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例: 东西,水平, 关心 生活水平 Living standard 英语水平 English proficiency He knows more English than I.
Swimming skill He is quite good at swimming. Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership.
管理人才 Managerial personnel 重视 Pay attention to / attach importance to 分不开 Have much to do with
拥有: Have, own, possess 吐血推荐: boast 这家媒体网络拥有一只专业人员和管理队伍. This network boasts a team of professionals and managers. 北京世界公园于90年代初在北京兴建,是北京的新景点 之一. Completed in the early 1990s, the Beijing World Park boasts one of the new scenic spots in Beijing.
A key comprehensive university largest comprehensive travel agency “次”通常用介词,分词或者从句表达 增补
offering a wide range of / with a full range of providing excellent services It is also among the best travel agencies all over the nation with great achievements.
Байду номын сангаас
利用 Use / utilization / exploitation In the final analysis, market competition is the one in talents and rational development and exploitation of human resources.
关心 worry, to be concerned about to care about the well-being of the people to follow the development closely Issues of common concern / mutual interest Our leaders have taken great interest in the development of our bilateral relations. We would like to know if China will be able to achieve a sustainable development.
(4)被主交换---受动使动交换 英: 受动者+谓语+by 施动者 中: 施动者+谓语+受动者 Both language and culture are learned by children without special organized programs of instruction.
学生毕业考试及格并且通过论文之后,即可获 得学士学位. Those who have passed the graduation examination and have written an acceptable thesis are awarded a Bachelor’s degree.
粘合 It has been … since (词类转换) It has been over 60 years since the establishment of …. on April 15, 1954.
规模最大:largest in scale complete in organization structure Healthy, sound, perfect, sanity, Tourist/ touring products Great / excellent / marvelous achievements 规模,机构 – 产品,服务 – 业绩 主 次 结果
CITS Head Office boasts a team of high quality managerial personnel. A precondition of this is the proper selection and training of personnel, to which CITS has always paid great attention. CITS Head Office …, which has much to do with the fact that CITS has always attached importance to the proper selection and continuous training of personnel in the past years.
Or 截句: They can speak a wide range of languages and are highly efficient force capable of meeting urgent needs and market requirements.
大专: Junior college Graduates from institutes of higher education / learning 2005届 /级 Graduates of 2005 Students of 2005 enrollment
生力军 : force / labor force Highly efficient force 占---No: reach, arrive at, come to, amount to, add up to, total, equal %: occupy, cover, take up, account for
…的生力军=the highly efficient force of + n. Unavailability of parallel structure … who can speak a wide range of languages and are able to meet urgent market requirements.
(5) 形式主语 It is said / heard / reported / expected/ believed / estimated
CITS : China International Travel Service 跨越:stride over, make great strides 春秋: Years The Spring and Autumn Period Period of Warring States
词类转换 Unit 2
词类转换 汉译
We are interdependent like the lips and the teeth, sharing the weal and woe. Millions with one heart brave the enemy’s fire and march on, on and on! The thieves realized that the police were onto them.
(4) 被主交换---主状交换 英: 主 + 谓 + 状 中: 状 + 谓 + 宾 Movies were first made in Hollywood before World War I. 一战前好莱坞首次制作了电影.
经过20多年的快速发展,中国西部地区已奠定 了一定的物质技术基础. Foundation… be laid in the western region … Thanks to the rapid economic development in the past 20 plus years, a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology was laid in the western region of China.
He impressed me favorably. He is a complete fool. The bill was passed by a clear majority of 10.
英译汉难点 – 被动句的常见译法
(1) 一般译法: “被”
The rest of the world will be divided between the Euro-American countries, and the two big peripheral powers, Japan and Russia.
Among its 850 staff members, 80% and more are graduates from institutes of higher learning, and sales managers and guide-interpreters account for 49%. …, of whom 49% are now sales managers and guide-interpreters.
归根到底 in the final / last analysis = in the end Violence in the last analysis produces more violence. 人才资源 Human resources 合理 = reasonable? Sound ?
(2) 改变被动词
受…, 遭…, 由… 给…使… 予以… 加以… 为…所 The criminal was dealt with according to law. This matter may be left to his own discretion.
(3) 省略法: 不改变主语位置,把原来被动的 句子译成主动形式. The risk of global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced. In some part of the world, they can be counted on to help men catch fish.