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有关情绪对决策影响的实验研究的探析中英文对照Analysis of the experimental study on the effect of emotion on decision making of the English




In recent years, the effect of emotion on decision-making has become a research hotspot. Domestic and foreign theories and studies about the effect of emotion on decision-making, there are two paradigms: Research Based on the paradigm of emotion nature and based on the research paradigm of specific emotions. The former believe that nature of emotion are the main factors that influence the decision, the latter in many studies found that emotional nature is not sufficient to explain the influence of emotion, that influence the decision-making is the evaluation of the specific emotional dimensions. In this study, the specific emotional paradigm, a preliminary investigation of three specific emotions: happy, sad and fear of different effects on multiple attribute decision making and risk decision making.

This study includes two experiments, using the movie clips to stimulate the happy, sad and fear.


Effects of processing methods on experimental specific emotions on multiple attribute decision making, job selection decision simulation application information board technique, differences in different emotional states were processing time in multiple attribute decision making and processing depth. The results basically confirmed the effect of processing emotional for multiple attribute decision making : positive emotional automatic processing, while the negative emotional control processing.



Experiment two examined the effects of specific emotions on the risk decision, in seven the risk decision situations, differences in risk preferences are different emotional state for risk decision-making. Results show that the effects of emotional nature of the risk decision making is not obvious, the same properties of negative emotions of fear and significantly different risk preference sad, afraid to show risk avoidance, and sadness is risk seeking. The results also show that the deterministic and control self assessment dimension is not the main dimensions of risk decision.


This study validates the multiple attribute decision making this relatively complex task, effect of previous found in the simple task of emotion to machining methods also exist, enrich such research. At the same time as the research paradigm of specific emotions, provide experimental support for the influence of emotion on decision making is discussed based on the theory of appraisal tendency framework.
Keywords: specific emotions, multiple attribute decision making, risk decision, emotional nature paradigm, specific emotional paradigm
决策(decision making)是选择备择方案的行为,它渗透于人类生活的方方面面,是人类的一种基本的认知活动。



Decision making ( decision making ) is the choice of alternative actions, it permeates all aspects of human life, is a basic human cognitive activities. Because the human face of the scarcity of resources environment, must face a variety of options. One of the important subjects of decision-making psychology is the study of decision-making, the role and influence of which is the study of mental activity in the decision-making process, the psychological mechanism of decision-making, psychological factors and emotional, personality, motivation, attitude of the decision.
在研究范式上,决策心理学至今经历大致三个阶段:标准化范式(normative paradigm)的主导阶段、描述性范式(descriptive paradigm)的主导阶段和进化论范式(evolutionary paradigm)兴起的阶段。

On the research paradigm, decision psychology has experienced roughly three stages: normal ( normative paradigm ) of the dominant phase, descriptive paradigm ( descriptive paradigm ) is the dominant phase and evolutionary paradigm ( evolutionary paradigm ) the rise of the stage.
决策心理学在上世纪50年代,由于数学上的重大突破,V on Neumann和Morgenstern提出了最大期望效用理论(expected utility theory),它成为标准化研究范式的基石,认为决策者根据最大期望效用作出选择,效用等于价值与概率的乘积。



尽管Savage在其基础上提出了主观最大期望效用理论(subjective expected utility theory),将主观概率代替客观概率。


从而难以面对越来越多违反标准化决策理论的现象,如“偏好翻转”(preference reversal)、“阿莱斯驳论”(Allais paradox)、“埃尔斯伯格驳论”(Ellsberg paradox)等。

The psychology of decision making in the last century 50's, due to a major breakthrough in mathematics, V on Neumann and Morgenstern put forward the maximum expected utility theory ( expected utility theory ), which has become the cornerstone of standard research paradigm, that the decision makers to make a choice based on the maximum expected utility, utility is equal to the product value and probability. The maximum expected utility theory to comprehensive rationality as the theoretical basis, and assuming that the probability is objective, value is subjective. However, this theory provides decision-making behavior of decision makers to follow
a set of axioms, such as dominance, transitivity, independence, makes the decision behavior become the objective measurement object completely, and the lack of subjective content. Although Savage is proposed on the basis of the subjective expected utility theory ( subjective expected utility theory ), the subjective probability instead of objective probability. But the theory does not change, the pursuit of objectivity on the basis of a comprehensive and rational, eliminate the psychological factors play a role in the. So it is hard to face more and more against the standard decision theory, such as " preference reversal " ( preference reversal ), " Allais paradox " ( Allais paradox ), " Ellsberg paradox " ( Ellsberg paradox ).

Simon最早提出有限理性(bounded rationality)概念而奠定了描述性范式的理论基础,他从人类认知能力与环境资源有限性论述了人类决策不可能达到全面理性,而只能是有限理性。


在有限理性与满意原则基础上,相关描述性理论进一步发展,尤其是对风险决策行的描述与分析,其中最出色的当属Kahneman与Tversky的前景理论(Kahneman, D. &Tversky, A., 1979)。

他们发现了很多人类在不确定条件下决策偏差、启发式范式,比如著名的框架效应(framing effect)、代表性启发式(representativeness heuristic)、可得性启发式(A vailability heuristic)和调整与锚定启发式(anchoring and adjustment heuristic)。


Along with the standard paradigm is difficult to break through the dilemma, and influenced by the twentieth Century 60, 70 time of cognitive psychology, a new study paradigm -- descriptive paradigm began to rise. Simon put forward the concept of bounded rationality ( bounded rationality ) and laid the theoretical foundation of descriptive paradigm, he from the human cognitive abilities and limitations of environment resources on human decisions can not fully rational, but only limited rationality. The limited rational impact standard paradigm fully rational, shaken marks the comprehensive rationality based on the principle of " optimal ", instead of " satisfaction " principle put forward by Simon, namely human according to their own desire level whether meet the most as selection criteria, and the desire of human level based on finite cognition, experience is unable to achieve the maximum expected utility of complete rational. Based on the principle of bounded rationality and satisfaction, further development of relevant descriptive theories, especially the description and analysis of risk decision, which is Kahneman and Tversky's best prospect theory ( Kahneman, D., &Tversky, A., 1979 ). They found a lot of people in the uncertain deviation, the heuristic decision making conditions, such as the famous framing effect ( framing effect ), representative heuristic ( representativeness heuristic ), the availability heuristic ( A vailability heuristic ) and adjustment and Mao Dingqi hair (anchoring and adjustment heuristic ). Their study is the basis of many related theories and research, and promoted the research climax decision-making psychology.
到20世纪90年代,受进化心理学的影响,以Gigerenzer为代表的一批学者开始采用基于进化论的“生态理性”(ecological rationality)的观点。




Gigerenzer 等所发现的“适应性工具箱”(adaptive toolbox)的种种快速节俭启发式(fast and frugal heuristics),如再认启发式(Goldstein, D.G.., &Gigerenzer., 1998),与Kahneman与Tversky 所发现的可得性启发式非常相似。




在这些因素中,情绪扮演着重要的角色,美国著名决策专家R.Hastie在2001年的《心理学年鉴》中把情绪与决策列为决策研究要解决的16个问题之一(R.Hastie, 2001)。


Until the nineteen ninties, influence of evolutionary psychology, a group of scholars represented by Gigerenzer began to use the ecological rationality " based on the theory of evolution " ( ecological rationality ) view. " And " limited rationality " point of view, that decision biases and heuristics are not irrational, but is based on the evolution and adaptation. In the limited cognitive resources for adaptation to the environment of a kind of fast, simple strategies, think any situation is not suitable for decision-making in ecological rationality, there is its special situation, all sorts of decision biases in non applicable performance context is limited rational eyes and heuristic. Although the evolutionary paradigm a faction, but theoretical assumptions adopted by Gigerenzer, including bounded rationality ( Liu Y ongfang, Gerd.Gigerenzer, PeterM.Tod, 2003 ), therefore, the limited rationality and ecological rationality are interlinked. Adaptive toolbox Gigerenzer found " " ( adaptive toolbox ) all sorts of fast and frugal heuristics ( fast and frugal heuristics ), such as the recognition heuristic ( Goldstein, D.G.., &Gigerenzer., 1998 ), very similar to Kahneman and Tversky found the availability heuristic. The former is to recognize or recognition difficulty as the basis to make a choice, and the latter is the object in the perception or memory difficulty as the basis to estimate probability. In the present circumstances, although the evolutionary paradigm has developed rapidly, but it is difficult to completely replace the descriptive paradigm, the root lies in the hypothesis of limited rationality and solid. Therefore, the psychology of decision-making in both descriptive paradigm and evolutionary paradigm of the situation, the limited rationality and ecological rationality is a decision of the central concept in abandoned comprehensive rationality and bounded rationality and ecological rationality emphasizes at the same t ime, also means that the earlier in the standardization by psychological factors such as emotional, policy ignored, personality, motivation, study on decision-making influence attitude to restore. Among these factors, emotions play an important role in the United States, a famous expert in 2001 R.Hastie " psychology Y earbook " the emotion and decision making as a decision-making research to solve the 16 problem ( R.Hastie, 2001 ). In the past 30 years, about the effect of emotion on decision-making has become the focus of research, this study investigated for three specific emotions: happy, sad and fear of different effects on multiple attribute decision making and risk decision making.
The first chapter outlines
1 decision overview
1.1 decision definition
有关对决策的解释,学术界目前还没有统一的观点,根据美国决策研究专家R.Hastie(R.Hastie, 2001)的看法,他认为:“判断与决策是人类根据自己的愿望和信念选择行动的过程。


The decision explanation, academia is not a unified point of view, according to the American decision expert R.Hastie ( R.Hastie, 2001 ) views, he thinks: " judgment and decision of human processes according to their own desires and belief selection action. " In this definition can see the decision lies in the evaluation of the alternatives, namely according to their own desire and belief to various options evaluation and selection, selection is based on the results of the assessment.


Descriptive decision psychology is heavily influenced by the theory of cognitive psychology, and from the perspective of psychological process of decision-making, decision-making is a constant search for information, judgment and evaluation process ( Zhuang Jinying, 2006 ). Decision making is the information processing, so it must be restricted rules of cognitive psychology, cognitive psychology and use the concept, mechanism and analyzed in term of decision.
The 1.2 decision classification



有时效用值是无法计算的,或是缺乏相应的客观指标来准确计算,比如在情绪作为信息(affect as information, AAI)理论(Sehwarz, N., &Clore, GL., 1983)中,情绪就是决策的标准之一,情绪这种主观状态是难以确定其效用值的。


The decision has a variety of classification, but mainly according to the objective environment and the options if there is uncertainty, can be divided into deterministic decision and risk decision. According to cable ( cable, such as Ann Baosheng, Xu Liancang, 1998 ) shall meet the following conditions, i.e., deterministic decision: ( 1 ) decision makers the clarity of purpose; ( 2 ) the objective conditions faced by decision makers fully determined, any condition or is there or not; ( 3 ) in 2 and the above alternatives; ( 4 ) the utility value of each alternative is accurately calculated. According to this rule, we can see certain decision is very objective decision, purpose, conditions are determined, utility value can be calculated accurately, but it is not completely fit for the real decision in many people. Sometimes the utility value can not be calculated, or lack of objective index corresponding to the accurate calculation, such as information in the mood ( affect as information, AAI ) theory ( Sehwarz, N., &Clore, GL., 1983 ), one of the standard mood is
decision-making, the subjective emotional state is difficult to determine its utility value. Because of this, the deterministic decision is influenced by various kinds of psychological factors such as emotion, personality, motivation, attitude, there is a uncertain.




Risk decision with the objective environment uncertainty and remarks scheme, compared with the deterministic decision, the main difference lies in the above mentioned conditions ( 2 ). In the risk decision, the condition is no longer the presence or absence of a clear, but exists in a probabilistic manner. When the probability is determined, then the decision is to determine the type of risk decision, such as the purchase of sports lottery; probabilistic uncertainty is the uncertainty risk decision-making, such as disaster prediction, often because of the lack of experience or knowledge about the event, which is difficult to determine the size or probability estimation. Risk decision-making is the hotspot in the research of decision.




According to the factors to be considered, can be divided into single attribute decision making ( considered a factor ) and multiple attribute decision making ( two and above factors ). This classification to determine the decision is more significance, because of the relative risk decision mainly on individual risk attributes. Single attribute decision under certainty is relatively simple, one need only according to a property on the situation can make decisions, and multiple attribute decision making is more complex, people may take different processing methods for multiple attribute decision making, these processing methods are often influenced by emotion. V isible, multiple attribute decision ( hereinafter referred to as the multiple attribute decision making ) and risk decision-making are the two main types of decision-making in the.

因此对于多属性决策,侧重于探讨情绪对决策加工过程的影响,比如加工方式,而对于风险决策,侧重于探讨情绪对于决策结果的影响,像风险偏好(risk preference)。

与此类似,Lerner和Tiedens(Lerner, J.S., & Tiedens, L.Z., 2006)也认为要考察情绪对决策的两种影响:决策内容(content of thought)和决策深度(depth of thought)。

From the perspective of cognitive psychology, multiple attribute decision making and risk decision-making are different, the former is the information search, judgment and evaluation of more lasting process, need more cognitive resources; the latter short reaction time, mainly is the judgment and evaluation of the risk, do not need too much cognitive resources. So for multiple attribute decision making, focusing on the impact of emotion on decision processes, such as processing, and for risk decision-making, focuses on the influence of emotion on decision results, as risk appetite ( risk preference ). Similarly, Lerner and Tiedens ( Lerner, J.S., & Tiedens, L.Z.,
2006 ) also believe that to study emotional two effects on Decision: decision content ( content of thought ) and decision depth ( depth of thought ).
根据决策方式可以分为选择(choice)、评估(uations)和建构(constructions)决策(Y ate, J.F., 2003)。




According to the decision can be divided into selection ( choice), assessment (uations ) and construction ( constructions ) decision ( Y ate, J.F., 2003 ). Decision-making is to define the options, select one or more options, such as in a few candidates in the election. Evaluation of decision is the decision maker on only one at a time to assess the value of options, such as the valuation of a product when shopping. Construction of the decision is the individual in the face of a set of well-defined resources, construct the most satisfactory combination ( Xuanzhi from Chen, 2006 ), such as the investment plan integration, create the best investment project from stocks, bonds, foreign exchange and other investment way.
2 emotion overview
2.1 emotion



And similar emotional decision, in theory there is no unified definition, each school has a different expression. The professor Meng Zhaolan for a mood of comprehensive definition: " the mood is the integration of multiple components, multidimensional structure, multiple levels, and adaptation and interpersonal for organism survival with cognitive interaction process of psychological activity and psychological motive power" ( Meng Zhaolan, 1989 ). Emotion as human survival to a ring mechanism, under the influence of social culture, become a psychological motive force and had an important influence on the cognitive activities.
2.2 emotion classification
情绪有多种分类,在情绪与决策研究中,最重要的是以情绪的性质分为积极情绪与消极情绪(Lerner, J.S., &Keltner, D., 2000)。

人类大致两种性质不同的情绪(Watson, D. & Tellegen, A., 1985),一种是正性的、积极的,更多具有享乐色调的情绪,像愉快、自豪、激情、希望等,另一种则是负性的、消极的,更多具有痛苦或不快色调的情绪,比如悲伤、害怕、愤怒、焦虑等。

这种分类是理论与研究中运用最多的,主要是探讨积极情绪和消极情绪对决策的不同影响,从而形成基于情绪性质的研究范式(based-valence ap
There are several kinds of classification in mood, emotion and decision-making research, the most important is the emotional nature is divided into positive and negative emotion ( Lerner, J.S., &Keltner, D., 2000 ). Human approximately two different emotions ( Watson, D. & Tellegen, A., 1985 ), one is positive and active, with more hedonic tone of mood, like happy, pride, passion, hope, another is negative, negative, more painful or not fast color emotion, such as anger, sadness,
fear, anxiety, etc.. This classification is theory and research using the highest, is mainly to discuss the different effects of positive and negative emotions on decision-making, so as to form the research paradigm of emotional properties based on AP ( based-valence。
