滕王阁 中英文介绍 及翻译技巧
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Tengwang Pavilion has long been ranked first among the three famous pavilions in the south of Yangtze River.
• 雄踞南昌抚河北大道,坐落于赣江与抚河故道交 汇处。
Standing by the North Fuhe Avenue in Nanchang, the magnificent pavilion is located at the convergent point of Ganjiang River and the old Fu River.
English Introduction of Tengwang Pavilion
关于滕王阁景点介绍 英文翻译的探究
• Location :江西 南昌 • Reputation: 江南三大名楼之首 • Allusion :王勃 滕王阁序
素有“江南三大名楼之首”美誉的滕王 阁,雄踞南昌抚河北大道,坐落于赣江与 抚河故道交汇处。依城临江,瑰伟绝特, 因“初唐四杰”之首的王勃一篇雄文—— 《秋日登洪府滕王阁饯别序》,简称《滕 王阁序》而得以名贯古今,誉满天下。王 勃的《滕王阁序》,脍炙人口,传诵千秋。 文以阁名,阁以文传,历千载沧桑而盛誉 不衰。
• 王勃的《滕王阁序》,脍炙人口,传诵千秋。文以阁名, 阁以文传,历千载沧桑而盛誉不衰。
• Preface to Tengwang Pavilion is so popular that it has been passed down from generation to generation .Preface to Tengwang Pavilion was named after the pivilion,and it gained and mantained high reputation since then.
• Preface to Tengwang Pavilion is so popular among the mass that it has been passed down from generation to generation. Named after the pavilion, the masterpiece in turn brought to the architecture high reputation to enduring the historical baptism.
• 素有"江南三大名楼之首”美誉的滕王阁.
has long been... Omission
the three famous pavilions in the south of Yangtze River
...has the reputation for the first pavilion in south of Yangtze river
• 名贯古今,誉满天下
famous& maintained the glory
Its splendor and majesty was lauded by Wang Bo, the leader of the four excellences in early Tang Dynasty, in one of his masterpieces, Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, and thus has been famous throughout the world as well as maintained the glory with the years going.
Tengwang Pavilion has long been ranked first among the three famous pavilions in the south of Yangtze River. Standing by the North Fuhe Avenue in Nanchang, the magnificent pavilion is located at the convergent point of Ganjiang River and the old Fu River, taking the city as its background and the river as its mirror. Its splendor and majesty was lauded by Wang Bo, the leader of the four excellences in early Tang Dynasty, in one of his masterpieces, Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, and thus has been famous throughout the world as well as maintained the glory with the years going. Preface to Tengwang Pavilion is so popular among the mass that it has been passed down from generation to generation. Named after the pavilion, the masterpiece in turn brought to the architecture high reputation to enduring the historical baptism.
依城临江,瑰伟绝特 taking the city as its background and the river as its mirror.
• 因“初唐四杰”之首的王勃一篇雄文——《秋日登洪府滕 王阁饯别序》,简称《滕王阁序》而得以名贯古今,誉满 天下。 • 初唐四杰:the leader of the four excellences in early Tang Dynasty • 《滕王阁序》:Preface to Tengwang Pavilion