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account for 说明……原因(用途等),占(比重) adequate for 胜任……的adhere to 坚持,粘粘after all 毕竟

ahead of 在……之前along with 与……一起

as usual 与往常一样,如常at a loss 茫然不知所措

at ease 舒适地,自由自在地at hand 在手中,在眼前,即将来临

at random 随机地,任意地at the risk of 冒……危险B:

bear upon* 向……施加压力because of 由于

break away 摆脱……逃跑(from) break down (机器)坏掉,(健康)垮掉,分解

break through 突破,突围break in 强行闯入,插嘴,打断break into 强行闯入break off 突然停止(讲话等),暂停工作,结束

break out 爆发,发生break up* 打碎,折散,终止,结束

bring on 引起,导致bring over* 使(在思想,信仰等方面)转变by accident 偶然地,意外地by all accounts* 根据大家所说

by all means 想尽一切办法,千万要,务必by any means* 无论如何

by means of 通过,凭借by no means* 决不

by oneself 单独地,独自地by rights* 按理说,正当地

by virtue of * 通过


care about 计较care for 关心,喜欢

in care of* 由……转交carry off * 夺去(生命),夺得(奖牌) cast light upon* 使人们明白,使真相大白catch on 理解,受欢迎

catch up 赶上(with),把……卷入cling to* 坚持,依附,粘者coincide with 与……相符come off* 发生,举得,成功,脱落come out 出现,出版,发表,结果是come round* 苏醒,复员,顺便拜访come through 经历……仍活着,脱险come up to 达到,符合

come up with 赶上,提出consist in 在于

contrary to 与……相反cope with 处理

count on 依靠,指望cut sb. short 打断某人


deficient in* 缺乏depend on 依靠,指望devote to 致力于do away with * 去掉,废除drive up * 抬高


engage in 忙于,从事excuse sb from * 同意某人不做……(此处excuse 指:为……免去)


face up to 勇敢面对fall into 落入,陷入,分成

familiar to 对……是熟悉的fill in 填写,临时代替

fill up 填补,装满for all * 尽管

for the purpose of 为了for the sake 为了……,看在……份上from all accounts 根据大家所说(by all accounts)

get at *到达,了解get away 逃脱

get down 从……上下来,下车,记下get hold of 抓住,掌握

get off 从……上下来,脱下,起飞get off with *加注释

get on with 在……方面进展得,与……相处得get round to *花时间和精力去做give oneself up *投案自首give vent to *发泄,吐露……

go along with 陪……一起行动,赞同,支持go back on 违背

go in for 参加,沉迷于go off 爆炸,被发射,离去,停止运行go on 继续,升go out 熄灭,停止,过时go over 浏览,检查,复习,走过去go through with 做完,完成go with 陪……一起行事,与……一致


hang on *紧握不放,坚持下去,(打电话)别挂断

heap praise upon*对……大加赞赏hold back 退缩不前,阻止,隐瞒I:

in a way 在某种程度上in accord with 与……一致

in advance of(在……)之前,预先(于……)in between 在中间,每间隔in case 假使,以防万一in case of 假使,万一

in contrast to 与……形成对照in every way 在每一方面,用任何方式in excess of 超过in favor of 赞成,支持,有利于

in honor of 为纪念……,为庆祝……向某人表示敬意

in line with 与……一致,与……相符,按照in no way 决不

in particular 特别,尤其,详细地in place of 代替,取代

in quest of * 为探索in response to 响应,回答

in spite of 尽管,虽然……来说in terms of * 就……来说

in the event of * 如果……发生in the front of 在……的前部

in the way 妨碍.挡住有鉴于, in view of 有鉴于,考虑到increase by 增加了indulge in * 沉迷于专心致力于…… ……, intent on 专心致力于……,一心想做interfere with 妨碍,阻止

intervene in * 干涉,插手


keep off 不接近,使避开keep up with 跟上


let alone * 不管,不惹,更不用说look after 照料,关心

look down 俯视,轻视(on,upon) look forward to 期待,盼望

look in *顺便look into 调查,看进……里面

look on 旁观,看待look out for 注意,小心

look over 查看,审阅,看一遍look up to * 尊敬

look through(从头到尾迅速)浏览lose contact with 与……失去联系


make over 移交,改造match with 与……相称(配)


on account of 由于,因此on all accounts 无论如何

on an average 平均,一般来说on behalf of * 代表,为了
