

简单、平易才是成功的关键(Is the plain simple truth)——奥格·曼狄诺

开始新的生活,拥有新的生命(To start a new life with a new life)









● A person's behavior to the fact that the real success of people power

● Life is the character of the crown and glory, is one of the most noble of property

● Culture humble character and to avoid stupid to see

● Serious thought and consciously impl emented, to improve their moral training ● Want to do something, we must learn to control by force to change bad habits ● fulfill their duties in life to complete their duties

● commitment to the initiative of especially easy for you to work out

● help foster the success of the ethos and customs

用全身心的爱来迎接今天(The heart and soul with love to meet today)









● extraordinary enthusiasm can make up for the lack of capacity

● life of one of the secret of success is that every day to keep on working interest ● loving what you do is to let the soul fly free of a brighter future

● he who treat people with sincerity and love for humanity will be invincible

● have loved the Blessed, and their life is full of passion

● a person to give other people's happiness more of his own well-being and happiness to be the more

● Let's sincere pra ise of the world's noise into music, to the ordinary lives of warmth and happiness

● and their tolerance of others, to maximize the life satisfaction of the surface 坚持不懈,直到成功

Persevere until success








● success and failure is often the difference between a step, play a decisive role only to the last moment

● between the strong and weak, big and little differences among the biggest lies in the strength of the will

● Only those who persevere, be able to get the biggest rewards

● the road to victory as the failure of the bridge will never give up

● difficult, difficult and often tragic force, discipline and the virtues of the best source of

● In every difficult to find success in the bud

● identified what is most important to you, then take various actions


I am the greatest miracle






— to accept the reality of their own, to establish confidence in the success of — Everyone should be in accordance with their own efforts to design their own specialty

— We have to learn to find as soon as possible and make use of its potential and ability

— correctly reflect the mind as the most useful property

—efforts to open up his own life

— maintain a positive attitude and constantly go beyond self


The collection day, not a single minute of time to trickle down






● is successful step forward is a victory for successful bargaining chip

● must have adequate time to plan instead of always busy

● pace of life a person is able to achieve an important factor for success

● time to master the "cost" and "treasure" of dialectics is a great secret of success

● f ully aware of the participation of too many unnecessary social harm, refusing to take the right approach学会控制自己的情绪

Learn to control their emotions








● To break the negative thought, for the implementation of its turnaround approach

● start to forget the past, it will make your life better off

● The Italian JIAO put you in pursuit of a happy state of mind

● live by the pose of joy and sadness, joy and sorrow is precisely because of the lovely

● a person can turn anything into his thinking happy

● life on the road to pick flowers, was pleased to accept the reality

● success of the calibration standard to reduce the frustration and sense of loss 要笑遍世界

To laugh all over the world







● smile shows a force conservation and hinted th at the other party will be in a

good mood

● smile can influence all over the capital

● take a fresh look at your life, set to enjoy your well-being has the right of the new thinking

● around you every day to find humor and joy, to minimize the extent of concern ● set up your "fun thinking" out of emb


Starting today, to pay particular attention to the value of your own arrassment with humor dull atmosphere

● speech to master the art of laughter to spread to other people








● must be planted to harvest, it is necessary to pay a little more

● There is not a good or bad business decisi ons to the outside world, but your brain's decision

● actively use their imagination to create a "winner"

● goal of a person who is like a ship's rudder not only disappointing to the beach

● ideals, the pursuit of smart people, we must have a clear goal

● self-correction that will actively develop life

● life in this game should be to maintain the enthusiasm of life and enthusiasm for learning


Act now







● success lies in the idea, more action is

● lazy, perfunctory only mediocre people spend a lifetime

● If you have a good idea, it is necessary to put into action

● cause of the success of the know-how is the will and action to link up

● concentrate, always focusing on the goals

● allow continued operation of the formation of habits, to bring you the ultimate success


Rely on the power of faith to grasp opportunities










● That is life of faith in the rule of law, we must hold high the flag of conviction ● ex cellent first step is to know that our belief is optional

● in a very difficult situation to maintain the spirit of the great power of understanding invincible

● inspire you broke the faith so that difficulties and obstacles, to achieve the dream of mind

● Do not seek perfection, the "best" to "hard"

● believe that luck is just an excuse for lazy people, through their own efforts in order to seize the opportunity

● always at the opportunity, if you are willing to use their brains, make full use of the power of faith

● good at grasping the opportunities brought about personal
