商务英语:常用产品广告语中英翻译(1)Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well a reciatedby their purchasers.2.畅销全球 selling well all over the world3.典雅大方 elegant and graceful4.定型耐久 durable modeling5.方便顾客 making things convenient for customer6.方便群众 making things convenient for the people ; to suit the people's convenience7.方便商品 convenience good8.方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life ; providing amenities for the people ; making life easier for the populatio9.各式俱全 wide selectio large a ortment10.顾客第一 Customers first11.顾客是我们的上帝 We take customers as our Gods.12.规格齐全 a complete range of ecificatio complete in ecificatio13.花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and desig14.货色齐全 goods of every description are available.15.客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first16.款式多样 a great variety of model17.款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style18.款式齐全 various style19.款式新颖 attractive desig fashionable(in) style ; novel (in) desig up-to-date styling20.款式新颖众多 diversified latest desig21.美观大方 elegant a earance22.美观耐用 attractive and durable23.品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are wel come.24.品种多样 numerous in variety25.品种繁多 great varietie。
在翻译过程中,应适应目标市场的文化和价值观,使译文更加符合当地消费者的审美观 念和价值取向。
在翻译商务广告时,应选择与原文意义一致的词汇,确保准确传达广告内容。同时,还需考虑目标受众的文化背 景和语言习惯,以避免产生歧义或误解。
商务广告中常常包含一些文化元素,如历史、传统、价值观等。在翻译过程中,应充分 考虑目标受众的文化背景,准确传递这些文化内涵,以增强广告的认同感和接受度。同
品牌名称是广告中最为重要的元素之一,其 翻译应简洁明了,易于记忆,同时传达品牌 的核心价值和特点。
在翻译商务广告时,应充分考虑目标市场的 文化背景和价值观,使译文符合当地文化习 惯和审美观念。
在翻译过程中,应避免使用可能引起文化冲突的词 汇和表达方式,以免影响广告效果。
在尊重目标市场文化的同时,可以适当地突 出原文的文化特色,增加广告的吸引力。
汇报人:文小库 2024-01-08
• 商务广告翻译概述 • 商务广告翻译的核心原则 • 商务广告翻译技巧 • 商务广告翻译案例分析 • 商务广告翻译的挑战与解决方
商务英语翻译 第5章 商务广告翻译
![商务英语翻译 第5章 商务广告翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/27d0892758fb770bf78a55a4.png)
• 新颖别致
译:Wiseness does not come from baldness. We know Eggsactly how to sell Eggs. 译:我们肆无忌惮地知道如何卖鸡蛋。 English.(英语教学磁带广告) .(英语教学磁带广告 A sound Way to Learn English.(英语教学磁带广告) 译:有声地学习英语,优胜的学习方式。
例2 【原文】一夜之中,每时每刻,玉兰油晚霜使 一夜之中,每时每刻,
您的皮肤始终保持湿润,增加皮肤的自然再生能 您的皮肤始终保持湿润, 舒展细微皱纹,让您的皮肤显得更柔软更年 力,舒展细微皱纹,让您的皮肤显得更柔软更年 轻。
All through the night, Night of Olay night, enhances the natural regeneration of your skin by keeping it constantly moist,easing tiny wrinkles and making delicate. your skin softer and more delicate.
译:With Sanyang at home,warmth in winter and coolness in With summer will be with you.
译:By drinking it,you will marvel at it. By If only everything in life was as reliable as a Volkswagen. 译:假如生活中的一切都有大众汽车那么可靠,世界该有多
1.You’re at 35,000 feet. Your head is in New York. Your heart is in Paris. Your Rolex can be inboth places at once. (Rolex watch)2.Only your time is more precious than this watch.3.Once tasted, always loved.4.Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth.5.V olvos have always forced other cars to be safer. This one will force them to be better.6.On women and children’s wear as well as on men’s shirts, our label says --- quietly butpersuasively --- all there is to say about our good quality and your good taste.7.No dream is too big.8.No more sore feet, no more crowded stores, no more endless shopping lists. With just one call,you can wrap up all your holiday shopping by giving News-week as a gift to your family and friends.9.She’s the nimblest girl around. Nimble is the way she goes. Nimble is the bread she eats.Light, Delicious, Nimble.10.城乡路万千,陆路有航天。
商务英语:常用产品广告语中英翻译(2)33.深受消费者的欢迎和好评 to be highly praised and a reciated by the co uming public34.式样美观 aesthetic a earance ; attractive fashio35.式样新颖大方 modern and elegant in fashio36.式样雅致 elegant in style37.式样众多 in many style38.适合男女老幼四季穿着 suitable for men and women of all ages in all seaso39.外型大方 elegant shape40.享有声誉 to win a high admiratio41.新品迭出 new varieties are introduced one after another42.行销世界 to be distributed all over the world43.以工艺精细、针法灵巧多样、图案典雅大方而闻名中外 to be renowned both at home and abroad forexquisite workma hip,skillful knitting and elegant design44.以用料讲究、图案新颖、色泽秀丽、工艺精湛而著称 famous for selected materials,novel desig ,delightful colors and exquisiteworkma hi45.以质优原料,尺寸齐全,品种花样繁多而著称 famous for high quality raw materials, full range of ecificatio and sizes, and great variety of desig and colour46.誉满中外 to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad47.在国际市场上享有盛誉 to enjoy high reputation in the international market48.造型美观 attractive a earance ; handsome a rearance49.质量第一,用户至上 quality first, coustomers first50.种类繁多 wide varieties。
进无止境 Go Further
6. 套译法 城乡路万千, 路路有航天。 East, west, Hangtian is best. Better late than the late. 迟到总比丧命好。 To smoke or not to smoke, that is a question. 烟,吸还是不吸,这个问题值得考虑。 Not all cars are created equal. 不是每辆车都生而平等。 古有千里马,今有三菱车
For next generation. (百事可乐) 新一代的选择 Every time a good time.(麦当劳) 分分秒秒聚欢笑 Just do it.(耐克) 想做就做/只管去做! Begin your own tradition.(百达翡丽手表) 代代相传,由你开始。
What we do, we do well. 我有我品质。
Torben Vestergaard & Kim Schroder 在著作 The Language of Advertising 中,将广告分为两大类:
commercial advertising(商业广告) non-commercial advertising (非商业广告)
(19) safeBiblioteka (20) rich.
Ask for More.(香烟广告) Good teeth, good health. (牙膏广告) Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. (服装广告) Unlike me,my Rolex never needs a rest.(劳力士手表)
3. 在广告翻译中要注重创新
要在保持深层结构的语义基本对等、功能相似 的前提下,重组原语信息的表层形式。
有创意的文本才能出奇制胜,吸引受众的注意, 捕捉受众的消费心理,促动受众的消费行为。
手表广告:Give a Timex to all, and to all a good time.
Timex 是( Time + Excellent)缩略而成, 强调表的准确、 耐用。
4. 雅语、俗语各有特色
“雅”指优雅而正式的书面语,“俗”指口语、 俚语和非正式语言。
钻石恒久远,一颗永流传 意译符合东方人含蓄的表达方式。虽然翻译与原
文不能一一对应,而且句子的结构形式更是荡 然无存,但原广告词的精髓或深层意思仍然在 译文中得以展观。
3. 创译法(Creative Translation)
某品牌车:If it moves, pumps, turns, drives, shifts, slides or rolls, we check it.
3.广告中常使用词汇变异手段创造新词、怪词, 使消费者能在不经意间注意到广告的商品
钓鱼广告:What can be delisher than fisher? 有什么能比钓鱼更有趣?
Delisher 是谐delicious 之音故意杜撰出来的,目的是与 后面的fisher造成押韵的效果, 突出钓鱼的乐趣。
• To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚 烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)
• Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) •
• Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)
• “语义双关是利用词语或句子的多义性在 特定环境下形成的双关” 。 例: • 1)The label of achievements. Black Label commands more respects. • 译文:酒是功成名就的标志。黑色标志使 您更显尊贵。 ★ Black Label – a kind of whiskey.
• Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)
• The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)
• Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)
• We lead. Others copy. (Ricoh) • 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)
▶第一:契合译法 • 一般认为,双关语由音、形、义等手段构成 了可译性障碍,存在不可译性。契合译法在 双语偶合的基础上,兼顾了广告双关语的形 式和内容,是广告双关语翻译的最高境界。 例如: • Easier dusting by a stre-e-etch! • 译文:拉拉拉长,除尘力强 。
• 第二:分别表义法
• 指采取变通手法,将双关语义剥开,拆成两 层来表达。 • The Unique Spirit of Canada. • 译为:别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大 精神。 • I’m More satisfied. 摩尔香烟,我更满意。 • Ask for More. 再来一支,还吸摩尔。
商务英语甜点广告xxx 第1篇The power of advertising ry day, it is easy to see advertisements nd us to see how many different advertisements you can see. The pducts you often see show the names of the companies that make them. This is a popular form of advertising.When you see a logo, there will be special patterns or symbols on many different pducts, namely logo. It is very difficult to forget the pduct or company A lot of people buy pducts becse they are made by a company. In fact, some people only buy pducts fm a famous company.They think it pves that they are fashionable and have good taste. It's common to see ads on TV or radio, and most of them are short enough to remind people of Nike, for example, all over the world with a slo: _just do _It_ advertisements often use interesting scenes, and it's easy to remember an entertainment advertisement. All advertisements are desied for people to buy pducts.For example, soft dnk advertisements may make a gup of fashionable young people have a good time. Young people are dnking soft dnks. The consultant says to you, _why don't you buy it? Like these people, you can be young and present Modern and fashionable._ You may think that advertising won't affect you, but the next time you buy a soft dnk, ask yoself: why am I just advertising this pduct? With the dlopment of mateal life, advertising is becoming and important in o daily life. Advertising pvides the la information about the pduct. Without advertising, consumers will not be able to know what the advertisements in their local stores can do to sell It's sold to a larger , so it's getting cheaper and cheaper as the goods are sold.Advertising also pvides money for newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, but there are also some views against advertising. Some people think that advertisements don't pvide too much information, they just try to persuade you to buy. They a demand for goods.Advertisements not only increase the cost of goods, but also damage the envinment. In fact, ry coin has o sides, advertising is no exception, but in today's world, advertising is not only necessary, but also beneficial.中文翻译:广告力量每一天,我们周围都很容易看到广告看看你能看到多少不同广告你经常看到产品都显示了制造它们公司名称这是一种流行广告形式当你看到一个标志时,在许多不同产品上都会出现特殊图案或符号,即logo,这是很难做到忘了产品或公司很多人买产品是因为它是某家公司生产事实上,有些人只买一家著名公司产品他们认为这证明了他们是时尚,有品位。
3 商务广告翻译
![3 商务广告翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ab469e84b9d528ea81c77908.png)
Lecture ThreeBusiness Advertisement TranslationI. A Survey to Business Advertisement TranslationII.Business Advertisement Translation PrinciplesIII.E xamples1.一夜之中,每时每刻,玉兰油晚霜使您的皮肤始终保持湿润,增强皮肤的自然再生能力,舒展细微皱纹,让您的皮肤显得更柔软,更年轻。
3.The product is famous for its good materials, novel designs, delightfulcolors and exquisite workmanship.4.谁跑到最后,谁笑得最好! (轮胎公司广告)IV.Exercises1.The good prefer to live near mountains,the wise near water.2.人生得一《知音》足矣。
(速效救心丸)4.The globe brings you the world in a single copy!5.穿上“双星”鞋,潇洒走世界。
“Dongfeng”brand hand-knotted carpets are known worldwide for their exquisite workmanship, color, design, and durability.They won a gold medal at the 1965 Leipzig International Competition,and in 1979 they were awarded a gold medal of honor in the nation’s quality appraisal of industrial products. Again, a gold cup went to “Dongfeng” carpets at China’s First “One Hundred Flower” Awards for Arts and Crafts.“Dongfeng”carpets have always ranked first among products of their kind.1.威海卫码头街景,这里是商埠区的繁华地带。
经贸报道、评述、 语言贴近读者、生动 可读性 保留原文风格,
品牌、广告、推 介或促销文字
措辞精炼、生动活泼、 认同感、 不拘一格,考虑 富有美感、创新。 宣传效 受众背景。
The Continuum for Business Translation
转换成相应的目 标语通用格式。
保留原文风格, 可酌情摘译或编 译。
商务翻译 具体文本类型 语言特点 类别
译文强 翻译策略 调
法律性文 件
经济法规、条约、 严谨、正式;用词规
合同、提单、发 范、准确;多术语、
专业论著、教科 书、论文、经贸 文件
直译:当商标意象在中西文化中具有类似含义时,可根据 原商标的含义,在译入语中选择与其意义相同或相近的词 语译出。
Snow (雪花啤酒);True Color (真彩水笔);F人对其的接受):Bosideng(波司 登);QiSheng(奇声)
语言特点:构思奇巧;感召力强;简洁生动;富于 美感
Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。 (Cannon 佳能打印机)
A diamond is forever (De Beers Diamond 戴比尔斯钻石) Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(Maxwell
Adapted from
不同类别的文本有不同的目的和功能,在翻译中往 往需要采取不同的翻译原则和策略。
商务英语翻译Unit 1 商标广告
![商务英语翻译Unit 1 商标广告](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c07a3a6243323968011c92e5.png)
• 广告 • (Advertising)
♥ 广告( Advertising ) 一词源于拉丁文 advertere, 意思是一定的媒体如广播电视、报刊 杂志、条板张贴、网络等形式向公众提供警 示、商品推介等的一种宣传方式。广告按其
广告英语中押韵是重要修辞手法之一。它能使英语广告有 节奏感、音调和谐、朗朗上口,便于记忆。
请看以下实例: Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony. 高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索尼。
A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. 每日一块Mars巧克力,工作满意,娱乐惬意。
(3) Make Time For Time. 阅读《时代》能为您赢得时间。(双关)
(4) Live well, Snack well. 美好生活,离不开香脆的饼干。(反复)
(5) M & Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hands. 只溶在口,不溶在手。 (押韵) (6) Making a big world smaller. 我们把世界变小了。(夸张)
• 小试牛刀:翻译下列常见广告语
(1) Make yourself heard. 理解就是沟通。(爱立信)
(2) Start ahead. 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔洗发水)
(3) Connecting People. 科技以人为本。(诺基亚手机)
(4) Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电器)
再比如:To spread your wings in Asia share our vantage point. 此处使用了暗喻的手法。
Welcome! Our product quality is unparalleled, and we are committed to providing you with a satisfying shopping experience.对不起,您的满意是我们永恒的追求。
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. Your satisfaction is our eternal pursuit. We will continue to strive to provide you with outstanding service.购买我们的产品,您将得到卓越品质和无与伦比的价值。
By purchasing our products, you will receive outstanding quality and unparalleled value.精心挑选最优质的原材料,保证产品的品质和耐久性。
We carefully select the finest raw materials to ensure the quality and durability of our products.我们的新产品创新独特,注重细节,为您带来全新的体验。
Our new product is uniquely innovative, focusing on details to bring you a whole new experience.现在购买,即可享受限时优惠!快来抓住这个难得的机会吧!Purchase now and enjoy limited-time discounts! Don't miss out on this rare opportunity!我们的产品适用于各种场合,满足您的不同需求。
商务英语的广告词共20条1. Unlock Your Potential with Our Business English Courses!2. Boost Your Communication Skills in Business English Today!3. Get Ahead in the Corporate World with Fluent Business English!4. Master the Language of Success with Our Business English Program!5. Stand Out from the Crowd with Proficient Business English!6. Open Doors to Global Opportunities with Fluent Business English!7. Excel in Business Communication with Our Tailored English Courses!8. Enhance Your Professional Profile with Polished Business English!9. Break Barriers and Build Connections with Business English!10. Speak the Language of Business with Confidence and Fluency!11. Elevate Your Business English to New Heights!12. Seize International Business Opportunities with Powerful English Skills!13. Empower Your Business English for Effective Negotiations!14. Master Business Presentations with Dynamic English Communication!15. Drive Business Success with Fluent English Conversations!16. Become a Global Leader with Business English Excellence!17. Transform Your Business English into a Competitive Advantage!18. Communicate Effectively in Business with our English Training!19. Reach Your Professional Goals with Business English Fluency!20. Invest in Your Future with Strong Business English Skills!翻译:1. 通过我们的商务英语课程释放您的潜能!2. 今天提高您的商务英语沟通技巧!3. 以流利的商务英语在企业界出人头地!4. 通过我们的商务英语课程掌握成功的语言!5. 商务英语一网打尽!6. 以流利的商务英语打开通往全球机遇的大门!7. 通过我们量身定制的英语课程,在商务沟通中脱颖而出!8. 用流利的商务英语提升您的专业形象!9. 打破隔阂,用商务英语建立联系!10. 自信流利地使用商务语言!11. 将您的商务英语提升到新的高度!12. 凭借强大的英语能力抓住国际商机!13. 增强您的商务英语以进行有效的谈判!14. 掌握动态英语交流的商务演示!15. 用流利的英语对话推动商业成功!16. 成为商务英语卓越的全球领导者!17. 将您的商务英语转化为竞争优势!18. 通过我们的英语培训在商务中有效沟通!19. 以流利的商务英语实现您的职业目标!20. 用强大的商务英语技能投资你的未来!。
• 一种前所未有、不同 寻常的发乳问世了。 它可以使您的头发随 心所愿—更光滑,更 丰茂,更平直,更卷 曲,更自然,甚至保 持湿度—却不含一滴 酒精或油脂。
2. 创造新词、怪词以引起新奇感 P221
Example 2:
The ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday.
I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke!
Things Go Better with Coke”
Coke Adds Life
• Always Coca-Cola” 永远的可口可乐
Northern Lights
Polar Bear Swim
• Better late than the late
迟到总比丧命好 All is well that ends well.
烟蒂好,烟就好 一天一块玛斯巧克力,让您工作像工作,娱乐像娱乐
• Time for Coke 可乐时光 • Basketball and flying Coca-Cola bottles
• We would never say the new Audi 100 is the best in its class, we don't have to.
奥迪100是同类车中最 好的。没有这个必要。
• 此地不能放松,无处
• Exame, you can’t relax.
• Example 7: • Coca-cola is it.
World’s pioneer, China’s top juice 难以让西方人信服本广告夸下的如此海口。 Natural Coco Juice: a world special. You enjoy beyond all your words. 这一译法抓住了广告产品的核心特点“天然、特 别”,故能够吸引消费者购买。
但是,由于广告的设计与翻译关系到企业的声誉、 企业的形象和企业的经济收入,无论是广告词设计 还是广告翻译切不可随意而为,而必须深思熟虑。 美国广告经营者戴维克•奥格尔维如是说: The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. 消费者不是傻瓜;她是你的妻子。如果你认为仅凭 几句口号,几个干巴巴的形容词就能诱使她掏腰包 购买任何东西的话,那么你就亵渎了她的智慧。
衣食住行,有龙则灵。(建设银行龙卡) Your everyday life is very busy, Our Long Card can make it easy. 一方面让读者产生丰富的互文性联想,可是在 译语中难以重现其深刻内涵;另一方面,“龙” 本身具有的象征意义在中西文化中大相径庭。 “龙卡”翻译成“Long Card”,而且将“Long” 斜体,恰到好处,符合读者的接受心理,可以 收到预期的广告效果。
团结湖北京烤鸭店为全聚德挂炉烤鸭。为保 证宾客品尝精美风味,全部现吃现烤。精选 北京白鸭,以果木挂炉烧烤,只需40分钟就 能品尝到为您特别烤制的色泽枣红、香酥嫩 脆、浓香四溢的正宗烤鸭。
5. 创译法
Bridging the distance (电信公司) 沟通无限
Music makes us. 生有趣,乐无穷。
Start ahead. 成功之路,从头开始。 Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。
A diamond lasts forever. 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。
Next is now. 让未来,现在就来。
Bigger than bigger. 岂止于大。
2. Apple Thinks Different . (苹果电脑) A) 苹果电脑,与众不同。 B) 苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。
3. Pepsi-Cola hits the spot , Twelve full ounces , that's a lot , Twice as much for a nickel , too , Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you. (百事可乐广告)
光临风韵之境——万宝路世界 有目共赏。(上海电视) Watching is believing. 百闻不如一尝。 Tasting is believing. A business in millions, a profit in pennies. 百万买卖,毫厘利润。
We can show you how to l paycheck. 落款 Microsoft
标语 Making it easier.
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No.1The Headline of an AdvertisementThe headline of an advertisement is there to attract attention and transmit a hint of the key concept, so that your prospect will be provoked to stop and read more of the ad. If they don’t read on, they will at least get some of the idea to be left with a positive perception. The headline must work with the overall ad layout and any illustration to accomplish this.广告的标题广告标题的作用是吸引受众的注意力,并对重要信息有所暗示,以让潜在的客户能够驻足留意这条广告。
Advertising genius David Ogilvy ,in his book Ogilvy on Advertising, says that on average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy.“Unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money,” he sugges ts. You want the ones who do read the whole ad to be your prospects and not just passers-by.广告天才大卫.奥格威曾在《奥格威论广告》一书中指出,人们读广告标题的平均次数是读广告正文的5倍。
No.2History of Advertising●In the ancient and medieval world such advertising as existed was conducted by word of mouth. The first step toward modern advertising came with the development of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. In the 17th century weekly newspapers in London began to carry advertisements, and by the 18th century such advertising was flouring.●The great expansions of business in the 19th century was accompanied by the growth of an advertising industry; it was that century, primarily in the United States, that saw the establishment of advertising agencies. The first agencies were, in essence, brokers for space in newspapers. But by the early 20th century agencies became involved in producing the advertising message itself, including copy and artwork, and by the 1920s agencies had come into being that could plan and execute complete advertising campaigns, from initial research to copy preparation to placement in various media.广告的历史在古代和中世纪,广告是通过口碑进行宣传的。
●With the rapid development of a commodity-driven economy, the importance of advertising as a promotional technique is becoming more and more pronounced.●同时,广告还须具有巨大的“说服力”或“推销能力”,使人产生购买被宣传的商品的欲望,从而达到商家做广告的目的。
●An effective advertisement should be attractive, attention grabbing and readable as well as containing great persuasive or selling power, which is critical to appeal to one’s desire to buy the targeted goods.●一则完整的广告通常由五个部分组成,即:商标、标题、正文、口号、插图。
●An integrated advertisement is usually made up of the brand or company trademark, tittle,body,slogan, and illustration, with the first two emphasizing a play on words.这些特点决定了广告语言总体上是一种鼓动性语言,与其他类型的语言在风格、作用诸方面都存在或大或小的差异。
●All these features make the advertisement language a loaded language on the whole, which is more or less different from other types of language in style and effect.No.4广告是人们非常熟悉的传媒载体,在现代生活中,广告无处不在,触目皆是,可以说,出色的广告在我们的社会中,越来越为人们所接受,越来越发挥其作用。
Advertising is one of the common media carriers, which is ubiquitous and can be seen everywhere in modern life. To some extent, good advertisements are becoming more and more acceptable and playing a more influential role in our society.广告,顾名思义,就是一种广而告之的传媒载体。
”Advertising, as the name suggests, is a kind of media carrier which publicizes widely. The American Marketing Association(AMA) defines advertising as:“the non-personal communication usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or idea by identified sponsors through the various media.”一则优秀的广告,其构思之独特、立意之新颖、内涵之丰富、用词之形象、句法之简洁,必将给读者留下深刻而美好的印象。
A good advertisement, with its unique idea, novel conception,rich content, imaginative words and simple syntax, can certainly make a lasting impression on recipients. Advertising languages involves linguistics, psychology, sociology,economics, aesthetics, literature,marketing creative science, and other elements of various disciplines and has its own unique language-expression rule and form, thus producing a kind of special and memorable, sometimes lasting,result.。