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宜昌 20020716 0800
湖北荆州下击 暴流个例 2002 年7月16日下午
Pulse Storm Downbursts
FIG. 11. After microburst B in Fig. 10, the microburst outflow transitioned to a gust front and propagated outward from the high-reflectivity core of the storm. Shown are three consecutive 22 Jul 2008 KIWA radar observations at 0.98 elevation angle of (a) reflectivity at 0236 UTC, (b) velocity at 0237 UTC, (c) reflectivity at 0241 UTC, (d) velocity at 0241 UTC, (e) reflectivity at 0245 UTC, and (f) velocity at 0246 UTC. Gust-front outflow boundaries are indicated by the blue front symbol.
2008年7月22日亚利桑那州下击暴流个例 特征统计
FIG. 3. The 22 Jul 2008KIWAradar observations at 0.98 elevation angle of (a) reflectivity at 0122 UTC; (b) velocity at 0123 UTC; (c) reflectivity at 0127 UTC; (d) velocity at 0127 UTC, where maximum outbound velocity was 10.5 m s21 and maximum inbound velocity was 218.5 m s21; (e) reflectivity at 0132 UTC; and (f) velocity at 0132 UTC. The 0.98 tilt was used here because the 0.58 tilt was mostly blocked by terrain. The 0.98 tilt was still partially blocked, as evidenced by the missing data (black patches) in the images. In the radial velocity images, red colors indicate inbound velocities and green colors indicate outbound velocities.
CAUTION: Radar may overshoot divergence signature
300 m
C Doswell
当天15:00-19:00,上海大部分地区出现阵雨或雷 雨,局部地区暴雨并伴有大风天气。其中,上海 F1赛车场地出现了40.6m/s的阵风,其它地区也 出现了有17-24米/秒不等的大风。此外,共有8个 自动站的降水记录超过50毫米还出现了暴雨天气, 其中金山防汛办降水量为92.0毫米,宝山为90.1 毫米,松江九亭为79.1毫米。
FIG. 9. The 22 Jul 2008 KIWA radar observations at 0.98 elevation angle of a gust front moving north from the location of a previous microburst and initiating new convection, showing (a) reflectivity at 0141 UTC; (b) velocity at 0141 UTC; (c) reflectivity at 0159 UTC; (d) velocity at 0200 UTC; (e) reflectivity at 0218 UTC, where new convective development is indicated by the white arrows; and (f) velocity at 0218 UTC. Gust-front outflow boundaries are indicated by the blue front symbol, where the symbol orientation refers to the direction the gust front is moving. The gust-front boundary is easier to see in the 0.98 elevation angle than the 0.58.
Roberts和Wilson(1989)在研究了31个发生 在美国Colorado州的微下击暴流及其相应的风暴后, 发现下降的反射率因子核同时伴随雷暴云中某一高 度处(3-7公里)或云底附近不断增加的径向辐合是 重要的下击暴流预报线索;若同时伴有雷暴云的旋 转和侧向入流槽口,则可以更加肯定地预报下击暴 流,预报提前时间为0-10分钟。
Roberts和Wilson(1989)在研究了31个发生 在美国Colorado州的微下击暴流及其相应的风暴后, 发现下降的反射率因子核同时伴随雷暴云中某一高 度处(3-7公里)或云底附近不断增加的径向辐合是 重要的下击暴流预报线索;若同时伴有雷暴云的旋 转和侧向入流槽口,则可以更加肯定地预报下击暴 流,预报提前时间为0-10分钟。
Wet microburst sounding
Wet microburst conceptual model
Southeast of Norman, Ok (Bill Bunting)
Southeast of Norman, Ok (Bill Bunting)
Southeast of Norman, Ok (Bill Bunting)
Ingredients for Strong wind gusts
moist convection Strong downdrafts Other?
© 1986 C. Doswell
© 1973 C. Doswell
© 2006 C. Doswell
Damaging Inflow Winds
此次强对流事件以坡度较大的低压槽为背景,有 较高的对流不稳定能量和充足的水汽,有利于对 流风暴的发展;地面风场辐合、边界层辐合线及 其与雷暴冷出流的碰撞是风暴不断新生的触发机 制;弱垂直风切变的环境条件下,使得过程中雷 暴都具有脉冲风暴特征,多个雷暴出现了三体散 射现象。 在弱垂直风切变环境下,前期脉冲风暴的强冷出 流与原边界层辐合线的交汇碰撞造成了局地的强 抬升,导致嘉定西北部强脉冲单体的发展和加强; 尽管处于前期雷暴的强冷出流中,低层的水汽输 送被切断,但是中低空切变使得水汽和动量辐合 仍然维持,强的不稳定条件使得该风暴强烈发展, 其爆发产生的强下沉气流造成了F1赛车场的13级 强风。
Pulse Storm Downbursts
Signature of a downburst is a divergent couplet near the surface But by the time you see this, it is already too late! Need to anticipate downbursts
Damaging Inflow Winds
1976 年, Fujita 等人把在地面上或地面附近形成 18m/s 以 上的灾害性风的向外暴发的强下沉气流称为下击暴流。它是 一股很强的从风暴云下方向下冲出,到近地面附近呈直线向 下辐散的气流。下击暴流的尺度很小,持续时间很短。 对大量观测事实研究表明,下击暴流按尺度可分为两种: (1)微下击暴流:水平辐散尺度小于4km,持续时间2-10 分钟;由于微下击暴流的尺度小,低层可出现相当大的水平 切变,因而这类下击暴流对飞行安全危害极大。 (2)宏下击暴流:水平辐散尺度大于等于4km,持续时间 5-20分钟,简称下击暴流。可在地面引起龙卷风状的破坏。
雷暴大风的雷达 探测和预警
2004-2009中国雷暴大风(大于等下沉气流; 下沉气流构成冷池前沿阵风锋; 快速移动对流系统中的动量下传; 低层强暖湿入流;
一般强风暴(超级单体或多单体风暴),或与 飑线强锋面有关的带状对流中处于成熟阶段的单体 中的下沉气流,在近地面处向水平方向扩散,常常 形成辐散性的阵风,即所谓雷暴大风;偶尔,雷暴 大风也可以由雷暴低层的强烈入流产生。
FIG. 10. The new convection from Fig. 9e produced two new microbursts. Shown are three consecutive 22 Jul 2008KIWAradar observations at 0.98 elevation angle of (a) reflectivity at 0222 UTC; (b) velocity at 0223 UTC, with microburst A circled; (c) reflectivity at 0227 UTC; (d) velocity at 0227 UTC; (e) reflectivity at 0232 UTC; and (f) velocity at 0232 UTC, with microburst B circled. Microburst B was severe, with a maximum radial velocity of 26 m s21.
• 干微下击暴流
• 湿微下击暴流
Dry downburst sounding
Dry microburst conceptual model
格尔木 2009年9月20日20点探空
沱沱河 2009年9月20日20点探空
那曲 2009年9月20日20点探空
拉萨 2009年9月20日20点探空
定日 2009年9月20日20点探空
20090920 1530
MODIS 500m 分辨率云图
Real downburst examples
Convective downdraft / downburst
A matter of intensity, alone! Prototype downburst evolutions:
downburst (heavy rain at surface) initiated by precipitation loading or ?, maintained by evaporation and negative buoyancy Dry downburst (little or no rain at surface) initiated by evaporation / melting, maintained by negative buoyancy