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Companies recognize interdependencies Goals and objectives are compatible
One widely used model of supply-chain management, the SCOR (Supply-Chain Operations Reference) Model, currently identifies five key processes——Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return—— associated with supply-chain management (see Figure2-2).
在由华中科技大学马士华教授编著的《物流 术语》一书中,对供应链的定义是:供应链 是围绕核心企业,通过对信息流、物流、资 金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间 产品及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送 到消费者手中的将供应商、制造商、分销商 、零售商、直到最终用户连成一个整体的功 能链结构模式。

Supply chain management is “the systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses in the supply chain, for the purposes of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole.”
从“大而全、小而全”向“分散网 络化制造”转化;
从“封闭式”向“开放式”的设 计、开发与生产转化。
横向一体化”形成了一条从供应商到制造 商再到分销商的贯穿多个企业的链,由于相邻 节点企业表现出一种需求与供应的关系,当把 这些相邻企业依次连接起来,便形成了供应链 (Supply chain)。这条链上的节点企业必须 达到同步、协调运行,才有可能使链上的所 有企业都受益,于是便产生了供应链管理 (Supply chain Management, SCM)这一新的 经营与运作模式。
Source: Robert B. Handfield and Ernest L. Nichols, Jr., Introduction to Supply Chain Management
2001年,中国发布实施的国家标准 GB/T18354-2001《物流术语》对供应 链的定义是:“生产及流通过程中, 涉及将产品更新换代或服务提供给最 终客户的上游或下游企业,所形成的 网络结构。
资料来源:王耀球等,供应链管理(p13),机械 工业出版社,2005年版。
不同主体的供应链形态结构: ――以生产商为主体的供应链; ――以批发商为主体的供应链; ――以零售商为主体的供应链;
资料来源:王耀球等,供应链管理(p15),机械工 业出版社,2005年版。
(4)The Definition of supply chain management
在这种思想指导下,企业为了最大限度地 掌握市场分额,必然要牢牢控制用于生产和经 营的各种资源。在企业的运作模式上,采用了 “高度自制”的策略,一个企业囊括了几乎所 有零部件的加工、装配活动。不仅如此,还把 分销、甚至零售环节的业务也纳入自己的业务 范围之内,最后形成了无所不包的超级组织。 这就是人们说的:
纵向一体化、横向一体化与供应链 管理
从二十世纪八十年代中后期开始, 在企业管理中形成了一种“横向一体化 (Horizontal Integration)”的管理热潮 。许多企业将原有的非核心业务外包出去 ,自己集中资源发展核心能力,通过和业 务伙伴结成战略联盟占据竞争中的主动地 位。
从“纵向一体化”向“横向一体 化”转化;
“纵向一体化(Vertical Integration)”。
—— Forces the enterprise engaged in activity which it is not good at.
——Increase enterprise invest burden. —— Directly faces a lot of competitor in each service domain. ——Undertakes the risk Of loses the market opportunity.
――总成本最低化; ――客户服务最优化; ――总周期最短化; ――物流质量最优化;
资料来源:王耀球等,供应链管理(p37),机械 工业出版社,2005年版。
Key Attributes of Supply Chain Management
A number of key attributes are associated with supply-chain management, including customer power, a long-term orientation, leveraging technology, enhanced communication across organizations, inventory control, and interactivity, interfunctional, and interorganizational coordination.
Management pattern transformation
The factor of traditional management pattern:
少品种、大批量生产,刚性、专用流水 生产线;
多级递阶控制的组织结构,管理跨度小 、层次多;
管理思想和管理制度的特征为集权式、 以追求稳定和控制为主。
Figure 2-2: The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model
Rather, a more realistic perspective is that individual members of a supply chain will compete based on the relevant capabilities of their supply network, with a particular emphasis on immediately adjacent suppliers or customers.
The Supply-Chain Concept
Learning Objectives
To learn about supply chains and their management.
To realize key attributes of supply chain Management
Logistics: What It Is
(1)The Definition of supply chain A supply chain “encompasses all
activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the raw material stage (extraction), through to the end user, as well as the associated information flows.”
Figure 2-1: Different Supply Chain Configurations
特征: ――复杂性; ――动态性; ――交叉性; ――面向用户需求。
资料来源:王耀球等,供应链管理(p12), 机械工业出版社,2005年版。
基本类型: ――稳定的供应链和动态的供应链; ――平衡的供应链和倾斜的供应链; ――有效性供应链和反应性供应链;
Competition environment change
—— 品种多
—— 产品生命周期越来越短
平民化、便利化 —— 服务期望高
基本模型:一般来说,供应链由所有加盟的 节点企业组成,其中一般有一个核心节点企 业(可以是产品制造企业,也可以是大型零售 企业),节点企业在需求信息的驱动下,通过 供应链的职能分工与合作(生产、分销、零售 等),以资金流、物流和商流为媒介实现整个 供应链的不断增值。
资料来源:王耀球等,供应链管理(p12),机械 工业出版社,2005年版。
Source: John T. Mentzer et al., “ Defining Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics
2001年,中国发布实施的国家标准 GB/T18354-2001《物流术语》将供应链 管理定义为:“利用计算机网络技术全 面规划供应链中的商流、物流、信息流 、资金流等,并进行组织、协调与控制 。”
――以客户为中心;跨企业的贸易伙伴之间 密切合作、利益共享、共担风险;集成化管 理;对物流的一体化管理。
资料来源:王耀球等,供应链管理(p34),机械 工业出版社,2005年版。
Successful Supply Chains have… —— a systems approach across all organizations in the supply chain.
To appreciate barriers to supply-chain management.
Supply Chain Management and Integration.
About Supply Chains…
Topics discussed below
Competition environment change Management pattern transformation Logistics: What It Is The role of supply chain in Modern
现代市场经济的竞争不再是一个 企业和另一个企业之间的竞争,而是 一条供应链与另一条供应链之间的竞 争。
The early to mid-1990s witnessed a growing recognition that there could be value in coordinating the various business functions not only within organization but across organizations as well what can be referred to as a supplychain management(SCM) philosophy.
――Customer Power
Because customer needs and wants change relatively quickly, supply chains should be fast and agile, rather than slow and inflexible.
Globalization of Supply Chains
—— Lower priced materials and labor —— Global perspective of companies —— Development of global competition