
《饮酒· 其五》
结庐在人境,而无车马喧。 问君何能尔?心远地自偏。 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。 山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。

唐诗《饮酒》(其五)三个英文译本的及物性对比分析[ [ XX】H315.9 XX】XX】1007-4244(20XX)01-166-2一、引言对古诗英译的研究,虽已成果斐然,但角度单一,个人经验和主观成分较多。
饮酒陶渊明 英译 赏析

以下是对这首诗的英译和赏析:英译:Carefree I sing, as the peach-blossom flows,。
A jug of wine under the flowering trees;I drink alone, and no friend comes near.Raising my cup, I beckon the bright moon,。
For he, with my shadow, will make three men.The moon, alas, is no drinker of wine;Listless, my shadow creeps about at my side.Yet with the moon as friend and the shadow as slave.I must make merry before the Spring is spent.To the songs I sing the moon flickers her beams;In the dance I weave my shadow tangles and breaks.While we were sober, three shared the fun;Now we are drunk, each goes his way.May we long share our odd, inanimate feast,。
And meet at last on the Cloudy River of the sky.赏析:这首诗以清新淡雅的笔触描绘了陶渊明在桃花盛开的春天里独自饮酒的情景。

1.意像汪榕培,2许渊冲,3Watson,4将这首诗的题目直译成drinking wine,这个题目的英译字面上看起来与此诗内涵无关,但却让一个崇尚老庄自然美学观的,飘然世外的一酒仙呼之欲出。

陶渊明《归去来兮辞》的两种译文比较陶渊明《归去来兮辞》的两种译文比较译文2:匿名译者Well, go back now! As the fields and gardens in home will be lying waste, why yet not go back! Since I have been familiar with that my heart has been put to be toiled by my body, why will be disconsolate and sad for myself alone? Now that I have been aware of the mistakes in past are already unable to rescue, but I have known the future life can retrieve. Really only going astray by accident but not too far, therefore, I have understood today's right and yesterday's wrong.The returning boat went forward fluttering on the river, and the gentle breeze was gently blowing and moving my upper outer garment. Asking pedestrian on the way in front, I hated the dawn light was still too faint and misted. When looking at the house after landing, I went straight forward with incomparable happy. And then I had seen the houseboys were running towards me and welcoming me with joy. After a while, I also saw the children were greeting me at the door. Entering the house, I found that the pathway has lay waste but it was deserved to be pleased for the pines andchrysanthemums still survived there. Leading the children I walked into the inner room, in which were placed the wine goblets that were full of sweetliquor. Taking up the wine pot and cup, I drank by myself. Looking at the trees in the courtyard then I really felt relaxed and happy. Leaning on the south window, I placed my feelings to look down upon the world. I began to feel that only living in the humble room, then can be easy to get a quiet mind. Every day Itake a walk in the courtyard and get pleasure from nature. Although the garden door is established, however, it is often closed. Leaning on a cane, I stroll along the pathway or take the rest leisurely everywhere. Occasionally, I raise my head to look at faraway place and then I can find that cloud and mist are blown out from the cave very naturally. I think, even the birds are aware of returning back when they have flown tired. After a while, when the sun light is dim gradually as sunset soon, but I still gently stroked the solitary pine and enjoy myself so much as to forget leaving.Well, go back home. I want to stop making friends and refuse taking part in traveling for pleasure. Since the common customs are disagreed with me, what can spur me to drive vehicle and go out on tour? A lot of understanding words talking between relatives make me with pleasure; playing a musical instrument and reading books can divert me from boredom and remove my grief. Before long, the farmers told me the spring has come and I should go to west for cultivating farmland. Then, some people push their wheelbarrows and others paddle their little boats. Sometimes I go into the mountain valley along a meandered stream and sometimes follow a rugged path to go by a massif. The trees are growing up luxuriantly and the spring water begins to pour trickling sluggishly. I admire all things on earth can meet theopportunities given by heaven but I sign of emotion that my whole life will be over quickly.Let it go at that! I don't know how much time I can live in the world! Why can't I let down my heart to let my life and death naturally? Is it necessary for me to go wherever searching something in a hurry? Seeking for riches and honor is not mywish and looking further for paradise is unable to anticipate. I am always longing for a nice weather that can let me stick my cane in the earth by the field and going for weeding and planting seedling. Or ascend the high hill at east to shout at the top of my lungs with sound reproduction, or face to the clear flowing water to recite poems. Merely, let me move towards the end of life along with the change of the nature. I believe that every happening in one's life is determined by fate and is inevitable; therefore one should be always content with circumstances and have no worries. I consider this conviction may be without doubt!(一) 译文篇章结构对比and waiting at the door are the greeting children.译文2: And then I had seen the houseboys were running towardsme and welcoming me with joy. After a while, I also saw the children were greeting me at the door.在例句(1)中,译文1用连词and将两个简单句连接起来构成并列句,译文2用连接词and将两个动词短语并列从而构成一个复杂句。

Four Miscellaneous Poems 杂诗四首1其一∶When civil service takes me far awav.My heart is torn apart in either way.With hidden tears, I set sail to the eastAnd flow with time and tide that's never ceased 遥遥从羁役,一心处两端。
When the sun has set, the stars begin to shine Above the western peak and then decline. Across the country by myself I roam.But vearn to have a dailv meal at home.日没星与昂,势翳西山巅。
Although I yearn to go home to the south.The lengthy distance makes me shut my mouih. As contact is cut off by hills and rills,I write this poems to clarify my wills.慷慨思南归,路遐无由缘。
II其二∶I live at ease and hold ideals sublime.But cannot stop the ceaseless flow of time.As civil service keeps me on the run.I travel east to have my mission done.The clouds loom in the sky when I depart While dismal winds excites my lonely heart. 闲居执荡志,时驶不可稽。
《归园田居》 (其一)英译比较


归园田居五首Back to Country Life其一∶少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。
lI've loathed the madding crowd since I was a boy While hills and mountains have filled me with joy. By mistake I sought mundane careersAnd got entrapped in them for thirty years.羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。
Birds in the cage would long for wooded hills; Fish in the pond would yearn for flowing rills.So I reclaim the land in southern fieldsTo suit my bent for reaping farmland yields.方宅十馀亩,草屋八九间。
My farm contains a dozen mu of ground;My cottage has eight or nine rooms around.The elm and willow screen the backside eavesWhile peach and plum trees shade my yard with leaves 暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟。
The distant village dimly looms somewhere.With smoke from chimneys drifting in the air.In silent country lanes a stray dog barks;Amid the mulberry trees cocks crow with larks.户庭无尘杂,虚室有馀闲。

本文将以陶渊明的《桃花源记》为例,对比分析其四个比较成功的英译版本(即:A Tale of the Fountain of the Peach Blossom Spring--by罗经国; The Peach Colony --by 林语堂; Peach-Blossom Springs – by 方重; Peach-Blossom Source -- by A. R. Davis ), 以揭露文言文翻译的难点。
首先,题目《桃花源记》,因为此文为叙事散文,所以“记”译成tale 还是比较合适的,但是罗用的fountain与spring有重复之嫌,而林忽略了“源记”的翻译、方和Davis忽视了“记”,则略显不当,所以笔者也赞成导师高玉芳老师的译文“A Tale of Peach Blossom Spring”。
词句方面:例1,翻译“缘溪行”时,林用walking, 而根据上下文的理解我们知道,捕鱼人是划船而往的,所以罗的rowed his boat更合适; 例2,翻译“落英缤纷”时,罗用了in riotous profusion, 这样就失去了情景的美感,与原文意境不符,而林直接用了rose petals更让人不甚明了,Davis 的fallen blossom lay in profusion差强人意,幸好方的Here and there falling blossoms were dancing gracefully in a housand hues 能较好的描述当时的景色,给人美妙的感受。

在 己何 怨天 。离忧 凄 目 造夕思鸡鸣,及晨愿鸟迁。
前。吁嗟身后名 ,于我若浮烟。
慷慨 独 悲歌 ,钟期 信 为 贤。
《 怨诗 》在陶渊明田园诗中的影响力虽不及 《 归园 田居 》和 《 饮酒 》等诗 ,但对体现诗人丰富的创作主题 和传达诗人的人格情操等意义上也不容忽视。据 《 陶渊
第2 6卷 第பைடு நூலகம்5 期
2 0 1 3年 1 0月
Vl 0 1 . 2 6 NO . 5 Oc t .2 01 3
古诗 英译 的叙 述 艺术
陶渊 明 《 怨诗楚调 示庞 主簿邓 治 中》译 诗 比读
刖 置
文 及其 两 种译 文 的叙 述艺 术 ,以探索 文本 内外 的语境 因 素与 文本 语 言形 式之 间 的交 互作 用 ,并 对古 诗 英译 的实
上世纪 6 0年代以来 , 受结构主义和俄国形式主义影 响 ,叙述学( N a r r a t o l o g y ) 理论逐渐代替传统小说理论成为 文学研究的主流。经典叙述学家 以大量现实主义与现代 主义小说作为研究对象 ,探讨作品中所显示出来的种种 叙述话语形态 ,使叙述学经 由法 国为轴心辐射至世界各
叙述学研究分为经典与后经典两个派别 。经典叙述 学 旨在建构叙述语法或诗学,后经典叙述学则将注意力 转 向了结构特征与读者阐释相互作用的规律 ,转 向了对 具体叙述作品之意义的探讨 ,关注作者 、文本 、读者与 社会历史语境的交互作用 。 本文将结合经典与后经典叙

陶渊明《杂诗四首》中英文对照Four Miscellaneous Poems 杂诗四首
When civil service takes me far awav.
My heart is torn apart in either way.
With hidden tears, I set sail to the east
And flow with time and tide that's never ceased 遥遥从羁役,一心处两端。
When the sun has set, the stars begin to shine Above the western peak and then decline. Across the country by myself I roam.
But vearn to have a dailv meal at home.
Although I yearn to go home to the south.
The lengthy distance makes me shut my mouih. As contact is cut off by hills and rills,
I write this poems to clarify my wills.

首先,诗中“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的中文表述在英文译本中被理解为“Plucking chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge, I see south mountain leisurely”,两种语言的表述方式有所不同,但都在表达放松的心态以及对自然景物的赞美。
其次,诗中“采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜”一句,中文中的“为谁”表达了陶渊明的疑问和思考,而英文译本中的“Who will taste it in idle homesickness?”则表现了作者的感慨与敏感。
此外,英文对诗中的意象和意境有更为严谨的表述,如“十年草木一簇,百年沧桑一场”直接译为“A generation’s grass and wood in a clump, Are mere things of a passing time”表达了时间流逝和人世沧桑的感叹。

归园田居五首Back to Country Life其一∶少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。
lI've loathed the madding crowd since I was a boy While hills and mountains have filled me with joy. By mistake I sought mundane careersAnd got entrapped in them for thirty years.羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。
Birds in the cage would long for wooded hills; Fish in the pond would yearn for flowing rills.So I reclaim the land in southern fieldsTo suit my bent for reaping farmland yields.方宅十馀亩,草屋八九间。
My farm contains a dozen mu of ground;My cottage has eight or nine rooms around.The elm and willow screen the backside eavesWhile peach and plum trees shade my yard with leaves 暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟。
The distant village dimly looms somewhere.With smoke from chimneys drifting in the air.In silent country lanes a stray dog barks;Amid the mulberry trees cocks crow with larks.户庭无尘杂,虚室有馀闲。

意象、嗅觉意象、味觉意象 、动觉意象、意觉意象等等。如果按诗 人选取和安排意象的方式来观察,意象还可以分为如下几种 :单 一 意象、描述意象 、比喻意象 、象征意象 、通感意象 、抽象意象。诗 歌意象从内容上可以分为两类 :实体性意象和虚拟性意象。实体 性意象是指诗人 自己或前人通过感官感知并选取的客观存在的 事物。这类诗歌意象一直是古今中外诗歌意象的主体。而虚拟性 意象是指诗人或前人根据生活的直接或间接经验加上一定的想 象虚拟出的事物。陶渊明的咏怀诗和田园诗 中多有托物言志,寄 情于景的诗句 ,所以,陶渊明诗歌中的实体性意象为诗歌意象的 主体 。其哲 理诗 当 中也包 含~ 部分 虚拟性 意象 。
界 了 解 中 国 文 化 的 桥 梁 ,中 西 方 都 不 乏 陶 渊 明 诗 歌 的 英 译 本 。本 文 从 陶 诗 中 统 计 出 诸 多 意 象 以 及 意 象 的 中 西
方 翻 译 方 法 ,从 直 译 和 意 译 的 角 度 ,探 讨 中 西 方 对 陶 诗 意 象 的 翻 译 方 式 的 偏 向及 原 因 。
妻 !堡
陶渊明诗歌文学意象英译对 比研究
。戴星辰 王孝存
(南京航 空航天大学 外国语 学院 ,江苏 南京 211loo)
[摘 要】诗歌翻译 中,由于意象在传意和构境的关键作用以及其中包含的众多的文化元素,意象翻译显
得 尤 为 重 要 和 困 难 。 陶 渊 明 诗 歌 由 于 在 中 国 文 学 史 上 举 足 轻 重 的 地 位 和 其 中 丰 富 的 中 国 文 化 内 涵 ,是 西 方 世
【关键词】陶渊 明;诗歌 ;意象 ;对 比
中编 号 :1672—8610(2016)12—0032—02
“陶渊明是继屈原之后 ,唐朝李白和杜甫之前最伟大的诗人 , 在我国乃至世界的诗坛上均享有崇高的声誉”,陶渊明今存诗歌 一 百二十余首 ,按题材划分 ,可以分为咏怀诗、哲理诗和田园诗三 大类别 ,陶诗是反映中国传统文化特点的代表性诗歌。中国古诗 中诗歌之美主要是通过意象呈现出来 ,意象主要可分为 “意”和 “象”两部分 ,不同的文化背景中“象”又包含不同的“意”,所以在 翻译中原语言与 目标语言中的意象对等程度 ,很大程度上影响了 翻译方法的选择。在“意”与“象”的选取与中和时,译者的倾 向往 往受不 同的诗歌传统,对原语言文化的理解程度和翻译的目的等 因素影响。

欢迎阅读!桃花源记——陶渊明The Peach Colony(译者:林语堂)晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业,缘溪行,忘路之远近。
During the reign of Taiyuan of Chin, there was a fisherman of Wuling. One day he was walking along a bank. After having gone a certain distance, he suddenly came upon a peach grove which extended along the bank for about a hundred yards. He noticed with surprise that the grove had a magic effect, so singularly free from the usual mingling of brushwood, while the beautifully grassy ground was covered with its rose petals. He went further to explore, and when he came to the end of the grove, he saw aspring which came from a cave in the hill, Having noticed that there seemed to be a weak light in the cave, he tied up his boat and decided to go in and explore. At first the opening was very narrow, barely wide enough for one person to go in. After a dozen steps, it opened into a flood of light. He saw before his eyes a wide, level valley, with houses and fields and farms. There were bamboos and mulberries; farmers were working and dogs and chickens were running about. The dresses of the men and women were like those of the outside world, and the old men and children appeared very happy and contented. They were greatly astonished to see the fisherman and asked him where he had come from. The fisherman told them and was invited to their homes, where wine was served and chicken was killed for dinner to entertain him. The villagers hearing of his coming all came to see him and to talk. They said that their ancestors had come here as refugees to escape from the tyranny of Tsin Shih-huang (builder of Great Wall) some six hundred years ago, and they had never left it. They were thus completely cut off from the world, and asked what was the ruling dynasty now. They had not even heard of the Han Dynasty (two centuries before to two centuries after Christ), not to speak of the Wei (third century A.D.) and the Chin (third and fourth centuries). The fisherman told them, which they heard with great amazement. Many of the other villagers then began to invite him to their homes by turn and feed him dinner and wine.After a few days, he took leave of them and left. The villagers begged him not to tell the people outside about their colony.The man found his boat and came back, marking with signs the route he had followed. He went to the magistrate’s office and told the magistrate about it. The latter sent someone to gowith him and find the place. They looked for the signs but got lost and could never find it again. Liu Tsechi of Nanyang was a great idealist. He heard of this story, and planned to go and find it, but was taken ill and died before he could fulfill his wish. Since then, no one has gone in search of this place.【陶渊明桃花源记英译赏析「双语」】。

An Analysis of Different English Versions ofTao Yuanming’s Pastoral Poetry from thePerspective of Reception Aesthetics从接受美学角度看陶渊明田园诗歌的不同英译本ContentsAbstract (i)摘要 (iii)Introduction (1)Chapter One Literature Review (4)1.1 Study of Chinese Pastoral Poetry (4)1.2 Study of Western Pastoral Poetry (5)1.3 A Brief Introduction of Tao Yuanming (5)1.4 Tao Yuanming’s Pastoral Poetry (8)1.4.1 A Natural Depiction of the Idyllic Picture (8)1.4.2 A True Description of Farming Life (8)1.4.3 A Narrative of the Sincere and Honest Friendship (9)1.4.4 The Performance of Peasants’ Poverty (9)Chapter Two Translation Standards and Theory Applied (10)2.1 Translation Standards of Classical Poetry both at Home and Abroad (10)2.2 Application of Reception Aesthetics in Poetry Translation (10)2.3 A Brief Introduction About English Versions of Tao’s Poems (12)Chapter Three A General Introduction of Reception Aesthetics (13)3.1 The Origin and Development of Reception Aesthetics (13)3.2 Jauss and “Horizon of Expectation” (15)3.3 Iser’s “Appealing Structure” and “Implied Reader” (17)Chapter Four The Analysis of Tao Yuanming’s Pastoral Poetry from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics (19)4.1 Reader’s Role and Status (19)4.2 An Introduction of Three Translation Versions Adopted in the Paper (19)4.3 Three Translators’ Translation Stand ards from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics (20)4.4 Three Translators’ Translation Strategies from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics224.4.1 An Analysis of Wang Rongpei’s Translation Strategies (22)4.4.2 An Analysis of Yang Xianyi and Gladys’ Translation Strategies (23)4.4.3 An Analysis of David Hinton’s Translation Strategies (24)4.5 The Case Study of Tao’s Translation Versions from the Perspective of ReceptionAesthetics (25)4.5.1 Translation Versions of Back to Country Life (Ⅱ) from the Perspective ofReception Aesthetics (25)4.5.2 The Translation of the Special Language Poi nts in Tao’s Pastoral Poems (29)4.6 Summary (40)Chapter Five Conclusion (41)5.1 Research Achievement (41)5.2 Research Significance (41)5.3 Limitations and Implications for Future Research (42)5.3.1 Limitations (42)5.3.2 Implications for Future Research (43)Bibliography (44)Appendix (47)Acknowledgments (73)Publication...................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
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方:Among the busy haunts of men I build my hut,译者使用了主 动语态,强调的是动作,即诗人对居住地的选择。
三者的译文都准确地再现了原文的意义,但从整首诗歌的意境来看,诗人 重在表现一种状态而不是动作,因此汪、谭译文比方译文的处理更恰当些。
方:The distant heart creates a distant retreat.,译文采用重复的修辞手法, 将“远”和“偏”同译为“distant”。而英文中的“distant”通常指的是时间和 空间上距离的遥远,或者是事物关系上的疏远,不能表达诗人远离世俗名利,追求 宁静以致远的人生态度。
饮酒(五) 结庐在人境,而无车马喧。 问君何能尔?心远地自偏。 采菊东篱下,悠悠见南山。 山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。 此中有真意,欲辩已忘言。
(Roland Fang (Fang Zhong)译本 Drinking Wine (V) Among the busy haunts of men I build my hut, But near to no noise of wheels or trampling hoofs. --you would stop to ask me howThe distant heart creates a distant retreat. Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, Leisurely I look up and see the Southern Mountains. The mountain air is good both day and night, And the birds are flying homewards together. In such things I find the truth of life. I would tell how, but have forgotten the words.
方重的译本《陶渊明诗文选译》 (1984)
谭时霖《陶渊明诗文英译》 (The Complete Works of Tao Yuanming, 1992)
杨宪益夫妇《陶渊明诗选》 (Tao Yuanming: Selected Poems, 1993)
汪榕培的全译本《英译陶诗》 (The Complete Works of Tao Yuanming-A Versified Translation, 2000)
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(Tan Shilin 译本) Twenty Wine Poems 5 My hut I build in the midst of men But do not hear the din of life. “And how could you manage, Sir?” Serenity keeps my mind, my hut remote. Chrysanthemums I was picking under the east hedge When the South Range met my tranquil eyes. At sunset the mountains are at their loveliest, Sundown called in the weary birds. The soul of Nature was here revealed, Too subtle it was for words.
陶渊明的英译诗集有很多版本,国内比较有名的如:方重《陶渊明诗 文选译》、谭时霖《陶渊明诗文英译》和汪榕培《英译陶诗》等。方 重先生的《陶渊明诗文选译》(1984)是国内译家第一部比较全面系统 的陶渊明诗文英译本,因为译者有上佳的英语诗学素养,驾轻就熟地 翻译出了质量上乘的作品;谭时霖先生的《陶渊明诗文英译》(1992) 是国内译家第一部陶渊明全集译本,谭时霖致力于沟通中外文化,因 此他的译作也具有鲜明的特色;汪榕培先生的《英译陶诗》(2000) 是 目前国内外译家唯一的陶诗韵译本。汪榕培诗歌翻译行为不仅体现着" 以韵促译"的翻译策略,而且也体现出"以唱促译"的翻译特色。三种译 本各有所长,各有千秋。
不同时期的译者所采用的翻译策略不同。因为 他们受到文化、习俗、社会环境、生活经历, 教育水平等因素的影响。这些造成他们对原文 的理解不一,译文也各有千秋。这些英译作品 促进了陶渊明田园诗歌在西方的传播,在文化 全球化的今天,对于中国传统文化的对外传播 和全球文化的相互交流起着至关重要的作用。
阿瑟·韦利(Waley)首译陶诗(所译12首 陶诗均收入其《170首中国诗集》(170 Chinese Poems,1918) 埃柯尔(W. Acker)的译本《陶隐士之诗》 (T’ao the Hermit: Sixty Poems by Tao Ch’ien, 1952)
“心远地自偏”一句是整首诗歌的灵魂,译文恰当与否关键看译者对“远”, “偏”的处理。“远”是指玄学中最常用的概念,指超脱世俗厉害的、淡然而全 足的精神状态。"心远"指的是心情超逸,胸怀旷达。比较三者的译文来看,汪译 文的表达与原诗的意境是十分吻合的。
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以上三篇译文: 谭时霖先生的译文忠实传神,灵活而流畅。用词精炼,风格平易朴实。 方重的译文并不追求再现原文的形式,没有固定的节奏和韵律。 汪榕培的译文则在有意地表现原文的节奏和音韵美。 ➢陶渊明诗歌一个显著的特征就是用词朴实无华,三位译者都选用了常
用的词汇 build in the midst of men,按照陶诗的语序来翻译这句话, 直接把 my hut 置于句首并使用了主动语态。没有注重英语的语法,灵活 地调整了词序。
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从英语和汉语两种语言的语音系统来看,汉语属于声调语言,而英语则 属于非声调语言。汉语通过阴平、阳平、上声、去声的更迭来表现节奏 的变化;英语却没有四声的更迭,但英语单词却有重音的变化,主要通 过重音的再现来展示节奏。由于英语和汉语语音系统的巨大差异,原文 和译文完全对等几乎是不可能的,但译者可以通过灵活的翻译手法在译 文中展现一种节奏和音韵美。
张葆瑚 (Lily Pao-hu Chang) 的译本《陶潜 之诗》(The Poems of T’ao Ch’ien, 1953) 海陶韦(J.R. Hightower) 的译本《陶潜诗》 (The Poetry of T’ao Ch’ien,1970) 戴维斯 (A. R. Davis)的译本《陶渊明:作 品及其含义》(T’ao Yuan-ming, His Works and Their Meaning,1983)
饮酒(五)是《饮酒》组诗之一,在陶渊明田园诗 歌中《饮酒》组诗最为突出,诗人饮酒赋诗或针砭 时政、或揭露社会的黑暗、或讽刺仕途的险恶,亦 或表达一种隐居田园而不问世事的人生哲学。《饮 酒》组诗和谐的音韵和整齐的句式体现了陶诗的形 式美;深刻的寓意体现了陶诗的意境美。陶渊明 《饮酒》组诗不仅为国人喜爱,同时也受到广大西 方读者青睐。下面选取国内的三个译本进行分析对 比。
国外的著名的陶诗英译学者:埃柯尔、海陶韦、戴维斯等。 《陶隐士之诗》(1952),埃柯尔(William Acker) 的 英译更多出自逼近陶诗原貌的忠实翻译,既有传达陶诗神韵的 精彩之笔,也有参考汉语文献不足导致的误解之处,由此而对 陶渊明的隐士身份及其哲学思想的把握发生了文化上的偏差。 《陶潜诗》译者海陶玮(J.R. Hightower)译出陶诗一百二 十九首,并有词语、典故注释,诗旨、诗艺品评。为了翻译 陶渊明的诗歌,海陶韦下足功夫学习和钻研中国古代典籍,力 求原汁原味地译介陶诗,但因文化的隔阂,虽然成绩世所公认, 照样在接受过程中遭遇了意义的缺失。 《陶渊明:作品及其涵义》,译者戴维思(A.R. Davis), 戴维斯认为抒发个人情怀的诗歌,是中诗传统伟大力量之所 在,因此他的翻译注重对陶诗进行西方哲理的关照,所以对 陶渊明倍加推崇,将其和西方哲人相提并论既有文化沟通上 的积极意义,也有现代阐释过程的误区。
“三美”原则——意美,音美,形美 许渊冲在《意美、音美、 形美——如何译毛主席诗词》(1979)中提出的中诗外译“三 美” 标准: 诗歌翻译,尤其是格律体诗词的翻译,要尽量传达原诗的意美、 音美、形美;他主张首先追求意美,其次追求音美,再次追求 形美,并最终力求三者的和谐统一。诗歌翻译的第一步在“达 意”;第二步就是“传音”,主要表现在诗歌的押韵上;第三 步是“现形”,即重现原诗的“形美”。
谭:Serenity keeps my mind, my hut remote.,突出的是内心的平静能让人的 身心和居住的地方都很安静。Serenity 一词清楚地表达了诗人淡泊名利、宁静致 远、心愿世俗的诗意。
汪:Any place is calm for a peaceful mind.,译者将“心远”译为“a peaceful mind”突出的是一种心灵的平静,将“地偏”译为“any place is calm”突出所处之地的安宁。