
Series No.493July 2017 金 属 矿 山METAL MINE 总第493期2017年第7期

收稿日期 2017-05-28基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:51474049,51674062),辽宁省自然科学基金项目(编号:2014020040)三

作者简介 顾晓薇(1971 ),女,教授,博士研究生导师三


顾晓薇 朱清玉 胥孝川 王 青 王忠康


摘 要 依据矿山生态足迹定义,基于生态足迹模型,建立了生态成本分配模型,将生态成本分摊到某露天矿的



关键词 生态足迹 生态成本 露天矿 境界优化 优化迭代

中图分类号 TD854 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-1250(2017)-07-038-04Ultimate Pit Optimization for Nanfen Open-pit Mine by Considering Ecological Costs

Gu Xiaowei Zhu Qingyu Xu Xiaochuan Wang Qing Wang Zhongkang

(School of Resource and Civil Engineering ,Northeastern University ,Shenyang 110819,China )Abstract Based on the ecological footprint definition and model,the distribution model of ecological costs is established,so as to allocate the ecological costs into mine production costs of an open-pit mine.The ultimate boundary is designed transfor-ming the exogenous costs into endogenous costs from the perspective of ecology.Through the iteration of ultimate pit optimiza-tion,the ultimate boundary is obtained by considering ecological costs,besides that,the influence of ecological costs on the ulti-mate boundary is analyzed.The optimization results show that:the ultimate boundary delineated by considering ecological costs is reduced by 11.29%,quantity of ore and rock of the ultimate boundary delineated by considering ecological costs are reduced by 15.38%and 30.45%respectively,compared with the ones of the ultimate boundary without considering ecological costs.The net profit of the ultimate boundary delineated by transforming the ecological costs into endogenous costs is raised by 13.46%,by comparing with the mine comprehensive costs by the ecological costs calculated by the ultimate boundary without considering ecological costs.The above analysis results show that the influence of the transforming ecological costs into endoge-nous costs on ultimate boundary is significant.Keywords Ecological footprint,Ecological costs,Open-pit mine,Ultimate boundary optimization,Optimization iteration 正确评价人类活动对区域自然环境的压力和区域生态系统的承载力,是实现社会经济可持续发展面

临的重要问题[1]三生态经济学家Rees [2]和Wacker-nagel 等[3]提出了一种用于衡量人类对自然资源的利





对环境的影响方面得到广泛应用[4]三Osanloo 等[5]把

处理酸性和非酸性废石和尾矿的成本纳入铜矿的边界品位优化中,但没有考虑生态功能损害的价值损失三Wang 等[6]基于生态足迹和生态系统的主要生态功能,以林地为例对生态足迹模型和生态成本模型进行了研究,并量化了矿山生产的生态成本,为在矿山规划设计中实现生态成本的内生化奠定了基础三1 金属矿床露天开采的生态足迹

