英文安全生产标语口号大全(精选15篇)英文安全生产标语大全篇1Improve the quality system and strengthen the quality of the project.科学管理精心施工。
Scientific management and careful construction.思想走了神,事故瞬间生。
The thought is gone, the accident is instantaneous.生命至高无上,安全责任为天。
Life is paramount, safety responsibility is sky.不怕千日紧,只怕一时松。
Not afraid of thousands of days tight, just a moment loose.只有大意吃亏,没有小心上当。
Only careless, not careful fooled.隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾。
Hidden danger in naked fire, prevention is better than disaster relief.制度不全,事故难免。
The system is incomplete and accidents are unavoidable.班前饮了酒,独木桥上走。
Drink the wine before class, walk on the plank bridge.事故出于麻痹,安全来于警惕。
The accident because of paralysis, security to guard against.小虫蛀大梁,隐患酿事端。
Small moth eaten girder, hidden trouble brewing incident.安全靠规章,严守不能忘。
Safety depends on rules and regulations and should not be forgotten.遵章守纪光荣,违章违纪可耻。
Strengthen safety training to promote safe production.2、事故隐患不除,等于放虎归山。
The hidden danger of accidents is not removed, which is tantamount to releasing tigers back to the mountains.3、宁可停工停产、绝不违章蛮干。
It's better to stop work and stop production than to go against the rules and regulations.4、养成良好习惯,提高整体素质。
Develop good habits and improve the overall quality.5、好钢靠锻打,安全要严抓。
Good steel depends on forging, safety must be strictly grasped.6、校园是我家,平安靠大家。
Campus is my home. Safety depends on everyone.7、力求一次做好,争取最大效益。
Make every effort to do a good job at one time and strive for maximum benefit.8、安全来于警惕事故出于麻痹。
Safety comes from being alert to accidents due to paralysis.9、建设优质工程,创造优良信誉!Build high-quality projects and create good reputation!10、检查走马观花,事故遍地开花。
Check the horses and watch the flowers. Accidents blossom everywhere.11、传播安全文化,宣传安全知识。
In the production process of enterprises, ensuring safety is of utmost importance. Safety slogans play a critical role in reminding employees to prioritize their well-being and clearly communicate the safety guidelines and requirements. These slogans are designed to be concise, impactful, and easily understood by everyone. In this article, we will look at some examples of safety slogans in both English and Chinese, with a total word count of 500.安全第一,事故源于疏忽。
Safety first, accidents stem from negligence. Safety production leads to a successful future.保持高度警觉,快乐与安全同行。
Stay alert and happy while prioritizing safety. Protect your head for worry-free work.为了你的家人,安全必须放在第一位。
Put safety first for your family. Preventing injuries is more important than anything else.安全从我做起,在每一个细节中都体现出来。
环保车间中英文标语Protect Our Environment, Protect Our Future.In our pursuit of industrial progress, it is crucial that we do not overlook the importance of environmental conservation. Here are some bilingual slogans that can be displayed in our workshop to remind everyone of ourcollective responsibility towards the planet:1. "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - The Three R's of Sustainability."2. "Waste Not, Want Not - Minimize Waste for a Better Tomorrow."3. "Green Production, Clean Planet - Embrace Eco-friendly Practices."4. "Conservation is the Key - Unlock a Sustainable Future."5. "Pollution Prevents Prosperity - Keep Our Workshop Clean."6. "Eco-Efficiency, Economy Gains - Save Resources, Gain Profits."7. "Every Drop Counts - Conserve Water, Save Life."8. "Energy Saving, Green Living - Power Down, Planet Up."9. "Go Paperless, Go Green - Digitalize for a Cleaner Environment."10. "Think Globally, Act Locally - Start Your Eco-Journey Here."By adopting these slogans, we can foster a culture of environmental awareness and action within our workshop, ensuring that our operations are not only productive but also respectful of the natural world.。
关于精益生产的中英标语关于精益生产的中英标语精益从心开始,改善由我做起;ie is from the heart, improvement is from you.下一道工序就是客户;the next position is your customer.团队的效率才是真效率;team efficiency is the real efficiency.标准作业,作业标准;standard operating, operate standardized.我的设备我保养,我的.品质我保证;keep equipments well maintained, let quality be better guaranteed.保持改善,天天向上;pursue improvement, make progress everyday.不求一次完善;improvement is not for only once.改善只有更好,没有最好;there is no best but better for improvement.今天你提案了吗!今天你改善了吗!have you submitted your proposal today? have you made improvement today?上联:整理整顿是基础;下联:清洁清扫是保持;横批:素养自然行。
seiri, seiton are the foundation;seiso, setketsu are for keeping.shit〔转载自,请保留此标记。
〕suke comes naturally. 库存是万恶之源!inventory is the resource of all badness.降低库存,减少浪费;reduce inventory, decrease waste.一针一线,价值体现;a single needle or piece of thread embodies value.搬运寻找,尽量减少;movement and looking for things should be reduced to the minumum.多余动作,劳而无获;no gain for unnecessary movements.动作优化,有功无过;it is never wrong to optimize movements.过量加工,费时费工;surplus process is a waste.浪费资源,金钱去填;resources waste needs money to fill.优化程序,省心省力;optimized procedure saves time and money.一二三四,步调一致;one, two, three, four, keep the step along the goal.发现问题,及时报告;discover problem, report it in time.隐藏错误,害人害己;hiding mistake is harmful.您可以访问〔〕查看更多与本文《精益生产口号》相关的文章。
车间标语 中英文对照版
车间标语中英文对照版汉语和英语语法不同,表述方法不同,译或许不能尽意.下面这些标语的中英文对照不一定精准,尽请高手指教:自检互检,确保产品零缺点!Self and mutual inspection,make sure zero defection!杜绝不良思想,发扬优质精神!Prevent unhealthy thinking;develop high quality inspirit.持续的质量改进,是我们永恒的目标。
Quality continuous improvement is our eternal objective.积累点滴改进,迈向完美品质。
Accumulate every improvement is led to Perfect quality培养优质素养,提高团队力量。
Quality-cultivation,Strengthens our team不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法。
Do not make excuses for failure,but find away to solve it.客户满意,是检验我们工作的唯一标准。
Customer satisfaction is the only benchmark to inspect our works.没有执行力,就没有竞争力。
No implementation power;no competitiveness advantage.执行力文化,是从负责任开始的。
Implementation starts from taking responsibility消除一切浪费,追求精益求精和不断改善。
Stop waste to pursue perfection and constant improvement。
Saving is our virtue,treasure every bit of resource。
品质是做出来的,不是检验出来的Quality is being made instead of by checking制造须靠低成本,竞争依赖高品质The manufactur depends on reducible cost. Competitive relays on high quality自检互检,确保产品零缺陷Ability to check step by step to ensure zero fault in production检查测试坚持做,一点问题不放过Consist makeing inspection to avoid the products fault be caused我们的承诺,不做不良品Our slogan is zero fault in production要想产品零缺陷,全面品管不可少In order to reach zero fault, QC is not single one can be omitted.做好品质记录,打好品质管理基础Give a quality control records, have a founditinal quality management以科技为动力,以质量求生存High-tech as motivation, long life alive base on best quality追求卓越品质,创造世界名牌Pursuit the outstanding quality to creat well-known world brand责任是质量的保证,责任是品牌的生命Responsibibity is the core and gaurante of quality.发现问题马上报,及时处理要做好Report to manager when found some problem and deal with it properly细心,精力,用心,品质永保称心Careful, patient and keeping satisfact quality as always品质你我做得好,顾客留住不会跑Good quality equals solid customers有品质才有市场,有改善才有进步High quality creates business, prograss is from improvement来料检验按标准,产品质量有保证Check the raw material seriously according to standard to ensure the material产量诚可贵,质量价更高Product quantity fast, quality first你思考,我思考,品质提升难不倒Raise up production quality is our responsibilities.卓越的品质是产品最好的推销员Excellent quality is the best seller要想品质搞得好,齐心协力少不了Keeping good quality need all employees participate in.做无差错能手,向零缺陷迈进Self-improvement to approach zero fault产品质量无缺陷,顾客服务无抱怨Non fault products, no claim and complain from customer力求一次做好,争取最大效益Pursuit to do the best to get the best profits不接受不良品,不制造不良品Not accept bad quality, not make bad products人人品管做得好,顾客抱怨自然少Everybody should take care of product quality to avoid complain from customer眼到,手到,心到,不良自然跑不掉Pay attention to product to avoid bad quality作业标准能遵守,品质效率不用愁Relay on operation standard to creat good quality efficiency.信誉来源来品质,品质来源于素质Good reputation comes from good quality. Good quality depends on employee's self-improvement自主检验做得好,生产顺畅不得了Good habbit for self-checking to make production lines smoothly.没有品质便没有企业的明天No quality, no future革除马虎之心,提升品质之源Take off careless concept to improve the root of quality今日的质量,明日的市场Today's quality is prepared for tomorrow market创优质品牌,铸一流企业形象Best quality is setting up best company image做好产品包装工作,保障产品最终质量Take care of production packing to make sure the final products.品质管理讲技巧,沟通协调最重要The improtant quality magagemtn is based on professional skills and commuication宁愿事前检查,不可事后返工Re-prepared checking rather than repeating job质量赢得市场,诚信铸就品质High quality is making win-win between customer and factory。
If we are together nothing is impossible,and if we are divided all will fail.市场是企业的方向,质量是企业的生命,品牌是企业的灵魂Let every action be directed to some definite object,and perfection this way.不接受不良品,不制造不良品,不流出不良品Great blunders are often made,like large ropes,of a multitude of fibers。
If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it。
要时刻记住:下一道工序就是客户.Always bear in mind customer requirement is more important than any othe thing。
Whatever I do,I will do in my power.品质是价值与尊严的起点,也是公司赖以生存的命脉。
If we take care of quality, the reputation will take care of itself。
Labour is often the father of pleasure.日事日毕,日清日高。
The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随.Hard and honest work is the surest way to success.认真做事只能把事情做对,用心做事才能把事情做好.When work is a pleasure, life is joy。
1. “咱生产现场,那就是战场,质量就是我们的武器,你能不认真对待吗?就像战士能随便对待他的枪吗?”(例子:工人们在生产线上都全神贯注,对每个产品都严格把控,就如同在战场上守护阵地一样。
2. “生产要高效,就像跑步要冲刺,你不拼怎么行?你看看大家都在努力往前冲呢!”(例子:大家都加快了手中的动作,争取在规定时间内完成更多任务。
3. “这里的安全可不是小事,这是头顶的天,你敢不重视?想想你的家人还在等你回家呢!”(例子:每个人都严格遵守安全规定,互相提醒注意安全。
4. “生产现场整洁多重要啊,这就好比你的脸,你不洗干净能好看吗?”(例子:大家都主动清理自己周围的杂物,保持环境整洁。
5. “质量是咱的招牌,可不能砸了,这不是自毁前程吗?”(例子:检验员认真检查每一个产品,不放过任何一个瑕疵。
6. “大家齐心协力,这生产现场就能像火车一样飞速前进,你不想出份力吗?”(例子:各个岗位的人员密切配合,共同完成生产任务。
7. “浪费在这里可没门儿,这不是浪费自己的心血吗?”(例子:工人们都合理利用材料,不随意丢弃。
8. “遵守操作规程,这就像走在平坦大道上,你偏要走歪路,那能行吗?”(例子:新员工在老员工的指导下,严格按照操作规程操作。
9. “生产现场就是我们的舞台,我们要演好自己的角色,你准备好了吗?”(例子:每个人都在自己的岗位上发挥着最大的作用。
10. “效率就是生命啊,你在这磨蹭,不是在浪费生命吗?”(例子:大家都争分夺秒地工作,提高生产效率。
企业生产安全标语中英Chinese:1. 安全第一,生命至上2. 预防为主,治理为辅3. 安全责任人人有,安全责任我先行4. 合理使用设备,保障工人安全5. 安全是生产的基石,质量是企业的生命6. 安全隐患必须及时排除,防患于未然7. 安全无小事,防范勿驰恐8. 生产中遵守规章制度,严守作业规程9. 安全隐患可以杜绝,生命安全无价值10. 国家安全我们呵护,企业安全大家保11. 责任陪伴安全,警钟常鸣12. 安全生产须在严格要求下进行13. 安全无小事,处处闪烁警示灯14. 安全生产靠大家,违章作业伤身家15. 彻底治理安全隐患,共创和谐环境English:1. Safety first, life above all2. Prevention is the main measure, control is the supplementary measure3. Everyone has a safety responsibility, and I take the lead in safety responsibility4. Proper use of equipment, ensuring worker safety5. Safety is the foundation of production, and quality is the life of the enterprise6. Safety hazards must be eliminated in a timely manner,preventing accidents in advance7. Safety is not a trivial matter, prevent it from happening instead of dealing with it8. Follow rules and regulations in production, strictly abide by operating procedures9. Safety hazards can be eliminated, and life safety is priceless10. We protect national security, and everyone safeguards enterprise security11. Responsibility accompanies safety, and alarms are always ringing12. Strict requirements must be followed in safety production13. Safety is not a trivial matter, warning lights flicker everywhere14. Everyone is responsible for safety production, illegal operation harms both body and property15. Thoroughly eliminate safety hazards, creating a harmonious environment together。
Stric control of the production process to ensure that all products qualified老问题、小地方,常是品质致命伤。
The same old problem、a small place is often on Achilles heel ofqualty.思一思,研究改善措施;试一试,坚持不懈努力。
Thinking a thought can be improved,give it a try and persistent efforts永无止境地追求七个零的终极目标(零转产工时浪费、零库存、零浪费、零不良、零故障、零停滞、零灾害)Never-ending pursuit of the ultimate goal of No seven(No waste hours convering,No waste,Zero non-performing,No fault stagnation,No hazard)投入多一点,方法好一点,绩效自然高一点。
put a little more,way better,the performance of natural higher作业标准记得牢,驾轻就熟不烦恼。
Remember iail operating standards,do not worry very much at home分析原因要认真,解决问题要彻底。
Analysis of the reasons shy,to thoroughly solve the' problem工序质量控制点,产品质量生命线。
Process quality control point the product quality lifeline零缺点的生产过程,一百分的优质产品。
Zero defect of the production process,a high-qualily products of 100-point。
Improve safety awareness and build civilized construction sites.2、隐患处处有,安全时时记。
There are hidden dangers everywhere. Keep a safe diary.3、同创安全工地,共享夸姣生活。
Create safe construction sites and share a good life.4、事故不长眼,你严他就远。
If the accident is not long-term, he will be far away if you are strict.5、细心精心用心,品质永保趁心。
Careful and meticulous, the quality will always be satisfactory.6、安全知识,让你化险为夷。
Safety knowledge, let you turn a risk into a disaster.7、正确使用它、事故就少了。
Use it correctly and there will be fewer accidents.8、安全在我心中,生命在我手中。
Safety is in my heart, life is in my hands.9、廉洁高效建设优质交通工程。
Clean and efficient construction of high-quality traffic engineering.10、人人讲安全,家家保安全。
Everyone talks about safety, and home is safe.11、生命是个宝、健康最重要。
Life is a treasure, health is the most important.12、关注校园安全,构建人文和谐。
三楼6S标语Floor 3 6S Slogan整理:有用无用,一留一弃;腾出空间,防止误用。
Seiri: Useful useless, a leave a abandoned; make space, prevent misuse.整顿:有用物品,定位标识;用完归位,再取便捷。
Seiton: Useful items, location identification; Run out of home, take again convenient.清扫:见污即除,保养设备;美化环境,心情舒畅。
Seiso: See dirty namely except, maintenance equipment, Beautify the environment, the mood. 清洁:维护成果,保持清洁;形成制度,科学发展。
Seiketsu: Maintenance results, keep clean; Formation system, scientific development.素养:以人为本,贵在自觉;点滴做起,养成习惯。
Shitsuke: People-oriented, is the consciousness; Litter drop, to develop a habit.安全:安全第一,预防为主;把握细节,消除隐患。
Safety: Safety first, precaution crucial; Grasp the details, eliminate hidden dangers.四楼标语Floor 4 Slogan严谨思考,严密操作;严格检查,严肃验证。
Rigorous thinking, strict operation; Strict inspection, serious verification. 预防保养按时做,生产顺畅不会错。
.Preventive maintenance on time , Production Smoothly for aim.安全来自长期警惕,事故源于瞬间麻痹。
asking for instructions with your proposals instead of questionsreporting works with statements instead of comments2\成功者常改变方法而不改变目标,失败者常改变目标而不改变方法。
the winners often change the methods to reach their goals, while the losers always change their goals without adjustingthe methods.3\没做好就是没做好,没有任何借口,随便找借口,成功没入口。
no excuses for not doing things well. casual excuses blockthe way to success.4\三不放过原则:原因没有查清不放过,措施没有落实不放过,责任没有明确不放过。
three no-passing principles: no-passing of unclear reasons, no-passing of unimplemented measures, and no-passing of vague responsibilities.5\结果不好,就是不好。
there is no if in execution.it is bad if the result is bad.6\不是没有办法,而是没有用心想办法。
nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mindto it.7/从实际出发,从小事做起,在本职岗位上不断改进。
工厂用标语中英文对照品质是做出来的,不是检验出来的Quality is being made instead of by checking制造须靠低成本,竞争依赖高品质The manufactur depends on reducible cost. Competitive relays on high quality自检互检,确保产品零缺陷Ability to check step by step to ensure zero fault in production检查测试坚持做,一点问题不放过Consist makeing inspection to avoid the products fault be caused我们的承诺,不做不良品Our slogan is zero fault in production要想产品零缺陷,全面品管不可少In order to reach zero fault, QC is not single one can be omitted.做好品质记录,打好品质管理基础Give a quality control records, have a founditinal quality management以科技为动力,以质量求生存High-tech as motivation, long life alive base on best quality 追求卓越品质,创造世界名牌Pursuit the outstanding quality to creat well-known world brand责任是质量的保证,责任是品牌的生命Responsibibity is the core and gaurante of quality.发现问题马上报,及时处理要做好Report to manager when found some problem and deal with it properly细心,精力,用心,品质永保称心Careful, patient and keeping satisfact quality as always品质你我做得好,顾客留住不会跑Good quality equals solid customers有品质才有市场,有改善才有进步High quality creates business, prograss is from improvement 来料检验按标准,产品质量有保证Check the raw material seriously according to standard to ensure the material产量诚可贵,质量价更高Product quantity fast, quality first你思考,我思考,品质提升难不倒Raise up production quality is our responsibilities.卓越的品质是产品最好的推销员Excellent quality is the best seller要想品质搞得好,齐心协力少不了Keeping good quality need all employees participate in.做无差错能手,向零缺陷迈进Self-improvement to approach zero fault产品质量无缺陷,顾客服务无抱怨Non fault products, no claim and complain from customer 力求一次做好,争取最大效益Pursuit to do the best to get the best profits不接受不良品,不制造不良品Not accept bad quality, not make bad products人人品管做得好,顾客抱怨自然少Everybody should take care of product quality to avoid complain from customer眼到,手到,心到,不良自然跑不掉Pay attention to product to avoid bad quality作业标准能遵守,品质效率不用愁Relay on operation standard to creat good quality efficiency.信誉来源来品质,品质来源于素质Good reputation comes from good quality. Good quality depends on employee's self-improvement自主检验做得好,生产顺畅不得了Good habbit for self-checking to make production lines smoothly.没有品质便没有企业的明天No quality, no future革除马虎之心,提升品质之源Take off careless concept to improve the root of quality今日的质量,明日的市场Today's quality is prepared for tomorrow market创优质品牌,铸一流企业形象Best quality is setting up best company image做好产品包装工作,保障产品最终质量Take care of production packing to make sure the final products.品质管理讲技巧,沟通协调最重要The improtant quality magagemtn is based on professional skills and commuication宁愿事前检查,不可事后返工Re-prepared checking rather than repeating job质量赢得市场,诚信铸就品质High quality is making win-win between customer and factory。
1.Safety first. 安全第一。
2.Safety comes first. 安全至上。
3.Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗。
4.Protect life and property. 保护生命和财产。
5.Life is priceless, safety is priceless. 生命无价,安全无价。
6.Be aware of safety, eliminate accidents. 注意安全,消除事故。
7.Safety is a basic need. 安全是一种基本需求。
8.Protect your hands, protect your future. 保护你的手,保护你的未来。
9.Safety culture is the cornerstone of enterprise development. 安全文化是企业发展的基石。
10.Safety is the responsibility of every employee. 安全是每个员工的责任。
11.Mind your step, avoid accidents. 注意脚步,避免事故。
12.No safety, no happiness. 无安全,无幸福。
13.Safety is not a slogan, it is a lifestyle. 安全不仅仅是口号,它是一种生活方式。
14.Safety is the key to success. 安全是成功的关键。
15.Safety is the foundation of quality. 安全是质量的基础。
安全生产标语中英文1、安全生产质量第一的英文标语该如何翻译?Safety Proction Quality first2、安全生产月标语安全责任重在落实你对违章讲人情,事故对你不留情事故不难防,重在守规章消防设施常做检查,消除隐患预防事故按章操作机械设备,时刻注意效益安全严格遵守操作规程,提高安全生产意识与其事后痛哭流涕,不如事前遵章守纪疏忽带来痛苦,安全创造幸福简化作业省一时,贪小失大苦一世安全生产莫侥幸,违章操作要人命企业效益最重要,安全防火第一条安全就是节约,安全就是生命保安全千日不足,出事故一日有余安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源求快不求好,事故常来找按章操作莫乱改,合理建议提出来安全生产勿侥幸,违章蛮干要人命。
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Stric control of the production process to ensure that all products qualified
The same old problem、a small place is often on Achilles heel ofqualty.
Thinking a thought can be improved,give it a try and persistent efforts
Never-ending pursuit of the ultimate goal of No seven
(No waste hours convering,No waste,Zero non-performing,No fault stagnation,No hazard)
put a little more,way better,the performance of natural higher
Remember iail operating standards,do not worry very much at home
Analysis of the reasons shy,to thoroughly solve the' problem
Process quality control point the product quality lifeline
Zero defect of the production process,a high-qualily products of 100-point。