:EH30、EH40和EH50阀门设计:进入端是水平进行输入流体,出口端面向下,电磁阀线圈位于顶部。


必须注意防止多余的胶带进入阀门.对于EH70阀门,当施加扭矩或夹紧时,始终使用阀体铸件的六边形部分, 不要对阀门的其他区域施加扭矩或压力.焊接端(仅限EH70阀门):建议在从阀体上取下阀门内部部件的情况下进行任何需要焊接的端口连接件.如果温度升高到400°F 以上,则可能会对阀门内的密封件造成损坏。





二、特点1. 高效能:以上海数陵电磁吸盘控制器采用先进的电磁技术,具有强大的吸力和稳定的工作性能。

2. 灵活性:控制器具有多种工作模式和参数可调节,可以适应不同工作需求。

3. 安全可靠:控制器具有过载保护、短路保护等多重安全措施,确保设备和人员的安全。

三、工作原理1. 电磁吸盘控制器通过控制电磁铁的通电和断电来实现吸盘的吸附和释放。


2. 控制器通过控制电磁铁的开关状态和电流大小来调节吸力的大小,以适应不同工件的需求。

四、使用方法1. 连接电源:将控制器与电源连接,确保电源的稳定供应。

2. 连接吸盘:将吸盘与控制器连接,确保连接牢固可靠。

3. 设置参数:根据工件的要求,调节控制器的工作模式、电流大小等参数。

4. 启动控制器:按下控制器的启动按钮,控制器开始工作,电磁铁通电,吸盘吸附工件。

5. 停止控制器:按下控制器的停止按钮,控制器停止工作,电磁铁断电,吸盘释放工件。

五、注意事项1. 使用前请仔细阅读本说明书,了解控制器的特点和工作原理。

2. 操作时请佩戴适当的防护装备,确保人员的安全。

3. 在使用过程中,如发现异常情况,请立即停止使用,并联系售后服务。

4. 不要将控制器放置在潮湿、高温或有腐蚀性气体的环境中,以免影响控制器的正常工作。

5. 请定期检查控制器的电源和连接线路,确保其正常工作。







RCDB-14G2悬挂式电磁除铁器辽宁清河发电有限责任公司“上大压小”技术改造二期工程专用使用说明书镇江电磁设备厂有限责任公司厂址:江苏省镇江市二道巷67号电话:(0511)85626924 85624123 85624037传真:85622591邮政编码:212005一、用途RCDB 系列悬挂式电磁除铁器是我厂新研制开发的一种新型全封闭自冷式电磁除铁器,其中采用列管式热管散热器作为传热元件,效果很好,其特点是:(1)适用性广。

热管的表面具有很好的温度均匀性, 用它来保持所要求的恒温环境是很适合的。


热管的工作动力是依靠发热系统所产生产热量, 其热量传递到工质,在一定温度的压力下,热管开始启动工作,其液一汽反复循环的过程是相变传热, 因而它不需任何外界动力源。

(3)冷却效果好,除铁器的线圈卧式布置,热管层间平行,外型呈L型, 蒸汽上升至冷凝段,液休自然依靠重力回流,线圈最热点的温度与热管外壁温度的温差较小。
































6 合-分时间(金属短接时间) 7 分-合时间(自动重合闸时间) 8 开断时间
+10 −5
2.2 断路器的整体结构特点
该型断路器的整体结构如图 1 所示,三个极柱安装在共同的底架上。控制柜居中
2. 电器原理图、接线图及互感器端子排列图 3. 外附 CT 端子排列图 4. 外形图
a.无 CT 外形图 b.内附 CT 外形图 c.外附 CT 外形图 5. 六氟化硫气体特性 6. 安装工具及备品一览表
1 概述
1.1 本说明书适用于 LW36-40.5 型自能式户外高压交流六氟化硫断路器(配 SRCT36A
5 额定频率
6 额定电流
7 首开极系数
8 额定短路开断电流 IK 9 额定短路关合电流(峰值) 10 额定短路耐受电流
31.5 80
kA 31.5
11 额定峰值耐受电流
12 额定短路持续时间
13 额定失步开断电流
15 额定单个电容器组开断电流 16 额定电缆充电开断电流
h) 覆冰厚度
不大于 10mm;
i) 空气污秽程度 不超过 GB/T5582 中的Ⅳ级;
j) 安装场合
1.5 本说明书在叙述过程中分“注意”和“警告”两类提示,对于“注意”的有关内容,若






二、安全警告请在操作电磁铁之前,仔细阅读并理解以下安全警告,以避免潜在的危险或意外伤害:1. 在操作电磁铁之前,请确保已断开电源并进行安全隔离,以防止电流通路中发生意外触电。

2. 为避免磁铁吸附过程中产生的强烈震动而导致周围物体的破碎或飞出,请谨慎选择安装位置并保持安全距离。

3. 使用电磁铁时,请避免将金属物品直接放置在皮肤上,以免产生不必要的吸附或损伤。

4. 在使用过程中,如发生异常情况(如异响、发热等),请立即停止使用,并向售后服务部门寻求帮助。

三、使用步骤请按照以下步骤正确操作电磁铁:1. 安装:将电磁铁固定在坚固平整的平面上,确保其稳定性。

2. 连接电源:使用标准电源线将电磁铁连接到电源插座,确认电源连接正确无误。

3. 开启电源:打开电源开关,使电流通过导线产生磁场。

4. 吸附物品:将需要吸附的金属物品靠近电磁铁的铁芯部分,确保物品与铁芯之间无障碍,并尽量使物品与铁芯接触面积最大化。

5. 关闭电源:在使用完成后,关闭电源开关,切断电流供应。

6. 分离物品:在断电后,缓慢将吸附的物品离开电磁铁,注意避免碰撞或拉扯,确保安全分离。

四、使用注意事项请遵守以下注意事项,以确保电磁铁的正常使用和延长其使用寿命:1. 请勿将电磁铁放置在高温、潮湿、腐蚀性气体或易燃物质附近,以免损坏设备。

2. 在使用过程中,如发现电磁铁发热、冒烟或发出异常噪声,请立即停止使用并断开电源。

3. 请勿将电磁铁长时间放置在强磁场或震动环境中,以免影响其性能。

4. 请勿试图自行拆卸或修理电磁铁,如有需要,请联系售后服务部门或专业人士进行维修。

五、保养与维护1. 请定期检查电磁铁的电源线是否破损或老化,如发现问题,请及时更换以避免电流泄露。



KYN28-12 metal-clad endorsed switchgear instruction1.General InstructionKYN28-12 meta-clad endorsed switchgear (call cubicle for short below) with 3,hare AC, 50Hz frequency is a kind of indoor complete distribution equipment for single busbar and busbar sections system to receive and distribute 3-10(12)kV network energy for circuit protection as well as monitor, This cubicle conforms to GB3906-1991”3-35kV AC metal closed snigger” standard as well as DH/T404-1997”indoor AC HV switchgear technical requirements ” of ministry of Eclectic Power, with reference to IEC 298”AC metal enclosed switchgear and control gear for rated voltage above 1kV up to and including 52kV”(1990’s version ) standard design and manufacturing.The switchgear serves the function of five meventions ie, following situations should be prevented.1、To malopen of malclose circuit-brealcer.2、To push-in or draw-out movable part with load.3、To switch-on earthing switch with energization4、To supply power during earthing suitch is on ground position.5、To enter inte enerqizing bay.2.sercice conditiona)Ambieat temperdture: neither higher than +40℃nor lewer than -5℃,clailytemperature difference 15℃b)Relative numidty of atmeshere: daily average not greater than 95% andmonthly 90%.c)Ereetion altitude: not higher than 1000m above sea level.d)Earthquake intensity: not greater than Force8.e)Keep from dange of fire or explosion, chemical gas and violent vibration.Note: If the service ciracmstance does not satify the corditions mentioned abouer, wser may consult with the manufacturer.3.Type designationPrimary scheme numberRated shart-ciracit breaking current kARated acrrent, ACharacter of mair-citcuit breaker (Th) forhunid fnpics (TA) for dried tropics (G) forhigh altitiude.Operating mechavnism type: D forelectromagnetitOperating mechavnism type: T for ipringoperating mechaiiun.Main component typeRated voltagel(kV)Design serial numberService environment: indoor useConstruetion feature: draw-out typeProduct name: metal-clad enclosedsuitchgear.4.majer teehnical data:4.1、tecnnical parameters for cubicle (shoun in table 1)1250A.457Table11: Technical parameters for the combination appliance of HV vacuum5.Construction instruction (shown in Table12)The cubic is composed of cubicle body and movable parts, its shell and partitions for each functional unit are made out of plates covered with aluminium-zine by folding joined together with selt-tapping screw.5.1、Out shell of cubicleCubicle outshell is connate with five folded mast and self-tapping screw.It is divided into movable parts cell , busbar cell ,relay instrument cell, each unit is grounded independently.5.2、Movable parts, is called “truck”is connected together by steed sheets inbending form with bouts.According to the usage, it can he dicided into breaker truck , isolating truck arrester truck and other coatactor trucks The same type as well as the same specification of movable par can be interchanged; different type of movable parts can not be interchanged for the sake of the difference in indification equipment. Movable parts in cubicles have isolating, test, service position lisolating and test position is in the same area . each with a locating equipment so as to make sure the movable parts keep still in one position. Interlock mechanism must be operated in pulling or withdrawing actionThe movable parts can not be shaked in or out when the orwit breaker is in switching on state.5.3、Movable parts cell and shuttle.Movable parts cell locate in front cubicle. Primary isolating stationly contact box is seated on the rear sealing plates of movable part cell , the operating rod ofearthing switch passes through the tight side of small cell.The shutters made of metal steel plate are mounted on the rear sealing plate of truck cell . when the truck is withdraw from service position to test position, the shutters close automat ally. The shatters moving downwards as well as upwards may open and close independently.5.4、Bus bar cell (shown in figure 12)Bus bar cell is fixed on the upper part of cubicle rear, with three phases main bus bars caging vertically. On the metal partition between cubicles fits out bushings cnoulded with insulating materials to fix bus bars and vesthct local cubicles problems trarsfening to the cedjecentcwbicles5.5、Primary and sewndang cable cellPrrmany cable cell locates in the cubicle rear. Cable have has 300mm to the rear sealing plate , if the cubicle locate to the wall tightly ,the length should be 550mm between cable hole to the rear cubicle plate .cable fenninal box fixing plate is arranged with in the cell .which may equip 3growps of calbe beads at most if necessorg cable heads are needed, it can enlarge the depth of cable cell switably thwgh the approval of the conswltation with the manufature. Sewndang cable cell locates in the instrument cubicle. 18 small bus bars can be equipped in the small busbar pedestal which fices the 18 small bus bars to the body cubicles, on which the lead of small busbars from of her parts in the cubible converges. The small busbar is made.of φ6 or φ8 copper rod. A square hole spenfied 130×55m is applied on the right or on the right cubicle rear of the movable parts call to lead wire.5.6、Positioning device for the awrable partsThe interlock equipment of marable parts is composed of gaccge plate at the two sides of movable parts cell and positioning pilotl cooperated with mechnieel intertocks of movable parts cell.5.7、Grounding and earthing switchThe switchgear fixes eathing bus bar(23) , which is located in the middle cubicle cubicle, madding of 8×40 copper busbar The earthing coureetion between the mwable parts and aubicle body are passing through pressing copper pwouing fixed contact to connect growading busbar so as to from earthing system in the cubicle. Earthing holes on the earthing busbars are supplied for aorelition with adjacent earthing corductors and between cubieles .Earthing with is arranged in the medium partrtion of cable cell in the cubicle. If the cubicle are mounted against the wall, earthing switch should be instalkd on the cubtble operating rod passes from hight side through median partition to the cable cell A speeial operating (see1-1) handle is prouded to perform operating and clesing operation.Only when the circuit breaker is in test position, the coraot brealer cannot enter in switching on state, the corcit breker cannot enter in operating position The interlock device of earthing switch and rear sealing plare can prevent operated fallout entrance into energizing bay noted earthing switch is optional component and can be adjacent andequipped aewrding to the users requirements.Scheme for earthing switch operating handle.5.8、Interlook eqwpnents to prevent maloperationsa、To malopen or malclose cituit breqkerb、To push in or draw out movable part with hoadc、To switch on earthing switch with energicationd、To supply power during earthing is on ground positione、To enter into energizing bay5.9、Truck of prolonging-rail for movable partAfter coumissioning eachgroup of culicle is eqwpped with two sets of prolonging rail truck so as to push-in and draw-out the moneable partsas well as its loaeling The rail’s height is adjustable to satisity the requirement of both the cublde and the truck shoun in figure 9covering slicle for earthing swich operclting hoceBottom doo and earthing swith eperation scheme5.10、R elay rell and insthumeat dear (21)Insthument door and relay cell is on the apper part of the cubicle so as to fix instruments, relays and other seeondary apparatus5.11、S eceneling terminal cell.Terminal cell of cubicle inner leading is arranged at the bottom of relay cell about 80 terminals with type JH10 are equipped in the terminal cell.5.12、P ressure relief eqwmentPressure relief equipment locates in the top of cubicle movable part cell and cable cell. Which serves for pressure relief and air removal in face of mobile in cable cell to insure safe operation of cubicle.5.13、I nsulationAir insulation and combined cusulation are utilized in merger loop in cubicle method for inlet andoutlet witing.6.This type cubicle usually uses cable inlet and out let wiring shown in fig12 ifoverhead line is needed for feeder figure 15 is shown .7.Transporting installation and regulation7.1、The following items should be taken care in the course of transporting andstorea)No tilting no upside down nor violent vibration.b)It is not permitted that the cubicle is moved with direct pushing orwithdrawing on the floor (such as on the cement service) unless to slide on the steet sreets or special channel rail.c)No exposure to rain, to cuoid moisture invaoled in the product .d)The angle included between lift rope the top swrface of cubicle must be largerthan 60 degree (shown in figures )during lifting course. The bottom of packed case should be wtilized as for as possible in the course of transporting and moning.e)Athen tron please, if the preduct is stered in shore peried ,do place it indingposition .f)Strictly prow to liffthe truck with in cubicle and also to lift two units. togetherin the same time, it is of very dangerous operation.7.2、The cubicle’s general lagouet may be dwded into one row and two row modesalso the busbars bridge magbe supplied opter arranging and installation, the cubicle should be tightened with bocts unich are delivered with product.7.2.1、E reetion holes for cubicle foundationThe cubicle is erected and fixed on the foundation channel with bolts or electrowelding specifred in the instruction. The foundation erection holes of cubicle is shown lifting hole in Figure 3-1. The erection hole of cubicle near building wall is shown in figure3-2.scheme for lifting method.7.3、Truck in lest positionThe circuit breaker can switch on and switch of the ear thing switch is able to operate wring the truck’s movement between test position and operation position the citluit breaker is in release state so as to ensure cithwt in switening of state. And earthing swithin off stateEarthing busbars in cubicle lshown in 12.23 should perform reliable grounding and could check erthing loop in the aubicle.7.3.1、T ruck in operating positiona)When the truck is in operating position, secondary plug which could operatecitawt breaker reliably and serve switching on and off celeun cdhves actionshould not plceek out and the earthing switch should not open.b)Primary isolating contact box is shown in figure6Isolating fixed contactIsolating moving contact drawings for isolating moving statinang contactFigure 6c)To acoid circuit breaker mactripping resulted from maluithdrawing truck,meehanical interlock part equips manual locking coudithion ofter operingthe circuit breaker (hanging locked equipped )d)Ear thing coutact should make sure reliable connection between truckcatshell and earthing leep and its contacting resistance shisistance should notligger than 10008.utilization (shoun in figure 7,8,9)8.1、circuit breaker trucklift the citcuit breaker and put it on the carrier truck figure pull operating red inside so as to insert item 1 and item 2 into the square hole that is ,book the circuitbreaker in the carrier truck. Push the carrier truck in front of the cubicle door shake the handle in figure 9 in contra clockuise direetion to raise the front end of the carner with its two pins hoping the hole at the bottom plact in cubicle cireait breaker cell pull the handle inside to deprive item 1 of the hole in item 2 push the breaker cell into the cubicle and hold item 1 in the slot plate at both sides in the breaker cell .plug the secondary inserter and then insert the handle and shake in clock wise direction after closing the door .shake the handle to operating pesition which would make sound when acehieved the right postion.When the truck is shaked out it should be in contra –clockuise, After the truck is back to test position ,the shake handle coald be remored followed by opening the door and secondary inserter out move the carrier truck to the cubiele door and rook it . pwll the handle to remove item 1 from the slot plate at both sides in the breaker cubicle ,pull the breaker truck out of the abicle and make sure to insert item 1with in the breaker truck into square hole in item 2 with the carnien to prevent its dropping from the carrier truck.Electric operationWhen the breaker is in operating position and takgelectic energy starage strike the senergy storageSwitch(Ls2-2)to “energy storage ”position at the iastrament door which the indication white lamb for “energy storage ” would shine and indicates the breaker’s energy storage After the storage is completed the sterage indication display energy storage position seetigwe13.1If the “switching knocks ”is pressed at the instrument door breeker is switching in with indieating at the on/off position indreetion (figure 13 item 6 ) the light for switching in position will be on at the instrument door If the breaker reeds switching off the switching off knob at the instrumental door can be plesssed and its sorresponding on/off position indication would play “_”(see figure 13.6) and the switching off lights will shine at the instrumental doorHand operationIf the breaker is in operating position and will store energy by hand open the median door and register the energy storage handle to the hole of hand energy storoge in the crrait breaker shake the storage hold in clockuise and contra clockuise direction until the storage indieation shows stored position if swithing in is needed for breaker rotate the on/off button clockuise direction on showing on state with (tigure13.6) if the switching off is needed in breaker tate the on/off button in contra clockuise direetion showing “off” state with “_”8.2、solating truck (figure 10)when the isolating truck is pulled to test position it can isolate the electric equp went with the HV live part reliably to facilitate the check and Maintenance for electric equipment ensuring workers security An electromagne lock equipped in the lower part of the cubicle median door interlocks the shoking hole inside at the bothottom frome of truck when the breaker inside the cubicle is in switching off position , the electromagnetic lock is released slide the lock up in the electromagnetic interlocks and then move the cover for shaking hole inside insertthe hand hold for entrance at the bottom from shake the bottom frame in contra clockwise direction to move isolating truck away from the operating position to test pesition. While the breaker is in working position the electromagnetic is locked so as to cover the rotor hole at the bottom frame with bezel. the handhold for shaking in should be inspeded and the bottom frame can not be shaked Therefore only when the wire cireuit side is not given power that the isolating truck can be operated .8.3、contactor truck (shown in figure11)The contactor thuck is mainly used in HV motor and transformer prove ction which could operate frequently and have nearly 300000 times in terms of meehand ead the operation of coutacter truck is similar to that of the breaker truck when life the shortciruit current passesthroug the fase a three phase fuse must be changed at the same time After switching off the contactor the contactor should be shalcd back to test position with shaking handle .open the cubicle door to pluck the secondary play out move the contactor truck to the carrier truck rinally the fuse could be changed8.4、operation for ear thing switch (shown in figwer 1-1,1-2)When ear thing switch is to be “switched on” or “switch off” turn left on the knob of the covering plate of the ear thing switch’s operating hole Adjust the cam of the operating handhold of ear thing switch to the operating hole “off”“on” position tam on clockwise or contra clockwise direction until the “ka”surd is made. The earthling indication shows “on” or “off”position. After the handhold is pulled out, the covering plate of ear thing switch’s operating hole could back to its original position automat ally covering plate of the ear thing switch could not open, it means the earthing switch can’t be operated or must not be operated forcelyWarn1)be sore to cut off the incoming power when the switchgear is in cheek withoutenergy; switch off the arauit breakers switch on the earthing switch, the live indicatton device displays power off, the electromagnetic lock could be opened;examine can be taken after all the mechanical interlocks are released in case it would menace the people’s severity.2)Guarantee the spring release energy of the operating mechanism of circuitbreaker when the breaker is in maintenance.3)When the vacuum switch truck is taking insulation test outside the cubiclemeerures should be taken to avoid X-ray.9.maintenance and repairmen.9.1、After the circuit breaker short circuit tripped once, the prrmany isolatingcontact and breaker must be examined The rear sealing plate of the cubicle could be opened only after the earthing switch is switching on. When examining the cubile, the irradiating light switch in the cable oll must be opened to tum on the illuminating light.9.2、The operating parameters of cubicle should nnot exceed the values specifiedin table 1.Exeept for the periodic appeddix of lubricant with training and certtivareet of qualitication id needed solution. Fruck with the same categinghas good interedanability and awid pushing the touck with different speafiotion in to the cubicle to prevent accidents.10.documents attached with the producta)certificate of product qualificationb)instruction for usersc)swire connecting scheme for product installationd)packaging list for productAffiliation standardGB3906-1991 3-35kV AC metal enclosed switgear.DL/T404-1997 Technical requirement for indoor AC HV switchgear GB/T762-1996 standard currentGB2681-81 wire color for electric serial equipmentJB/T8754-1998 compiling methed for HV suitchgear typeGB763-90 heating for HV AC eqwpment in perpetual service GB2706-89 moving and the hwo endurance test method for ACHV equipmentGB1984-89 AC HV circuit breakerGB4208-93 protection class for out shell (IP )GB2682-81 indication light and button color in electric serialequipmentGB191-90 Outline mark for package and trabportationGB/T13384-92 general technical requirement for mechanical andelectric phoduct packingFigure 14 drawing for cubicle interior structure1. upper door2. inner movable door3. pressure relief device4. movable door5. bushing6. main bus bar7. sub bus bar8. main bus bar compartment9. contact box10. current transformer11. interlock mechanism for truck12. primary cable13. cable cell14. earthing switch15. low door16. pushing-in mechanism for truck17. 中置contactor18. median door19. secondary plug20. terminal21. relay instrument22. movable parts cell23.earthing bus barFigure 15 drawing for cubicle interior structure (hook –up incoming line cubicle)1. instrument door2. inner movable door3. 中置circuit breaker truck4. pressure relief device5. main bus bar compartment6. wall bushing7. rear small cell for incoming line8. sub bus bar9. main incoming bus bar10. insulator11. contact box12. current transformer13. movable door14.bus bar cell for incoming line15. earthing bus bar16. low door17. pushing-in mechanism for truck18. movable parts cell19. median door20. secondary plug21. terminal22. relay instrument。



维护保养说明手册有齿曳引机单铁芯制动器维护保养手册宁波欣达电梯配件厂NINGBO XINDA ELEVATOR ACCESSORIES FACTORY编号N0:J0080039版本Version:Ae012021.11.8目录一、使用要则 (1)1.符号说明 (1)2.制动器维护保养操作前的注意事项 (2)二、单铁芯制动器电磁铁的调整、保养及使用 (2)1.单铁芯制动器电磁铁的维护保养周期 (2)2.单铁芯电磁铁电磁铁维保操作 (3)2.1拆卸制动器电磁铁步骤 (3)2.2单铁芯制动器电磁铁拆解步骤 (3)2.2.1有开关单铁芯制动器电源线拆解 (3)2.2.2无开关单铁芯拆解维护 (4)三、常见制动器故障及排除方法 (7)1.制动器动作不灵活 (7)2.制动器不动作 (7)一、使用要则十分感谢您选用我公司的产品!请注意!不正确的安装、操作或保养都可能使电梯无法正常运行,进而可能导致财产损失或人身伤害!为保证电梯安全、可靠、高质量的运行,在电梯安装、操作、维护保养和使用前,请务必仔细阅读和理解手册的内容,如果在阅读本手册后,对其中的文字内容、表格及图片含义仍然不能完全理解,请您与宁波欣达电梯配件厂及时取得联系并获得相应的技术支持。



















三、主要技术参数1、公称通径:DN15~DN3002、连接方式:≤DN50英制管螺纹或法兰式≥DN65标准法兰式4、允许介质温度:M型:≤80℃H型≤130℃5、环境温度:-20℃~+40℃6、电源电压:220V AC/DC 24V AC/DC(特殊电压可订做)7、消耗功率:DN15~DN20:15W DN25~DN50:40WDN65~DN100:(启动130W,维持50W)DN125~DN300:(启动300W,维持120W)8、响应时间:≤1S9、工作介质:天燃气、城市煤气、液化石油气、纯净焦化气10、阀体材质:≤DN50锻铜体锻不锈钢体≥DN65铸铁体不锈钢体11、防护等级:IP6512、防爆等级:dIICT3四、产品分类及用途1、(B)RQDF(常闭系列)与(B)RQDF-K(常开系列)燃气专用电磁阀主要使用在燃气管道的自动控制系统,具有启闭快速、流通量大、压力损失小、密封性好等重要特点,如加装降温节能模块可用于长期工作环境。














三、48V直流接触器的使用在使用48V直流接触器时,需要注意以下几点:1. 选择合适的直流电源:48V直流接触器需要额外的直流电源供电,因此在使用时需要选择合适的直流电源。


2. 控制电路的设计:在使用48V直流接触器时,需要根据实际需求设计好控制电路。


3. 保持接触器的清洁:在使用48V直流接触器时,应保持接触器的清洁,避免灰尘、油污等物质进入接触器内部,影响接触器的工作效果。

4. 定期检查和维护:在长期使用48V直流接触器的过程中,应定期检查和维护接触器,以确保其正常工作。


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目录Index1、基本原理和使用条件Basic principle and operating conditions2、产品型号及含义Models and contents3、用途及使用范围Usage and applicable range4、结构及特点Structure and characteristic5、电气性能Electrical property6、型号、技术参数与外形尺寸图Models, technical data, and overall dimension drawing 7、使用注意事项Cautions8、保养及维修Maintenance and service1.基本原理和使用条件 Basic principle and operating conditions1.1 基本原理 Basic principle电磁铁工作时,电源及控制设备向电磁铁供给直流电,电磁铁内部产生强大的磁场,通过壳体磁路和工作气隙对被吸物产生强大磁力而达到搬运物料的目的。

When electromagnet works, the power source and the controlling device supply direct current to the electromagnet. A strong magnetic field will be generated inside the electromagnet, the magnetic field gives enough strong magnetic force on the material through the shell magnetic circuit and the operating clearance to lift the bulk material .1.2 使用条件 using conditions1.2.1 使用地点的海拔高度不超过2000m。

Not more than elevation of 2000m1.2.2 周围空气温度:Surrounding air temperature常温型:不高于+40℃,不低于-20℃。

Normal temperature type -20℃ ~ +40℃高温型:不高于+50℃,不低于-20℃。

High temperature type: no more than +50℃,no less than -20℃1.2.3 周围工作环境无爆炸危险和不含有腐蚀性气体的环境中。

No explosive dangerous or corrosive gas around the magnet.1.2.4 周围环境相对温度不大于85%。

The relative humidity is not more than 85%1.2.5 户外、户内均可使用。

Both outdoors and indoors.2.产品型号说明:Model DesignationsMW辅助规格代号:"QS"表示潜水型"1"表示常温型"2"表示高温型"75"表示高频型派生代号:"L"表示铝材"表示铜导线基本规格代号:圆形电磁铁表示直径(cm)方形电磁铁表示长×宽(cm)系列代号:5为圆形结构61为椭圆结构类组代号:直流起重电磁铁This series electromagnet is widely applied to metallurgy, casting, machine manufacture, transportation and so no ,forming complete set with lifting equipment equipments to carry out loading and handling the magnetic material such as pig irons and scrap steel.3.2 适用范围 Applicable range本起重电磁铁适用于直流额定工作电压为220V,常温型起重电磁铁被吸物表面温度100℃以下,高温型起重电磁铁被吸物温度600℃以下。

This lifting electromagnet is suitable to the direct current fixed working voltage is 220V, the normal temperature lifting electromagnet by the attached materials’ surface temperature 100 ℃ below, high temperature lifting electro magnet ‘s the attached materials temperature is below 600 ℃ .4.结构及特点 Structure and characteristic4.1 结构 structure4.1.1 起重电磁铁的磁路由钟盖、内外磁极、铁芯和被吸物构成。

The magnetic circuit of lifting electromagnet consists of bell cover, inner and outer magnetic pole, iron core and the held materials.4.1.2 线圈放置在由钟盖、非磁性保护板构成的密封容器中,且用绝缘胶固定。

The magnetic coil will be put into airtight container made of bell cover, non-magnetic protecting plate with insulation rubber fixed.4.1.3 整体采用焊接结构。

The whole framework uses the welding structure4.1.4 高温电磁铁采用了双层辐射式特殊隔热结构。

The high temperature electromagnet has used the double-decked radiation special heat insulation structure4.1.5 潜水电磁铁整体采用气密试验后的焊接结构,出线盒进行了特殊的密封处理,出厂前进行了模拟试验。

The underwater type uses brazing structure through air tightening test ,outlet enclosure has been made special treatment for sealing with simulated tryout before delivery.4.2 特点 Characteristics4.2.1 采用了导磁性能及加工性能良好的优质电工铸钢或低碳钢作为磁路的导磁物。

Adopting electric casting steel or low carbon steel with excellent magnetic conductivity and well finished performance as the conductor to the magnetic circuit.4.2.2 线圈的材料一般为铝材,绝缘性能及耐热性能优良。

The coil material is generally the aluminum material, the insulating ability and the heat-resisting performance is fine4.2.3 高频、高温电磁铁在保证与同一规格的常温电磁铁有相同起吊能力的同时,略增加自重而降低功耗。

The high frequency and high temperature type will be guaranteed to have the same lifting capacity as the normal temperature type as well as minimizing work consumption, though it just increase much self-weight.4.2.4 采用全密封结构,有较好的防潮性能。

Use the entire seal structure with good moisture-proof performance.4.2.5 潜水电磁铁可潜入水中使用,有优良的防水性能。

The underwater type with good water-proof capability when submerged4.2.6 散热、隔热性能良好,安全可靠、使用寿命长。

Good heat radiation and insulation. safe ,reliable and durable if operatingin correct way.5.电气性能 The electrical property5.1 电磁铁的工作状态为反复短时工作制,基本型电磁铁通电持续率为50%,高频电磁铁通电持续率为75%,一个周期为10分钟。

即:TD%= tp/(tp+tn)100%Electromagnet operates in repeatedly short–time working mode. Basic type of electromagnet keeps DC energized condition sustaining rate about 50%.high frequency type keeps DC energized condition sustaining rate about 75%.That is: (duty cycle)TD%=(tp+tn)100%tp为工作时间,tn为休止时间。

Viz:TD%= tp/(tp+tn)100%“tp” is work time ,“tn” is stop time。


”tp” means the electromagnet operating time from being energized to liftthe material to the destination and to release magnetic force from the handled materials. ”tn”means the idle time the electromagnet returns to home position. One cycle id the operating time plus idle time.5.2 在额定工作电压和通电持续率为50%、75%时的间歇工作情况下,电磁铁线圈的稳定温升不能超过允许温升值。
