

口腔学英文课件:Bonding Adhesion

口腔学英文课件:Bonding Adhesion
• It is a kind of material that can bond one or more solid substance, called the bonding agents (adhesives). The solid material is called adher-end. The material that bonding dental prosthesis or dental restorative materials to the surfaceof dental hard tissue called binder.
• (2) theory of intermolecular force
• Theory holds that as long as two broad surfaces in close contact ,adsorption force alone can produce high adhesion strength. In addition, the intermolecular forces also Including the hydrogen bond and acid-base interactions. Hydrogen exists in the dentin collagen and the effect of the adhesive. Zirconia Alumina ceramic porcelain and ceramic adhesive mainly depends on the surface of the metal oxide (base) and an acidic adhesive monomers chemisorption (acid Base reaction)



is the part of removable partial denture to resist dislocation and obtain retention, support and stability
Direct retainers
The direct retainer resists the displacement of the denture away from the base and
Replacement of missing natural teeth to restore arch integrity
Establish normal occlusion, alignment and adjacency to restore masticatory function.
Auxiliary pronunciation Restoration of dentition shape and
After extraction , make an immediate denture
or other special needs
Any unit of a partial denture that rests on a tooth surface to provide vertical support is called a rest.
01 A variety of dentition defects, especially those with free end teeth.
02 Teeth missing with alveolar bone, jaw or soft tissue defect.



口腔修复工艺,专业介绍,作文英文回答:Dental restoration is a field of dentistry that focuses on repairing and restoring damaged or missing teeth. As a dental professional, I am well-versed in various techniques and technologies used in this process. Let me share with you some insights into the art and science of dental restoration.One of the most common dental restoration techniques is dental fillings. When a tooth has a cavity or decay, a filling is used to restore its shape and function. The process involves removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling the space with a suitable material, such as composite resin or amalgam. This not only prevents further decay but also restores the tooth's natural appearance.Another popular dental restoration procedure is dental crowns. Crowns are used to protect and strengthen damagedteeth. They are custom-made to fit over the affected tooth, covering it entirely. Crowns can be made from various materials, including porcelain, metal, or a combination of both. They not only restore the tooth's function but also improve its aesthetics.Dental bridges are another effective way to replace missing teeth. A bridge consists of two or more crowns on either side of the gap, with a false tooth (pontic) in between. The crowns are attached to the adjacent natural teeth or dental implants, providing a stable and durable solution for tooth replacement.Dental implants are considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. They are titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone, serving as artificial tooth roots. Once the implant integrates with the bone, a crown, bridge, or denture can be attached to it, restoring the appearance and function of the missing tooth or teeth. Implants offer a long-lasting and natural-looking solution for tooth replacement.In addition to these common techniques, there are also more advanced options available in dental restoration. For example, inlays and onlays are used to repair largercavities or damaged teeth. These restorations are custom-made in a dental laboratory and then bonded to the tooth surface, providing a precise and durable restoration.Orthodontic treatments, such as braces or clear aligners, can also be considered a form of dental restoration. They are used to correct misaligned teeth and improve the bite. By straightening the teeth, orthodontic treatments not only enhance the aesthetics of the smile but also improve oral health and function.Overall, dental restoration is a comprehensive fieldthat aims to restore oral health, function, and aesthetics. By utilizing various techniques and technologies, dental professionals can provide patients with personalized treatment plans that address their specific needs. Whetherit's a simple filling or a complex dental implant procedure, the goal is always to achieve optimal results and improvethe patient's quality of life.中文回答:口腔修复工艺是牙科学中专注于修复和恢复受损或缺失牙齿的领域。



fixed partial dentures retainer pontic connector rigidly fixed bridge cantilever fixed bridge Ante s law crown-root ratio ridge lap modified ridge lap no mucosal contact tooth defect inlay partial veneer crown laminate veneer full crown post- and-core crown tooth preparation path of placement retention resistance hybrid layer smear layer taper retention strength margin finish line gingival margin gingival retraction chamfer shoulder shoulder with bevel marginal fitness/adaptation hue chroma value gingival displacement impression making displacement cord provisional crown prefabricated crown cementation try-in seating proximal contact occlusal pain局部固定义齿固位体桥体连接体双端固定桥单端固定桥Ante 法则冠根比盖幡式改良盖靖式悬空式桥体牙体缺损嵌体部分冠贴面全冠桩核冠牙体预备体就位道轴向固位非轴向固位混合层玷污层聚合度固位抗力边缘终止线(预备体上)龈边缘(修复体上)排龈无角肩台有角肩台有斜面的有角肩台修复体边缘的密合度色调饱和度亮度排龈取印模排龈线临时冠预成冠站结试戴就位邻面接触区咬合痛food impacti on onlaysprue cast completecrow n fun cti onalcusp level guid inggroove porcela inpowders body porcelain metal-porcela in juncti on shade selecti oncommercial shadeguide tran sluce ncypost-a nd-core crow ncustom cast postprefabricated postferrule biologic widthcrow n len gth ingmicroleakagetemporary restorati onacidetch ing in terlocking primer den ti nbonding age nt活动+全口义齿removable partial den turepartiallly ede ntulous archestooth borne RPD fulcrum lineAxis of Rotatio n, AR Retainer dislodgi ng force DirectReta iner clasp clasp armrete ntive arm stabiliz ing ,reciprocatio n arm un dercutsurvey line rest occlusal restci ngulum rest cen tral stopminor conn ector proximalplate casti ng clasp wroughtwire clasp simple circumferential clasps 食物嵌塞高嵌体铸道铸造金属全冠功能尖斜面定位沟瓷粉体瓷金瓷交界选色商业比色板半透明性桩核冠铸造桩预成桩牙本质肩领生物学宽度牙冠延长术边缘微漏暂时性修复体酸蚀机械嵌合作用前处理剂牙本质粘接剂可摘局部义齿牙列缺损牙支持式可摘局部义齿支点线转动轴固位体脱位力直接固位体卡环卡环臂固位臂稳定对抗臂倒凹观测线支托合支托舌隆突支托垂直终止点小连接体邻面板铸造卡环弯制卡环简单圆环形卡环ring clasps back action clasp and reverse half and half clasp canine clasp rest-proximal plate- 1 bar rest-proximal plate-Aker clasp functional impression indirect retainers major connector minor connector lingual bar linguoplate single palatal strap anteria-posteria palatal bar anteria palatal bar posteria palatal bar lateral palatal bar full palatal plate finishing line tissue stops internal finishing line external finishing line guide plate guide plane proximal plate reline survey non-undercut area desirable undercut distal extension without distal extension tripode defective prostheses reducing interferences anatomical impression arrange denture teeth delivery/initial placement rebasing complete denture edentulous jaw artificial teeth denture base residual ridge crest of residual ridge hard plate median palatal suture maxillary labial frenum maxillary buccal frenum圈形卡环back clasf :回力卡坏对半卡环尖牙卡环RPI 卡环组RPA 卡环组功能性印模间接固位体大连接体小连接体下颌舌杆连接体下颌舌板上颌腭带连接体上颌前?后腭杆连接体前腭杆后腭杆侧腭杆上颌全腭板连接体终止线组织终止点内终止线外终止线导平面板导平面邻面板重衬模型观测非倒凹区可利用倒凹下颌后牙游离缺失下颌后牙非游离缺失三点定位不良修复体消除干扰解剖式印模排牙义齿初戴重制全口义齿无牙颌人工牙基托剰余牙槽崎牙槽靖顶硬腭腭中缝上唇系带上頰系带labial vestibule buccal vestibule zygomatic process maxillary tuberosity incisive papillapalatal rugae hard area palati ne fovea vibrating line posterior palatal seal area post dampterygomaxillary no tch pterygomaxillary raphe man dibular labial frenum man dibular buccal frenum buccal shelf area distal buccal an gles area retromolar pad lin gual frenumretromylohyoid fossa resorpti on of residual ridge tissue surface den ture beari ng area polish ing surface occlusal surface border seal area relief area border exte nti on of den ture base n eutral zone soft liner impressi onmodel/cast border mold ing custom/i ndividual impressi on tray an atomic impressi on fun cti onal impressi on jaw relati on ship/maxilloma ndibular relal 颌位关系 vertical relation horizontal relation vertical dime nsion cen tric occlusi on in tercuspal positi on vertical dime nsion of occlusi on centric relation rest position interocclusal space/freeway space occlusal rim Articulator垂直关系水 平关系垂直 距离正中牙 合牙尖交错 位咬合垂直 距离正中关 系息止颌位 息止颌间隙 蜡牙合堤牙 合架唇侧前庭/前弓区颊 侧前庭/后弓区飄突 上颌结节切牙乳突 腭皱硬区腭小凹 颇动线后缘圭寸闭区 后堤翼上颌切迹翼 下颌韧带下唇系带 下頰系带颊棚区远 中颊角区磨牙后垫 舌系带下颌舌骨后 窝牙槽幡吸收组织 面义齿承托区磨光 面咬合面边缘封闭 区缓冲区义齿基托 的边缘伸展中性区 软衬材料印模模型 边缘整塑个别托盘 解剖式印模功能性 印模face bow transfer condylar path condylar guidance arrangement of artificial teeth balanced occlusion try-in first insertionrelining single complete denture immediate complete denture interim denture 面弓转移髀道飲导排列人工牙平衡牙合试戴初戴重衬单颌全口义齿即刻全口义齿暂时义齿初诊问诊并发症意外情况知情同意书复诊复查病史米集主诉现病史身体状况性格特征和精神心理状社会背景既往史全身系统病史口腔专科病史修复治疗史牙体牙髓治疗史牙周病史正畸治疗史口腔外科治疗情况顯下颌关节紊乱病史放射影像资料家族史口腔检查口腔一般检查口腔外部检查顯下颌关节区检查弹想下颌运动检查开口度开口型口腔内部检查口腔卫生情况缺牙部位的情况缺牙的数目、部位、类近远中间隙牙合龈间隙剰余牙槽崎情况高圆形剰余牙槽靖韧状牙槽靖低圆形牙槽幡凹形牙槽靖余留牙的检查_般情况邻面接触区的检查余留牙的位置正中漁侧方涣前伸漁牙合干扰早接触牙合创伤漢颌骨和颌弓关系原有修复体X线检查根尖片2临床工作first visit in terview complica nti on accide nt in formed consent appo in tme nt follow-up history tak ing chief compla int prese nt history physical con diti on pers on ality and psychological con diti on social backgro und past history systemic medical history den tal history prosthodo ntic history restorative and en dod on tic history periodontic history orthodontic history oral surgical history temporo-ma ndibular joi nt disorders history radiographic history family history oral exam in ati ongen eral oral exam in ati on maxillofacial appeara nee exam in ati on temporo-ma ndibular jo int exam in ati on clickman dibular moveme nt exam in ati on man dibular ope ning patte ns of man dibular ope ning in traoral exam in ati on oral hygie ne ede ntulous space exami nati on locati on , nu mber and type of lose teeth mesio-distal space occluso-g in gival space exam in ati on of residual ridge high well-ro und residual ridge kni fe-edge residual ridge low well-ro und residual ridge depressed residual ridge residual teeth exam in ati on gen eral con diti on proximal con tact examti on locati on of residual teeth cen tric occlusi on lateral occlusi on protrusive occlusi on occlusi on in terfere nee premature con tact traumatic occlusi on jaw bone and arch existed restorati on roe ntge no graph periapical filmpanoramic film buried root tips unerupted tooth impacted third molar serial tomography arthrography cephalometric radiogragh study cast mounting thearticulator occlusal force masticatory efficiency electromyography diagnosis prognosis treatment planning clinical recording preprosthetic oral preparation unhealthy prostheses occlusal adjustment or grinding preprosthetic surgery labio-buccal sulcus extension vestibuloplasty reconstruction of atrophic residual ridge 曲面断层残根存留未萌出牙第三磨牙阻生系列断层摄影关节造影头颅侧位定位片研究模型上牙合架牙合力咀嚼效率肌电图诊断预后治疗计划病历记录修复前的口腔准备不良修复体调牙合与选磨修复前的外科处理唇颊沟加深术前庭成形术牙槽靖重建术局部固定义齿固定桥固位体桥体连接体双端固定桥半固定桥单端固定桥复合固定桥Ante法则冠根比根的结构基牙的倾斜与移位骨高度降低在度牙弓弧度中间基牙支点线根内固位体鞍氏益幡式改良蓋靖式圆锥式卵圆形悬空式桥体卫生桥改良卫生桥依牙体缺损楔状缺损嵌体部分冠3/4冠7/8冠贴面全冠金属全冠铸造金属全冠非金属全冠塑料全冠全瓷冠混合全冠烤瓷融附金属全冠金属树脂混合全冠桩核冠牙体预备牙体预备体就位道固位形摩擦力轴向固位非轴向固位粘结力站結水门汀磔酸锌水门汀聚独酸锌水门汀chapter 4固定局部义齿fixed partial den tures fixed bridge retai ner pontic conn ector rigidly fixed bridge semi-fixedbridge can tilever fixed bridge compo und bridgeAn te's law crow n-root ratio root con figurati ontipped and migrated abutme nt bone loss archcurvature pier abutme nt fulcrum in traradicularlyreta ined bridge saddle ridge lap modified ridgelap co ni cal ovate no mucosal con tact san itary -------------- modified san itaryChapters牙列缺损修复总论tooth defect non-carious cervical lesi on in laypartial ven eer crow n three-quarter crow n seven-eighth crow n lam in ate ven eer full crow nmetal full crow n cast full crow n non-metal full crown plastic full crow n porcela in full crow n compound full crow n Porcela in fused to metal crown,PFMC metal-res in crow n post-a nd-core crown tooth prepari ng tooth preparati on path ofplaceme nt rete nti on form and resista nee formfricti onal force rete nti on resista nee adhesi onceme nt/lut ing age nt zinc phosphate ceme ntpolycarboxylate ceme ntglass iono mer ceme nt resin ceme nt resin modified glass iono mer ceme nt comp oner hybrid layer smear layer total-etch ing self-etch ing taper mecha ni cal in terlock rete nti on stre ngth stre ngth form box formgroove pin hole margin fin ish line gin gival margin supragi ngival margin subgi ngival margin gin gival retracti on knife edge bevel chamfer heavy chamfer round end diam ond bur torpedo diam on bur shoulder intern al li ne an gle shoulder with bevel marginal fitness/adaptation hue chroma value opalesce nee gin gival displaceme nt impressi on making displaceme nt cord algi nate agar silic one rubber conden sati on silic one additi on/polyv inyl silic one polyether rubber light body medium body heavy body putty base paste catalyst paste putty-wash tech nique mon ophase provisi onal crow n prefabricated crow n polymethy methacrylate 玻璃离子水门汀树脂水门汀树脂改良玻璃离子水门汀复合体水门汀混合层玷污层全酸蚀自酸蚀聚合度机械锁合固位抗力抗力形洞固位形(轴)沟针道边缘终止线(预备体上)龈边缘(修复体上)龈上边缘龈下边縁排炮刃状边缘斜面无角肩台深无角肩台圆头金刚砂车针鱼雷状金刚妙车针有角肩台内线角有斜面的有角肩台修复体边缘的密合度色调饱和度—i_K * 、A亮度乳光现象排炮取印模排龈线藻酸盐琼脂硅橡般缩合型硅橡胶加成型社橡脸聚醸橡胶高流动型(硅橡胶印模中流动型低流动型油泥型(腻子)基质湾催化剂膏二次印模法单一印模法临时冠预成冠甲基丙烯酸甲酯舉料Bis-acryl composite ceme ntati on try-in seat ing proximal con tact con tact gauge hyperse nsitivity spontan eous pain occlusal pain food impacti on loose ning perforati on breakage chapter 3牙列缺损修复各论proximal-occlusal in lay cavo-surface an gle box form pin hole grove onlay base work ing cast die dowel pin wax patter n in vesti ngsprue polish ing cast complete crow n lost-wax cast ing precious alloy gold-palladiumalloy Nickel-chromium alloy con verge neefun cti onal cusp level occlusoaxial li ne angle guidi ng groove porcela in powdersinertn ess biocompatibility oxide layercoefficie nt of thermal expa nsion sag resistanee chemical bonding full porcela in ven eermecha ni cal in terlock ing opaquebody porcela in metal-porcela in jun cti onbutt-to-butt in cisal reducti on lin gual fossapreparati on shade selecti on commercialshade guide rubber cup prophylaxis paste 丙烯酸树脂站结就位邻面接触区邻面接触检杳片过敏性疼痛自发性疼痛咬合痛食物嵌塞松动穿孔破裂邻合厳体洞缘斜面箱状钉洞沟高嵌体垫底工作模型代型代型钉蜡型包埋铸道抛光铸造金属全冠失蜗铸造贵金属金铠合金镣馅合金聚合度功能尖斜面合轴面线角定位沟瓷粉生物相相容性氧化层热膨胀系数挠曲强度化学结合全瓷覆盖机械锁结不透明层体瓷金瓷交界端对端切端厝除舌窝孜备选色商业比色板磨光杯抛光膏die spacer separati ng age nt cutback devesti ng san dblast ing glaz ing tran sluce ncy depth orientation groove lin gual axial wall compomer resin modified glass iono mers porcela in jacket crow ns, PJC volume shri nkage post-a nd-core crow n post core custom cast post prefabricated post ferrule biologic width crow n len gth ing multipiece post-a nd-core microleakage direct ven eer restorati on in direct ven eer restorati on preformed/prefabricated ven eer laborato-ma nu factured ven eer composite ven eer acrylic ven eer procela in ven eer/all ceramic veneer shear bonding stre ngth impressi on tak ing temporary restorati on work ing cast removable dies refractory dies procela in layeri ng firing stai ning try-i n paste composite lut ing ceme nt acidetchi ng in terlock ing chemical bonding primer den ti n bonding age nt 间隙剂分离剂回切开圈噴砂上釉半透明性深度指示沟舌轴面复合体树脂改良玻璃离子粘接剤瓷甲冠体积收墉桩核冠桩核铸造桩预成桩牙本质肩领生物学宽度牙冠延长术分裂桩边缘微漏直接法贴面修复间接法贴面修复预成贴面技工室制作的贴面复合树脂贴面丙嬌酸树脂贴面全瓷贴面剪切粘接强度印模制取暂时性修复体工作模型代型耐火代型堆瓷烧结上色试色湖剂复合树脂圭寸闭剂酸蚀机械嵌合作用化学粘接前处理剂牙本质粘接剂6可摘局部义齿removable partial den ture partiallly ede ntulous archesFramwork RPDplastic RPD Full metal RPD〔B^A -tissU^bom D RPD tooth-mucosa bornedento alveolar & muco-osseous support mucosa bornemuco-osseous supportKenn edy*s Classificati on saddle distal exte nsionfulcrum line Axis of Rotati on. AR Rete nti on Reta iner dislodgi ng dislodgi ng force Direct Reta iner in tra-coro nal reta iner in tracor onal attachme nt precisi on attachme nts extra-coro nal reta iner clasp telescopic crow n reta iner extracor onal attachme nt clasp arm rete ntive arm rete ntive tip of clasp armun dercut survey linerest occlusal rest cin gulum rest in cisal rest overlay rest rest seat cen tral stop clasp body minor conn ectorproximal plate brac ingstabiliz ing . reciprocati onpassivity casti ng claspwrought wire claspcircumfere ntial clasps barclasps suprabulge claspssimple circumfere ntial ring clasps back act on clasp and half and half clasp comb ined claspexte nsion clasp con ti nu ous clasp reverse hook clasp reverse acti on clasp固位皆尖 倒凹 观测线 支托 合支托 舌隆突支托 切支托 合垫 支托凹 垂直终止点 卡环体 小连接体 邻面板 卡抱作用 琼定对抗作用 被动作用 脩造卡环 弯制卡环 圆环形卡环 杆型卡环 凸点上型卡环 简単圖环形卡环 圏形卡环 back clasp 回力卡坏对半卡环 联合卡环 延伸卡孙 连续卡环倒佝卡环可摘局部义齿 牙列絞损祐造支架式可摘局部义 塑料胶连式可摘局部义 全金属可摘局部义齿 牙支持式可摘局部义齿 牙与粘膜混合支持式 粘膜支持式stabiliz ing , reciprocati on armshoulder of circumfere ntial rete ntive clasp anr 卡坏肩角 牙列缺损的Kennedy 鞍基远中游离端 支点线 转动轴 固位 固位体 脱位 脱位力 直接固位体 冠内固位体 冠内附若体 精彩附着体 冠外固位体 卡环 套筒冠固位体 冠夕外附若体 卡环臂 固位臂 稳定对抗臂hairp in clasp canine clasp l-bar T-bar modified T-barY -bar U-bar rest-proximal plate-1 bar rest-proximal plate-Aker clasp swing lock clasp casti ng labial bar rete nti on fin ger fun cti onal impressi on in direct retai ners rotati on tissueward moveme nt major conn ector minor conn ector lin gual bar sagittal secti on half-pear shape lin guoplate lin gual bar with con ti nu ous bar reta iner labial bar sin gle palatal strap an teria-posteria palatal bar an teria palatal bar posteria palatal bar ateral palatal bar U-shaped strapU-shaped palatal conn ector Horse shaped palatal conn ector comb in ati on an terior and posterior palatal palatal plate-type conn ector full palatal plate bead ing line modified palatal plate fin ishi ng line tissue stops internal fini shi ng line exter nal fini shi ng line guide plate guide pla ne proximal plate plastic rete nti on area mesh rete ntive posts loops beads full plastic res in base metal base reli ne porcela in tooth composite tooth/plastic tooth tooth of res in comb ined with metal metal teeth commercially available facings metal back ing custom facings metal occlusal surface tube tooth vertical cha nnel pon tic like, res in-processed-to-metal 尖牙卡环1形杆式卡环T形杆式卡环改良T形杆式卡坏丫形杆式卡坏U形杆式卡环RPI卡布蛆思索卡卡环组铸造唇杆固位指功能性印模间接固位体族转下沉大连接体小连接体下颌舌杆连接体矢状断面半梨形下颌舌板下鎮双舌杆连接体下鎭盾(頰)侧杆连接体(盾杆上領腭带连接体上颌前?后腭杆连接体前腭杆后腭杆侧腭杆颌U形(马蹄状)腭带達接strc qft前?后腭带连接体上領腭板连接体上領全腭板连接体珠状边缘圭寸闭线上領变异腭板连接体终止线组织终止点内终止线外终止线导平面板导平面邻面板塑料固位区筛网金属固位钉固位圏固位珠塑料基死金属基托重衬瓷牙复合树脂牙/塑料牙金属塑料結合牙全金属牙成品树脂牙面金属舌侧背板自行制作唇面金届颌面后牙賞状牙插槽金属?树脂桥体式人工解别式牙非解剖式牙半解剖式牙模型观测导线非倒凹区可利用倒凹不可利用倒凹观测器底座基台垂直支持臂水平臂可移动的垂直臂卡头观测平台转向接合球标记针金届分析杆炭素标记杆倒凹尺蜡型成形刀均凹式/平均倒凹调凹式/调节倒凹下颌后牙游离缺失下領后牙非游离缺失三点定位垂直脱位力水平侧向力扭转力垂直下沉力卡环臂横断面正压力横线式斜线式纵线式面式转动轴对角线二等分消除支点翘起不良修复体缺牙间隙接触臂金骨例L针你冈钻消除干扰解割式印模无压力印模功能性印模选择性印模弹性印模材料印模主工作模型修整模型标准模型牙合关系蜡牙合记录牙合托牙合架正中牙合暂基托蜻牙合堤上牙合架对牙合模型an atomic tooth non-ano tomic tooth semia natomic tooth survey guide line non-un dercut area desirable un dercut un desirable un dercut surveyor sta nd base vertical support arm horiz on tal arm movable vertical arm chu nk table base swivel coupli ng stylus an alyz ing rod carb on marker un dercut gauges blade for con touri ng wax patter ns distribute available un dercut equally adjusti ng un dercuts distal exte nsion without distal exte nsion tripode vertical dislodgi ng horiz on tal lateral torsional rotational/twisting tissueward moti on tran secti on positive pressure diametric diago nal axis around Ion gitud inal axis pla ne axis of rotati on half of diago nal an gle avoid of pivot upward moti on defective prostheses ede ntulous approach arm cyli ndrical diam ond carbide bur reduc ing in terfere nces an atomical impressi on without pressure impressi on fun cti onal impressi on selective pressure impressi on impression by elastic materials master cast trim the cast sta ndard cast occlusal relati on ship wax occlusal record record base and occlusal rim articulator cen tric occlusi on temporary record base wax occlusal rim articulator mounting oppos ing castworking authorization 设计单in vestme nt and cast ing without work ing cast 刨里铸造in vestme nt and cast ing with refractory workin。



II. Symptoms of tooth defect
A. Endodontic symptoms Symptoms of pulpal stimulation, pulpitis, periapical periodontitis
B. Periodontic symptoms Destruction of the approximal relationship, food impact, teeth displ acement, gingivitis.
d by the filling therapy. Occlusion needs rehabilitation or elevation by th
e prosthesis. Short crowns, week tooth walls and cusps , large
masticatory force Longitudinal, oblique and transverse tooth fractur
b) Psychological problems: The patients with psychosis or severe psychological problems should be given careful estimation first of all.
c) Oral diseases: The patients with pulpitis, peri odontitis, periapical periodontitis or stomatos is should be given corresponding therapy.
Definition :
Tooth defect means different extent of defect or the abnor mality of structure and the physical anatomic contour of t he dental hard tissue ,namely, defect of normal dental con figuration, occlusive relationship and proximal relationshi p



dentition defect 牙列缺损:牙列缺损是指部分牙齿缺失导致的恒牙牙列不完整。


partial edentulisum牙列缺损edentulous 牙列缺失tooth defect牙体缺损是指由于各种原因引起的牙体硬组织不同程度的外形和结构的破坏和异常,表现为牙体失去了正常的生理解剖外形,造成正常牙体形态、咬合及邻接关系的破坏。

clinical crown临床牙冠:牙体露出口腔的部分,牙冠与牙根以龈缘为界。


onlay 高嵌体:覆盖整个牙冠牙合面,就位于牙体洞形内的一种嵌体。

extra-coronal retainer冠外附着体:crown冠:覆盖部分或全部临床牙冠的冠外修复体。

partial crown 部分冠:覆盖部分临床牙冠的冠外修复体。


fixed partial denture 固定局部义齿:利用缺牙间隙一端或两端的天然牙、牙根和(或)种植体做支持,在其上制作固位体,并与人工牙连接成为一个整体的修复体。



(同fixed bridge 固定桥:修复牙列缺损中一个或几个天然牙的的固定修复形式。

)abutment 基牙:为修复体提供支持固位的天然牙或者牙根。




compound fixed bridge 复合固定桥:运用两种或两种以上的简单桥组合为复合固定桥,常用于间隙缺牙的情况,常包括四个以上的基牙,跨度较大。




Saida (300 and 400 B.C): 金丝固定结扎下颌假牙
陆游(公元1125-1210)诗: “栽堕齿”、“补堕齿” 马可.波罗(1254-1324)游记:金箔包牙
口腔修复学 ____发展历史
牙合 垫
口 腔 修 复 学 绪 论
VITA Bleachedguide
What makes you unattractive?
09.01.0 7
VITA Bleachedguide
What attracts your attention?
09.01.0 7
1.《口腔修复理论与临床》徐君伍主编,人民卫生出版社 2.《口腔修复学》马轩祥主编,辽宁科学技术出版社 3.《口腔医学新进展》樊明文主编,湖北科学技术出版社 4. 《Clinical removable partial denture》 5. 《 Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics 》 6. 《 Implantology 》
(三)牙缺损、缺失的病因及影响 先天原因:发育障碍、发育异常 后天原因:龋病、牙周病、外伤、颌骨疾病
口 腔 修 复 学 绪 论
口 腔 修 复 学 绪 论
咀嚼功能减退 发音功能障碍 影响面部美观 邻牙倾斜移动



fixed partial dentures retainer pontic connector rigidly fixed bridge cantilever fixed bridge Ante s law crown-root ratio ridge lap modified ridge lap no mucosal contact tooth defect inlay partial veneer crown laminate veneer full crown post-and-core crown tooth preparation path of placement retention resistance hybrid layer smear layer taper retention strength margin finish line gingival margin gingival retraction chamfer shoulder shoulder with bevel marginal fitness/adaptation hue chroma value gingival displacement impression making displacement cord provisional crown prefabricated crown cementation try-in seating proximal contact occlusal pain局部固定义齿固位体桥体连接体双端固定桥单端固定桥Ante法则冠根比盖幡式改良盖靖式悬空式桥体牙体缺损嵌体部分冠贴面全冠桩核冠牙体预备体就位道轴向固位非轴向固位混合层玷污层聚合度固位抗力边缘终止线(预备体上)龈边缘(修复体上)排龈无角肩台有角肩台有斜面的有角肩台修复体边缘的密合度色调饱和度亮度排龈取印模排龈线临时冠预成冠站结试戴就位邻面接触区咬合痛food impaction食物嵌塞onlay高嵌体sprue铸道cast complete crown铸造金属全冠functional cusp level功能尖斜面guiding groove定位沟porcelain powders瓷粉body porcelain体瓷metal-porcelain junction金瓷交界shade selection选色commercial shade guide商业比色板translucency半透明性post-and-core crown桩核冠custom cast post铸造桩prefabricated post预成桩ferrule牙本质肩领biologic width生物学宽度crown lengthing牙冠延长术microleakage边缘微漏temporary restoration暂时性修复体acidetching酸蚀interlocking机械嵌合作用primer前处理剂dentin bonding agent牙本质粘接剂活动+全口义齿removable partial denture可摘局部义齿partiallly edentulous arches牙列缺损tooth borne RPD牙支持式可摘局部义齿fulcrum line支点线Axis of Rotation, AR转动轴Retainer固位体dislodging force脱位力Direct Retainer直接固位体clasp卡环clasp arm卡环臂retentive arm固位臂stabilizing , reciprocation arm稳定对抗臂undercut倒凹survey line观测线rest支托occlusal rest合支托cingulum rest舌隆突支托central stop垂直终止点minor connector小连接体proximal plate邻面板casting clasp铸造卡环wrought wire clasp弯制卡环simple circumferential clasps简单圆环形卡环ring clasps back action clasp and reverse half and half clasp canine clasp rest-proximal plate-1 bar rest-proximal plate-Aker clasp functional impression indirect retainers major connector minor connector lingual bar linguoplate single palatal strap anteria-posteria palatal bar anteria palatal bar posteria palatal bar lateral palatal bar full palatal plate finishing line tissue stops internal finishing line external finishing line guide plate guide plane proximal plate reline survey non-undercut area desirable undercut distal extension without distal extension tripode defective prostheses reducing interferences anatomical impression arrange denture teeth delivery/initial placement rebasing complete denture edentulous jaw artificial teeth denture base residual ridge crest of residual ridge hard plate median palatal suture maxillary labial frenum maxillary buccal frenum圈形卡环back clasf:回力卡坏对半卡环尖牙卡环RPI卡环组RPA卡环组功能性印模间接固位体大连接体小连接体下颌舌杆连接体下颌舌板上颌腭带连接体上颌前•后腭杆连接体前腭杆后腭杆侧腭杆上颌全腭板连接体终止线组织终止点内终止线外终止线导平面板导平面邻面板重衬模型观测非倒凹区可利用倒凹下颌后牙游离缺失下颌后牙非游离缺失三点定位不良修复体消除干扰解剖式印模排牙义齿初戴重制全口义齿无牙颌人工牙基托剰余牙槽崎牙槽靖顶硬腭腭中缝上唇系带上頰系带labial vestibule buccal vestibule zygomatic process maxillary tuberosity incisive papilla palatal rugae hard area palatine fovea vibrating line posterior palatal seal area post dam pterygomaxillary notch pterygomaxillary raphe mandibular labial frenum mandibular buccal frenum buccal shelf area distal buccal angles area retromolar pad lingual frenum retromylohyoid fossa resorption of residual ridge tissue surface denture bearing areapolishing surface occlusal surface border seal area relief area border extention of denture base neutral zone soft liner impressionmodel/cast border molding custom/individual impression tray anatomic impressionfunctional impression jawrelationship/maxillomandibular relal 颌位关系 vertical relation horizontal relation vertical dimension centric occlusion intercuspalposition vertical dimension of occlusion centric relation rest position interocclusal space/freeway space occlusal rim Articulator唇侧前庭/前弓区 颊侧前庭/后弓区 飄突 上颌结节 切牙乳突 腭皱 硬区 腭小凹 颇动线 后缘封闭区 后堤 翼上颌切迹 翼下颌韧带 下唇系带 下頰系带 颊棚区 远中颊角区 磨牙后垫舌系带 下颌舌骨后窝 牙槽幡吸收 组织面 义齿承托区 磨光面 咬合面 边缘封闭区 缓冲区 义齿基托的边缘伸展 中性区 软衬材料 印模 模型 边缘整塑 个别托盘 解剖式印模 功能性印模 垂直关系 水平关系 垂直距离 正中牙合 牙尖交错位 咬合垂直距离 正中关系 息止颌位 息止颌间隙 蜡牙合堤 牙合架face bow transfer condylar path condylar guidance arrangement of artificial teeth balanced occlusion try-in first insertion relining single complete denture immediate complete denture interim denture 面弓转移髀道飲导排列人工牙平衡牙合试戴初戴重衬单颌全口义齿即刻全口义齿暂时义齿2临床工作first visit 初诊interview 问诊complicantion并发症accident 意外情况informed consent 知情同意书appointment 复诊follow-up 复查history taking 病史采集chief complaint主诉present history 现病史physical condition 身体状况personality and psychological condition 性格特征和精神心理状social background 社会背景past history 既往史systemic medical history 全身系统病史dental history 口腔专科病史prosthodontic history 修复治疗史restorative and endodontic history 牙体牙髓治疗史periodontic history 牙周病史orthodontic history 正畸治疗史oral surgical history 口腔外科治疗情况temporo-mandibular joint disorders history 顯下颌关节紊乱病史radiographic history 放射影像资料family history 家族史oral examination 口腔检查general oral examination 口腔一般检查maxillofacial appearance examination 口腔外部检查temporo-mandibular joint examination 顯下颌关节区检查click 弹想mandibular movement examination 下颌运动检查mandibular opening开口度pattens of mandibular opening 开口型intraoral examination 口腔内部检查oral hygiene 口腔卫生情况edentulous space examination 缺牙部位的情况location , number and type of lose teeth 缺牙的数目、部位、类mesio-distal space 近远中间隙occluso-gingival space牙合龈间隙examination of residual ridge剰余牙槽崎情况high well-round residual ridge 高圆形剰余牙槽靖knife-edge residual ridge 韧状牙槽靖low well-round residual ridge 低圆形牙槽幡depressed residual ridge 凹形牙槽靖residual teeth examination 余留牙的检查general condition _般情况proximal contact examtion 邻面接触区的检查location of residual teeth 余留牙的位置centric occlusion正中漁lateral occlusion侧方涣protrusive occlusion前伸漁occlusion interference牙合干扰premature contact早接触traumatic occlusion 牙合创伤漢jaw bone and arch 颌骨和颌弓关系existed restoration 原有修复体roentgenograph X线检查periapical film 根尖片panoramic film buried root tips unerupted tooth impacted third molar serial tomography arthrography cephalometric radiograghstudy cast mounting the articulatorocclusal force masticatory efficiency electromyography diagnosis prognosistreatment planning clinical recording preprosthetic oral preparation unhealthy prosthesesocclusal adjustment or grinding preprosthetic surgerylabio-buccal sulcus extension vestibuloplasty reconstruction of atrophic residual ridge 曲面断层残根存留未萌出牙第三磨牙阻生系列断层摄影关节造影头颅侧位定位片研究模型上牙合架牙合力咀嚼效率肌电图诊断预后治疗计划病历记录修复前的口腔准备不良修复体调牙合与选磨修复前的外科处理唇颊沟加深术前庭成形术牙槽靖重建术chapter 4固定局部义齿fixed partial dentures局部固定义齿fixed bridge 固定桥retainer固位体pontic桥体connector连接体rigidly fixed bridge双端固定桥semi-fixed bridge 半固定桥cantilever fixed bridge单端固定桥compound bridge 复合固定桥Ante's law Ante法则crown-root ratio冠根比root configuration 根的结构tipped and migrated abutment 基牙的倾斜与移位bone loss 骨高度降低在度arch curvature 牙弓弧度pier abutment 中间基牙fulcrum 支点线intraradicularly retained bridge 根内固位体saddle 鞍氏ridge lap益幡式modified ridge lap改良蓋靖式conical 圆锥式ovate 卵圆形no mucosal contact悬空式桥体sanitary 卫生桥modified sanitary 改良卫生桥依Chapters牙列缺损修复总论tooth defect牙体缺损non-carious cervical lesion 楔状缺损inlay嵌体partial veneer crown部分冠three-quarter crown 3/4冠seven-eighth crown 7/8冠laminate veneer贴面full crown全冠metal full crown 金属全冠cast full crown 铸造金属全冠non-metal full crown 非金属全冠plastic full crown 塑料全冠porcelain full crown 全瓷冠compound full crown 混合全冠Porcelain fused to metal crown,PFMC 烤瓷融附金属全冠metal-resin crown 金属树脂混合全冠post-and-core crown桩核冠tooth preparing 牙体预备tooth preparation牙体预备体path of placement就位道retention form and resistance form 固位形frictional force 摩擦力retention轴向固位resistance非轴向固位adhesion 粘结力cement/luting agent 站結水门汀zinc phosphate cement 磔酸锌水门汀polycarboxylate cement 聚独酸锌水门汀glass ionomer cement 玻璃离子水门汀resin cement 树脂水门汀resin modified glass ionomer cement 树脂改良玻璃离子水门汀componer 复合体水门汀hybrid layer混合层smear layer玷污层total-etching 全酸蚀self-etching 自酸蚀taper聚合度mechanical interlock 机械锁合retention固位strength抗力strength form 抗力形box form 洞固位形groove (轴)沟pin hole 针道margin边缘finish line终止线(预备体上)gingival margin龈边缘(修复体上)supragingival margin 龈上边缘subgingival margin 龈下边縁gingival retraction排炮knife edge 刃状边缘bevel 斜面chamfer无角肩台heavy chamfer 深无角肩台round end diamond bur 圆头金刚砂车针torpedo diamon bur 鱼雷状金刚妙车针shoulder有角肩台internal line angle 内线角shoulder with bevel有斜面的有角肩台marginal fitness/adaptation修复体边缘的密合度hue色调chroma饱和度value亮度opalescence 乳光现象gingival displacement排炮impression making取印模displacement cord排龈线alginate 藻酸盐agar 琼脂silicone rubber 硅橡般condensation silicone 缩合型硅橡胶addition/polyvinyl silicone 加成型社橡脸polyether rubber 聚醸橡胶light body 高流动型(硅橡胶印模medium body 中流动型heavy body 低流动型putty 油泥型(腻子)base paste 基质湾catalyst paste 催化剂膏putty-wash technique 二次印模法monophase 单一印模法provisional crown临时冠prefabricated crown预成冠polymethy methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸甲酯舉料Bis-acryl composite 丙烯酸树脂cementation站结try-in试戴seating就位proximal contact邻面接触区contact gauge 邻面接触检杳片hypersensitivity 过敏性疼痛spontaneous pain 自发性疼痛occlusal pain咬合痛food impaction食物嵌塞loosening 松动perforation 穿孔breakage chapter 3牙列缺损修复各论破裂proximal-occlusal inlay 邻合厳体cavo-surface angle 洞缘斜面box form 箱状pin hole 钉洞grove 沟onlay高嵌体base 垫底working cast 工作模型die 代型dowel pin 代型钉wax pattern 蜡型investing 包埋sprue铸道polishing 抛光cast complete crown铸造金属全冠lost-wax casting 失蜗铸造precious alloy 贵金属gold-palladium alloy 金铠合金Nickel-chromium alloy 镣馅合金convergence 聚合度functional cusp level功能尖斜面occlusoaxial line angle 合轴面线角guiding groove定位沟porcelain powders瓷粉inertness twn biocompatibility 生物相容性oxide layer 氧化层coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数sag resistance 挠曲强度chemical bonding 化学结合full porcelain veneer 全瓷覆盖mechanical interlocking 机械锁结opaque 不透明层body porcelain体瓷metal-porcelain junction金瓷交界butt-to-butt 端对端incisal reduction 切端厝除lingual fossa preparation 舌窝孜备shade selection选色commercial shade guide商业比色板rubber cup 磨光杯prophylaxis paste 抛光膏die spacer 间隙剂separating agent 分离剂cutback 回切devesting 开圈sandblasting 噴砂glazing 上釉translucency半透明性depth orientation groove 深度指示沟lingual axial wall 舌轴面compomer 复合体resin modified glass ionomers 树脂改良玻璃离子粘接剤porcelain jacket crowns, PJC 瓷甲冠volume shrinkage 体积收墉post-and-core crown桩核冠post 桩core 核custom cast post铸造桩prefabricated post预成桩ferrule牙本质肩领biologic width生物学宽度crown lengthing牙冠延长术multipiece post-and-core 分裂桩microleakage边缘微漏direct veneer restoration 直接法贴面修复indirect veneer restoration 间接法贴面修复preformed/prefabricated veneer 预成贴面laborato-manufactured veneer 技工室制作的贴面composite veneer 复合树脂贴面acrylic veneer 丙嬌酸树脂贴面procelain veneer/all ceramic veneer 全瓷贴面shear bonding strength 剪切粘接强度impression taking 印模制取temporary restoration暂时性修复体working cast 工作模型removable dies 代型refractory dies 耐火代型procelain layering 堆瓷firing 烧结staining 上色try-in paste 试色湖剂composite luting cement 复合树脂封闭剂acidetching酸蚀interlocking机械嵌合作用chemical bonding 化学粘接primer前处理剂dentin bonding agent牙本质粘接剂6可摘局部义齿removable partial denture可摘局部义齿partiallly edentulous arches牙列絞损Framwork RPD 祐造支架式可摘局部义plastic RPD 塑料胶连式可摘局部义Full metal RPD 全金属可摘局部义齿tooth borne RPD牙支持式可摘局部义齿tooth-tissue-bome RPD tooth-mucosaborne 牙与粘膜混合支持式dento alveolar & muco-osseous support mucosa bornemuco-osseous support 粘膜支持式Kennedy*s Classification 牙列缺损的Kennedy saddle 鞍基distal extension 远中游离端fulcrum line支点线Axis of Rotation. AR转动轴Retention 固位Retainer固位体dislodging 脱位dislodging force脱位力Direct Retainer直接固位体intra-coronal retainer 冠内固位体intracoronal attachment 冠内附若体precision attachments 精彩附着体extra-coronal retainer 冠外固位体clasp卡环telescopic crown retainer 套筒冠固位体extracoronal attachment 冠外附若体clasp arm卡环臂retentive arm固位臂stabilizing , reciprocation arm稳定对抗臂shoulder of circumferential retentive clasp anr 卡坏肩角retentive tip of clasp arm 固位皆尖undercut倒凹survey line观测线rest支托occlusal rest合支托cingulum rest舌隆突支托incisal rest 切支托overlay rest 合垫rest seat 支托凹central stop垂直终止点clasp body 卡环体minor connector小连接体proximal plate邻面板bracing 卡抱作用stabilizing . reciprocation 琼定对抗作用passivity 被动作用casting clasp脩造卡环wrought wire clasp弯制卡环circumferential clasps 圆环形卡环bar clasps 杆型卡环suprabulge clasps 凸点上型卡环simple circumferential 简単圖环形卡环ring clasps圏形卡环back action clasp and back clasp回力卡坏half and half clasp对半卡环combined clasp 联合卡环extension clasp 延伸卡孙continuous clasp 连续卡环reverse hook claspreverse action clasp 倒佝卡环hairpin claspcanine clasp尖牙卡环l-bar 1形杆式卡环T-bar T形杆式卡环modified T-bar 改良T形杆式卡坏Y-bar Y形杆式卡坏U-bar U形杆式卡环rest-proximal plate-1 bar RPI卡布蛆rest-proximal plate-Aker clasp RPA卡环组swing lock clasp 思索卡环casting labial bar 铸造唇杆retention finger 固位指functional impression功能性印模indirect retainers间接固位体rotation 族转tissueward movement 下沉major connector大连接体minor connector小连接体lingual bar下颌舌杆连接体sagittal section 矢状断面half-pear shape 半梨形linguoplate下颌舌板lingual bar with continuous bar retainer 下鎮双舌杆连接体labial bar 下鎭盾(頰)侧杆连接体(盾杆,颊single palatal strap上領腭带连接体anteria-posteria palatal bar上颌前•后腭杆连接体anteria palatal bar前腭杆posteria palatal bar后腭杆lateral palatal bar侧腭杆U-shaped strapU-shaped palatal connector 颌U形(马蹄状)腭带達接Horse shaped palatal connectorcombination anterior and posterior palatal strc±qft前•后腭带连接体palatal plate-type connector 上領腭板连接体full palatal plate上領全腭板连接体beading line 珠状边缘封闭线modified palatal plate 上領变异腭板连接体finishing line终止线tissue stops组织终止点internal finishing line内终止线external finishing line外终止线guide plate导平面板guide plane导平面proximal plate邻面板plastic retention area 塑料固位区mesh 筛网retentive posts 金属固位钉loops 固位圏beads 固位珠full plastic resin base 塑料基死metal base 金属基托reline重衬porcelain tooth 瓷牙composite tooth/plastic tooth 复合树脂牙/塑料牙tooth of resin combined with metal 金属塑料結合牙metal teeth 全金属牙commercially available facings 成品树脂牙面metal backing 金属舌侧背板custom facings 自行制作唇面metal occlusal surface 金届颌面后牙tube tooth 賞状牙vertical channel 插槽pontic like, resin-processed-to-metal 金属•树脂桥体式人工anatomic tooth 解别式牙non-anotomic tooth 非解剖式牙semianatomic tooth 半解剖式牙survey模型观测guide line 导线non-undercut area非倒凹区desirable undercut可利用倒凹undesirable undercut 不可利用倒凹surveyor 观测器stand base 底座基台vertical support arm 垂直支持臂horizontal arm 水平臂movable vertical arm 可移动的垂直臂chunk 卡头table base 观测平台swivel coupling 转向接合球stylus 标记针analyzing rod 金届分析杆carbon marker 炭素标记杆undercut gauges 倒凹尺blade for contouring wax patterns 蜡型成形刀distribute available undercut equally 均凹式/平均倒凹adjusting undercuts 调凹式/调节倒凹distal extension下颌后牙游离缺失without distal extension下領后牙非游离缺失tripode三点定位vertical dislodging 垂直脱位力horizontal lateral 水平侧向力torsional rotational/twisting 扭转力tissueward motion 垂直下沉力transection 卡环臂横断面positive pressure 正压力diametric 横线式diagonal axis 斜线式around longitudinal axis 纵线式plane 面式axis of rotation 转动轴half of diagonal angle 对角线二等分avoid of pivot 消除支点upward motion 翘起defective prostheses不良修复体edentulous 缺牙间隙approach arm 接触臂cylindrical diamond 金骨例L针carbide bur 你冈钻reducing interferences消除干扰anatomical impression解割式印模without pressure impression 无压力印模functional impression 功能性印模selective pressure impression 选择性印模impression by elastic materials 弹性印模材料印模master cast 主工作模型trim the cast 修整模型standard cast 标准模型occlusal relationship 牙合关系wax occlusal record 蜡牙合记录record base and occlusal rim 牙合托articulator 牙合架centric occlusion 正中牙合temporary record base 暂基托wax occlusal rim 蜻牙合堤articulator mounting 上牙合架opposing cast 对牙合模型working authorization 设计单 investment and casting without working cast 刨里铸造 investment and casting with refractoryworkin 。

口腔学资料整理 :修复一小整理

口腔学资料整理 :修复一小整理

固定修复小整理名词解释:1、Tooth preparation预备体:在牙体缺损的各种修复体中,根据修复原则的要求,将所修复牙的牙体硬组织制备成特定的形态。


(沿就位道)3、Strength 抗力:是指预备体与在其上就位良好的修复体,在口腔内行使各种功能时,能抵抗各种作用力而不发生变形和折断的能力。

(不沿就位道)4、path of placement 就位道:修复体就位到预备体上的方向5、Finish line 终止线:牙体预备体上与修复体边缘相对应的部位6、Margin 边缘:修复体戴入预备体后,其与预备体之间接触界面的外缘线。

7、Shoulder 有角肩台:8、Chamfer 无角肩台:脑补吧……9、Subgingival 龈下边缘:龈边缘位于牙龈嵴顶以上,不与牙龈接触10、Supragingival 龈上边缘:龈边缘位于龈沟内,被牙龈遮盖11、functional or centric cusp bevel 功能尖斜面:后牙牙体预备时在功能尖上预备与患牙牙体长轴呈45°,1.5mm宽的斜面,功能尖斜面与对颌牙的牙尖三角嵴平行12、unfunctional or uncentric cusp bevel 非功能尖斜面:上颌后牙为了消除颊侧倾斜趋势导致的外形过突而对非功能尖形成一个0.6mm的斜面(contra bevel 反斜面)13、Inlay嵌体:是嵌入牙体内部用以恢复牙齿形态和功能的冠内修复体。


15、flare 竖斜面:轴沟颊面向外扩展的斜面。






固定义齿修复工艺教学计划英文回答:Teaching Plan for Fixed Prosthodontics Restoration.Introduction:Fixed prosthodontics restoration is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the replacement of missing teeth with fixed dental prostheses. This teaching plan aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the fixed prosthodontics restoration process.Objective:The objective of this teaching plan is to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively restore missing teeth using fixed dental prostheses. By the end of the course, students should be able to:1. Understand the principles and concepts of fixed prosthodontics restoration.2. Evaluate and diagnose patients for fixed prosthodontics treatment.3. Plan and design fixed dental prostheses.4. Perform tooth preparation and impression techniques.5. Fabricate and cement fixed dental prostheses.6. Manage and prevent complications associated with fixed prosthodontics restoration.Teaching Methods:1. Lectures: The course will include lectures to introduce the theoretical concepts and principles of fixed prosthodontics restoration. These lectures will covertopics such as dental anatomy, occlusion, materials used infixed prosthodontics, and treatment planning.2. Hands-on Practical Sessions: Practical sessions will be conducted to allow students to practice tooth preparation techniques, impression taking, and fabrication of fixed dental prostheses. These sessions will be supervised by experienced faculty members to ensure proper guidance and feedback.3. Case Discussions: Students will be presented with different clinical cases and will be required to analyze and discuss the treatment options for each case. This will help students develop critical thinking and decision-making skills.4. Clinical Training: Students will have the opportunity to observe and assist in actual clinical cases under the supervision of experienced prosthodontists. This will provide them with real-life exposure and enhance their clinical skills.Assessment Methods:1. Written Examinations: Students will be assessed through written examinations that will test their theoretical knowledge and understanding of fixed prosthodontics restoration.2. Practical Examinations: Practical examinations will be conducted to assess students' skills in tooth preparation, impression taking, and fabrication of fixed dental prostheses.3. Case Presentations: Students will be required to present and defend their treatment plans for selected clinical cases. This will assess their ability to analyze and apply the knowledge gained during the course.Conclusion:The teaching plan for fixed prosthodontics restoration aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and techniques involved in restoring missing teeth with fixed dental prostheses. Through acombination of theoretical lectures, practical sessions, case discussions, and clinical training, students will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in this field.中文回答:固定义齿修复工艺教学计划。



铸造金属冠及桥均采用高频熔铸方法。 铸后处理:
去除外层、内层包埋料,进行喷砂处理。 喷砂机内压缩空气压力6-8Kpa,金刚砂粒度 80-100目左右。注意不可将铸件局部持续喷砂 而导致铸件变薄。
磨平磨光铸件: 用磨石去除铸道,金刚砂磨石将冠表面打
磨一遍,去除冠内、外表面阳性小金属瘤,先 在代型上试戴铸冠,完全就位后复位于工作模 型,用咬合纸调磨接触点,使冠在工作模型上 完全就位,调整咬合关系,最后冠表面磨光, (接触区除外。)
(相对于塑料甲冠而言)。 5.金瓷冠瓷本身有较脆的特点。咬硬物或创击
1.前牙氟斑牙,变色牙,四环素牙,锥形牙, 釉质发育不全。
2.龋洞或外伤导致缺损较大而无法充填治疗者。 3.前牙错位扭转而不能做正畸治疗者。 4.需要做烤瓷桥固位体的基牙。
• 2.邻面预备: 目地是消除邻面倒凹,与邻牙完全分离, 预备出全冠修复材料所需要的空间。
用金钢车针将轴面角处预备足够的间隙, 以保证全冠颊舌外展隙的外形。用单面砂片 沿牙长轴做邻面片切,龈向切割时,邻面避 免出现肩台。
烤瓷溶附金属全冠 porcelain-fused-to-metal crown
烤瓷溶附金属全冠简称为金-瓷冠,是 将低熔烤瓷熔附于金属帽状冠上的一种修复 体,兼有金属全冠的强度和烤瓷全冠的美观, 是一种较为理想的修复体。1950年由美国学 者研制成功应用于临床,现在已在我国广泛 开展。



Principles of Restorative Th rapy of the Tooth Defect
A complicated and harmony stomatognathic system is com posed of the normal anatomic tooth configuration, complet e dentition, accurate occlusion and articulation relationship , normal temporomandibular joint and neuromuscular syst em.
І Restoration of the Contour and Function of Teeth
A. Axial surface contour
a) To maintain the tension and the normal cont act of gingival near crown:
The convex surface of lower 1/3 of crown can expan d the gingiva and maintain normal gingival space
III. Restorative therapy of tooth defect
A. Indications
Residual roots and crowns that can be preserved. Extensively damaged crown that can’t be restore
c) To make it easy for the self-cleaning of the pr osthesis.



固定义齿修复病历书写模板范文英文回答:Dental restoration case history writing template example.I. Introduction.In my dental practice, I often come across patients who require dental restorations to repair damaged or decayed teeth. These restorations can range from simple fillings to more complex procedures like crowns or bridges. Proper documentation of the patient's case history is essentialfor effective treatment planning and ensuring optimal outcomes.II. Patient Information.The first step in documenting the case history is to gather relevant patient information. This includes thepatient's name, age, gender, contact details, and any existing medical conditions or allergies. It is important to establish a good rapport with the patient and make them feel comfortable sharing their dental concerns.III. Chief Complaint.Next, it is crucial to identify the patient's chief complaint. This refers to the main reason why the patientis seeking dental restoration. It could be pain, sensitivity, difficulty in chewing, or aesthetic concerns. Understanding the chief complaint helps in prioritizing treatment options and addressing the patient's primary concern.IV. Dental Examination.A comprehensive dental examination is then conducted to assess the condition of the patient's teeth and supporting structures. This includes a thorough examination of theoral cavity, evaluation of the teeth for decay or damage, assessment of gum health, and any necessary radiographs orimaging. The findings are recorded in the case history for future reference.V. Treatment Options.Based on the dental examination, various treatment options are discussed with the patient. It is important to explain the pros and cons of each option, along with the associated costs and potential risks. This allows the patient to make an informed decision regarding their dental restoration.VI. Treatment Plan.Once the patient has chosen a treatment option, a detailed treatment plan is formulated. This includes the specific procedures involved, the timeline for each step, and any necessary pre-operative or post-operative instructions. The treatment plan should be tailored to the patient's individual needs and preferences.VII. Informed Consent.Before proceeding with the dental restoration, it is essential to obtain the patient's informed consent. This involves explaining the nature of the procedure, the expected outcomes, and any potential complications or risks. The patient should have a clear understanding of the treatment and provide their consent willingly.VIII. Treatment Progress.Throughout the course of the dental restoration,regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the progress and make any necessary adjustments. This helps ensure that the treatment is proceeding as planned and allows for timely intervention if any issues arise.IX. Conclusion.In conclusion, documenting the case history of a dental restoration patient is crucial for effective treatment planning and optimal outcomes. It involves gatheringpatient information, identifying the chief complaint,conducting a dental examination, discussing treatment options, formulating a treatment plan, obtaining informed consent, and monitoring the treatment progress. By following a systematic approach to case history writing, dental professionals can provide comprehensive and personalized care to their patients.中文回答:固定义齿修复病历书写模板范文。

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ring clasp
half and half clasp
continuous clasp
long arm clasp
combind clasp
buccal I rod clasp
distal middle panel
Major connectors
Minor connectors
connects the components on the denture, such as clasps and brackets, with the major connectors and base.
Major connectors
Palatal plate
lingual plate
base plate
is the part of removable partial denture to resist dislocation and obtain retention, support and stability
Direct retainers
The direct retainer resists the displacement of the denture away from the base and
01 A variety of dentition defects, especially those with free end teeth.
02 Teeth missing with alveolar bone, jaw or soft tissue defect.
A major connector is the unit of partial denture that connect the parts of the prosthesis located on one side of the arch with those on the opposite side.
sometimes ,it can be used as restoration of occlusion
Its width and thickness should meet the requirements of materials. The width is 1/3 of molars' dental diameters or 1/2 of premolars. The length is usually 1/4 of the molar’mesiodistal or 1/3 of the premolar.The thickness is about 1~1.5mm.
Retention and stabilization:Prevent rotation and warping of denture
After extraction , make an immediate denture
or other special needs
Any unit of a partial denture that rests on a tooth surface to proห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ide vertical support is called a rest.
The need for transitional
denture in the
process of tooth
extraction healing.
Periodontal disease needs active splint
fixation for loosening
05 Vertical occlusal distance is too low due to severe wear and tear on the occlusal surface or loss of many teeth.
01 Maintains components in their planned
02 Maintains established occlusal
relationships by preventing settling of the denture.
03 Prevention of food impaction and
plays a major role in retention
Indirect retainers
Auxiliary direct retainer,mainly enhances the stability of denture and prevents the denture from warping, swinging, rotating and sinking.
The denture base supports artificial teeth and effects the transfer of occlusal forces to supporting oral structures.
Connection:Arrange artificial teeth ,connect denture parts into a whole.
Removeable partial denture
a dental prosthesis that replaces the lost natural dentition and associated structures of maxilla or mandible;it can be removed conveniently from the mouth by the patient.
Repair deficiency:Repair of alveolar bone, jaw and soft tissue defects
Transfer occlusal force:Bear, transfer and dispersion of artificial teeth occlusal force