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1. oral literatureepicBeowulf
Alliteration, the Middle Ages, the Middle English, Romance
Geoffrey ChaucerFather of English Poetry
The Canterbury Tales, pilgrim, the heroic couplet, iambic pentameter
2. William Shakespeare Bard of Avon
Tragedies: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet(or Tragicomedy/Romance); 悲剧:哈姆雷特李尔王奥赛罗麦克白罗密欧与朱丽叶
Comedies: Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Twelfth Night; 喜剧:仲夏夜之梦威尼斯商人皆大欢喜第十二夜
Dramatic Romance: The Tempest
blank versesoliloquy, (Shakespearean) sonnet, rhyme scheme
Melancholy,conflict, climax
3. Francis Bacon, essay, prose, Essays, Utopia, plain style, parallelism, balance and opposition. 弗朗西斯·培根论文,散文,随笔乌托邦风格质朴,排比、平衡和反对
Knowledge is power
4. the Age of Prose, Enlightenment, reason, Neo-Classicism
John Donne, Metaphysical School, conceit
John Milton, Puritanism, epic, grand style, Paradise Lost
Daniel Defoe, Father of English Novel, adventure fiction, Robinson Crusoe
Jonathan Swift, satire, irony, A Modest Proposal, Gulliver's Travels, human nature, Yahoos
5. Romanticism, individualism, symbolism, image, ballad, Lake Poets, Poet Laureate
William Blake, Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience
William Wordsworth, Samuel T aylor Coleridge, Robert Southey
nature, Lyrical Ballads, "emotion recollected in tranquility"
6. George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron) , Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Don Juan, Byronic Hero
拜伦(Lord Byron),Childe Harold's的圣朝,唐璜,拜伦式英雄
Percy Bysshe Shelley, "To a Skylark", "Ode to the West Wind", prophecy
John Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn", "Ode to a Nightingale". "Beauty is truth, truth beauty."


7. Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Emma,
free indirect speech, dialogue/conversation, wit, irony, gentry, love and marriage
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre
feminism, autobiography, Bildungsroman(novel of education), first-person narrative,
8. Charles Dickens Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities,Great Expectations
Critical Realism, serial, semi-autobiography, Gothic romance, sentimentalism, character sketches, satire, humanitarian, morality. 批判现实主义,连载小说,半自传,哥特式的浪漫、感伤、人物素描、讽刺、人道主义的故事,道德
9. Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生,桂冠诗人
Robert Browning, Elizabeth Browning, Pippa Passes, Dramatic Lyrics, "My Last Duchess",
dramatic monologue, first person narrative, irregular, colloquial
Matthew Arnold, literary critic, loss of faith, "Dover Beach"
10.Thomas Hardy, Wessex, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure
Fatalism, Naturalism, pessimism, tragedy, symbolism, novels of character and environment
11.Oscar Wilde, Aestheticism, "Art for art's sake"
comedy of manners, satire, irony, paradox, epigram, witty dialogues, The Happy Prince, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Ballad of Reading Gaol. 风尚喜剧,讽刺文学、反讽、悖论、警句、机智的对话、(电影)快乐王子、道林格雷的画像,不可儿戏,瑞丁监狱之歌。

George Bernard Shaw, Nobel Prize, problem plays, discussion, Mrs. Warren's Profession, Pygmalion萧伯纳,诺贝尔奖,问题剧,讨论,沃伦太太的职业,卖花女
12.Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
T.S.Eliot, Nobel Prize, modernism, allusion, "The Hollow Man", "The Waste Land"
W.B.Yeats, Nobel Prize
Irish Literary Revival, mysticism, spiritualism, gyre, symbolism, "A Vision", free verse .
13.James Joyce, Dubliners
"Araby", Ulysses, stream of consciousness, interior monologue, anti-hero, paralysis, epiphany.

14.Virginia Woolf, Bloomsbury Group, feminism, Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, flashback
wrence, Sons and Lovers, Lady Chatterley's Lover
E.M.Forster, A Room with a View, A Passage to India
William Golding, Nobel Prize winner, Lord of the Flies
Doris Lessing, Nobel Prize winner, The Golden Notebook多丽丝·莱辛,诺贝尔奖获得者,金色笔记本一.Geoffrey Chaucer:生平son of a wealthy London vinter, well-educated (English, Latin, Italian, and French),a page侍从in the court,an official in the government,married a woman of rank,Buried in
Westminster Abbey西敏寺,First writer entombed in Poets’Corner. 1. The French period (1360-1372): imitation and translation of French poetry.2. The Italian period(1372-1386):influenced by Boccaccio 3. The English period(1387-1400)The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》His masterpiece, a snapshot and panorama of the Middle Ages. Father of English Poetry. pilgrim朝圣者, the heroic couplet, 英雄双韵体iambic pentameter五步抑扬格oral literature, epic, 贝奥武夫Beowulf, alliteration头韵
二.William Shakespeare,生平Father: a burgher市民, a well-to-do glove maker who became an alderman市议员.Education: the grammar school.Experiences:Went to London in 1585-1592 holding horses at a theatre;served in the army; became an actor and playwright later. Bard of Avon吟游诗人Tragedies悲剧: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth麦克白, Romeo and Juliet(or Tragicomedy/Romance); Comedies喜剧: Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like 皆大欢喜, Twelfth Night第十二夜; Dramatic Romance: The Tempest暴风雨(传奇诗)blank verse 无韵体, soliloquy内心独白sonnet十四行诗, rhyme scheme, melancholy忧郁哀思conflict, climax
成就Most quoted writer in the world(37/38/39 plays, two narrative poems and 154 sonnets).Diversity of speech from common men to philosophers.His creative use of the language: over 15,000-17,000 words used in his writing, 10% new inventions.He focused on creating “human”characters with psychological complexity.
三.Francis Bacon, 生平Born in London to learned and wealthy parents.Very poor health from a young age caused the need for homeschooling.Brought up in humanistic context. Schooled on medieval,中世纪Latin-based cause. Three main goals: Serve his country, serve his church, and discover truth.关键词:essay, prose, Essays, Utopia, plain style, parallelism, balance and opposition. Knowledge is power.empiricism实证主义inductive method归纳法Deductive method演绎法
四.the Age of Prose散文时代18世纪, Enlightenment启蒙运动, Neo-Classicism新古典主义John Donne, Metaphysical School玄学派, conceit夸张的比喻,奇思
John Milton, Puritanism清教主义, epic, grand style华丽的风格, Paradise Lost失乐园
Daniel Defoe, Father of English Novel, adventure fiction, Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记
Jonathan Swift, satire讽刺文学, irony, A Modest Proposal, Gulliver's Travels格列佛游记, human nature, Yahoos野人Irony反语, Sarcasm,Satire,Lilliput小人国,Brobdingnag大人国,Laputa飞岛,Houyhnhnms慧骃国,prose satirist散文讽刺作家Poet Laureate桂冠诗人
五.Romanticism, individualism, symbolism象征, image, ballad民谣, Lake Poets, ode颂
William Blake, Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》, Songs of Experience《经验之歌》
William Wordsworth, Samuel T aylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, nature, The Prelude 《序曲》
Lyrical Ballads, 《抒情歌谣集》"emotion recollected in tranquility"
六.George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron) , Childe Harold's Pilgrimage恰尔德•哈罗德游记》, Don Juan《唐璜》, Byronic Hero
Percy Bysshe Shelley, 生平noble family,Eton,Oxford,The Necessity of Atheism. 无神论
《致云雀》"To a Skylark", 《西风颂》"Ode to the West Wind", prophecy,Prometheus Unbound 《解放了的普罗米修斯》A Defence of Poetry 《诗辩》
John Keats, 《希腊古瓮颂》"Ode on a Grecian Urn", 《夜莺颂》"Ode to a Nightingale". "Beauty is truth, truth beauty."
七.Jane Austen,England to the family of a clergyman. realistic novels .Neoclassical新古典Sense and Sensibility 《理智与情感》Persuasion《劝导》Pride and Prejudice, Emma《爱玛》, Northanger Abbey 《诺桑觉寺》free indirect speech自由间接话语, dialogue/conversation, wit智慧, irony, gentry上流社会, love and marriage
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre《简爱》, feminism, autobiography自传, Bildungsroman(novel of education), first-person narrative
8.Charles Dickens:(一)作品:《Oliver Twist》,《David Copperfield》,《A Tale of Two Cities》, 《Great Expectations》:Period of steadily intensifying pessimism, showing underlying tone of bitterness, loss of hope for English bourgeois society.(二)风格:Critical Realism, serial, semi-autobiography, Gothic romance, sentimentalism感情主义, character sketches, satire, humanitarian, morality (三)主题:1.personal development and growth 2.the influence of changing environment 3.social problems 4.social class 5.crime 6.morality 7.The moral themes of Great Expectations, affection, loyalty and conscience, are more important than social advancement, wealth, and class.
9 ①Alfred Lord Tennyson:别称:Poet Laureate ②Robert Browning:(一)妻子:Elizabeth Browning (二)作品:《Pippa Passes》, 《Dramatic Lyrics》, 《My Last Duchess》:Written in the heroic couplet,dramatic monologue.(三)风格:dramatic monologue, first person narrative, irregular, colloquial,spoke for the lively and optimistic spirit of his time. ③Matthew Arnold(一)风格:literary critic, loss of faith,(二)作品:"Dover Beach"
10 Thomas Hardy:(一)作品:《Wessex》, (《Tess of the D'Urbervilles》:Background:
1.The passing away of the sturdy and traditional
2.Tess as the victim of many forces:
①moral code v.s. moral conduct ②justice v.s. mercy,3. the problem with modernism:①It portrays “the energy of traditional ways and the strength of the forces that are destroying them”. ②Hardy describes modern farm machinery with infernal imagery.) 《Jude the Obscure》《The Dynasts》(诗剧epic drama)(二)风格:Fatalism, Naturalism, pessimism, tragedy, symbolism, novels of character and environment 11 ①Oscar Wilde:(一)风格:Aestheticism, "Art for art's sake", comedy of manners, satire, irony, paradox, epigram, witty dialogues, (二)作品:《The Happy Prince》,《The Picture of Dorian Gray》, 《The Importance of Being Earnest》(comedy of manners), 《The Ballad of Reading Gaol》②George Bernard Shaw:(一)成就:Nobel Prize (二)风格:problem plays, discussion (三)作品:《Mrs. Warren's Profession》,《Pygmalion》
12 ①Joseph Conrad:《Heart of Darkness》,《The lagoon》②T.S.Eliot:(一)成就:Nobel Prize (二)风格:modernism, allusion, 作品:《The Hollow Man》《The Waste Land》
③W.B.Yeats:(一)成就:Nobel Prize(二)背景:Irish Literary Revival,(三)风格:mysticism, spiritualism, gyre, symbolism, free verse (四)作品:《A Vision》(五)风格变化:①early works reflect three themes: nature, the struggle for Irish independence, and his unrequited love for Maud Gonne. ②His later poems often involve pastoral rural settings. He saw poetry both as art and as a form of escapism. ③His other themes involve death or old age and what it leaves behind, immortality, disintegration, chaos, the quest for truth and the ideal and the real.
13 James Joyce:(一)作品:《Dubliners》: moral history, paralysis《Araby》:autobiographical,first-person narration,the awakening of the narrator from his dreamy adolescent idealism to the harsh reality of Dublin life. Themes:coming-of-age .loss of innocence.self-discovery.paralysis, 《Ulysses》(二)风格:stream of consciousness, interior monologue, anti-hero, paralysis, epiphany
十四.1.Virginia Woolf, Bloomsbury Group, feminism, 《到灯塔去To the Lighthouse, The Voyage Out,Night and Day A,Room of One's Own ,flashback倒叙stream-of-consciousness,a leading Modernist in the 20th century,《达罗卫夫人》Mrs. Dalloway,omniscient description全知视角monologue内心独白wrence, Sons and Lovers, Lady Chatterley's Lover 3.E.M.Forster, A Room with a View, A Passage to India
4.William Golding, Nobel Prize winner, Lord of the Flies《蝇王》darkness of human nature
5.Doris Lessing, Nobel Prize winner, The Golden Notebook。
