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第43卷 第3期 煤田地质与勘探

Vol. 43 No.3

2015年6月 COAL GEOLOGY & EXPLORA TION Jun . 2015

收稿日期: 2013-10-29

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41202198;41372310);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“摇篮计划” (CUG130409);


作者简介: 代先尧(1990—),男,湖北仙桃人,硕士研究生,从事岩土体稳定性评价. E-mail :hubeidxy@ 通信作者: 李长冬(1981—),男,博士,副教授,从事岩土体稳定性评价与地质灾害防治方法研究与教学工作.

E-mail :lichangdong@

引用格式: 代先尧,王亮清,李长冬,等. 负摩阻力作用下锥形异型桩承载力研究[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2015,43(3):


文章编号: 1001-1986(2015)03-0077-04


代先尧,王亮清,李长冬,王 凯,张永权

(中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院,湖北 武汉 430074 )

摘要: 研制异型桩是降低负摩阻力的重要措施之一,对目前能降低负摩阻力的异型桩的种类和特征进行了系统分析与总结,并介绍了作者已授权的一项国家发明专利——一种端部螺纹X 形变截面预制管桩及其施工方法。通过FLAC 3D 软件分别模拟了圆形等截面桩和锥形异型桩在相同地面堆载的情况下桩身轴力的分布情况,结果表明锥形纵截面的设置可以有效降低负摩阻力的影响。阐述了端部螺纹X 形变截面预制管桩能更显著降低负摩阻力的机制,研究成果可为端部螺纹X 形变截面预制管桩的设计和推广应用提供一定的理论基础。 关 键 词:锥形异型桩;负摩阻力;变截面;数值模拟

中图分类号:TU 473 文献标识码:A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-1986.2015.03.015

Bearing capacity of cone pile under action of negative friction resistance

DAI Xianyao, W ANG Liangqing, LI Changdong, W ANG Kai, ZHANG Yongquan

(Faculty of Engineering , China University of Geosciences , Wuhan 430074, China )

Abstract: Development of special-shaped pile is one of the important measures to reduce the negative friction, the

types and characteristics of the current special-shaped pile reducing the negative friction were analyzed and sum-marized, and the authors introduced a state authorized invention patent -- The thread at the end of the X shaped precast pipe pile and its construction method. Distribution of circular section pile and tapered special-shaped pile on the same surface load under the condition of axial force of pile were simulated respectively by FLAC 3D software. Results show that the effect of longitudinal section of tapered settings can effectively reduce the negative friction. The mechanism of the thread at the end of the X shaped precast pipe pile which can significantly reduce the nega-tive friction was elaborated. The theoretical foundation for design and application of research results for the thread at the end of the X shaped precast pipe piles was provided.

Key words: tapered special-shaped pile; negative friction; variable cross-section; numerical simulation

负摩阻力对桩基承载力和桩体沉降量的影响是不可忽略的,在软土地区由于地面堆载或地下水位下降等原因会导致土体的沉降量大于桩体的沉降量,这时在桩体表面就会产生向下的负摩阻力。至今,国内外已有很多关于负摩阻力的研究,E. M. Comocromos 等[1]采用三维非线性分析手段分别分析了单桩和群桩在地面堆载情况下负摩阻力的影响。R. P. Chen 等[2]采用数值分析的方法,研究了非线性固结土在不同桩顶载荷下的桩侧负摩阻力的发展,采用微分求积法获得了桩身的轴力分布,讨论了不同的土体固结度与不同的桩荷

