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n n n n r FV r r r c FV r FV r C r C r C P )1())1(11()1()1()1(12+++⨯-⨯⨯=++++++++= Theorem 1: Bond prices move inversely to the yield to maturity of bonds.

P 对r 示导得:




(1)(1)(1)(1)n n n n n n n n n dP r r n r FV n FV c dr r r r r r r n FV n FV c r r r r r r n r FV n FV c r r r -++++++++⨯⨯+⨯=⨯⨯-+-++++⨯⨯=⨯⨯-+-++++⨯-+⨯=⨯⨯-++ 式子第二项小于0,因此要证明第一项小于0即可,即证明分子部分小于0:


(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)()0n n

n n r r n r r r n r r r r n r C r C r r r n r nr r r n nr r nr nr +++⨯-+=++⨯-++=++⨯-++++=++⨯-+++

=++⨯-++++=-+< 所以有:0dP dr

<,即债券价格与到期收益率反向变动。 Theorem 2. For a given change in yield to maturity from the nominal yield, the change in bond prices are greater, the longer is the term to maturity.

当c r =时,P FV =,当r 发生变动时,

(1)如r 变小,由原理1可知债券价格P 会上升,此时债券价格变动数值为:


n n FV P FV c FV r r r r ∆=⨯⨯-+--∆⨯+-∆+-∆ P ∆的大小与n 的关系体现在(1)(1)n n FV c FV r r r ⨯-

+⨯+-∆+-∆, 令()(1)(1)

n n FV FV c f n r r r ⨯=-+-∆⨯+-∆ 对其求导得:ln(1)()(

)(1)n c r r f n FV r r -+-∆'=⨯⨯+-∆ 上式的符号由c r -决定,前面假设r 变小,所以0c r ->,因此()0f n '>。

即n 越大,P ∆增加得越多。

(2) 如r 变大,由原理1可知债券价格P 会下降,此时债券价格变动数值为:

11[()](1)(1)n n

FV P FV FV c r r r r ∆=-⨯⨯-++∆⨯++∆++∆

P ∆的大小与n 的关系体现在(1)(1)

n n FV c FV r r r ⨯-⨯++∆++∆, 同样令()(1)(1)n n

FV c FV f n r r r ⨯=-⨯++∆++∆ 对其求导得:ln(1)()(

)(1)n r c r f n FV r r -++∆'=⨯⨯++∆ 由于前面假设r 变大,所以0r c ->,因此()0f n '>。

即n 越大,P ∆增加得越多。

Theorem 3: The percentage change described in theorem 2 increases at a diminishing rate as the time to maturity increases.

随着时间的增加,P ∆的数值越来越大,但增加的部分越来越少。即求其二阶导。

(1)如r 变小, 此时ln(1)()()(1)n

c r r f n FV r r -+-∆'=⨯⨯+-∆>0, 2ln (1)()()0(1)n

c r r f n FV r r -+-∆''=-⨯⨯<+-∆ (2) 如r 变大,此时ln(1)()()(1)n

r c r f n FV r r -++∆'=⨯⨯++∆ 2ln (1)()()0(1)n

r c r f n FV r r -++∆''=-⨯⨯<++∆ 因此原理3成立。

Theorem 4: Price movements resulting from equal absolute (or, what is the same, from equal proportionate) increases and decreases in the yield to maturity are asymmetric; that is, a decrease in yield to maturity raises bond prices more than the same increase in yield to maturity lowers prices.


由原理1已知0dP dr

<,所以我们要证明220d P dr >




1(1){()}(1)(1)2(1)(1)(1)(23)(1)[](1)(1)[2(1)(1)(1)(1)(23)](1)(1)n n n n n n d P r r n FV n FV c dr r r r r n r r r nr r nr FV n n FV c r r r r FV c r n r r r nr r nr FV n n r r r ++++++++⨯⨯'=⨯⨯-+-++++-++++⨯⨯+=⨯⨯++++⨯⨯++++-+++++⨯⨯+⨯=+上式的符号由分子决定,即

23[2(1)(1)(1)(1)(23)](1)n FV c r n r r r nr r nr FV n n r +⨯⨯++++-+++++⨯⨯+⨯ 决定。这个式子中,最后一项大于0,因此只要[…]部分大于0即可,该部分为:




n r n r r r nr r nr n n r nr r nr nr r r r nr nr r n r r nr nr r n r r nr nr r n r +++++-++++⨯->+++++++-+++++>+++++-+++++=因此有:220d P dr

> Theorem 5: The higher is the coupon carried by the bond, the smaller will be the percentage price fluctuations for a given change in the yield to maturity except for one year securities and consols.



前面已经证明1(1)(1)0n r r n r +++⨯-+<,故()0f c '<



n r FV r r r c FV P )1())1(11


n n FV P FV c r r r r ∆=⨯⨯-+-∆-∆⨯+-∆+-∆
