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8.give vt. 给Who is going to give the talk? He was given a good beating last night.



give in屈服、让步give…in交上

give in to sb./ sth.屈服于;对…让步give…off放出、发出(光、热、气味等)give oneself up to doing sth. 献身于、专心于give up放弃、投降


give way to sb.让步;让位于

As winter gave way to spring, days were getting longer.

given that假定;已知

give sb. a hand帮某人忙give rise to导致


A. vi. 走

He has gone back home a newspaper.

Pride goes before a fall.

B. link v.

He went hungry for a week.

His face went pale when he heard the news. This guy went wild/ crazy/ mad after the loss of his wife.

Don't ever eat the bread. It has gone bad.


go after…设法得到;追求

go along向前发展We'll learn as we go along.

go back on one's word/ promise失信

go back to…追溯到This custom goes back to Roman times.

go beyond…超过go down下落;减弱

go up增长;提高go into…研究;从事

go off爆炸;(电、水等)停掉

go ahead继续进行;去做吧

go all out全力以赴

go and do sth.= go to do sth. go down on one's knees跪下

go in for喜爱;从事go on发生;持续

go on to do sth.接着做(另一件事情)

go on doing sth.继续做(同一件事情)

go on with sth. .继续做(同一件事情,可以有间隔)

go out熄灭;过时

go over sth.浏览;复习;审阅

go through…经历;检查;

go shopping/ fishing/ skiing/ skating/ begging/ boating/ swimming/ fox hunting/ sightseeing/ mountain climbing

go from bad to worse每况愈下

go from door to door

be gone丢了;走了;一去不复返

Gone are the days when we studied together happily.

have a go试一下

go out of one's way to do sth. 不辞辛劳去做…….

go to hell见鬼去吧

go to sleep睡着

go through with….把…….进行到底

go well with…与……相配/协调

go without…不吃/用……过日子Sometimes they went for days without washing their faces.


句型1 have sb./ sth. do sth. Let's have them stand facing the wall.

句型2 have sb./ sth. doing

We had the fire burning all night.

I won't have you talking to your dad like that! 句型3 have sb./ sth. done I will have my radio fixed.

He had his wallet stolen.

句型4 have sth. to do I have a letter to write. 句型5 have to do sth. I have to get up early every day.


与动词同行的名词连用,表示动作:have a talk with…

have a look/ glance/ glimpse at have a meeting/ discussion/ operation/ haircut

have an English lesson have a swim/ wash/ rest/ try/ smoke/ taste/ dream/ walk

have a cold/ cough/ headache/ pain

have lunch/ some beer

have a good/pleasant/ tough/ bad/ hard/ difficult terrible time

They had a hard time solving the problem. have fun

have a word/a few words with sb. have words with sb.

have something/ nothing/ a lot to do with…have sth. on had better (not) do sth. have something with sb.随身携带

have a baby

have a test/ talk/ speech/ lecture/ chat

have had enough of厌倦

have sth. back要回

have one's own way按照自己的意思办;我行我素

have sth. to oneself完全由自己使用

You can have the house entirely to yourself.


A. vt.拿着;握着

Holding my hand, he tried to calmed me down.

Hold the line, please.

容纳How much water can the tank hold?

拥有;占有He held the position for years.

举行Chinese film weeks will be held in other places.



hold…down 控制;镇压


hold…in memory 记住

hold on坚持下去;(电话)别挂

hold on to…抓住不放

hold out坚持到底;维持;伸出

We must hold out, and the enemy will give up. They were ready to hold out a friendly hand. hold to sth.紧紧抓住;坚持(路线、道路、看法等)

