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物理学原理和现代物理学思考的思维方式,航天技术已经进入了死角。我在物理研究中侧重 于过程,从而得到一些新的结果。物质的不同速度的存在,也必存在不同的内在微观的细微 状态的不同。为此,我假设了一个关于这种微观细微状态的模型。我构想中的模型是由无数 的基元组成的。而基元,我认为是最最基本的形体(主要针对速度而假设的)。而要改变物 质宏观的运动状态,通过改变内在微观状态也可以达到宏观上的改变。而正是这个针对速度 的最本质的假想模型,我发现在某些情况下物质体是可以超光速运动的。在研究宇宙最初的 演化时,我找到了物体超光速运动的原理。在宇宙大爆炸的前后一段时间,物质的速度一定 是非常非常快,也只有这样才能从高密度的宇宙诞生前的奇点中或边缘逃逸出来。但是,现 代物理学认为光是最快的,在这种情况下,如果那时有光子的话,它是不可能从奇点中逃逸 出来的。因为它绝对没法从黑洞里逃逸,就更不用说比黑洞密度更大奇点了。然而,我们的 宇宙现在的存在正表示着在奇点和大爆炸时有某些可能的未知因素让物质的速度比光速还 快。而正是这些因素使物质体的超光速飞行将成为可能。而因素之一可能就是背景空间场, 按照我的动力学模型,特殊的场激发了物质的原始基元组合,使之成为另一种更”散”组合, 从而令物质体的速度可以超越光速。
韩统义(Tony): tonyhan55@foxmail.com
新动力学、空间折叠和超光速飞行理论 New Dynamic Theory, Space folding and Superluminal Theory
摘要 Abstract: 或许你无法想像,相对我来说,火箭等应用动量守恒的技术原理已经落后了。依靠现代
速 【图片是用 GOOGLE 发现的】
子弹在穿越苹果后的速度 变小 【2800 英尺/秒的子弹穿 过苹果的瞬间, 哈罗 德·E.艾杰顿麻省理工学院 (MIT)电气工程师】
这是为什么呢?为什么,反物质与正物质粒子一接触就湮灭成光子?而速度变化极大。现代 物理学虽有解释,但我并不满足于此,因为他们的解释太粗糙了。用单一的能量守恒和动量 守恒并不能解释问题的根本所在。人们往往偏于了解现象或事物的开头和结尾。而对内在的 本质的变化的过程也就错过了。而我更偏好一个现象转变另一个现象的过程。我想了解物质 速度变化过程中,物质自身是如何变化的,细微的物质自身的变化的过程更有实质意义。
批注 [D1]: I found a very surprising phenomena when I as a student in Senior School. It is a photon through the glass, but the photon speed not change in the end. Obviously, as photon in the glass the speed of photon is less than the photon in vacuum. But it renew speed at a moment after photon though the glass. As we compared with the bullet though a piece of wood, we will find that the speed of bullet is in slower. And why here has different end for these two testing.
韩统义(Tony): tonyhan55@foxmail.com
拥有超光速(后面将详细介绍超光速原理)I suppose that some inner factors which decide the speed of matter. Such as the photon which will renew its speed after through the glass. (Single color photon) But it is under nothing, cause of its inner factor. The classical physics haven’t explained the question and none has pay attention with it. Maybe it is the original of the speed. So, here is a model for the speed which established in a bit base (Similar with the Quantum or the Superstring) and bit base combinations. And the difference combinations will lead to different speed. And the combinations are flexible in some degree such as photon’s bit bases combination. The speed of photon will slower when it in the glass. But photon speed renew after it through the glass because of its inner bit bases combination which is a flexible system. The truths show that the speed will be described by the new model.
韩统义(Tony): tonyhan55@foxmail.com
New Dynamic Theory—without Propjet
(Tended the processing of physics,Researching time:2002~2005)
当我还在念高中的时候,我发现一个奇怪的现象。一束光射入玻璃中,光的速度小于真 空的速度。而当光束穿过玻璃之后, 光的速度又恢复为 300 000M/S。为 什么光穿过玻璃介质后的速度仍为 光速。而一颗子弹飞向一块木板(苹 果),木板足够薄,子弹能够穿过。 但是穿过后的子弹的速度比原来的 小。
Key words:
Photon, elements forming, Light-speed, Internal quantum field, Anti-matter, Ground state of vacuum, Negative energy, Space folding, Singularity, Big bang, Super light speed
Maybe you are hardly for assumption, in my viewpoint; the technology of rocket which is supported by momentum conservation law is un-advantage. It is the end of the classical dynamics for spaceship, and cause of the Classical and Modern Concept for Physics. There are many new discovers which found by new concept which is tend to the process of changing. Finally, I found the new concept for the speed. There are different conditions with the matter in micro world for difference speeds in macro world. There may be a new way to affect the matter speed changing, and it is by effect the matter in micro. Therefore, I gained new idea for continuing the studying with the super light-speed theory which is based on the front. And it is refer to the big bang of the cosmos. The singularity density is higher than black hole. The photon is hardly run away. But it is showed that some truths are differing to the assumptions. Therefore, it was some other factors which caused the matter in higher speed than light-speed. Yet the new concept from the front, new dynamic theory which tend to the process, explain the time when our cosmos at a period before or after big bang. There was a factor may was background field which was sub-system energy from the vacuum. It was original energy which born from vacuum in early time, and collected in group. As foundation for space, it was effect the other matter such as particle’sபைடு நூலகம்microcosmic which would lead to different speed in macro. At the early time of universe, here was a chance that the photon speed more quick than now. It is also be holded by other scientists.
我猜,在物质中必有一独特的内因,使光束通过玻璃之后,在无任何外加的条件情 况下光子自行恢复它的速度。而这也是物质能存在速度的内在原因。物质有不同的速度的存 在,首先,物质本身的内在因素允许这些“速度”的承载。如果这个内在因素不能满足的话, 那么,就不存在某些速度,如速度值大于 300,000,000 M/S。为此,我假设了一种模型, 一种极小的基元和这些基元的组合。而不同的组合中,可以决定不同的速度。而光子内在的 基元,假设是最散的组合,那么就可以解释光子穿过玻璃之后而速度不变(光子不变)光子 在玻璃中,玻璃介质中的环境影响到光子的基元组合结构,致而令光子的速度变小,而光子 在穿越玻璃的过程,因为光子仍为光子,其物性没有改变掉。所以当光子越过玻璃之后,它 的微观的基元组合结构可以在瞬间恢复,其速度也因此而恢复。而正反物质湮灭为光子,则 可解释为:双方的基元组合结构被破坏,转化为最散的组合,致而拥有光速。当然,也许在 某些条件下,光子的这种最散的基元组合结构或许也还可以继续变的更散,以致令物质可以
批注 [D2]: There is other surprising phenomena is about matter with antimatter. Everybody knows that antimatter and matter will be broken and change for photons when touch. There are some explains for it by modern physics. But I am not satisfied with it. In my opinion, modern physics is tend to the beginning and the end. And it is easy for computing the one result for phenomena. It is not a wrong. But it just ignore the process of a phenomena. How does the matter change? And what does the matter change with its changing process?