一、殖民地时期1607-17651607年,captain john smith 带领第一批移民在北美大陆建立第一个英国殖民地--詹姆斯敦。
文学特点:宗教色彩,讲经布道向欧洲读者或亲友介绍新大陆的小册子和游记书信著名作家:Captain john smith,Anne Bradstreet, 以夫妻恩爱家庭美满为题材Edward Taylor,清教徒,牧师,讲道二、启蒙时期&独立战争时期1765-18世纪1730s,爱德华兹(Johnathan Edwards)为首的清教徒掀起“大觉醒”运动,企图恢复清教主义的统治,失败。
启蒙运动代表人物Benjamin Franklin(文学家科学家政治家):《格言历书》poor richard's almanac,通过格言警句宣传创业持家,待人处事的道德原则和勤奋致富的生活道路《自传》Autobiography,开创了美国名人写传记的风气独立战争时期文学以理性的散文为主,主要是各派政治力量对于革命的必要性、革命的前途与方向、政府的形式与性质等重大问题展开讨论时产生的杂文、政论文和演讲词,即便诗歌也以政治为内容。
代表作家:潘恩Thomas paine 的《常识》commom senseThomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence汉密尔顿、麦迪逊、杰伊合写的《论联邦》The Federalist Papers威廉-希尔-布朗william hill brawn,第一部美国小说《同情的力量》三、浪漫主义时期1800-1865作家们强调文学的想象力和感情色彩,反对古典主义的形式与观点,歌颂大自然,崇尚个人和普通人的思想感情,并且寻根问祖,发幽古之思情。
从杰斐逊1829 上台到南北战争(1860-1865),浪漫主义文学的全盛时期,美国文学史上“第一次大繁荣”。
《麦城故事》(The Scarlet Letter)就是一个非常典型的例子。
美国文学史复习提纲一、殖民主义时期的文学(The Literature of Colonial America) 17th.c一、时期综述1、清教徒采用的文学体裁:①narratives 日记 , ②journals 游记2、清教徒在美国的写作内容:1)about their voyage to the new land2) about adapting themselves to unfamiliar climates and crops3) about dealing with Indians4) Guide to the new land, endless bounty, invitation to bold spirit3、清教徒的思想:1)Puritans wanted to make pure their religious beliefs and practices 净化信仰和行为方式2) Puritans wished to restore simplicity to church services and the authority of the Bible to theology.重建教堂,提供简单服务,建立神圣地位3)Puritans looked upon themselves as a people chosen by God, and it followed logically that anyone who challenged their way of life was opposing God's will and was not to be accepted.认为自己是上帝选民,对他们的生活有异议就是反对上帝4)Puritan opposition to pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated.反对对快乐和艺术的追求到了十分荒唐的地步5)Puritan religious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a wrathful God and to forget his mercy.强调上帝严厉的一面,忽视上帝仁慈的一面。
美国文学 课件1-puritanism清教主义
❖“The king died and then the queen died.”
❖ “The king died and then the queen
died of grief.”
1. What is Literature?
❖ Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by university of intellectual and emotional appeal.
Other approaches(2)
❖ Post- structuralism ❖ Decostructuralism
❖ Our textbook is arranged in chronological order, but we deal with each period analytically with emphasis on theme.
4.How to Define American Literature
❖ American literature mainly refers to literature produced in American English by the people living in the US. This generalization does not exclude literature produced in other languages by American expatriates or literature produced in other languages by minorities in the country such as the American Indian literature in the Indian language and the Jewish American literature in the Yiddish language.
新教的宗教思想主要由马丁.路德(Martin Luther)和约翰.加尔文(John Calvin)的神学观点构成。
美国文学的主要进程及简要概述 (2)第一阶段 (2)印第安时期 (2)殖民主义时期 (2)第二阶段 (2)独立革命时期 (2)第三阶段 (3)浪漫主义时期 (3)第四阶段 (3)现实主义时期 (3)自然主义文学 (4)黑幕揭露派 (4)第五阶段 (4)20世纪文学 (4)黑人文学 (6)第六阶段 (6)当代文学 (6)现实主义小说 (7)犹太作家 (7)当代黑人文学 (8)“黑色幽默”与后现代主义 (9)当代戏剧 (9)当代诗歌 (11)美国文学的主要进程及简要概述第一阶段印第安时期,主要以当地印第安人的口传文学为主,缺乏文字记载,在欧洲人到来之前,属于美洲的主流文学。
殖民主义时期,以John Smith(代表作《A True Relation of Virginia》《A Description of New England》)、William Bradford(代表作《History of Plymouth》)和John Winthrop(代表作《The History of New England》)为代表的文学是以记录美洲当地自然文化,以及美国早期殖民地人民勤劳开垦美洲的“美国历史主义”文学。
以John Cotton(代表作《The Way of Life》)、Cotton Mather(代表作《Magnalia Cristi Aericana》)、Jonathan Edwards(代表作《A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God》)、Anne Bradstreet(代表作《The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America》)和Edward Taylor(代表作《Metrical History of Christianity》)为代表的清教主义文学,主要以宣传清教主义思想的布道文和清教诗歌。
综 述
1、清教徒采用的文学体裁:a、narratives 日记 b、journals 游记 2、清教徒在美国的写作内容:
1) Their voyage to the new land 2) Adapting themselves to unfamiliar climates and crops 3) About dealing with Indians 4) Guide to the new land, endless bounty, invitation to bold spirit
The 18th century American history witnessed two great revolutions : one was the American Revolution, which led to the independence of the nation, and the other was Enlightment, an intellectual movement whose rationliastic spirit inspired Americans and brought them into a new horizon. The two revolutions produced a number of outstanding political and literary figures such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson.
Important Writers and Literary Works
1. Benjamin Franklin (本杰明 富兰克林,1706-1790)
1)"Poor Richard's Almanac" 穷人查理德癿年鉴 annual collection of proverbs 流行谚语集 It soon became the most popular book of its kind, largely because of Franklin's shrewd humor, and first spread his reputation. 2)Founded a club for informal discussion of scientific, economic and political ideas. 建立了一丧秘密俱乐部,讨论癿主题是政治、经济呾科学等时事斱面癿问题 3)established America's first circulating library, founded the college--University of Pennsylvania. 建立了美国第一丧可租借癿图书馆,还创办了一所大学——就是现在癿宾夕法 尼亚大学。 4)As an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor, sarcastic. 作为作家具有非凡癿才能,表达简洁明了,幽默,讽刺天才、 5)The Way to Wealth 致富之道 The Autobiography自传 18丐纪美国唯一流传至 今癿自传
1. 文学语言:清教主义者追求简明、清晰、有力的语言,这种语言策略被广泛应用于神学论文和布道词之中,因此对美国文学的影响深远。
2. 作品结构:由于清教主义的特殊历史背景,其作品常常具有一定的宗教元素,因此采用的作品结构通常以分节式呈现,以强化主题。
1. 《新英格兰纳尔集》:这是美国历史上最早的文学合集,覆盖了从17世纪70年代到18世纪初的作品。
2. 爱德华·泰勒和安·布拉德斯特里特等清教主义作家,要求人们要时刻警惕上帝的惩罚与信仰的坚定,这直接影响了后来的美国神秘主义文学。
清教徒的文学 创作
主题:强调宗教信仰、道德观念和家庭价值观 风格:简洁明了,注重实用性和通俗性 语言:使用通俗易懂的语言,避免使用过于复杂和深奥的词汇 结构:注重逻辑性和条理性,避免过于松散和跳跃的思维方式
宗教信仰:强调信仰的重要性,表达对上帝的敬畏和虔诚 道德观念:强调道德规范和伦理价值观,提倡诚实、正直、勤奋等美德 家庭观念:强调家庭和睦、亲子关系和家族传承的重要性 社会秩序:强调社会秩序和法律制度的重要性,提倡公正、公平、法治等原则
清教徒文学作 品中的主题和 思想在美国文 学中得以传承
清教徒文学作 品的分析
背景:1620年,清教徒乘坐五月花号前往北美 内容:确立了清教徒在新大陆的生活准则和法律基础 意义:体现了清教徒追求自由、平等和法治的精神 对美国文学的影响:成为美国文学创作的重要主题和灵感来源
英国国教:清教徒反对英国国教的教义和仪式,认为它们过于繁琐和形式 化。
清教徒的流亡:由于受到英国政府的迫害,多清教徒选择流亡到北美地 区。
清教徒在北美的影响:清教徒在北美地区建立了许多殖民地,对美国文学 和文化产生了深远的影响。
信仰:坚信上帝的 存在,信仰圣经的 权威
价值观:强调个人 信仰、道德和责任 感
清教思想对美国文学的主题和价值观产生了深远影响 清教徒的宗教信仰和道德观念在美国文学中得到了体现 清教徒对自然、家庭、社会等方面的关注在美国文学中得到了反映 清教徒的文学创作风格和技巧对美国文学产生了影响
清教主义:强调道 德、信仰和自律
清教徒在美国文学 中的形象:勤劳、 诚实、节俭
Part 1 American Puritanism 美国清教主义
Part 1American Puritanism to Enlightenment – Colonial PeriodI.American Puritanism (north colonies):i.Puritans: The settlement of the North American continent by the English began in theearly part of the 17th century (―Mayflower‖,1620) – on America’s northern seacoast– New England – the first settles who became the founding fathers of the Americannation were quite a few of them Puritans.ii.Ideal of Puritans: They were idealists to ―purify‖ the rituals of the church, to lessen the authority of bishops, believing that the church should be restored to the ―purity‖of the first century church as establish by Jesus Christ himself.⏹By the time of Elizabeth’s reign, the church of England was clearly Protestant inrespect to its separation from Rome.⏹Puritans were originally devout members of the Church of England⏹The reign of Queen Mary – immigrating to America searching for religious freedom–ironically: the term of ―Puritanism‖implies religious intolerance, bigotry,austerity of taste, killingjoy way of life. why? ( They persecuted the witch or thosewhom the community deemed ―hellish‖– Hawthorn’s The Scarlet Letter ) TypicalPuritan’s way of life – in harmony with their somber religion, stressing hard work,thrift, piety, and sobriety; the most popular image – a teetotaler, gaunt, lank-haired,wearing a black steeple hat – in fact a distortion, evoking for a time, antipathy anddisgustiii.Puritanism: Puritans were a group of serious, religious people, they had their own code of values, a philosophy of life, and their point of viewA: Three basic puritan tenets:⏹God’s absolute sovereignty -- God is all-powerful and asserts His influence in everyevent of human life⏹Original Sin –AS a result of Adam and Eve’s eating the forbidden fruit, allhumanity is completely wicked.⏹Predestination – Human races is predestined by God (John Calvin)(Tenets of John Calvin: The state should be the servant of the church. ―original depravity‖, ―In Adam’s fall, we sinned all‖– man cannot redeem his original sinfulness–―Redemption, therefore, must be a free gift from God. Only He and no one else maydecide who is to be saved and who is to go to hell –―Predestination‖– Christ, therefore,did not die for all, but only for those who are to be saved )B. An ethic was developed around hard work: The drive for money and the acquisitionof wealth through work may not be a step toward salvation ( since there was no choice)but perhaps a sign that one was saved. If life were a discovery of whether or notsomeone was saved, then every event was significant. Of one acted in a way that wasnot in accordance with this belief, then one was surely not saved and definitely a threatto the existing order.C. Many writers regarded the settlers as God’s agents, sent under His ―wonder workingprovidence‖ to make homes for His chosen and to convert or destroy the Indians whomthey felt were sent by the devil to disturb their progress. The writing brought home tothe average church member a fear and wonder for God’s workings – nothing was writtenfor mere amusement – plain style, Biblical allusion (quotation, sermons)iv.American Myth:⏹American literature is based on a myth – the Biblical myth of the Garden of Eden⏹ A literary expression of the pious idealism of the American Puritan bequest –optimistic⏹Religious and utilitarian -- reflecting those people’s striving for salvation, especiallymateriallyv.American Dream (basically optimistic)⏹religiously pious and practical⏹west land to explore, unlimited opportunities, forbidding natural surroundings thatintriguing people’s fighting spirit –― A sup of New England’s air is better than awhole draft of old England’s ale‖ Francis Higginson New Englan’s Plantation 1630 )–The very severity of the frontier conditions taught the American Puritans to betougher, to be every ready for any misfortunes and tragic failures that might lie inwait for them.⏹individual success – individualismII.Literary Scene ( Puritan and Enlightened ):i.theme: about their voyage to the new land, about adapting themselves to unfamiliarclimates and crops, about dealing with Indians, about the land which stretched beforethem – unimaginable and immense, with rich dense forests and deep blue lakes andrich soil – all seemed possible through hard work and faithii.form: English literary tradition imitatednguage style: fresh, simple and direct, plain and homely, honest rhetoric, Biblical allusioniv.representatives:( William Bradford, Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, Thomas Paine )A. Philip Freneau – religious freedom – dawning nationalism, American subject matter,poet of American revolution-- The Wild Honey Suckle-- The Indian Burying GroundB. Jonathan Edwards –religious ecstasy –influence upon later years: Emerson,anticipating 18th c. TranscendentalismC. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)⏹opposite of Edwards: the paradox of Puritan materialism and immateriality⏹Jack-of-all-trades, a self-made man⏹The symbol of the Age of Enlightenment, age of Reason – leading to the Age ofRomanticism⏹Poor Richard’s Allmanac⏹Autobiography – how a man should live his life, 13virtues,(industrious, frugal, prudent etc.)-- a Puritan document: self-examination andself-improvement, self-reliance, the fulfillment of the―American Dream‖–sense of optimism revolution --romantic-- spokesman for the new order of 18th c. AmericanEnlightenment: Man is basically good and free, by natureendowed by God with certain inalienable rights of libertyand the pursuit of happiness – benevolence of God--style: simplicity, directness, concision, plainness,homeliness of imageryD. An opposite tone: pessimisticSt. John de Crevecoeur⏹He saw and spoke of the illusory nature of that American dream, being aware ofthe existence of slavery, avarice, violence, famine and disease – all forms of evilthat he thought the American had not left behind with his migration to this sideof the Atlantic⏹Thus almost at the very beginning, the New World had in its constitution theelements of the old, and the ideal had as its twin brother – the anti-ideal⏹Leading to the note of pessimism first clearly heard and heeded in Mark Twain’sThe Gilded AgeIII.Southern Plantation: a landed aristocracy, its own intelligentsiaIV.Middle Colonies: American toleration--Dutch, Swedish – New York, Pennsylvania – all nationalities’ folk stories providing forthe materials for later Romantic writers, such as Washington Irvingparison between American Puritanism and Chinese Confucianism ( after-class discussion)⏹Confucius⏹Confucianism-- the moral and religious system of China founded Confucius by the end of the6th c. B.C. His original sayings ( Analects ) were edited with commentaries byMencius in the 4th B.C., and his philosophy was further developed by Chu Hisin the 12th c. and by Wang Yang-ming in the 16th c.-- Basically it is a system of ethical precepts—benevolentlove, righteousness, decorum, wise leadership, sincerity – designed to inspireand presence the good management of family and society.-- A theological dimension was introduced in the 2nd c. B.C. when Tung Chung-Shurelated the five virtues to a cosmic order governed by Shang-Ti ( ruler of heaven) towhom the emperor was immediately responsible. It became the official doctrineof Imperial China under the Han Dynasty ( 2nd c. B.C. –2nd c. A.D.). Ritualsacrifice in appointed shrines characterized Confucianism from the 1st c.B.C. untilthe People’s Republic of 1949.-- Eclipsed by Taoism and Buddhism from the 3rd c. to the 7th c., Confucianism wasrevived and made the state religion under the Tang Dynasty (618-906)-- Neo-Confucianism, strong between the 10th c. and the 13th c.. opposed thesupernatural quietistic tendencies of Buddhism and Taoism, advocating a humanisticsearch for truth.-- From the 2nd c. B.C. until the 20th c., Confucianism was the distinctive philosophyof China, and the basis of social organization, education and administration.。
美国文学复习整理一、殖民主义时期的文学(colonial settlements)&理性和革命时期文学(revolutionary period)(文艺复兴时期)1.清教主义的shaping influence代表人物安妮·布莱德斯特”Philip Freneau 菲利普·佛瑞诺有宗教隐喻,关注本土地貌、人文。
father of American poetryThe Wild Honey Suckle3. Thomas Jefferson 托马斯·杰弗逊起草了独立宣言The Declaration of Independence 1776Thomas Paine 托马斯·佩因拥护独立宣言代表作:《常识》Common Sense《理性时代》The Age of ReasonJonathan Edwards乔纳森·埃德沃兹大觉醒运动的代表人物the Great AwakeningBenjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林代表作:《自传》The Autobiography《穷理查德历书》Poor Richard’s Almanac美国梦的代表二.浪漫主义时期的文学(American Romanticism)早期浪漫主义(Early Romantic Period)背景:1> 时间:18世纪末到内战爆发前夕(1861)2> 条件:○1国家的快速发展,大量移民和工业化发展○2小说的发展,期刊杂志(periodical)出现○3受英国文学的影响浪漫主义的基本特征Stressing emotion rather than reasonStressing freedom and individualityIdealism rather than materialismWriting about nature, medieval legends(中世纪传说)and with supernatural elements. 美国浪漫主义文学的特征Imitative,Independent,newness,to moralize and to edify(教化)文学常用主题:Home,family,nature,children,idealize love,major problems of American life 代表人物Washington Irving(华盛顿·欧文)短篇小说的代表,美国文学之父(因为是第一位被欧洲接受的美国作家)写作特点:○1Amuse and entertain○2He is good at enveloping his stories in an atmosphere○3Humor○4Avoid preach代表作:《见闻札记》The Sketch Book 地位:the first modern short stories《瑞普·凡·温克尔》Rip Van Winkle《睡谷传说》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow见闻札记标志着美国浪漫主义文学的开始美国第一位浪漫主义散文文体作家the first great prose stylistJames Fenimore Copper Cooper 詹姆斯·芬尼莫·库珀代表作:《皮袜子故事集》Leatherstocking Tales《杀鹿者》The Deerslayer《最后的莫希干人》The Last of the Mohicans《探路者》The Pathfinder《开拓者》The Pioneers《草原》The Prairie主人公Natty Bumppo 是一个追求自由的人物,诚实,朴素,慷慨。
菲利斯·惠特利(Phillis Wheatley1754-1784)
的与道德的》(Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, 1773)
时代背景: 主要思潮:浪漫主义、超验主义
(Transcendentalism) 开拓边疆(Frontier)和拓荒者(Pioneer) 工业化进程(北方) 废奴运动
华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving, 1783-1859),“美国文学之父”
时代背景: 南北战争(1861-65年)的影响 重建时期 (Reconstruction) 西进运动 (West Movement) 工业化进程加快和垄断资本主义形成
爱米莉·迪金森(Emily Dickinson,1830-1886)
一位独特的女诗人,孤独的一生,奇特的风格, 1775首诗。
威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯(William Dean Howells, 1837-1920),美国现实主义文学的倡导者和奠 基人之一。
马克·吐温(Mark Twain, 1835-1910)
《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1886)
《见闻札记》(The Sketch Book, 1819-20)
詹姆斯·费尼莫·库柏(James Fenimore Cooper, 1789-1851)
《皮袜子五部曲》(Leather stocking Tales): 纳蒂·班波(Natty Bumppo)
简要介绍十九世纪以前——突出介绍清教文学及其代表人物,乔纳森·爱德华兹和本杰明·富兰克林十九世纪以后——①浪漫主义时期19世纪上半叶-在40年代达到高潮:欧文首创;艾德加·爱伦·坡丰富理论和技巧;霍桑寓教诲于故事中;詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀②第二次世界大战后:南方文学和犹太文学③五十年代后期到六十年代前期:黑人文学和垮掉派作家介绍——早期殖民时期到20世纪70年代的整个美国文学史殖民时期大致从17世纪初到18世纪末美国文学本身是从19世纪才开始英国清教徒建立北美殖民地宗教信仰非常重要执着于人的生活、思想及行为应分享上帝的荣光;接受命运、原罪、人完全堕落的教义相信只有通过有限的赎罪才能救赎卡尔文与自然界艰苦斗争坚韧、不屈不挠、乐观、时刻准备面对将会出现的不幸遇挫折、使命感教条主义的机会主义者因为通常幸福快走到尽头时就是迎来悲伤象征主义对于虔诚的清教徒来说,所感知的世界仅仅只是上帝的一个象征写作方式简洁风格是清新的、简单的、直接的;修饰手法是直白的、诚实的、也无不高贵约翰·史密斯《A Description of New England》威廉·布拉德福德五月花移民运动《Of Plymouth Plantation》约翰·温思普特安妮·布拉德斯特里特《Contemplations》沉思录《Upon the Burning of Our House》家居被焚之后爱德华·泰勒喜爱冥想的诗人《Huswifery》家务《Upon a spider Catching a Fly》蜘蛛捕捉苍蝇之遐想罗杰·威廉斯最著名异教徒之一《The Bloody of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience》血腥的迫害教义约翰·伍尔曼《Journal》日记托马斯·潘恩《The Rights of Man》人权论菲利普·弗瑞诺《The Wild Honey Suckle》野地里的忍冬查尔斯·布鲁克登·布朗《Wieland》威兰德乔纳森·爱德华兹代表美国的上层牧师《Personal Narrative》《Freedom of the Will》论意志自由《The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin》论原罪《The Nature of True Virtue》论真实德行的本原超验论本杰明·富兰克林代表美国的底层《Poor Richard’s Almanac》穷理查德历书《Autobiography》自传Periods of American Literature①Colonial Period(1650-1800)War of Independence②Romanticism Period(1800-1865)The Civil War③The Modernism(1914-1950)WWⅠ④Post-Modernism(1950-至今)WWⅡAmerican Puritanism——Doctrinaire opportunist/Realistic idealists From a doctrinal point of view, the Puritans were self-disciplined and abandoned all recreational activities. Their daily life was boring dull and monotonousFrom the perspective of opportunism, they treat things to achieve their goals as the highest pursuit, and do not pay attention to the process.American Dream——the persuit of idealFrom a historical point of view, the American dream symbolizes the early Puritans' expectations of the new world and new life in the American mainland, and also represents the good qualities of the Puritans' perseverance and diligenceIn a broad sense, the American dream is endowed with many different meanings: equality, freedom and democracy.美国的第一次文艺复兴发生在浪漫主义时期大题浪漫主义时期的清教主义是怎么体现的Imagination/emotional/subjective/rebellious in spirit/Rip van winkleTranscendentalism.①A literary and a philosophical movement are rising in 19th century New England, associated with a Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller and asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends empirical and scientific reality, and is knowable through institution.②Any system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual over the empirical and material③The man features of new England transcendentalism can be summarized as follows:Emphasize on spirit, or the Oversoul;The importance of the individual;Nature is the symbolic spirit of God.Relationships among American Romanticism, American Transcendentalism & American PuritanismTranscendentalism is the summit ofromanticism·Time: after 1830·Milestone: Nature by Emerson.·Reason: not happy about thematerialistic-oriented life- Activities:·Transcendentalist Club,The Dial《日暑》Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882)the reward of a thingis to have done it.--R.W.EmersonMajor works“Nature”《论自然》“The American Scholar”《美国学者》“The Divinity School Address”《神学院演说》“Self-Reliance”《论自助》“Over-soul”《论超灵》Other essays:·Representative Men代表性人物·English Traits英国人的特性.·The Conduct of Life论为人处世Emerson’s influence·Emerson’ s importance in the intellectual history of America lies in the fact that he embodied a new nation’ s desire and struggle to assert its own identity in its formative period.·His aesthetics brought about a revolution in American literature. It marked the birth of true American poetry.·He called for an independent culture,which represented the desire of the whole nation to develop a culture of its own.·During his lifetime he was considered one of the two or three best writers in America, and certainly the most influential among his contemporaries.·Thoreau,Whitman,Dickinson,Hawthorne, Melville, and Wallace Stevens and many others were indebted to him in varying degrees.Henry David Thoreau(1817-1862)an American author, naturalist, transcendentalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, sage writer and philosopher.He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay ,Civil Disobedience, an argument for individual resistance to civil government in moral opposition to an unjust state.Career·he was born in Concord in 1817·he was educated at Harvard and graduated in 1837·he lived for more than a year in Emerson S house to absorb Emerson's ideas.·he began a two-year residence at Walden Pond in July,4th, 1845·he was arrested for failure to pay a trifling sum in taxes.·he was only 45 when he diedWorks (Selected)·A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers,1849 (1st book)·Resistance to Civil Government / Civil·Disobedience / On the Duty of Civil Disobedience,1849<论公民之不服从·Walden; or, Life in the Woods, 1854. Excursions, 1863·The Maine Woods, 1864·Slavery in Massachusetts, 1854."nullifier of civilization"Masterpiece——Walden, another name,Life in the Woods·a collection of nature essays·a great Transcendentalist work .·a book about man, what he is, and what he should be and must be.·Full of ideas expressed to persuade·His neighbors out of their complacency·Walden——regard as a classic American book that explores natural simplicity, harmony, and beauty as models for just social and cultural conditions.·A reproduction of Thoreau's cabin with a statue of Thoreau.·Background information about WaldenThe book details Thoreau's sojourn in a cabin near Walden Pond, amidst woodland owned by his friend and mentor RalphWaldo Emerson, near Concord, Massachusetts.Thoreau did not intend to live as a hermit, for he received visitors, and returned their visits. Instead, he hoped to isolate himself from society in order to gain a more objective understanding of it.Nature-worshippingSimple living and self-sufficiency were Thoreau 's other goals, and the whole project was inspired by transcendentalist philosophy, which was one of the key. ideas of the American Romantic Period. As Thoreau made clear in his book, his cabin was not in wilderness but at the edge of town, not far from his family home.·ThemesWalden emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, solitude, contemplation, and closeness to nature in transcending the ”desperate" existence that, he argues, is the lot of most humans.·Writing style梭罗的文章具有散文诗的精炼和激情, 兼具政论文的雄辩,说理透彻,思想新颖深邃,不乏精辟隽永的警句。
美国文学简史第1章殖民地时期的美国1.1复习笔记I.American Puritanism(美国清教主义)The British began to immigrate to North America in the first half of the 17th century. The firstpermanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.In1620,the ship Mayflower carried about one hundred Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts.Many early American immigrants were Puritans, and they came to the United States for a variety ofreasons.The Puritanism they believed in later took root in the New World and had a profound impacton American thought and American literature.英国向北美的移民活动开始于17世纪上半叶。
Doctrines of Puritanism(清教主义的教义)The Puritans believed in the doctrine predestination put forward by the theologian John Calvin,including original sin, complete depravity, and limited redemption.清教徒信奉神学家约翰·加尔文宣扬的预设定论,原罪,彻底的堕落,有限制的救赎等神学主张。
美国文学中有许多特殊的名词和术语,下面是其中一些常见的名词解释:1. Puritanism(清教主义): 清教主义是美国文学发展的重要起点之一,它是在17世纪早期由清教徒带入美洲的思想和信仰体系。
2. American Renaissance(美国文艺复兴): 美国文艺复兴指的是19世纪中期到20世纪初期的一个时期,这个时期出现了一大批杰出的美国作家和作品。
3. Realism(现实主义): 现实主义是19世纪末至20世纪初的一种文学流派,在美国文学发展史中具有重要的地位。
4. Harlem Renaissance(哈莱姆文艺复兴): 哈莱姆文艺复兴是20世纪20年代至30年代期间,在纽约哈莱姆区集中发展起来的一种文化和艺术运动。
5. Beat Generation(垮掉的一代): 垮掉的一代是20世纪50年代和60年代期间在美国兴起的一种文学和文化运动。
1.于“灵”、“肉”思辨中建构另一个自我--美国19世纪浪漫主义文学中的清教传统 [J], 李安斌;卢俊霖
2.“历史还原”与“效果历史”——罗宗强文学思想史研究中的“纯文学”观念[J], 李明
3.美国文学中清教思想地位的嬗变 [J], 王玉明;冯晓英
4.简析美国文学发展历程中的清教主义思想 [J], 宫桂梅
5.文学与思想的互动共生——评《思想史视野中的中国现当代文学》 [J], 杨梅因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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the Black. • Novels about black slaves?
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Roots.
The History of American Literature The discovery of America?
上 家 言In半 —Go部—d W为美e Tr蓝利ust :色坚我横合们信 长 众 仰上方 国帝,形;19,顶56年下冠—半内今)部有, 为 1意3红 颗 为、白美白色利相五坚间角合星的众, 竖 代 国表 由条美很,多意国州同最组国初成旗的,。 1是3一个个州完。整的联 邦。
The History of American Literature
Captain John Smith: Reports of exploration, Letters in 1608 published.
To be the 1st American literature to be written in English. This is the foundation of the Nation’s Literature.
Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. It introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn about books and literature; we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books. Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author's message.
The History of American Literature
1620 Mayflower
Plymouth settlement, Massachusetts
Beginning of the American Literature.
Once members of Church of England Wanted to reform the doctrines Avoid persecution
美国的绰号W叫as“h山in姆g大to叔n ”D(isUtrnicctleoSfaCmo)。lu传m说b在ia英
的H桶o上w写m有a“nUySs”,ta表te示s?这是美国的财产。这恰与 “人美山们姆便国大戏是叔 称由” 带5( 有0“U个nUc州Sle”标S、a记m1的)个的物首联资字邦都母是直缩“辖略山相特姆同大。叔于”是 的区,而及“2山0个姆大海叔外”领也地逐渐组成成了的美国联的邦绰制号。1961年 美共国国和会国通。过决议,正式承认“山姆大叔”代表美国
The History of American Literature
Liu Yingwei
The History of American Literature
What is Literature?
LitLeitrearatuturree iiss athteermartusoefdwtroitdteenscwriboerkw.rTittheen worord slipteokraentumreatleitreiaral. lBlyromadelaynsspe"athkiinngg,s"lmitearadteurfer"oims ummlhesooaetrstvdeetinrcttosego"cmd.thewmLnsiiooccternamirbllyaeoaturujaossrnerceydifetoihtnsoirtnmicfrgieocsffmr—ewormomftroikcocswtnri,eolobyanruktcitsv<eahonsefwostrthiniefteiir-nemcgdreitsaoastive ifmicatgioinna—tioann, dinctwluodinmgawjoorrktsecohf pnoiqeutrey,sd—rapmoae,tfricytion, aannddnponrofiscteio.n(.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
The History of American Literature
The Location of the Main land? N主a要tio领n土a位l 于fla北g美?洲中T部h,e北S与t加ar拿s大a接n壤d,S南tr靠ip墨e西s哥湾,
“星条旗”(The Stars and Stripes)、“古老的光荣” (AOlalsdkaGlory),呈横长方形,C主an体ad由a 13道红、白相间的宽条 组成(7红6白);旗面左上角为蓝色长方形,其中分9排 横列着50颗白色五角星。红色象征强大和勇气,白色代表 纯Pa洁cif和ic 清Oce白an,蓝色象征警惕、坚韧不拔和正义。13道宽条 代星Haw表代ai最表i 早美发国动 现独 有立50战个争州并。取18得18胜年利美的国1国3个会州通,A过tla5法n0ti颗案c O五,ce角a国n 旗上的红白宽条固定为13道,五角星数目应与合众国州数 一致。每年6月14日为Gu“lf o美f M国ex国ico旗制定纪念日”。
Narrow meaning: Writings that are valued as works of art, esp. fiction, drama and poetry.
The History of American Literature
Why do we read Literature?
The History of American Literature
Genres / Forms of Literature:
The History of American Literature
Full name?
在只C英是a语汉pi中译ta, 不l?亚 同美 ,利前加者W和指as美美h利洲in坚,g为后to同者n 一指D词美.C“ 国.?。America”,
Christopher Columbus
The History of American Literature First permanent settlement in North America
The History of American Literature
The History of Americaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Literature
The History of American Literature
National flower? Rose: A symbol of beauty, fragrance and love.
National day? July 4
National currency? Dollar
The History of American Literature
National Song?
《星条旗》(the Star-spangled Banner)(曾译《星条旗永不 落》,虽然这种译法使该歌曲与美国国家进行曲《The Star and Stripes Forever》重名,并且与英文原意不符,但该译法的使用 依然相当广泛)诞生在巴尔的摩。据传说,巴尔底摩市东南的麦 克亨利堡,曾在第二次英美战争期间作为前哨阵地抗击英军。它 建在一个小半岛上,是个平面成五角星状的要塞,扼进港要道。 1814年,英国舰队直扑麦克亨利堡,昼夜连续猛轰此堡。当时, 有一位名叫弗朗西斯·斯科特·基的美国律师乘船到英舰交涉释放被 扣留的美国平民。他目击了英军炮轰麦克亨利堡的经过,忧心如 焚。次日早晨,当他透过战场上的硝烟看到星条旗仍在要塞上空 猎猎飘扬时感慨万分,于是激情满怀地写下了《星条旗》这首诗。 诗歌很快不胫而走,之后被配上曲谱流传全国。1931年,美国国 会正式将《星条旗》定为国歌 。
• The two major mountains in US? Appalachian Mountains from NE to SW
and Rocky Mountains from NW to SE. • “Father of waters”?
The Mississippi, also called “old man water”.
The History of American Literature
• Border lakes between US and Canada? The Great Lakes, including Lake Superior (the largest freshwater lake in the world), Lake Michigan (the only one entirely in the US), Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.
• The largest state? Alaska.
• The smallest state? Rhode Island.
• Is US the largest country in the world? No. 4th largest country in size.