









利率敏感性负债(RSL):是指那些在市场利率变化时,其利息支出会发生相应变化的负债核心资本又叫一级资本(Tier1capital)和产权资本,是指权益资本和公开储备,它是银行资本的构成部分附属资本、持续期缺口: 是银行资产持续期与负债持续期和负债资产现值比乘积的差额。


三、计算题(x*x 课件上所有的计算题都是范围)该银行的加权平均资金成本是多少?该银行的加权平均资金成本=1/4×10%/(1-15%)+2/4 ×11%/(1-5%)+0.5/4 ×11%/(1-2%)+0.5/4 ×22%=0.1288=12.88%该方法可以使银行管理层估算不同筹资方案对资金成本的影响,从而进行有把握的定价。

2、某银行通过7%的存款利率吸收了25万美元的新存款,银行估计,如果提供7.5%的利率,可筹集存款50 万美元;如果提供8%的利率,可筹集存款75 万美元;如果提供8.5%的利率,可筹集存款100 万美元;如果提供9%的利率,可筹集存款125 万美元。


正确答案D E
正确答案C D E






问题三:银行风险管理的主要步骤有哪些?银行风险管理的主要步骤包括:1. 风险识别:识别银行所面临的各种潜在风险,如信用风险、市场风险、操作风险等。

2. 风险评估:对已识别的风险进行评估,确定其可能带来的损失程度和影响范围。

3. 风险控制:制定相应的风险管理策略和控制措施,以降低或避免风险带来的损失,如建立风险管理框架、设置监测和限制机制等。

4. 风险监测:定期监测银行风险的变化情况,及时发现和应对可能的风险暴露。

5. 风险报告:向内外部相关方报告银行风险的状况和管理情况,确保透明度和合规性。

问题四:银行风险管理中常见的风险类型有哪些?银行风险管理中常见的风险类型包括:1. 信用风险:指借款人或债务人无法按时履约或违约,导致银行资产价值减少的风险。

2. 市场风险:指由于市场价格波动、利率变动、汇率变动等原因导致银行资产价值波动的风险。

3. 操作风险:指由于内部操作失误、人为疏忽、系统故障等原因导致银行业务运营活动受到影响的风险。

4. 流动性风险:指银行无法及时满足资金需求或无法及时变现资产的风险。

5. 法律风险:指由于银行业务违反法律法规或合同约定而导致的法律纠纷和法律责任的风险。

问题五:银行风险管理的挑战有哪些?银行风险管理面临的挑战包括:1. 复杂性:银行业务涉及多个风险类型,风险相互关联,管理难度较大。

2. 不确定性:市场环境和经济形势的变化带来了风险的不确定性,需要及时应对和调整风险管理策略。




题目二:银行风险的分类有哪些?答案:银行风险可以分为以下几类:1. 信用风险:包括借款人或债务人无法按时偿付本金和利息的风险。

2. 市场风险:包括由于市场行情波动引起的资产价值下降的风险。

3. 流动性风险:指银行在短期内无法满足现金流出的需求而导致的损失风险。

4. 利率风险:指由于市场利率变动导致银行资产和负债价值发生变化的风险。

5. 操作风险:包括内部失误、欺诈行为、系统故障等导致的损失风险。

6. 法律风险:指银行面临的法律诉讼、合规风险等可能导致损失的风险。

题目三:银行风险管理的目标是什么?答案:银行风险管理的目标主要包括以下几点:1. 保护资产和利益:通过有效的风险管理措施,保护银行的资产和利益,避免损失。

2. 保持健康的财务状况:通过风险管理,确保银行的财务状况稳定,满足监管要求。

3. 提高业务稳定性:通过风险管理,降低业务波动性,提高银行的业务稳定性。

4. 保护声誉和品牌:通过风险管理,避免风险事件对银行声誉和品牌造成负面影响。

题目四:银行风险管理的常用工具有哪些?答案:银行风险管理常用的工具包括:1. 风险评估模型:用于评估和量化各种风险类型的程度和潜在损失。

2. 风险监控系统:用于实时监控银行的风险暴露和风险事件的发生情况。

3. 内部控制机制:包括内部审计、合规检查等,用于确保银行业务的合规性和内部风险的控制。

4. 风险管理政策和流程:用于规范和指导银行的风险管理活动。

5. 风险报告和沟通机制:用于向内部和外部相关方沟通风险状况和风险管理措施。

题目五:银行风险管理的挑战有哪些?答案:银行风险管理面临以下挑战:1. 复杂性:银行业务和金融市场的复杂性增加了风险管理的难度。




恭喜您顺利通过考试!单选题1. 商业银行公司治理的主要内容不包括。

√A 完善股东大会、董事会、监事会、高级管理层的议事制度和决策程序B 成立、健全以董事会为核心的监督机制C 明确股东、董事、监事和高级管理层人员的权利、义务D 成立完善的信息报告和信息披露制度正确答案:B2. 以下不属于良好的银行公司治理特征的是。

√A 银行内部有效的制衡关系和清楚的职责边界B 完善的内部控制和风险管理体系C 科学的鼓励约束机制D 与董事会价值相挂钩的有效监督考核机制正确答案:D3. 内部控制是对风险进行的动态进程和机制。

√A 事前控制、事中防范、事后监督和纠正B 事前防范、事中控制、事后监督和纠正C 事前监督和纠正、事中控制、事后防范D 事前防范、事中监督和纠正、事后控制正确答案:B4. 是商业银行的最高风险管理,决策机构。

√A 监事会B 董事会C 股东大会D 高级领导正确答案:B5. 商业银行的风险管理流程是风险。

√A 监测→识别→控制→计量B 识别→计量→控制→监测C 计量→识别→监测→控制D 识别→计量→监测→控制正确答案:D多选题6. 监事会监督和测评的方式包括。

√A 列席会议B 访谈座谈C 调阅文件D 检查与调研E E.监督测评正确答案:A B C D E7. 商业银行高级管理层风险管理的主要职责有。

√A 审批风险管理的战略、政策和程序B 执行风险管理的政策C 制定风险管理的程序和操作规程D 及时了解风险水平及其管理状况E E.核准金融产品的风险定价正确答案:B C D8. 财务控制部门在风险管理中的主要工作包括。

√A 参与商业银行的组织架构和业务流程再造B 会计记录和财务报告的准确性和靠得住性C 把商业银行的损失,收益数据传递给风险管理部门,使得风险管理部门能与来自前台业务部门的信息调整一致D 与风险管理部门合作,确保风险系统中相应的损失,收益信息是准确的,并可以应用于事后查验的目的E E.经营管理的合规性及合规部门工作情况正确答案:C D9. 商业银行风险控制,缓释策略应当符合的要求有。





















***************************************************************************************试题说明本套试题共包括1套试卷每题均显示答案和解析中级银行从业资格_风险管理_真题模拟题及答案_第07套(145题)***************************************************************************************中级银行从业资格_风险管理_真题模拟题及答案_第07套1.[单选题]从广义上讲,与法律风险密切相关的有( )。


2.[单选题]下列关于声誉危机管理规划的说法中,正确的是( )。



3.[单选题]一般而言,专家系统在分析信用风险时主要考虑与借款人和市场有关的因素,下列属于与市场有关的因素的是( )。





A、到期不还风险B、债务重新安排风险C、以上都是【参考答案】:C【解析】:答案为 D。

A、B、C 项都属于国家风险。


A、失误树分析法B、专家预测法C、分解分析法【参考答案】:B【解析】:答案为 C。













第1 题三项资产,头寸分别为2000 万元,3000 万元,5000 万元,年投资收益率分别为20%,10%,16%,那末由这三项资产组成的资产组合的年收益率为: ( )A .16%B .15%C .10%D .20%【正确答案】:B第 2 题商业银行在短期内的借入资金需求等于什么?( )A.借入资金=融资缺口+流动性资产B.借入资金=融资缺口+流动性负债C.借入资金=融资缺口+贷款平均额D.借入资金=融资缺口+核心存款平均额【正确答案】:A第3 题已知某商业银行的总资产为100 亿,总负债为80 亿,资产加权平均久期为5.5,负债加权平均久期为4,那末该商业银行的久期缺口等于: ( )A .1.5B .- 1.5C .2.3D .3.5【正确答案】:C第4 题《巴塞尔辛资本协议》鼓励商业银行采取什么方法计量信用风险?( )A.基于内部评级体系的内部模型B.基于外部评级的模型C .VaR 方法D.以上都不是【正确答案】:A第5 题现金流量表的组成部份不包括: ( )A.经营活动现金流B.投资活动现金流C.融资活动现金流D.意外现金流【正确答案】:D第6 题以下属于信用风险,又属于操作风险的是: ( )A.内部欺诈B.外部欺诈C.经营中断和系统瘫痪D.股市暴跌【正确答案】:B第7 题CreditMetrics 模型从本质上讲是: ( )A.是一个简单信用评分模型B.是一个VaR 模型C.是一个期权定价模型D.以上都不是【正确答案】:B第8 题利用死亡率模型计算违约概率,其数据来源是基于: ( ) A.历史违约数据B.预测数据C.蒙特卡罗摹拟D.情景分析【正确答案】:A第9 题以下关于历史摹拟法的缺陷的论述,不正确的是: ( )。

A.单纯依靠历史数据进行风险度量,将低估突发性收益率的波动B.风险度量的结果受制于历史周期的长度C.以大量历史数据为基础,对数据依赖性强D.存在相当程度的模型风险【正确答案】:D第10 题应用于市场风险管理的经风险调整的收益率可以简单表示为:()。



2023年银行从业资格-风险管理(初级)考试备考题库附带答案第1卷一.全考点押密题库(共50题)1.(多项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 衡量商业银行信用风险变化的程度,表示资产质量从前期到本期变化的比率指标有()。

A. 不良货款迁徙率B. 正常贷款迁徙率C. 资本充足率D. 成本收入率E. 大额负债依赖度正确答案:A,B,2.(判断题)(每题 1.00 分) 贷款核销是指对无法收回的、认定为损失的贷款进行减值准备核销。

正确答案:A,3.(判断题)(每题 1.00 分) 内幕交易属于人员因素中的内部欺诈因素。

()正确答案:A,4.(单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分)()作为商业银行的重要“无形资产”,必须设置严格的安全保障,确保系统能够长期、不间断地运行。

A. 完善的公司治理机构B. 健全的内部控制机制C. 有效的风险管理策略D. 风险管理信息系统正确答案:D,5.(单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分)()承担对市场风险管理实施监控的最终责任。

A. 董事会B. 风险管理委员会C. 高级管理层D. 监事会正确答案:A,6.(单项选择题)(每题 0.50 分) 中国银监会《商业银行资本管理办法(试行)》规定()负责根据业务战略和风险偏好组织实施资本管理工作,确保资本与业务发展、风险水平相适应,落实各项监控措施,定期评估资本计量高级方法和工具的合理性和有效性。

A. 董事会B. 监事会C. 股东大会D. 高级管理层正确答案:D,7.(多项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 流动性是指商业银行在一定时间内、以合理的成本获取资金用于偿还债务和增加资产的能力,其基本要素包括()。

A. 业务种类B. 经风险调整的收益率C. 成本D. 时间E. 资金数量正确答案:C,D,E,8.(单项选择题)(每题 0.50 分) ()是指商业银行在满足监管机构提出的资格要求,以及定性和定量标准的前提下,通过内部操作风险计量系统计算监管资本要求。



银行从业考试《银行管理》第七章综合复习题优选篇银行从业考试《银行管理》第七章综合复习题 1一、单项选择题1、()是最大、最明显的信用风险来源。
















(3.33 分)流程风险系统风险⼈员风险D客户、产品和业务操作风险正确答案:D2、根据《关于加强银⾏业⾦融机构内控管理有效防范柜⾯业务操作风险的通知》,银⾏业⾦融机构应以()等⽅式向客户充分揭⽰其投资产品的风险和应承担的责任,确保其风险知情权。

(3.33 分) A抄写风险提⽰开展宣传营销抄写收益承诺D强调产品风险正确答案:A3、下列商业银⾏降低贷款组合信⽤风险最有效的办法是()。

(3.33 分)将贷款集中到个别⾼收益的⾏业将贷款分散到收益正相关的⾏业C将贷款分散到不同的⾏业和区域将贷款集中到少数低风险的⾏业正确答案:C4、在对商业银⾏客户进⾏信⽤风险识别时,下列各项不属于对单⼀法⼈客户的⾮财务因素分析的是()。

(3.33 分)客户企业管理者的素质B客户企业的效率⽐率分析客户企业的产品和市场分析客户企业的⾏业特点分析正确答案:B5、下列哪项不属于造成商业银⾏代理业务中操作风险的外部事件?()(3.33 分)?A委托⽅伪造收付款凭证骗取资⾦B通过代理收付款进⾏洗钱活动⾏业竞争激烈由于新的监管规定出台⽽引起的风险正确答案:C6、某企业由于财务印章被盗⽤,导致该企业在开户⾏的巨额存款在⼏天内被取⾛,给该⾏造成不良影响,对该银⾏⽽⾔,此操作风险损失事件应归于()类别。

(3.33 分)实物资产的损坏信息科技系统事件内部欺诈事件D外部诈欺事件正确答案:D7、客户评级的评价主体是()。

(3.33 分)?A商业银⾏客户违约风险信⽤等级违约概率正确答案:A多选题1、下列关于商业银⾏加强不良贷款管理的做法不符合监管要求的有()。

(3.33 分)A根据宏观形势和借款⼈风险变化趋势,加⼤贷款质量分类的监管拨备覆盖率或贷款拨备率明显不低于监管要求,应增提拨备,增强风险抵补能⼒坚持“账销案存原则,”健全已被核销贷款的保全和追收制度,加⼤监督检查⼒度?建⽴健全押品管理系统,加强对押品的保管、监控、检查和重估商业银⾏应了解和掌握客户的经营管理状况正确答案:B E2、根据《商业银⾏操作风险管理指引》的规定,商业银⾏对操作风险的管理办法有()。

银行从业课件 风险管理第七章声誉风险管理

银行从业课件 风险管理第七章声誉风险管理
第一节 声誉风险管理
商业银行通常需要作出预先评估的声誉风险事件包括: ① 市场对商业银行的盈利预期; ② 商业银行改革/重组的成本/收益; ③ 监管机构责令整改的不利信息/事件; ④ 影响客户或公众的政策性变化等(如营业场所、营业 时间、服务收费等方面的调整)。 (3)监测和报告
初发期行繁监23背..1商荣管景9业2:制知7银一 度识年行战 的:《绕结 变发麦过束 迁行克限,监法制大管顿,量制法通公度》过司的取控扩核消股充心禁的资内止证本容商券是(业有公股银强司票行烈将发承的资行销融金决股资投定票需放权的要到的规)。证归定券属。市+国场际。上两种监管类型(政府主导型即核准制和市场主导型即注册制,我国属于前者)。
第二节 战略风险管理
【例题】1 . 由于技术原因,商业银行无法提供更
第二节 战略风险管理
本节的主要考点及知识点: 战略风险的内涵、战略风险管理的作用、
战略风险管理的基本做法,其中重点是战略风 险的内涵、战略风险管理的作用,难点是战略 风险管理的基本做法。
第二节 战略风险管理
一、战略风险管理的内涵 战略风险管理是基于前瞻性理念而形成的
全面、预防性的风险管理方法,得到国际上越 来越多的金融机构特别是大型商业银行的高度 重视。
第一节 声誉风险管理
(2)声誉风险评估 因为声誉是无形的,所以恰当评估商业银行经营管理方面 的变化可能造成的声誉风险相当困难。声誉风险评估的关 键在于深刻理解潜在风险事件中,利益持有者对商业银行 有何期待,以及商业银行对此应当作何反应。 声誉风险管理部门可以采取事先调查等方法,了解典型客 户或公众对商业银行经营管理活动中的可能变化持何种态 度,以尽量准确预测此类变化可能产生的积极或消极结果

商业银行管理 ROSE 7e 课后答案chapter_07

商业银行管理 ROSE 7e 课后答案chapter_07

CHAPTER 7ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENT: DETERMINING AND MEASURING INTEREST RATES AND CONTROLLING INTEREST-SENSITIVE AND DURATION GAPSGoals of This Chapter: The purpose of this chapter is to explore the options bankers have today for dealing with risk – especially the risk of loss due to changing interest rates – and to see how a bank’s management can coordinate the management of its assets with the management of its liabilities in order to achieve the institution’s goals.Key Topic In This Chapter•Asset, Liability, and Funds Management•Market Rates and Interest Rate Risk•The Goals of Interest Rate Hedging•Interest Sensitive Gap Management•Duration Gap Management•Limitations of Hedging TechniquesChapter OutlineI. Introduction: The Necessity for Coordinating Bank Asset and Liability ManagementDecisionsII. Asset/Liability Management StrategiesA. Asset Management StrategyB. Liability Management StrategyC. Funds Management StrategyIII. Interest Rate Risk: One of the Greatest Asset-Liability Management Strategy ChallengesA. Forces Determining Interest RatesB. The Measurement of Interest Rates1. Yield to Maturity2. Bank Discount RateC.The Components of Interest Rates1. Risk Premiums2. Yield Curves3. The Maturity Gap and the Yield CurveD. Response to Interest Rate RiskIV. One of the Goals of Interest-Rate HedgingA. The Net Interest MarginB. Interest-Sensitive Gap Management1. Asset-Sensitive Position2. Liability-Sensitive Position3. Dollar Interest-Sensitive Gap4. Relative Interest Sensitive Gap5. Interest Sensitivity Ratio6. Computer-Based Techniques7. Cumulative Gap8. Strategies in Gap ManagementC. Duration Gap ManagementV. The Concept of DurationA.Definition of DurationB.Calculation of Duration Worth and DurationD.Price Risk and DurationE.Convexity and DurationVI. Using Duration to Hedge Against Interest-Rate RiskA. Duration Gap1. Dollar Weighted Duration of Assets2. Dollar Weighted Duration of Liabilities3. Positive Duration Gap4. Negative Duration GapB. Change in the Bank’s Net WorthVII. The Limitations of Duration Gap ManagementVIII. Summary of the ChapterConcept Checks7-1. What do the following terms mean: Asset management? Liability management? Funds management?Asset management refers to a banking strategy where management has control over the allocation of bank assets but believes the bank's sources of funds (principally deposits) are outside its control. Liability management is a strategy of control over bank liabilities by varying interest rates offered on borrowed funds. Funds management combines both asset and liability management approaches into a balanced liquidity management strategy.7-2. What factors have motivated financial institutions to develop funds management techniques in recent years?The necessity to find new sources of funds in the 1970s and the risk management problems encountered with troubled loans and volatile interest rates in the 1970s and 1980s led to the concept of planning and control over both sides of a bank's balance sheet -- the essence of funds management.7-3. What forces cause interest rates to change? What kinds of risk do financial firms face when interest rates change?Interest rates are determined, not by individual banks, but by the collective borrowing and lending decisions of thousands of participants in the money and capital markets. They are also impacted by changing perceptions of risk by participants in the money and capital markets, especially the risk of borrower default, liquidity risk, price risk, reinvestment risk, inflation risk, term or maturity risk, marketability risk, and call risk.Financial institutions can lose income or value no matter which way interest rates go. Rising interest rates can lead to losses on security instruments and on fixed-rate loans as the market values of these instruments fall. Falling interest rates will usually result in capital gains on fixed-rate securities and loans but an institution will lose income if it has more rate-sensitive assets than liabilities. Rising interest rates will also cause a loss to income if an institution has morerate-sensitive liabilities than rate-sensitive assets.7-4. What makes it so difficult to correctly forecast interest rate changes?Interest rates cannot be set by an individual bank or even by a group of banks; they are determined by thousands of investors trading in the credit markets. Moreover, each market rate of interest has multiple components--the risk-free interest rate plus various risk premia. A change in any of these rate components can cause interest rates to change. To consistently forecast market interest rates correctly would require bankers to correctly anticipate changes in the risk-free interest rate and in all rate components. Another important factor is the timing of the changes. To be able to take full advantage of their predictions, they also need to know when the changes will take place.7-5. What is the yield curve and why is it important for bankers to know about its shape or slope?The yield curve is a graphical description of the distribution of market interest rates by maturity of financial instrument. The slope of the yield curve determines the spread between long-term and short-term interest rates. In banking most of the long-term rates apply to loans and securities (i.e., bank assets) and most of the short-term interest rates are attached to bank deposits and money market borrowings. Thus, the shape or slope of the yield curve has a profound influence on a bank's net interest margin or spread between asset revenues and liability costs.7-6. What is it that a lending institution’s wishes to protect from adverse movements in interest rates?A financial institution wishes to protect both the value of assets and liabilities and the revenues and costs generated by both assets and liabilities from adverse movements in interest rates.7-7. What is the goal of hedging?The goal of hedging in banking is to freeze the spread between asset returns and liability costs and to offset declining values on certain assets by profitable transactions so that a target rate of return is assured.7-8. First National Bank of Bannerville has posted interest revenues of $63 million and interest costs of $42 million. If this bank possesses $700 million in total earning assets, what is First National’s net interest margin? Suppose the bank’s interest revenues and interest costs double, while its earning assets increase by 50 percent. What will happen ti its net interest margin?Net Interest = $63 mill. - $42 mill. = 0.03 or 3 percentMargin $700 mill.If interest revenues and interest costs double while earning assets grow by 50 percent, the net interest margin will change as follows:($63 mill. - $42 mill.) * 2 = 0.04 or 4 percent$700 mill. * (1.50)Clearly the net interest margin increases--in this case by one third.7-9. Can you explain the concept of gap management?Gap management involves determining the maturity distribution and the repricing schedule for a bank's assets and liabilities. When more assets are subject to repricing or will reach maturity in a given period than liabilities or vice versa, the bank has a GAP between assets and liabilities and is exposed to loss from adverse interest-rate movements based on the gap's size and direction.7-10 When is a financial institution asset sensitive? Liability sensitive?A financial institution is asset sensitive when it has more interest-rate sensitive assets maturing or subject to repricing during a specific time period than rate-sensitive liabilities. A liability sensitive position, in contrast, would find the financial institution having more interest-rate sensitive deposits and other liabilities than rate-sensitive assets for a particular planning period.merce National Bank reports interest-sensitive assets of $870 million andinterest sensitive liabilities of $625 million during the coming month. Is the bank asset sensitive or liability sensitive? What is likely to happen to the banks net interest margin if interest rates rise? If they fall?Because interest-sensitive assets are larger than liabilities by $245 million the bank is asset sensitive.If interest rates rise, the bank's net interest margin should rise as asset revenues increase by more than the resulting increase in liability costs. On the other hand, if interest rates fall, the bank's net interest margin will fall as asset revenues decline faster than liability costs.7-12. Peoples’ Savings Bank, a thrift institution, has a cumulative gap for the coming year of + $135 million and interest rates are expected to fall by two and a half percentage points. Can you calculate the expected change in net interest income that this thrift institution might experience?What change will occur in net interest income if interest rates rise by one and a quarter percentage points?For the decrease in interest rates:ExpectedChange in = $135 million * (-0.025) = -$3.38 millionNet Interest IncomeFor the increase in interest rates:Expected Changein Net Interest = $135 million * (+0.0125) = +$1.69 millionIncome7-13 How do you measure the dollar interest-sensitive gap? The relative interest-sensitive gap? What is the interest-sensitivity ratio?The dollar interest-sensitive gap is measured by taking the repriceable (interest-sensitive) assets minus the repriceable (interest-sensitive) liabilities over some set planning period. Common planning periods include 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. The relative interest-sensitive gap is the dollar interest-sensitive gap divided by some measure of bank size (often total assets). The interest-sensitivity ratio is just the ratio of interest-sensitive assets to interest sensitive liabilities. Regardless of which measure you use, the results should be consistent. If you find a positive (negative) gap for dollar interest-sensitive gap, you should also find a positive (negative) relative interest-sensitive gap and an interest sensitivity ratio greater (less) than one.7-14 Suppose Carroll Bank and Trust reports interest-sensitive assets of $570 million and interest-sensitive liabilities of $685 million. What is the bank’s dollar interest-sensitive gap? Its relative interest-sensitive gap and interest-sensitivity ratio?Dollar Interest-Sensitive Gap = Interest-Sensitive Assets – Interest Sensitive Liabilities= $570 - $685 = -$115Relative Gap = $ IS Gap = -$115 = -0.2018 or -20.18 percentBank Size $570Interest-Sensitivity = Interest-Sensitive Assets = $570 = .8321Ratio Interest-Sensitive Liabilities $6857-15 Explain the concept of weighted interest-sensitive gap. How can this concept aid management in measuring a financial institution’s real interest-sensitive gap risk exposure?Weighted interest-sensitive gap is based on the idea that not all interest rates change at the same speed. Some are more sensitive than others. Interest rates on bank assets may change more slowly than interest rates on liabilities and both of these may change at a different speed than those interest rates determined in the open market. In the weighted interest-sensitive gap methodology, all interest-sensitive assets and liabilities are given a weight based on their speed (sensitivity) relative to some market interest rate. Fed Funds loans, for example, have an interest rate which is determined in the market and which would have a weight of 1. All other loans, investments and deposits would have a weight based on their speed relative to the Fed Funds rate. To determine the interest-sensitive gap, the dollar amount of each type of asset or liability would be multiplied by its weight and added to the rest of the interest-sensitive assets or liabilities. Once the weighted total of the assets and liabilities is determined, a weighted interest-sensitive gap can be determined by subtracting the interest-sensitive liabilities from the interest-sensitive assets. This weighted interest-sensitive gap should be more accurate than the unweighted interest-sensitive gap. The interest-sensitive gap may change from negative to positive or vice versa and may change significantly the interest rate strategy pursued by the bank.7-16. What is duration?Duration is the weighted average time at which the cash flows on a security are received. It is a direct measure of price risk.7-17. How is a financial institution’s duration gap determined?A bank's duration gap is determined by taking the difference between the duration of a bank's assets and the duration of its liabilities. The duration of the bank’s assets can be deter mined by taking a weighted average of the duration of all of the assets in the bank’s portfolio. The weight is the dollar amount of a particular type of asset out of the total dollar amount of the assets of the bank. The duration of the liabilities can be determined in a similar manner. The duration of the liabilities is then adjusted to reflect that the bank has fewer liabilities than assets.7-18. What are the advantages of using duration as an asset-liability management tool as opposed to interest-sensitive gap analysis?Interest-sensitive gap only looks at the impact of changes in interest rates on the bank’s net income. It does not take into account the effect of interest rate changes on the market value of the bank’s equity capital position. In addition, duration provides a single number which tells the bank their overall exposure to interest rate risk.7-19. How can you tell you are fully hedged using duration gap analysis?You are fully hedged when the dollar weighted duration of the assets portfolio of the bank equals the dollar weighted duration of the liability portfolio. This means that the bank has a zero duration gap position when it is fully hedged. Of course, because the bank usually has more assets than liabilities the duration of the liabilities needs to be adjusted by the ratio of total liabilities to total assets to be entirely correct.7-20. What are the principal limitations of duration gap analysis? Can you think of some ways of reducing the impact of these limitations?There are several limitations with duration gap analysis. It is often difficult to find assets and liabilities of the same duration to fit into the bank’s portfolio. In addition, some accounts such as deposits and others don’t have well defined patterns of cash flows which makes it difficult to calculate duration for these accounts. Duration is also affected by prepayments by customers as well as default. Finally, duration analysis works best when interest rate changes are small and short and long term interest rates change by the same amount. If this is not true, duration analysis is not as accurate.7-21. Suppose that a thrift institution has an average asset duration of 2.5 years and an average liability duration of 3.0 years. If the bank holds total assets of $560 million and total liabilities of $467 million, does it have a significant duration gap? If interest rates rise, what will happen to the value of the bank's net worth?Duration Gap = D A – D L * Assets s Liabilitie = 2.5 yrs. – 3.0 yrs. ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛million $560million $467 = 2.5 years – 2.5018 years= -0.018 yearsThis bank has a very slight negative duration gap; so small in fact that we could consider it insignificant. If interest rates rise, the bank's liabilities will fall slightly more in value than its assets, resulting in a small increase in net worth.7-22. Stilwater Bank and Trust Company has an average asset duration of 3.25 years and anaverage liability duration of 1.75 years. Its liabilities amount to $485 million, while its assets total $512 million. Suppose that interest rates were 7 percent and then rise to 8 percent. What will happen to the value of the Stilwater Bank's net worth as a result of a decline in interest rates?First, we need an estimate of Stilwater's duration gap. This is:Duration Gap = 3.25 yrs. – 1.75 yrs * mill.$512mill. $485= + 1.5923 yearsThen, the change in net worth if interest rates rise from 7 percent to 8 percent will be:Change in NW = ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++mill. x$485.07)(1.01 x yrs. 1.75- - mill $512x .07)(1.01 x yrs. 3.25-= -$7.62 million.Problems7-1. A government bond is currently selling for $900 and pays $75 per year in interest for nine years when it matures. If the redemption value of this bond is $1,000, what is its yield to maturity if purchased today for $900?The yield to maturity equation for this bond would be:987654321?)1(1080$?)1(80$?)1(80$?)1(80$?)1(80$?)1(80$?)1(80$?)1(80$?) (1$80 $900+++++++++++++++++=Using a financial calculator the YTM = 9.72%7-2. Suppose the government bond described in problem 1 above is held for three years and then the thrift institution acquiring the bond decides to sell it at a price of $950. Can you figure out the average annual yield the thrift institution will have earned for its 3-year investment in the bond?$900 = $80(1HPY)1+ + $80(1HPY)2++ $80(1HPY)3+ + $950(1HPY)3+Using a financial calculator, the HPY is 10.56%7-3. U.S. Treasury bills are available for purchase this week at the following prices (based upon $100 par value) and with the indicated maturities:a. $98.25, 182 days.b. $97.25, 270 days.c. $99.25, 91 days.Calculate the bank discount rate (DR) on each bill if it is held to maturity. What is the equivalent yield to maturity (sometimes called the bond-equivalent or coupon equivalent yield) on each of these Treasury Bills?The discount rates and equivalent yields to maturity (bond-equivalent or coupon-equivalent yields) on each of these Treasury bills are:Discount Rates Equivalent Yields to Maturitya. %46.3182360*10025.98100=- %57.332.353629.12)]182*0346(.360[0346..*365==- b. %67.3270360*10025.97100$=- %83.3091.3503955.13)]270*0367(.360[0367.*365==- c. %97.291360*10025.99100=- %03.32973.3578405.10)]91*0297(.360[0297.*365==- 7-4. The First State Bank of Gregsville reports a net interest margin of 2.5 percent in its most recent financial report with total interest revenues of $88 million and total interest costs of $72 million. What volume of e arning assets must the bank hold? Suppose the bank’s interest revenue rises by 8 percent and its interest costs and earnings assets increase by 9 percent. What will happen to Gregsville’s net interest margin?The relevant formula is:Net Interest Margin = .025 = AssetsEarning mil. $72mill. $88-Then Earning Assets = $640 million.If revenues rise by 8 percent and costs and earnings assets rise by 9 percent net interest margin is: Net Interest Margin = )09.1(640)09.(!72$)08.1(88$++-+= 6.69748.7804.95-= 0.0237 or 2.37 percent.7-5. If a bank's net interest margin, which was 2.5 percent, increases 70 percent and its total assets, which stood originally at $545 million, rise by 40 percent, what change will occur in the bank's net interest income?The correct formula is:.025 * (1+.7)= .4)(1*million 545$Income Interest Netor Net Interest Income = 0.0425 * $763 million= $32.4275 million.7-6. The cumulative interest-rate gap of Commonwealth Federal Savings and Loan increases 60 percent from an initial figure of $40 million. If market interest rates rise by 25 percent from an initial level of 6 percent, what change will occur in this thrift’s net interest income?The key formula here is:Change in the Bank's = Change in interest rates (in percentage points) * cumulative gapNet Interest = 0.06 * .25 x ($40 mill.) * (1+.6)Income = .96Thus, the bank's net interest income will drop by 4 percent.7-7. Old Misers State Bank has recorded the following financial data for the past three years (dollars in millions):Current Year Previous Year Two Years Ago Interest revenues $88 $84 $80 Interest expenses 79 77 74 Loans (Excluding nonperforming) 415 400 390 Investments 239 197 174 Total deposits 487 472 467 Money market borrowings 143 118 96Wh at has been happening to the bank’s net interest margin? What do you think caused the changes you have observed? Do you have any recommendations for Old Misers’ management team?Net interest margin (NIM) = Net Interest Income/Earning Assets, whereNet Interest Income = Net Interest Revenues - Net Interest ExpensesEarning Assets = Loans + InvestmentsNIM (Current) = ($88-79)/ (415 + 239) = 9/654 = 0.0138 or 1.38%NIM (previous) = ($84-77)/ (400 + 197) = 7/597 = 0.0117 or 1.17%NIM (Two years ago) = ($80-74)/ (390 + 174) = 6/564 = 0.0106 or 1.06%The net interest margin has been increasing steadily and significantly. Probable causes include greater increases in interest revenues relative to interest expenses due to shifts in funding mix with less dependence on borrowed funds (more expensive sources) relative to deposits (less expensive sources). Additionally, the mix in earning assets, with lower growth in lower yielding investment securities than in higher yielding loans, is another contributor to the steadily increasing net interest margin.Management needs to continue its funding strategies and its loan and investment strategies. If the higher loan growth is related to external forces -- for example, a stronger economy – then more borrowing might be appropriate. If the higher loan growth is internal those policies need to be continued.7-8 The First National Bank of Sylvania finds that its asset and liability portfolio contains the following distribution of maturities and repricing opportunities:Coming WeekNext30 DaysNext31-90 DaysMore Than90 DaysLoans $210 $100 $175 $225 Securities +30 +20 30 25Total IS Assets $240 $120 $205 $250 Transaction Dep. $250 $ --- $ --- $ ---Time Accts. 100 84 196 100Money Mkt. Borr. 36 20 --- ---Total IS Liab. $386 $104 $196 $100GAP - $146 + $16 - $9 + $150 Cumulative GAP - $146 - $130 - $139 $11First National has a negative gap in the nearest period and therefore would benefit if interest rates fell. In the next period it has a slightly negative gap and would therefore benefit of interest rate rose. However, its cumulative gap is still negative. The third period is another negative gap and hence the bank would benefit if interest rates fell. In the final period the gap is positive and the bank would benefit if interest rates rose. Its cumulative gap is slightly positive and also shows that rising interest rates would be beneficial to the bank overall.7-9 First National Bank of Fluffy Clouds currently has the following interest-sensitive assets and liabilities on its balance sheet with the interest sensitivity weight noted.Interest-Sensitive Assets Index Interest-Sensitive Liabilities IndexFederal fund loans $50 1.00Security holdings $50 1.15 Interest-bearing deposits $185 .79Loans and leases $230 1.35 Money-market borrowings $78 .98What is the bank’s current interest-sensitive gap? Adjusting for these various interest-rate sensitivity weights what is the bank’s weighted interest-sensitive gap? Suppose the federal funds interest rate increases or decreases one percentage point. How will the bank’s net interest income be affected (a) given its current balance sheet makeup and (b) reflecting its weighted balance sheet adjusted for the foregoing rate-sensitive indexes?Solution:Dollar IS Gap = ISA - ISL = ($50 + $50 + $230) - ($185 + $78) = $330 - $263 = $67 Weighted IS Gap = [(1)($50) + (1.15)(50) + (1.35)(230)] - [(.79)($185) + (.98)($78)] = $50 + $57.5 + $310.5 - $146.15 + $76.44= $418 - $222.59= $195.41a.) Change in Bank’s Income = IS Gap * Change in interest rates= ($67) (.01) = $.67 millionUsing the regular IS Gap; net income will change by plus or minus $670,000b.) Chang e in Bank’s Income = Weighted IS Gap * Change in interest rates= ($195.41) (.01) = $1.9541Using the weighted IS Gap; net income will change by plus or minus $1,954,1007-10 Mountaintop Savings Association has interest-sensitive assets of $300 million and interest-sensitive liabilities of $175 million and total assets of $500 million. What is the bank’s dollar interest-sensitive gap? What is Mountaintop’s relative interest-sensitive gap? What is the value of its interest-sensitivity ratio? Is it asset sensitive or liability sensitive? Under what scenario for market interest rates will Mountaintop experience a gain in net interest income? A loss in net interest income?Dollar Interest-Sensitive Gap = ISA – ISL = $300 - $175 = $125Relative Interest-Sensitive Gap = ISA – ISL = $125 = 0.25Bank Size $500Interest-Sensitivity Ratio = ISA = $300 = 1.7143ISL $175This bank is asset sensitive. More assets will be repriced during this time period than liabilities. This means that if interest rates rise, the interest earned on assets will rise relative to the interest paid on liabilities and net interest margin will rise. However, if interest rates fall, interest earned on assets will fall more than interest paid on liabilities and net interest margin will fall.7-11 Casio Merchants and Trust Bank, N.A., has a portfolio of loans and securities expected to generate cash inflows for the bank as follows:Expected Cash Receipts Period in Which Receipts Are Expected$1,385,421 Current year746,872 Two years from today341,555 Three years from today62,482 Four years from today9,871 Five years from todayDeposits and money market borrowings are expected to require the following cash outflows: Expected Cash Payments Period in Which Payments Will be Made$1,427,886 Current year831,454 Two years from today123,897 Three years from today1,005 Four years from today----- Five years from todayIf the discount rate applicable to the previous cash flows is 8 percent, what is the duration of the bank's portfolio of earning assets and of its deposits and money market borrowings? What will happen to the bank's total returns, assuming all other factors are held constant, if interest rates rise? If interest rates fall? Given the size of the duration gap you have calculated, in what type of hedging should Casio engage? Please be specific about the hedging transactions that are needed and their expected effects.Casio has asset duration of:$1,385,421 *1 + $746,872 * 2 + $341,555 * 3 + $62,482 * 4 + $9,871 * 5(1 + 0.08)1 (1 + 0.08)2 (1 + 0.08)3 (1 + 0.O8)4 (1 + 0.O8)5D A = $1,385,421 + $746,872 + $341,555 + $62,482 + $9,871(1 + 0.08)1 (1 + 0.08)2 (1 + 0.08)3 (1 + 0.08)4 (1 + 0.08)5=$3, 594, 1481 / $2,246,912 = 1.5996 yearsCasio has a liability duration of:$1,427,886 * 1 + $831,454 * 2 + $123,897 * 3 + $1,005 * 4(1 + 0.08)1 (1 + 0.08)2 (1 + 0.08)3 (1 + 0.08)4D L = $1,427,886 + $831,454 + $123,897 + $1,005(1 + 0.08)1 (1 + 0.08)2 (1 + 0.08)3 (1 + 0.08)4= $3,045,808 / $2,134,047 = 1.4272 yearsCasio's Duration Gap = Asset Duration - Liability Duration = 1.5996 - 1.4272 = 0.1724 years.Because Casio's Asset Duration is greater than its Liability Duration, the bank has a positiveduration gap, which means that the bank's total returns will decrease if interest rates rise because the value of the liabilities will decline by less than the value of the assets. On the other hand, if interest rates were to fall, this positive duration gap will result in the bank's total returns increasing. In this case, the value of the assets will rise by a greater amount than the value of the liabilities.Given the magnitude of the duration gap, the management of Casio Merchants and Trust Bank needs to do a combination of things to close its duration gap between assets and liabilities. Itprobably needs to try to shorten asset duration, lengthen liability duration, and use financial futures or options to deal with whatever asset-liability gap exists at the moment. The bank may want to consider securitization or selling some of its assets, reinvesting the cash flows in maturities that will more closely match its liabilities' maturities. The bank may also consider negotiating some interest-rate swaps to change the cash flow patterns of its liabilities to more closely match its asset maturities.7-12. Given the cash inflow and outflow figures in Problem 11 for Casio Merchants and Trust Bank, suppose interest rates began at a level of 8 percent and then suddenly rose to 9 percent. If the bank has total assets of $125 million and total liabilities of $110 million, by how much would the value of Casio’s net worth change as a result of this movement in interest rates? Suppose on the other hand, that interest rates decline from 8 percent to 7 percent. What happens to the value of Casio’s net worth in this case and by how many dollars does it change? What is the si ze of its duration gap?From Problem #11 we find that Casio's average asset duration is 1.5996 years and average liability duration is 1.4272 years. If total assets are $125 million and total liabilities are $110 million, then Casio has a duration gap of:Duration Gap = 1.5996 – 1.4272 * mill.$125mill. $110 = 1.5996 – 1.2559= 0.3437。




























银行从业人员资格考试《风险管理》试题及答案最新1、判断题:(1)银行实施风险管理的目标就是要消除银行经营过程中的风险.(×)(2)实施风险管理是有成本的,风险管理体系并不是越复杂越好.(√)(3)风险管理委员会是与股东大会、董事会、监事会并列的机构.(√)(4)银行面临风险时应该首先选择风险规避策略.(×)(5)经济资本就是会计资本.(×)(6)我国商业银行的核心资本包括普通股、优先股、资本公积金、盈余公积、未分配利润和少数股权、可转换债券.(×)(7)经济资本能够用于弥补银行的预期损失和非预期损失.(×)(8)流动性比率反映企业的盈利状况,包括销售利润率、资产净利润率、资本收益率、净资产收益率、每股股利、股票市盈率等.(×)(9)借款企业现金流量的内容可分为经营活动的现金流量、投资活动的现金流量和融资活动的现金流量这个部分.(√)(10)中国人民银行《贷款风险分类指导原则》规定,从2002年起,在我国各类银行全面施行贷款质量四级分类管理,即:正常、逾期、呆滞和呆账.(×)(11)资产组合和分散化投资的基本目的之是提高预期收益或者降低预期损失.(×)(12)现金流量分析中所谓的现金,不仅包括库存现金,还包括活期存款、其他货币性资金以及个月内到期的债券投资.(√)(13)在信贷限额管理中,巳塞尔银行委员会认为埘单客户或个集团客户的敞口不能超过银行监管资本的25%.(√)(14)交易账户巾的所有项目均应按市场价格计价.(√)(15)流动性对银行很重要,可以说它是银行的种资产.(√)(16)风险限额固定不可变动.(×)(17)根据新巴塞尔协议的定义,操作风险按风险类型可以分为四种:内部操作流程、人为因素、系统因素和外部事件.(√)(18)商业银行操作风险即是金融欺诈和金融犯罪.(√)(19)表外业务是指商业银行所从事的、不列入资产负债表的经营活动,随着金融当局监管的严格实施,商业银行表外业务的范围已经逐步缩减.(×)(20)操作风险管理流程以次包括如下5个步骤:操作风险识别、操作风险映射、操作风险评估与量化、操作风险控制与缓释、操作风险报告.(√)(21)新巴塞尔协议对操作风险管理提出了基本指标法、标准法和高级衡量法种计算操作风险资本金的方法.(√)(22) 产品线即是银行的业务部门,在标准法中,银行的产品线分为8个:公司金融、交易和销售、零售银行业务、商业银行业务、支付和清算、代理服务、资产管理和零售经纪。






问题提出1. 该银行当前面临哪些主要的风险?2. 银行应采取何种措施来管理和降低这些风险?3. 银行应如何评估和监控风险的变化?解决方案1. 主要风险:- 信用风险:银行的贷款和债券投资存在违约风险。


- 市场风险:银行的投资组合可能受到市场波动的影响,包括股票、债券和外汇等金融资产的价格波动风险。

- 操作风险:指银行在业务运营中可能出现的人为错误、技术故障、欺诈行为等风险。

2. 管理和降低风险的措施:- 信用风险管理:建立严格的贷款审查和风险评估流程,确保借款人的还款能力和信用状况得到准确评估。


- 市场风险管理:制定投资组合的风险限制和审查流程,确保投资组合的多样化和分散化。


- 操作风险管理:设立内部控制和合规部门,建立严格的操作规范和制度。


3. 风险评估和监控:- 建立风险指标和监控系统,对银行的风险水平进行实时监控和报告。


- 定期进行风险审查和评估,评估风险管理措施的有效性和风险水平的变化,及时调整和优化风险管理策略。

- 建立风险报告和沟通机制,及时向管理层和监管机构报告风险情况,确保风险管理的透明度和有效性。



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