



二、一般过去时,过去进行时,used to、would



五、将来时will, going to do

六、将来时(主将从现,be about to )、将来进行时,将来完成时,过去将来时

七、可数名词、不可数名词, many much, a lot of, some, any, a few, few, no

八、冠词,代词(this, that, these, those, both, every, either, neither, none)









十七、条件状语从句(if, providing, as long as, in case)





二十二、被动(have sth done, need to be done)


二十四、副词(表明立场evidently, on the whole)












一、一般现在时:She plays tennis. She does not play tennis. Do you play tennis

1. 表示习惯(always, generally, normally, usually, often, sometimes, never, every day)

. I use the internet almost every day.

2. 事实

. The sun rises in the east.

If you heat water to 100c, it boils.

3. 祈使句

Stand up! Go down the street and turn left.

二、现在进行时he is living in Thailand. I’m not living in Thailand. Are they living in


表示正在进行的动作(at the moment, now, currently, this week.)

I am studying hard for my exams.


Agree, believe, think, forget, hope, know…..

Hate, like, want….

Smell, hear, see, smell…the pudding tastes delicious.

Have, own, belong….

三、一般过去时she worked for the police. She did not work for the police.

Did you work for the police

(不规则动词表)rise, beat, build, break, pay

有时间A few weeks ago a woman called to report a robbery at her house.

可推测How did the burglar break in without knowing anybody hearing him

?What did you do in your last holidays (口语)

I went to Hainan last holiday and stayed there for about ten days. Although the weather was still cold here, it’s very warm in Hainan. I walked on the beach and appreciated the beautiful scenery


It is high/about time (that)……是该做什么的时候了,谓语动词用过去时。

It is high time we made a change.

It is time you went to bed.


I have lived near the West Lake since I changed my job.

四、过去进行时she is watching the was watching the news.

When, while, as.

He was listening to music when the burglar came into the house.

The students were writing busily when Miss Wang came in.

五、现在完成时she has started the plan. I have not started the plan.

Have you started the plan

1. 表示一直持续到现在的动作,或者是已经完成的动作对现在的影响。


I have worked here since I graduated.

He has been here for more than a month.

I have lived in Hangzhou for about 4 years.

除此之外already, yet, lately, so far, up till (to) now,

You perhaps have made some friends by now.

2. 已经结束的动作对现在的影响(口语)

I have collected plenty of information.

Have you ever traveled by plane

Yes, I do. I would always take the plane when I travel to faraway places.

For example, last summer I went to Hainan by plane and I really enjoyed the flight because the service was good and it’s really fast, only about four hours.


He has come back.


He has been back for three weeks.


The writer has died.


The writer has been dead for two years

leave→be away, borrow→keep, buy→have,

ge t up→be up, die→be dead, move to→live in,


在This /It is the first /second…time that……常用完成时。

This /It was the first /second…time that……中用过去完成时。

?This is my second time that I have seen the movie.

?This was my third time that I had visited the place.


?This is my first time that I have tried to pass the IELTS, and I am fairly confident about it.

六、现在完成进行时have been doing 表持续

如for two years, these weeks, since early morning。

LiNa has been playing tennis for years。

?Your Work (口语)

What job (or, what work) do you do

I’m a teacher at an English training center. I’ve been working there for several years. ?人类一直致力于控制自然。

?Man has been trying to control nature.

I have been preparing for this exam.

七、过去完成时had done when I arrived, he had left.

The child realized that he had lost his way.

I knew that I had made a mistake at that time.

She told me that she had seen the movie before.


?That was the first time that I had visited HZ, so its beuatiful scenery left me a deep impression.

This (It) was the first (second……) time that + 过去完成时


That was my first time that I had been in such a large event, so I was fully prepared.


1. Will/be going to do

例句We are going to visit Paris this summer.

She will be back in a moment.

?gonna= going to

Nothing's gonna change my love for you

2. be about to do

表示正要,即刻就要发生,tomorrow 之类的副词不可以用在此句型里。

S: I see you are drinking wine.

L: Yes, we are. We are about to go to bed.

3. be+ doing表示意图、安排或者打算。

come, go, leave, arrive, start, die等

We are leaving for New York after the performance.

?注意:在时间,条件状语从句中,一般现在时态表示将来—即主将从现。?When two rivals meet, the strong-minded one will win.


?As long as we are patient, misery will turn into joys.


九、过去将来时would,was going to do, was about to do

I was about to leave it began to rain last night.

I never imagined he would be such an idiot.

十、将来进行时will be doing

I will be watching the sunrise at the top of the mountain this time tomorrow.


When I get there they will probably have left.

Will have done

By the end of the year, I will have given the same talk at 6 conferences.


1.Don’t take his remarks too seriously. He will stop saying in that way if no

notice_ of him.

A. is taken

B. takes

C. will be taken

D. has taken

2.They will have to decide what to do about the energy crisis before the oil _.

A. is run out

B. will be run out

C. runs out

D. will run out

3.I’m rather tired, I _ since this morning.

A. was doing homework

B. have done homework

C. did homework

D. have been doing homework

4. Floods and bad farming over the years ruined a land that _ and made it miserably poor.

A. was once rich

B. had once been rich

C. have once been rich

D. was once being rich

6. You will hardly believe it, but this is the third time tonight someone _ me.

A. telephoned

B. has telephoned

C. had telephoned

D. should telephone

7. The car _ at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about ten o’clock tonight.

A. would go

B. went

C. will be going

D. goes

8. The company _ a rise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet.

A. is promised

B. is promising

C. has been promising

D. promised

9. It was not until then that I came to know that knowledge _ only from practice.

A. had come

B. has come

C. came

10. By the time you get to New York, I _ for London.

A. would be leaving

B. am leaving

C. have already left

D. shall have left

11. No decision has been made about the matter yet. We _ it.

A. still consider

B. have considered

C. are still considered

D. are still considering

12.It has been 7 years since they _

A. got married

B. got marry

C. get married

D. have married

. 13. He left home in 1970 and _ heard of since.

A. hadn’t been

B. wasn’t

C. not has been

D. has not been

14. He always _ a stomachache, when he ate oyster.

A. had

B. has

C. is having

D. would have

16. He _ TV, when I dropped in last night.

A. was watching

B. had watched

C. watched

D. have been watching

17. By the time you arrive in London, we _ in Europe for two weeks.

A. shall stay

B. have stayed

C. will have stayed

D. have been staying



1、I ________ (write) to my parents once a month.

2、My sister _________ (read) English alould every morning.

3、He __________ (not look) like his father.

4、My parents ________ (not like ) talking too much.

5、______ he ______ (have)bread for breakfast every day

6、Tom _________(have) medicine twice a year.

7、Who ________ (study) hardest in your class

8、I will go out for a picnic if it __________ (not rain) tomorrow.

9、I will give her the letter as soon as I ___________ (see) her.

10、The teacher told us the earth ________ (turn) around the sun.

【考例】The woman and her husband __________in the same office. [广东省]

A. work

B. works

C. is working

D. has worked


often _______ (go) for a swim when he was young.

he __________ (begin) to work at the factory.,he ________(be) only twelve years old.

's ten years since I _________(come) here.

Greens ____________(not fly )to America last year.

you__________(lose)your handbag a moment ago

一What did you do after school yesterday

一I ________basketball with my friends.[北京市]

A play

B played

C will play D.am playing

一Mr. Green,____you ____Three Lanes and Seven Alleys(三坊七巷)last Sunday

一No.but I'll visit them next week. [福州市]

A.will;go to B have;been to C did;go to

D.have;gone to

His family the zoo last week. [吉林省]

A. visit

B. am visiting

C. visited

D. will visit


___________ (help )the farmers with the apple-picking tomorrow.

't worry! The teacher ____________(tell) us what to do with it .

3. I don't know if he ____________(go) there.

_______________(go) by bus if it rains.

5.——How soon ____________ the train ___________(arrive)

——In ten minutes.

6. ___________ you ____________(visit) your uncle next month

】I the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow.[北京市]

A. will return B returned C have returned D return

】Jack has never been to Disneyland before,but he ____there this summer.[沈阳市]

A.has been. B is going C went D.goes 现在进行时

1. Listen! They ___ _____ in the next room.

A. sing

B. is singing

C. are singing

D. were singing

2. Lucy is always busy. She _____ only five hours every day.

A. is sleeping

B. will sleep

C. would sleep

D. sleeps

3. It’s eight o’clock. The students ______ an English class.

A. have

B. having

C. is having

D. are having

4. ---Is your father a doctor

---Yes, he is. He _______ in Town Hospital.

A. has worked

B. is working

C. works

D. worked

5. Physics ______ much harder than English, I think.

A. are

B. is

C. was

D. were

6. ---Mary, could you help me

---Wait a moment. I _____.

A. read a book

B. did my homework

C. was watching TV

D. am cooking dinner.

7. The final exam _____ next Thursday.

A. will take place

B. take place

C. is taking place

D. takes place

8. ---Can your father drive

---Yes, and he usually ______ to school.

A. drove

B. is driving

C. drives

D. has driven

9. ---Excuse me, where is Jim

---Oh, he ______ dumplings in the kitchen.

A. makes

B. will make

C. is making

D. made

10. ---Hurry up! It’s time to leave.

---Ok, ______.

A. I come

B. I’ve come

C. I’ll come

D. I’m coming


11 Look! The children __________(play) football on the playground. They play

(play) football every Sunday afternoon.

12. Please be quiet! We are ______ ( listen ) to the song You and Me.

13. ---Mrs. Green likes children very much, doesn’t she

---Yes, that’s true. She _______( write ) a children’s book these days.

14 . How many lessons does Peter _____ (have) on Monday

20. It’s fine today. The sun ____ ( shine).


21. He talks to a friend.

22. They don’t play computer games.

23. Do they swim

24. Does she write a letter

25. What do they look at


're late ,The film _______ already ________ (begin)

2. They moved to Canada in 1977 and ____________ (live) there ever since.

3. __________ you _______(see) Mr Smith I'm looking for him all the morning.

4. In the past ten years, great changes ___________(take ) place in Guang dong.

5. How long ______ you _________ (be) in China

6. Please give the book back to me if you ______________ (finish) reading it.

7. Miss Zhou isn't here. She ______________ (go) to the library.

8. Mary________________ (be)to England twice.



I __________________ HeKou Middle School______________________.

2. 他已经去了北京。He ________________________Bei jing .

3. 你曾经去过上海吗___________________________Shanghai

——It's raining! When did it start

一I don't know exactly.In fact,it _________all this afternoon. [北京市]

A1asts B has 1asted C.1asted D.will 1ast

--Are you going to see the film with us

--No, thanks. I _________ it. [广东省]

A. saw

B. have seen

C. see

D. was seeing

--Hello, this is Lily speaking. Could I speak to Mr. Black

--Sorry. He _________ the Xuanwu Lake Park. [南京市]

A. has been to

B. went to

C. has gone to

D. will go to

Jane _________. I'm waiting for her. [成都市]

A. came back

B. has come back

C. hasn't come back


——Dick gave me a note while I ___________in the library.

一I guess he made it to say“sorry”to you.[黄冈市]

A.are reading B was reading C reads D.will read

--I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer.

--Oh, sorry. I ________ with my cousin in the supermarket. [安徽省]

A. shop

B. was shopping

C. shopped

D. will shop

1. While we __________ (wait) for the bus, a girl __________ (run) up to us.

2. I __________ (telephone) a friend when Bob __________ (come) in.

3. Jim __________ (jump) on the bus as it __________ (move) away.

4. We __________ (test) the new machine when the electricity __________ (go) off.

5. She __________ (not want) to stay in bed while the others ________________ (all, work) in the fields.

1. I ______ cooked a meal when you _____ me.

a. cooked, were ringing

b. was cooking, rang

c. was cooking, were ringing

d. cooked, rang

2. He said he _____ to draw a plane on the blackboard at that time.

a. tries

b. tried

c. was trying

d. will try

3. While she ______ TV, she ______ a sound outside the room.

a. was watching, was hearing

b. watched, was hearing

c. watched, heard

d. was watching, heard

4. They _____ a football game from 7 to 9 last night.

a. were watching

b. watch

c. watched

d. are watching

5. What book ____ you ______ when I ____ you at four yesterday afternoon

a. did, read, was seeing

b. did, read, saw

c. were, reading, saw

d. were, reading, was seeing

6. It was Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. Green _____ ready to fly to England.

a. are getting

b. get

c. were getting

d. got

7. Lei Feng _____ always _____ of others when he ______ in the army.

a. is, thinking, was

b. was, thinking, is

c. did, think, is

d. was, thinking, was

8. A girl ______ my pen fall off the table when she _____ me.

a. saw, passed

b. was seeing, passed

c. was seeing, passed

d. was seeing, was passing

9. We ____ for tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us ______.

a. were waiting, waiting

b. were waiting, wait

c. waited, waiting

d. waited,


10. He ____ his father on the farm the whole afternoon last Saturday.

a. helps

b. would help

c. was helping

d. is helping





3.一般将来时:1)will/shall be+过去分词,2)is/ am/ are going to be +过去分词

4.现在完成时:have/has been +过去分词

5.现在进行时:am/ is /are +being+过去分词

6.过去进行时:was/ were being +过去分词

7.过去将来时:1)would be +过去分词,2)was/ were going to be +过去分词

8.过去完成时:had been +过去分词


(情态动词:can,could,may,might,will,would ,shall,should,must,need,)二.练习


listened to the policeman carefully.

ate up the pears.

take care of the Children every day.

gave back this book to the library yesterday.

gave me a card.

often buys me milk.

asked me to help him.

let me know the news .

(注:make ……do …变为be made to do ……

see……do … 变为be seen to do ……

hear……do … 变为be heard to do …

let……do … 变为be let to do …

watch……do … 变为be watched to do …

feel……do … 变为be fel t to do …

notice……do … 变为be noticed to do …)

wrote this book

broke the window

didn't see us go into the shop.

12. Do you hear her sing Russian songs

doesn't let her son swim in the river.

14. He showed me the way to the post office.



________ these flowers __________ every day

2. 老年人应得到很好的照顾.

Old people should ________________________________________.


After you finish reading the books,______________________________.


Something _________ __________ ____________ to stop the population from increasing.


( ) workers _________ day and night by the boss.

A. are making to work

B. are made to work

C. made to work

D. are made work ( )2. Two cakes were made ________ him by her last night.

A. with

B. in

C. for

D. at

( )3. I wasn't at home yesterday . I ____________ to help with the harvest on the farm.

A. asked asked C. was asking D. had asked.

( )4. The Children are often asked __________ loudly. in the library. They must keep quiet.

A. to speak

B. not to speak

C. don't speak D .not speak

( )5. Something must be done _________ these animals.

A. save

B. to save

C. saving

D. saved.

—Susan, why are you still here They are all ready to start.

–I’m sorry, but I _____ when to meet. (江西)

A. don’t tell

B. didn’t tell

C. haven’t told

D. wasn’t told [答案]:D


[试题解析]:依据句意:对不起,但我不知道什么时候见面。强调动作发生在过去,I 和tell之间是被动关系。

Many old houses around our school ____ next year and a large green area will appear. (上海)

A. pull down

B. will be pulled down

C. will pull down

D. are pulled down



[试题解析]:由题干时间next year 科知识将来时态,句子主语是old houses ,应用被动语态。故选B。

--- My watch ______.

--- Don’t worry. Let’s go to the Lost & Found. (浙江)

A. is lost

B. is broken

C. has found

D. has stopped



[试题解析]:由Let’s go to the Lost & Found.可知,说明表丢失了。故选A。

---Did you go to Sam’s weekend party

---No, I___________. (年湖北宜昌)

A. am not invited

B. wasn’t invited

C. haven’t invited

D. didn’t invite



[试题解析]:由Did you go to Sam’s weekend party可知陈述过去的动作的发生,I


-- How often ______ your school sports meeting ______ (南通)

-- Once a year.

A. does; hold

B. was; hold

C. is; held

D. did;




[试题解析]:How often+一般疑问句此句型用来提问在某一特定时间内进行某个

动作的次数,表示“多长时间一次”。往往针对频度副词如:always, seldom, usually,

once a month,

sometimes, every five minutes.等提问,常用于现在时或过去时。由题干your school

sports meeting 作主语,谓语应用被动语态。故选C。

On May 30th, , one bowl in the Ming dynasty (明朝) _______ at the price of million Hong Kong dollars. (泰州)

A. sell

B. sold

C. is sold

D. was




[试题解析]:由On May 30th, ,可知动作发生在过去;其主语是one bowl与sell存


The "Thousand- hand Guanyin" _____ by many people as the best performance at

CCTV's Spring Festival Evening. (徐州)

A. has been regarded

B. are regarded

C. has regarded

D. regards





果,应用现在完成时。其主语是The "Thousand- hand Guanyin",要用被动语态。


—Those eggs of different colors are very beautiful.

—Yes, they ______ in Hangzhou. (杭州)

A. painted

B. were painting

C. were painted

D. had painted



[试题解析]:they指代Those eggs of different colors,主语是物,故用被动语态。依据结构,应选C.。

------Don’t litter the ground, boy ,Look at the sign:: “Rubbish into the dust bin.”

-------Sorry. (2004年襄樊市)

A, has throw B, was throw C, must throw D ,

must be thrown

[答案]: D





英语八种时态讲解-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

英语八大基本时态和被动语态要点指南 英语八大基本时态 一、一般现在时 定义:经常、反复发生的动作、行为及现在的某种状况。 结构:①am(第一人称单数)/is(第三人称单数)/are(其他人称); ②has (第三人称单数)have(其他人称) ③行为动词,除了第三人称单数要由动词原形词尾-s /-es /y变为i,-es; 其他概用动词原形 时间状语:always(“总是,一直”,反义词为never), usually(“通常如此,很少例外”,反义词为unusually), often(“经常、常常,动 作重复,但中有间断”,反义词为never), sometimes(“有时、不 时,动作偶然,常有间断”), seldom(“很少,不常”), never (“从不,未曾”), forever(永远), every week (day, year, month…)(每周,每天,每年,每月…), once a week(一周一次), on Sundays(在每个星期天),now and then(时常) from time to time (不时地),in the morning(afternoon, evening…)(在上午,在下午,在 晚上…) etc. Tips:(频度副词频率由高到低)always> usually > often > sometimes >Seldom > never 通常说来,always表示100%,usually表 示80%,often表示60%,sometimes表示40%,seldom表示20%, never表示0%。 否定式:①am/is/are+ not;②谓语动词若为行为动词,则在动词前加don't,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn't,同时还原行为动词。(即后边的行 为动词用原形) 一般疑问句:①把be动词放于句首,且用be动词回答;②用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词。 用什么样助动词提问,就用相应助动词回答 用法:A) 表示现在发生的动作、情况或主语具有的状态和特征。 B) 习惯用语。 C) 经常性、习惯性动作。 D) 客观事实和普遍真理。尤其要注意,如果前后文不是一般现在时,则 无法保持主句、从句时态一致。 E) 表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,(仅限于某些表示 “come、go、start、leave 、stay、arrive、return、begin、be”等的 动词)可以与表示未来时间的状语搭配使用。常见的用法是:飞 机、火车、轮船、汽车等定期定点运行的交通方式。 例:The next train leaves at 3 o'clock this afternoon. 下一趟火车今天下午3点开车。)


般将来时: 定义:一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。 构成:(1) be going to +动词原形 (2) will + do 用法:1)表示将来的动作或状态 一般将来时常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用,女h tomorrow (明天), next week (下周), from now on (从现 在开始);in the future (将来);someday (未来的某一天) 等。 2)表示将来经常发生的动作 ril teach you English every Wednesday next month. ★★★“be going to+动词原形"表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。例如: ?It is going to rain.要下雨了。 ②We are going to have a meeting today. 今天我们开会。 Step Three: Do Some Exercise 一、用will或will not以及括号中的动词完成句子 1、I______________________ a Chinese song.(sing) 2、S ally ____________________ the tennis match.(not win) 3、Y ou _____________________ the one-day trip to Guangzhou.(enjoy) 4、F lora ____________________ at home this weekend.(not stay)

二、用括号内的词和be going to完成问答 1、(when/we/ have dinner? We / it / at seven o'clock) A When are we going to have dinner? B We are going to have it at seven o'clock. 2、(Where / you /meet your friends? We / them /at the school gate) A _________________________________________ B _________________________________________ 3、(you and Ling / play football/ today? No / we/ table tennis) A B 现在进行时一般过去时be+动词ingo 动词+ed 一般将来时be going to+实义动词原形; 一般现在时 动词变化 用动词原形,主语是第三人称单数时,动词要加s/es。 一般现在时主语是第三人称单数时,动词要加s/es。 动词+S的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加?s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks 2.以s. x. sh? ch. o 结尾,力n-es,女u: wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3.以''辅音字母+y"结尾,变y为i,再加?es,如:study-studies; 现在进行时动词加ing的变化规则 1)一般情况下,直接加ing,如cook-cooking 2)以不发音的e 结尾,去e 加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting 3)如果末尾是一个元咅字母和一个辅咅字母,双写末尾的辅咅字母,再加ing, 如1: run-running, stop-stopping, swim-swimming 动词过去式变化规则: 1)一般在动词末尾加?ed,女n: pull-pulled, cook-cooked


现在完成时 一、定义:表示一个动作在过去发生并对现在产生影响 表示一个动作由过去发生持续到现在有可能停下,也有可能延续下去 表示一个动作从过去开始发生到目前为止已经发生多次。 二、构成:现在完成时是由“助动词have / has + 动词的过去分词”构成的, 其规则动词的过去分词构成与过去式相同,不规则动词的过去分词则需加强记忆。 如:I have just cleaned my clothes.我刚洗过衣服。 My brother has done his homework already. 我的弟弟已经做完他的作业了。 友情提示:在现在完成时的各种结构中,have, has均为助动词,无实际意义,只起构成时态的作用,不可省略。当主语是第三人称单数时助动词用has,其余人称一律用have。 过去分词 1 、规则动词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。 四点变化规则: (1)、一般动词,在词尾直接加“ ed ”。 work---worked---worked ,visit---visited---visited (2)、以“ e ”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“ d ”。 live---lived---lived , (3)、以“辅音字母+ y ”结尾的动词,将"y" 变为"i" ,再加“ ed ”。 study---studied---studied ,cry---cried---cried , play---played---played ,stay---stayed---stayed (4)、重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ ed ”。 stop---stopped---stopped , drop---dropped--dropped 2 、不规则动词: AAA型 原型过去式过去分词 burst burst burst cast cast cast cost cost cost cut cut cut hit hit hit hurt hurt hurt put put put set set set shut shut shut

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考12 动词时态(讲解)【带答案】

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考秘籍—动词时态 【知识方法】 一般现在时:谓语动词用动词原形或第三人称单数形式 一般过去时:谓语动词用动词的过去式的形式 一般将来时:谓语动词用will/be going to +动词的原形 动词的时态 现在进行时:谓语动词用am/is/are +动词原形的形式 过去进行时:谓语动词用was/were+动词的现在分词 现在完成时:谓语动词用have/has+动词的过去分词 知识清单 动词的时态 动词的时态有很多。初中阶段主要掌握八种:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、过去

进行时、一般将来时、过去将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时。 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 1.一般现在时 1)一般现在时态的构成:主语是I, we, you, they和名词复数时作谓语的行为动词用原形。主语是he, she , it和名词单数时,作谓语的行为动词的词尾变化如下: 一般情况+s 以s, x, ch, sh或o结尾+es 以辅音+y结尾去y变i+es 2)一般现在时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式(以be和like为例): 主语肯定式否定式疑问式 第一、二人称和第三人称复数以及名词复数I am a student. We/You/ They are students. He/ She is a student. I / We/ You/ They/ like music. Many people like music. I am not a student. We/You/ They are not students. He/ She is not a student. I / We/ You/ They/ don’t like music. Many people don’t like music. Are you a student. Are you/ they students? Is he/ she a student? Do you/ they like music? Do many people like music? 3)一般现在时态的用法: 现阶段经常性,习惯性的动作。例如: I get up at six every morning. He plays tennis once a week. 现在的状态例如: My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a school. 客观真理例如:



初中英语动词时态 1、一般现在时 主要用于下面几情况: 1) 描述当前时间内经常出现、反复发生的动作或存在的状态。 在这种情景中,句子常带有表示频率的时间状语:always , everyday , often , once a week (month , year , etc.) , sometimes , seldom , usually等等,以表示句中的动作或状态是习惯性的、经常性的。例如: They raise ducks as a sideline .他们以养鸭为副业。 She doesn't often write to her family, only once a month. 她不常给家里写信,仅一月一封而已。 I cycle to work every day .我每天骑自行车上班。 It seldom rains here .这儿很少下雨。 2)仅为了描述状态、性质、特征、能力等等。 这里的目的是为了"描述现阶段的动作或状态",其重点"不是强调动作发生的时间、或进行的状态"。例如:

He can speak five foreign languages .他能说五种外语。 That is a beautiful city .那是座美丽的城市。 Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。 She majors in music .她主修音乐。 All my family love football .我全家人都喜欢足球。 My sister is always ready to help others . 我妹妹总是乐于助人。 3) 陈述客观事实、客观真理。 顾名思义,客观的情况是"没有时间概念"的;也"不会在意动作进行的状态"。例如:The sun rises in the east .日出东方。 The earth goes around the sun .地球绕着太阳转。 Ten minus two is eight.十减二等于八。 Light travels faster than sound .光的速度比声音的速度快。 The United States lies by the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. 美国位于太平洋西岸。

小学英语语法讲解-时态综合练习1 填空、选择

时态综合练习1 填空、选择 一、用动词的适当形式填空 1. Listen!The children _______________(sing)in the classroom. 3. Look! The woman over there ______________ (look) at you. 4. Mary ______________ (visit) her grandparents next Monday. 5. Miss Li ______________(have) an English class every Tuesday. 6. I ______________ (leave) for Shanghai tomorrow evening. 7. Joan often ______________ (catch) the No.11 bus to work. 8. He _____________much about Chinese.(not know) 9.Tom often ______________(go) to school on foot. But yesterday was rainy. He ______________ (go) to school by bus. 10. My mother usually ____________(watch) TV and ___________(wash) clothes on Sunday morning? 12. Today is a sunny day. We ______________ (have) a picnic this afternoon. 13. ______________your sister often ______________(go)shopping? 14. The boys ________________ (swim)in the river now. 16. Everyone in my family_________ (be) busy now. But my brother ____________(play) with the cat. 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1.They ____ climbing mountains. A. like B. likes C. liking ( ) 2.Tom and Jack _____ some reading every day. A. do B. does C.doing ( ) 3.My brother_____ hard. A. study B. studys C. studies ( ) 4.Joe doesn’t _____ any money now. A. have B. has C. having ( ) 5.Tom’s English teacher _____ him questions very often. A. ask B. asks C. asking ( ) 6.Mary and May ______ exercise under the tree now. A. take B. are taking C. taking


语法探知:现在完成时态 一、掌握结构:助动词have/has + 动词的过去分词 二、掌握用法: 1.表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与一些时间状语,如:already, yet, ever, never, just, before, once, twice (次数)等连用,也可以和包括现在在内的时间状语,如these days, today, recently, this year, so far(=by now)等连用. e.g. I have already posted the letter. (信已经不在我这儿了) 2.表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,一直持续到现在,也许还将继续下去,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间的状语连用,即for +时间段,since+时间点/从句, in(during) the last(past) ten years等,谓语只可用延续性动词。 我们知道英语动词根据词义可分为两种,一种是延续性的,一种是终止性的,终止性动词(也可称为非延续性动词,瞬间动词,或短暂性动词),如begin, start, die, buy, leave, come等,表示动作在一瞬间之内就能完成,不能再延续,所以它的现在完成时不能和表示延续的时间状语连用,即不能与表示一段时间的状语,for+段时间,since+点时间/从句连用,也不能用在how long引导的特殊疑问句中。(但在否定句中短暂性动词可以与for和since短语连用。) 如:They’ve left London for five days. (×) They’ve been away from London for five days. (√) 三、掌握短暂性动词如何转换成延续性动词 常见短暂性动词与延续性动词的对应关系如下: come/go/arrive/get/reach/move—be in/at open—be open die—be dead close—be closed become—be borrow—keep begin/start—be on put on—wear leave—-be away (from) buy—have fall asleep(ill)—be asleep(ill) end/finish—-be over catch a cold—have a cold join the army—be in the army/ be a soldier join the Party—be in the Party/ be a Party member get to do —do (get to know—know) get married —be married get up —be up begin to do —do (begin to study—study)


英语的16种时态 时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。 1. 一般现在时 英语时态分为16种:一般现在、一般过去、一般将来、过去将来时,以及这四者的进行时、完成时和完成进行时。 用法:A) 表示现在发生的动作、情况、状态和特征。 B) 习惯用语。

C) 经常性、习惯性动作。 例:He always helps others. (他总是帮助别人。) D) 客观事实和普遍真理。尤其要注意,如果前后文不是一般现在时,则无法保持主句、从句时态一致。 E) 表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,(仅限于某些表示“来、去、动、停、开始、结束、继续”等的动词)可以与表示未来时间的状语搭配使用。常见的用法是:飞机、火车、轮船、汽车等定期定点运行的交通方式。 例:The next train leaves at 3 o'clock this afternoon. (下一趟火车今天下午3点开车。) How often does this shuttle bus run? (这班车多久一趟?) F) 在时间和条件状语从句里经常用一般现在(有时也用现在完成时)表示将来事情。 例:When you have finished the report, I will have waited for about 3 hours.(等你完成这份报告的时候,我就已经等了将近3个小时了。)2. 现在进行时(be doing) 用法:现在正在进行的动作。 3. 现在完成时(have done) 用法:A) 表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚刚完成。 例:I bought a new house, but I _________ my old one yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A) didn't sell B) sold C) haven't sold D) would sell 答案是C) haven't sold。 B) 表示从过去某时刻开始,持续到现在的动作或情况,并且有可能会继续延续下去。此时经常用延续性动词。时间状语常用since加一个过去的时间点,或for加一段时间,或by加一个现在时间。 例:Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ___________ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time. A) are to challenge C) have been challenged B) may be challenged D) are challenging 全句的意思是:“虽然牛顿是个伟大的人物,但他的许多见解直到今天还在受到挑战,并且被现代科学家的工作所修正。”challenge是及物动词,在本句中应当是被动语态;其动作延续到今天,所以要用现在完成时态。可见答案是C) have been challenged。A) are to challenge和D) are challenging 都是主动语态,不可能是答案。B) may be challenged虽然是被动语态,但意思与全句内容不合,所以不对。 C) 表示发生在过去,但对现在仍有影响的动作或情况。通常用点动词,如:arrive, begin, find, give, lose等。


英语时态8种基本时态讲解 一.概念:英语中表示不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态,需用不同的动词形式表示,这种不同的动词形式称为时态。 二.种类:(基本时态) 一般现在时一般过去时 现在进行时过去进行时 一般将来时过去将来时 现在完成时过去完成时 三.用法: 1.一般现在时: 1)一般现在时表示经常发生或习惯性的动作或状态及客观现实和普遍真理。 一般现在时常以动词原形表示,但当主语是第三人称单数时,动词词尾加-s或-es。 2)句型结构:主语+V.(包括be动词)+宾语+… She is an engineer. He has breakfast at 6:00 every day. 3)注意: a)一般现在时通常与always , often , usually , every day , sometimes ,

once a week 等时间状语连用。 I always watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. They go home once a week. We usually do our homework at home. b)表客观现实或普遍真理。 The sun always rises in the east. The light travels faster than the sound. c)表永远性的动作或状态。 He lives in the country. 4)第三人称单数变化形式。 a)一般情况动词在词尾加-s . come---comes speak---speaks work---works live---lives b)以o, s, x, ch, sh结尾的单词在词后加-es. do---does go---goes finish---finishes brush---brushes fix---fixes pass---passes watch---watches c)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的单词变y为i加-es. Study---studies carry-carries cry---cries d)以“元音字母+y”结尾的单词直接加-s. play---plays stay---stays 例句:我们每天晚上九点做作业。


第四讲初中英语时态综合讲解(2) 现在完成时 一、现在完成时定义: 1、表示过去发生的或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果; 2、也可表示动作或状态在过去已经开始,一直持续到现在的动作或状态,还有可能继续持续下去。 二、基本结构:主语+ have/has + 动词的过去分词+ 其他。 1、当主语是第三人称单数时用has,其余人称用have。 2、当have被用在现在完成时态中时,它可以和前面的代名词一起组成缩写形式。 3、现在完成时用not来表达否定形式。当有not出现的时候,have可以和not组成缩写,但是此时不能和前面的代名词组成缩写。 4、过去分词:规则动词的过去分词构成与动词过去式相同;不规则动词需要特殊记忆。 三、基本句式:否定式: 主语+ haven't/hasn't + 过去分词+ 其他。 疑问式: Have /Has + 主语+ 过去分词+ 其他? 简略答语: Yes, 主语+ have/has. (肯定) No, 主语+ haven't/hasn't. (否定) 四、基本用法: 1、动作发生在过去某个不确定的时间,但对现在有某种影响和结果。常被just、already、yet 等副词修饰。 如:(1)-Have you had lunch yet? 你(已经)吃午饭了吗? -Yes,I have. I've just had it.我刚刚吃过。(现在我不饿了) (2)-I have already watched the TV play. 我已经看过这部电视剧了。 (3)-Have you found your lost pen yet?你找到丢失的钢笔了吗? -No,I haven't found it yet.没,我还没有找到。 2、表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。这个动作可能刚停止,可能仍然在进行。常带有for 和since等表示一段时间的状语,多为延续性动词。 如:He has taught here since 1981.他自1981年就在这教书。(可能还要继续教) I haven't seen her for four years.我有四年没见到她了。 3、表示说话前发生过一次或多次的动作,现在成为一种经验,一般译为汉语“过”,常带有twice, ever, never, three times等时间状语。 如:I have been to Beijing twice.我去过北京二次。 4、现在完成时的含义之一是过去完成的动作对现在仍有影响,用以下四大标志词可以表达这种含义: 以already, just和yet为标志:already, just和yet 表示到现在为止动作或状态已经、刚刚或还没有发生。 以ever和never为标志:ever和never 表示到现在为止动作或状态曾经或从来没有发生过。 以动作发生的次数为标志:若某一动作到现在为止已经发生了若干次,则要使用现在完成时。 以so far为标志:so far往往表示到目前为止动作或状态已经发生。 五、现在完成时的时间状语: For+一段时间(时间段) since+时间点或时间状语从句 so far (到目前为止,迄今为止) ever(曾经) never(从来不) just(刚刚) yet(还)


完成时态 1)过去完成时态的构成: 肯定式:had + 动词的过去分词 否定式:hadn't + 动词的过去分词 疑问式:Had … + 动词的过去分词 简略回答: Yes, 主+ have/has had. No, 主+ had现在完成时的用法 2) 过去完成时适用场合 1. 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。这个过去的时间常用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句表示,也可以暗含在上下文中。 I had finished my homework before supper.我在晚饭前就把作业做完了。 The play had already started when we got to the theatre. 我们到剧场时戏已经开始了。 By the end of June they had treated over 10,000 patients. 到六月底他们已经治疗了一万多病人。 2. 过去完成时还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或还要持续下去,常与for,since等词连用。如: He had served in the army for ten years before he retired last year. 他在部队干了十年,去年退役了。 He told me that he had known her since he was a child. 他告诉我他从小就认识她。 He had learned English for eight years before he went to England for further study. 他在去英国深造前,已学了八年英语。 3. 在一段情景连贯的文字中,先发生的事放在后面叙述时,要用过去完成时。如: Tom flew home, but his father had already died. 汤姆乘飞机回家,他的父亲却已经去世了。 4. 过去完成时也用于hardly...when..., no sooner...than..., It was the first time + that分句等一些固定句型中。 He had no sooner left the room than they began to talk about him. 他刚离开房间,他们就议论起他来。 We had hardly begun when we were told to stop. 我们刚开始就被叫停。 It was the first time that he had ever spoken to me in such a tune.他用这样的语调跟我讲话,这是第一次。 例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松! 1. He ______ in Shanghai University for four years before he ______ Beijing. A. studied, had gone B. had studied, went C. has studied, goes D. had studied, had gone 解析:"他去北京之前在上大学学习了4年"。在上海学习的动作发生在去北京之前,因此第一个空应用过去完成时。此题选B。 2. Mary said it was at least five years since he ______ a good drink. A. enjoyed B. was enjoying C. had enjoyed D. would enjoy 解析:It was + 时间段+since 引导的从句中用过去完成时。应选C。


初一五种基本时态讲 解及练习

英语语法(时态) 几种简单时态: (1)一般现在时:表示现阶段经常或习惯发生动作或存在的状态,或说明主语特征。 ①一般现在时句子中常有的时间状语:ofte n,usually,sometimes,always,every (day等),once/twice,a (week等),on (Sunday 等),never,in the (morning 等)。 女口:They go to the Palace Museum once a year(他们每年去一次故宫)/ They often discuss bus in ess in the eve ning(他们经常在晚上商谈生意) ②表示客观真理、事实、人的技能或现在状态时句子里一般不用时间状语。 女口:Our teacher said that the earth turns round the sun.(地球绕着太阳转)/ Light travels faster than sound .(光传播比声音快) ③表示十分确定会发生(如安排好的事情)或按照时间表进行的事情,用一般现在 可以表达将来,句子中可以有将来时间。 如: The train for Haikou leaves at 8 : 00 in the morning.(开往海口的列车上午8 点开车) ④在时间状语从句中(以when, after, before, while, until, as soon as等引导)和条件 状语从句中(以if,unless引导),用一般现在时代替一般将来时,句子可以有将来时 间。 女口:Please ring me up as soon as you arrive in Germany(你一至H德国就给我打电话)If it rains tomorrow,we will have to stay at home.(如果明天下雨我们只好呆在家) ⑤一般现在时用于倒装句中可以表示正在发生的动作,动词以come, go为主。 女口:Here comes the bus.(车来了)/ There goes the bell(铃响了)。 (2)一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,这种动作或状态可能是一次性,也可能经常发生。 ① 表示过去具体时刻发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:at (eight)(yesterday morning), (ten minutes) ago, when弓丨导的时间状语从句。 女口:I got up at 6: 00 this morning.(我是早上六点钟起床的”


初中英语时态综合讲解训练 学习英语时态的意义: 英汉两种语言在时态表达方式上有很大的差异: 如,“他经常帮助我。”“他昨天帮助我了。”和“他一直在帮助我。”这三句话当中,汉语的动词“帮助”没有任何变化,而是用“经常”、“一直”和“昨天”分别表达出时间的区别。 英语就不同,它必须用动词本身的形态变化来完成任务。 He often helps me. 他经常帮助我。 He helped me yesterday. 他昨天帮助我了。 He has been helping me. 他一直在帮助我。 在这几句中,动词help的意义没有变化,但形态变了. 我们初中英语需要掌握多少个时态呢? 一.初中英语常见的八种时态 1 一般现在时 1)经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。 时间状语:often ,usually, always, every day/week…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday。 例如:I leave home for school at 7 every morning. 每天早上我七点离开家。 提醒:当第三人称单数作主语时,别忘了动词的变化 He usually goes to school by bike. 2)客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。例如: The earth moves around the sun. 地球绕太阳转动。 Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国东部。 3)表示格言或警句。例如: Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。 注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。 例:Columbus proved that the earth is round. 哥伦布证实了地球是圆的。 2 一般过去时 1)在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。时间状语有:yesterday, yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, last week/month/year, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等。 例如:Where did you go just now? 刚才你上哪儿去了? 2)表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。 例如:When I was a child, I often played football in the street. 我是个孩子的时候,常在马路上踢足球。 Whenever the Browns went during their visit, they were given a warm welcome.


现在完成时态讲解及练习 一、现在完成时的构成 肯定句:主语+have/ has + done (过去分词)+其它 He has lived in Shenzhen for 4 years. 一般疑问句:Have/ Has +主语+ done (过去分词)+其它 Has he lived in Shenzhen for 4 years 否定句: 主语+have/ has+ not + done (过去分词)+其它 He has not finished his homework. 过去分词的构成方法如下: 1.一般情况下,直接在动词原形后面加–ed. work---worked answer---answered obey---obeyed want---wanted 2.以不发音的-e 结尾的动词只加–d. Move---moved hope---hoped divide---divided 3.字尾是辅音+y的动词。则将y改i加ed. study---studied tidy---tidied satisfy---satisfied 4.以重读闭音节结尾的词,这些词的末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加–ed. stop---stopped regret--- regretted drop---dropped 不规则动词过去式与过去分词分类记忆表 一、AAA. (原形,过去式和过去分词一致) 二、ABB(过去式和过去分词一致) 3) 过去式、过去分词-t替换原形-d 5)过去式、过去分词改为-ept

recently; recent years; these days/ years; lately; since; for+时间段; in the past few years; ever since; in the last five months; up to now; since then; so far; ever; never, yet; once; twice; already; before; just already (已经): 用于肯定句 I have already posted the letter . yet(已经): 用于否定句,疑问句 He hasn’t done his homework yet. just(刚刚) They have just left. ever(曾经) Have you ever been to Beijing never(从不) I have never seen him . before(以前) Have you seen the film before since(自从…以来) I’ve worked in the school since 1999. for(长达) He’s lived in Shenzhen for 6 years. in the past several days / weeks/ years(在过去的…) recently(最近) I have not written to my parents recently. so far(到目前为止) So far she has learned 5 English songs. up to now(到目前为止) this morning/month/year(今天早上/这个月/今年) 三、现在完成时的用法 1)现在完成时表示过去发生的动作,并对现在有影响。常与already(已经), yet(已经), just(刚刚),ever(曾经)等词连用. Already, yet的用法 already: 常用于肯定句中. yet: 常用于否定句,疑问句尾. Someone has broken the window. (窗户现在是坏的) I have already lost the key. (我现在没有钥匙) I haven’t read that book yet . (不了解书的内容) I have just cleaned my hands. (手是干净的) 3)现在完成时表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态,常与for, since引导的时间短语或从句连用. since , for 的用法: since: (自…以来) 1)since+时间点 He has stayed here since 5 o’clock. 2)since+ 时间段+ ago He has stayed here since 5 hours ago.
