



➢尽管地塞米松组47.6%患者在试验揭盲后交叉到来那度胺组,OS仍有显著差异38.0个 月 vs 31.6个月(p=0.045)1 ➢ 如果不考虑交叉因素,来那度胺组比地塞米松组延长OS达23.1个月2
CR VGPR PR SD PD 中位缓解持续时间(≥ PR), 周(范围)
有效性可评价人群 N = 187,n (%)
177 (94.7) 89 (47.6)
7 (3.7) 23 (12.3) 59 (31.6) 88 (47.1) 10 (5.3) 38.1 (1.9-81.6)
患 者 ( % )
P = 0.045
+ 23.1月
总生存 (月)
1.Dimopoulos MA, et al. Leukemia. 2009;23(11):2147-52. 2. Ishak, et al. Modeling overall survival in the event of patient cross over from Dexamethasone to Lenalidomide in phase III multiple myeloma trials. BSH 2008; Abstract 327.
合格 受试者
前11例CLcr≥ 60 mL/min且 年龄≤75周岁 的受试者
PK 队列* n = 11
Len 25 mg/d D1-21 p.o Dex 40 mg/d 首个疗程D 8,15,22
自第二疗程后,D 1, 8, 15, 22 28日一疗程



米氮平片(瑞美隆(Remeron))详细说明书【药品名称】通用名称:米氮平片商品名称:瑞美隆(Remeron)英文名称:Mirtazapine Tablets汉语拼音:Mi Dan Ping Pian【成分】本品主要成份及其化学名称为米氮平其结构式为:分子式:C17H19N3分子量:Mr. 265.36【性状】瑞美隆片剂为两面凸起的椭圆形,红棕色薄膜包衣片。








治疗起始剂量应为15 或30 毫克(夜间应服用较高剂量)。


瑞美隆的有效成分米氮平的半衰期为20 至40 小时,因此该药适于每日服用一次(最好在临睡前服用)。









meta 分析包含了20 个临床试验,计划的治疗持续期最长达12 周,有1501 名患者(134 人年)接受最高60mg/天剂量米氮平的治疗,并有850 名患者(79 人年)接受安慰剂治疗。

GE Healthcare S 5 Avance Carestation产品说明书

GE Healthcare S 5 Avance Carestation产品说明书

C linician inspired perioperative solutionsG E’s Avance Carestation® was developed using Datex-Ohmeda’s unique approach to perioperative solutions – close and continuous collaboration with clinicians. With you as our guide, we designed a compact, integrated anesthesia carestation that combines our highly advanced anesthesia delivery, the very best in anesthesia patient monitoring, and care information management. By combining these care elements with our supplies and services, we deliver an essential component of your integrated perioperative solution.S imply the best anesthesia ventilationY ou asked for sophisticated ventilation capabilities thathelp you meet the needs of the full patient range. TheDatex-Ohmeda Avance satisfi es your request with the7900 SmartVent™ ventilator. Ventilation capabilities include:Volume Control, Pressure Control, PSVPro, SIMV (Volume andPressure), and manual ventilation.The SmartVent uses a similar gas delivery system to thatfound in most critical care ventilators, yet has been adaptedspecifi cally for anesthesia applications and is easily control-led via our intuitive Datex-Ohmeda user interface.The SmartVent’s latest modes, Synchronized IntermittentMandatory Ventilation (SIMV) with Pressure Support and PSV-Pro® (Pressure Support with Apnea backup mode), expand theclinical capabilities of the Avance to help meet the needs ofyour patients. With an adjustable fl ow trigger, electronic PEEPand an apnea backup mode, the SIMV and PSVPro modeshelp simplify the work of caring for your spontaneouslybreathing patients. Pediatric patients, patients with laryngealmask airways (LMAs) and those that cannot tolerate certainanesthetic agents are examples of persons that will benefi tfrom the use of these modes.S etting the standard for electronic gas mixing Incredible response time and accuracy provides you with the ultimate in fresh gas control and effi ciency.• Low fl ow anesthesia supported:fl ow of 150 mL/min.gasminimum• 500 millisecond mixer response time –even for dramatic fl ow changes. Thisallows you to deliver exactly what youwant, exactly when you want it.• Since the mixer delivers fresh gasdirectly to the inspiratory port on yourcommand, there is no fresh gas oragent wasted to “charge the circuit”.This facilitates low fl ow clinicalpractices – even when changing fromfl ows to very low fl ows.highvery• Intuitive and fast setting of fresh gas fl ow mixture makes using our state-of-the-artgas mixer easy.• Dual fl ow sensing technology helpsensure safe operation. Gas fl ow ischecked 200 times per second to insurethe carestation is delivering the properblend based on your setting.• Electronic cylinder pressure sensingtechnology alerts you when cylinderslow.are• Alternate O2 control provides an inde-pendent fresh gas source and fl ow metercontrol when required – helping you tosupport your patient under unforeseenconditions.A dvanced Breathing System (ABS)The Avance comes equipped with our Advanced Breathing System, the ABS TM. Its design, based on your needs and our expertise, is fully integrated into the carestation.• Fewer parts and connections reducethe potential for leaks and misconnects,helping to provide greater patient safety.• Our Multi Absorber canister facilitatesfast, easy removal and replacement.• Fully autoclavable.• Choice of gas scavenging options helps provide compatibility with your existingwaste gas system.• Easy on/off capability and no toolsdisassembly of the ABS facilitates easiercleaning and reduces maintenance time.E nhancing your productivityS pecial features of the Avance make it easy to use and enable you tofocus more attention on your patient.• System checkout is fast and intuitive, with full-color photoimages to illustrate each step and confi rmation tones wheneach test is complete. A real-time clock displays time tocomplete each test and the date and time it passed.• Patient trends can be displayed in three views: measured(numerical), settings, and graphical. Measured and settingsdata is saved every fi ve minutes for the most recent 24 hours.Graphical data is saved every minute for the most recent 24 hours.• Quick Keys let you easily change O2 and total fl ow settings.You can use Vent Setup keys to enter and change multiplesettings and one button to confi rm them.• You can press any Gas or Vent key to take the machine outof standby and initiate gas fl ow to start the case, essential forcases.emergency• An 8-second power-down delay protects against accidentalshutdown during a case.P atient Spirometry TM measures airway pressures, fl ow, vol-umes, compliance and airway resistance breath by breath. On the Avance ventilation screen, the spirometry information is displayed as graphical loops, which may help you detect leaks or obstructions in the airway and adjust optimal ven-tilator settings. Because the spirometry loops are saveable, Patient Spirometry off ers you an intuitive tool for detecting changes in the patient’s ventilatory status.•Optional Datex-Ohmeda CompactAirway module can be physicallyintegrated into Avance for PatientSpirometry• Airway gases CO2, O2 and N2O andanesthetic agent measurement withidentifi cationautomatic• Patient Spirometry measured atthe patient’s airway as shown onthe Avance ventilation screen• A complete and integrated pictureof your patient’s ventilatory statusSubcortical ComponentsCortical Components AntinociceptionImmobilityAutonomic StabilityUnconsciousnessAmnesiaBrain FunctionEEG Airway GasesCO O Oxygen ReturnSvO 79MetabolismVO 340VCO 290EE 2400RQ 0.85Lung MechanicsCardiac FunctionECG RelaxationNMTLevel of HypnosisRE 42SE 40BIS 40TemperatureGastric PerfusionPgCO 45CirculationOxygen DeliverySpO 98Haemodynamic monitoring• Standard haemodynamic measurement of ECG, NIBP, up to six invasive blood pressure channels, temperature, SpO2 and respiration rate, C.O. and SpO2 technologies with oxygenation and• SvOhaemodynamic calculations give a thorough view of your patient’s haemodynamic statusECG and ST analysis• Up to 12-lead ECG with multi-lead arrhythmia analysis• Viewing, printing and adjustable ST alarm settings for ante- rior, inferior and lateral lead groups• Sophisticated Ischemic Burden view for easy and accurate visualization of patient’s ischemic eventsLevel of hypnosis• Entropy® monitors the eff ects of certain anaesthetics on the patient’s central nervous system• Response Entropy shows the reactivity of the patient’s,State Entropy the hypnotic state of cortex• Helps to avoid unnecessarily deep anaesthesia and to prevent unexpected recoveryNeuromuscular transmission• The NMT module measures the patient’s individual re- sponse to nerve stimulation and regional block• Continuous hands-free measurement with automatic trending and recovery note• All simulation modes (TOF, DBS, ST, PTC) to optimize thepatient’s level of neuromuscular blockEEG• A sensitive tool for monitoring the neurophysiological sta- tus of the perioperative patient• Up to four channels of continuous measurement and spec- tral EEG with trending• Auditory Evoked Potential (AEP) measurement for brain- stem and mid-latency responsesI ntegrated solutions designed to enhance your careO ur constant cooperation and interaction with clinicians al-lows us to continuously refi ne and improve our user interfacecapabilities and identify valuable integration benefi ts. Werecognize that making our carestations easy to use is abso-lutely one of the most important aspects we can provide toyou and your practice.Unique ergonomic advantages• Heralded Datex-Ohmeda user interface shared with allcomponents of the carestation• Consistent menus, quick key actions and alarm management help minimize the need for training and reducecomplexity during critical and non-critical events• One switch power up for the entire carestation• Flexibility with diff erent display options for monitored data• Extra large work surface area – space to meet your needs• LED light strip provides bi-level work surface illumination• Mains electrical surge protection and battery backupprovide operation capability even under abnormal powerconditionsSupport in decision making• By combining the set and measured inspiratory and ex-piratory gas values on the same full-color, 12 inch venti-lation screen helps make the administration and controlof gases delivered to the patient logical and easy to use• Sophisticated, yet simple alarm management providesyou with intelligent information when you need it most• Help screens provide you with immediate assistance• Strong commitment to enhancing the Avance’s abilityto provide decision support through intelligent parameterinteractionAnesthesia documentation• Centricity Anesthesia is an open, modular anaesthesiasolution providing a continuum of patient data throughoutthe anaesthesia workfl ow.• Deio Anesthesia shares the Datex-Ohmeda anaesthesiamonitoring user interface and hardware platform. Ittherefore provides an excellent solution for customerswho already own Datex-Ohmeda monitors and arefamiliar with their operation. Like Centricity Anesthesia,Deio Anesthesia provides tools covering the entireprocess.anaesthesiaInformation at the point of needThe iCentral suite of applications off ers scalable networking, viewing, storing and exporting of all patient data. It provides real-time waveforms, numerical data, alarms, vital signs, trends, event history with snapshots and full disclosure – all logically organized into cardiac, haemodynamic, ventilation and neurological views. Using iCentral, consultation and remote surveillance are easier when the same, complete information is available simultaneously in all departments, offi ces and other care locations.iConnect solutions include iCollect, a valuable research tool for professionals that provides an easy and efficient way to collect all data from iMM monitors; iDIS (Device Interfacing Solution) allowing interfacing of external medical devices to iMM monitoring; and iGate, a communication platform to hospital information systems supporting standards developed specifi cally for the healthcare domain, such as HL7.iPON solutions help clinicians capture and share vital information wheneverand wherever they need it. iPOC – information at the point of care – makes it easy to navigate a wealth of clinical information, giving care providers bedside access to various information sources like laboratory results, patient demograph-ic data and image access, while also offering the possibility to run otherclinical information systems applications. Complementing iPOC are Cellular Viewer, Pocket Viewer and Web Viewer, which allow real-time information access from both within and outside of the hospital.For more than 100 years, scientists and industry leaders have relied on General Electric for technology, services and productivity solutions. So no matter what challenges your healthcare system faces – you can always count on GE to help you deliver the highest quality services and support.For details, please contact your GE Healthcare represen-tative today.General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in speci fi cations and features shown herein, or discontinue the pro-duct described at any time without notice or obligation. Contact your GE representative for the most current information.© 2005 General Electric Company GE Healthcare Finland Oy, a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare Printed in Finland GE HealthcareGE Healthcare Finland OyP.O. Box 900,FIN-00031 GE, FinlandTel. +358 10 394 11Fax +358 9 146 3310M1040439/0105 © 2005 The decisive di ff erenceSupplies and accessories are not born equal, whether in design, quality or price. Our original Supplies & Accessories are designed and validated speci fi cally for our equipment. They make a decisive di ff erence to your operation by ensuring:• Constant availability and lifetime support• Compatibility• High quality – tested and valitated• Accurate measurements• Ease-of-use – true ergonomic design• Excellent value。



注射用福沙匹坦双葡甲胺药品名称:【通用名称】注射用福沙匹坦双葡甲胺【商标名称】坦能【英文名称】Fosaprepitant Dimeglumine for Injection【汉语拼音】Zhu She Yong Fu Sha Pi Tan Shuang Pu Jia An成份:本品主要成份为福沙匹坦双葡甲胺。




规格:150mg(按C23H22F7N4O6P计)用法用量:预防成人HEC 引起的恶心和呕吐在预防因HEC 所致的恶心和呕吐时,本品、地塞米松和5-HT3 拮抗剂的推荐剂量如表1所示。

本品输注时间20-30 分钟,于第一天化疗开始前30 分钟完成静脉输注给药。

表1 预防HEC 引起恶心呕吐的推荐给药剂量* 地塞米松应在第1 天化疗开始前30 分钟服用,第2~4 天每日早晨给药,第3 和4 天晚上也服用地塞米松。


药物配置表2 注射用福沙匹坦双葡甲胺的配置说明注意:注射用福沙匹坦不应与尚未确定物理和化学相容性的溶液进行混合或重溶。

福沙匹坦不应与任何含有二价阳离子(如Ca2+, Mg2+)的溶液配伍,包括乳酸林格氏溶液(Lactated Ringer's Solution)和哈特曼氏溶液(Hartmann's Solution)。





1肠内营养剂复方氨维胶囊Compound Amino Acid and Vitamin【医保支付类别】自费【适应症】各种疾病所导致的低蛋白血症的辅助治疗及外科术后或恶性肿瘤的营养补充治疗,有助于增强人体免疫功能。






三磷酸腺苷辅酶胰岛素Adenosine Disodium Triphosphate,Coenzyme A and Insulin 【医保支付类别】乙10%【适应症】肝炎、肾炎、肝硬化、心力衰竭等疾病的症状改善。















2 水、电解质、酸碱平衡药多种疾病在其发生、发展过程中常出现水、电解质和酸碱平衡失常,出现相应的临床表现,有些甚至危及生命,必须及时予以纠正。


3M Harvest RC 二次生物疗法制品说明书

3M Harvest RC 二次生物疗法制品说明书

3M™ Harvest RCSingle-stage chromatographic purification for recombinant protein therapeutic manufacturing2 | 3M ™Harvest RCThe first step in the recombinant biotherapeutic process is harvesting cell culture fluid containing the product. Conventional approaches for performing this unit operation utilize a combination of depth filtration, centrifugation, and membrane filtration. These technologies utilize differences in density and in size as the principles of separation. As cell culture processes are intensified to yield higher cell densities and product titers, the ability to effectively harvest the cell culture fluid with the consistency and scalability required becomes challenging.3M ™ Harvest RC is a harvest solution that utilizes fibrous anion exchange (AEX) chromatography to efficiently separate the cells, cell debris, and DNA from the harvest fluid containing the target product. Precisionquaternary ammonium (Q) functionalized polypropylene fiber, combined with a 0.2 µm PES membrane, provides scalable and predictable clarification from discovery to commercial manufacturing scale.Cells being captured by AEX fiberchromatographySimplify three stages into a single stageCell CultureClarification by Size3M ™ Harvest RCSterilizing MembraneSterilizing Membrane3M ™ Harvest RC | 3� Capsule format enables typical product recoveries of 95+%� R eplaces primary, secondary, and guard membrane clarification stages � P redictably scales from discovery to manufacturing in terms of clarification consistency and cell loading capacity � C apsules fit into laboratory to manufacturing scale workflows.� L ower total cost of manufacturing compared tocentrifugation and depth filtration � N o post-use cleaning required which means that there is no use of caustic or potentially toxic clean-in-place (CIP) agents � L ower consumption of buffer and water compared to depth filtrationIntroducing 3M ™ Harvest RC3M ™ Harvest RC is a new single-stage, single-use chromatographic clarification solution. It is the next generation in harvest and clarification technology and is designed as an efficient option to increase monoclonal antibody (mAb) yields while streamlining the upstream process by replacing the centrifuge and/or depth filtration process steps.ManufacturingDevelopmentScale-upDiscovery 3M ™ Harvest RC product family: laboratory, pilot, andproduction capsules.BC340CT15BC25BC4WP6BC16000BC1020BC23004 | 3M ™ Harvest RC3M ™ Harvest RC encapsulates innovative synthetic fibrous anion exchange (AEX)chromatography media and a 0.2 µm polyether sulfone (PES) membrane. This enables a single-stage clarification process of low to high-density cell culture (>40 million cells per mL) with high recovery, and high fidelity of soluble and insoluble contaminant separation. Cells are bound inside the media by electrostatic charge interaction with the AEXchromatographic fibers. This results in the efficient retention of large and small particulates without developing a surface cake layer. The media can also remove soluble impurities which results in cleaner effluent than centrifugation or depth filtration.� H igh mAb product recovery (Capsules: >95%; Conical Tube and Well Plate >90%)� C onsistent cell loading capacity � T urbidity reduction (<15 NTU)� D NA reduction (<500 ppb)� M inimal cell shear� 0.1 µm sterile filter protectionWell plateConical tube Laboratory scaleBefore and after using 3M ™ Harvest RC:turbidity reduction in a single stageAvailable formats:3M ™ Harvest RC | 5Performance datamAb product recovery3M ™ Harvest RC is a single stage chromatography solution that effectively clarifies Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) harvest cell culture fluid (HCCF) across a wide range of cell densities, packed cell volumes (PCV), and turbidities.3M Harvest RC chromatographic clarification capsulesconsistently provide >95% mAb product recovery for high cell density cultures from the laboratory to the manufacturing scale.Turbidity reduction3M Harvest RC provides consistent separation of cells, cell debris, and DNA from the target protein. Clarified cell culture fluid (CCCF) has low turbidity, typically <15 NTU. Additionally, consistently low acidified turbidity of CCCF indicates significant reduction of DNA in the clarified material. Low acidifiedCCCF turbidity is a measure of the amount of DNA present in the cell culture fluid. (Koehler et al. Biotechnology Progress. 2019;35:e2882)Scalability3M Harvest RC capsules scale linearly across laboratory, pilot, and manufacturing scales.Fibrous chromatographic clarification assures scalable performance from discovery to manufacturing scales. Performance isconsistent from laboratory capsules (BC4 and BC25), scale-up capsules (BC340 and BC1020), to production capsules (BC2300 and BC16000) within ±20% of BC25 throughput.Throughputs of 3M Harvest RC capsules are scaled by area based on packed cell volume.Figure 1A: mAb product recovery in clarification process at different packed cell volumes (N = 1 – 4)m A b P r o d u c t R e c o v e r y (%)Packed Cell Volume (%)105%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%100%95%90%85%80%75%Figure 1B: mAb product recovery in clarification process at different media surface areas (N = 1 – 3)m A b P r o d u c t R e c o v e r y (%)Media Surface Area (cm 2)105%10100100010000100000100%95%90%85%80%75%Figure 2: Turbidity Reduction by 3M ™ Harvest RC capsules (N = 3 – 6). A – E are different CHO cell cultures at 5 – 8 % PCV.T u r b i d i t y (N T U )Cell Cultures100001000100101AB CDEHCCFCCCFAc-CCCFFigure 3: Scalability from laboratory to scale-up and production capsules (N = 1 – 5, 6 cell cultures)N o r m a l i z e d T h r o u g h p u tMedia Surface Area (cm 2)120%1100101000100001000000100000100%80%60%40%20%0%Cell loading capacity3M™ Harvest RC solution utilizes advanced Q functionalized fibrous chromatography media to achieve single-stage clarification, enabling predictable and consistent cell loading capacity for CHO cell culture fluid for a wide range of packed cell volumes.Cell shearThe low-pressure chromatographic clarification relies on charge rather than size or density. This results in minimal cell shear compared to conventional depth filtration processes evenat medium and high cell densities. Cell shear was evaluatedby lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay (Sigma-Aldrich 11644793001).Robust sterile filter protectionDue to the highly effective chromatographic reduction of soluble and insoluble contaminants, 3M Harvest RC enables efficient clarification, and is capable of effective protection of final sterilizing grade membrane filter down to 0.1 µm pore size. Figure 4: Cell loading capacity of 3M™ Harvest RC capsules for CHO harvested cell culture fluid at different packed cell volumes (N = 2 - 3) CellLoadingCapacity(L-cell/m2)Packed Cell Volume (%)7354679108654321Figure 5: Minimal cell shear of 3M™ Harvest RC during clarification of 8% PCV CHO cell culture at 100 LMH.CellShear(%)Normalized Throughput (-)20%18%16%14%12%10%8%6%4%2%0%Harvest RC10SP02A60SPO2A05SP01AFigure 6: 0.1 µm sterile filter pressure increase at 500 L/m2. A – E are clarified fluids of CHO harvested cell culture fluids at 8%PCV by 3M™ Harvest RC capsules..1μmFilterPressureIncrease(psid)Clarified Cell Culture Fluid by 3M Harvest RC 654321A B C D E6 | 3M™ Harvest RCBiopharmaceutical purification process improvementsThis process train illustrates the potential of combining 3M products that work together to create an intensifiedmanufacturing process, eliminating several process steps.ntended for flow-through polishing3M™ Harvest RC | 7Intended Use: 3M ™ Harvest RC products are intended for use in biopharmaceutical processing applications of aqueous based pharmaceuticals (drugs) and vaccines inaccordance with the product instructions and specifications, and cGMP requirements (for BC340, BC1020, BC2300 and BC16000) or GLP requirements (for CT15, WP6, BC4 and BC25), where applicable.Since there are many factors that can affect a product’s use, the customer and user remain responsible for determining whether the 3M product is suitable and appropriate for the user’s specific application, including user conducting an appropriate risk assessment and evaluating the 3M product in user’s application.Product Selection and Use: Many factors beyond 3M’s control and uniquely within user’s knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. As a result, customer is solely responsible for evaluating the product and determining whether it is appropriate and suitable for customer’s application, including completing a risk assessment that considers the product leachable characteristics and its impact on drug safety, conducting a workplace hazard assessment andreviewing all applicable regulations and standards (e.g., OSHA, ANSI, etc.). Failure to properly evaluate, select, and use a 3M product and appropriate safety products, or to meet all applicable safety regulations, may result in injury, sickness, death, and/or harm to property.Restrictions on Use: For CT15, WP6, BC4 and BC25: For laboratory use only. Not intended for use with materials that will be used on humans or animals. For all sizes: 3M advises against the use of these 3M products in any application other than the stated intended use(s), since other applications have not been evaluated by 3M and may result in an unsafe or unintended condition. Do not use in any manner whereby the 3M product, or any leachable from the 3M product, may become part of or remains in a medical device that is regulated by any agency, and/or globally exemplary agencies, including but not limited to: a) FDA, b) European Medical Device Directive (MDD), c) Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) or in applications involving permanent implantation into the body; Life-sustaining medical applications; Applications requiring food contact compliance.Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product.3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM, OR USAGE OF TRADE. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable theory asserted, including, but not limited to, warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability.3M Purification Inc.3M Separation and Purification Sciences Division 400 Research Parkway Meriden, CT 06450 USA Phone: 1-800-243-6894 1-203-237-5541 Web: /bioprocessing3M and LifeASSURE are trademarks of 3M Company. Allother trademarks are property of their respective owners. © 2021 3M Company. All rights reserved. Please recycle. Printed in U.S.A.Ordering GuideFor more information about the 3M ™ Harvest RC, contact your local sales representative by calling 1-800-243-6894, option 4, or visiting us at/bioprocessing1. Cell Culture Volume Range is the estimation for CHO cell culture fluid at 5 - 8% packed cell volume.2. Fill Volume is defined as the volume of liquid that is required to fill the capsule.3. Post Blow-Down Hold-Up Volume is defined as the volume of the residual liquid after air/gas blow down.。











生产副作用疫苗 1.老人长期性运用会造成骨质疏松。




生产禁忌疫苗 1.对本产品过敏症状禁止使用。









国泰财产保险有限责任公司 附加恶性肿瘤特定药品费用医疗保险条款说明书

国泰财产保险有限责任公司 附加恶性肿瘤特定药品费用医疗保险条款说明书










第四条保险责任在本附加保险合同保险期间内,被保险人于等待期后, 经中华人民共和国境内(不包括香港、澳门、台湾地区)医院(见释义)的专科医生(见释义)初次确诊(见释义)罹患本附加保险合同所定义的恶性肿瘤,并且所需药品符合国家药品监督管理局批准的药品说明书中所列明的适应症及用法用量,对在指定药店(见释义)购买的治疗实际发生的满足以下条件的特定药品(见释义)费用,保险人按照合同约定的给付比例给付恶性肿瘤特定药品费用保险金。

















来那度胺可抑制某些造血系统肿瘤细胞(包括多发性骨髓瘤浆细胞和存在5号染色体缺失的肿瘤细胞)的增殖,提高T 细胞和自然杀伤细胞介导的免疫功能,提高自然杀伤T细胞的数量,通过阻止内皮细胞的迁移和粘附以及阻止微血管形成来抑制血管生成,通过CD34+造血干细胞增加胎儿血红蛋白的生成,抑制由单核细胞产生的促炎性细胞因子(如TNF-α和IL-6)的生成。























Roche HP 转染试剂说明书

Roche HP 转染试剂说明书


The recommended starting concentration is a 3:1. For most cell types, these X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent to DNA ratios provide excellent transfection efficiency. Further optimization may increase transfection efficiency in your particular application. In addition to varying the ratio, other parameters may also be evaluated, such as the amount of transfection complex added. For additional optimization guidelines, see Section 3, Troubleshooting and visit . Plasmid DNA • For best results, accurately determine the plasmid DNA concentration using 260-nm absorption; estimates of DNA by measuring gel band density are not recommended. Determine DNA purity using a 260 nm/280 nm ratio (the optimal ratio is 1.8). • Prepare the plasmid DNA solution using sterile TE (Tris/EDTA) buffer or sterile water at a concentration of 0.1 to 2.0 µg/µl. • Use high quality DNA preparation kits to obtain endotoxin-free DNA. Cell Culture Conditions • Minimize intra- and inter-experimental variance in transfection efficiency using cells that are regularly passaged, proliferating well in a log-growth phase, and plated at a consistent density. • For best results, accurately quantify cell concentration using a hematocytometer or automated system. • Cells must be healthy and free of Mycoplasma. • Cells should have a low passage number to achieve best results. Other Media Additives In some cell types, antimicrobial agents (e.g., antibiotics and fungicides) commonly included in cell-culture media may adversely affect the transfection efficiency of X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent. If possible, exclude additives in initial experiments. Once high-efficiency conditions have been established, these components can be added back while monitoring transfection results. Cell growth and/or transfection efficiency may be affected by variations in serum quality and medium formulations. Verification of Vector Function Optimize transfection conditions using a known positive-control reporter gene construct before transfecting cells with a new vector construct: • Determine transfection efficiency using a reporter gene assay, such as ␤-Gal*, Luciferase*, or SEAP*. • Sequence flanking vector insert regions to verify the integrity of your new construct. 2.2 Transfection Procedure Adherent Cells: Plate cells approximately 24 hours before transfection making sure cells are at the optimal concentration in the appropriate cell culture vessel. Suspension Cells: Plate freshly passaged cells at optimal concentration.

5 PRIME HotMasterMix 说明书

5 PRIME HotMasterMix 说明书

5 PRIME HotMasterMixCat. No.: 2200400 Size: 100 Rxn (2 x 1 ml) Store at -25°C to -15ºC 2200410 1000 Rxn (20 x 1 ml)Description5 PRIME HotMasterMix is a 2.5x concentrated, ready-to-use reagent mix for performing methods classified as hot-start PCR with minimal pipettings steps.The kit contains all reagents necessary to perform the polymerase chain reaction except primer and template DNA. The key component of the reagent mix is the HotMaster Taq DNA Polymerase which consists of a combination of 5 PRIME's Taq Polymerase and the proprietary HotMaster inhibitor (patent pending). This multipotent competitive polymerase inhibitor was discovered by screening a combinatorial library of derivatized natural affinity ligands of DNA polymerases. HotMaster blocks the substrate-binding site of DNA polymerases in a temperature-dependent manner. Inactive polymerase-inhibitor complexes are formed at temperatures < 40°C, where the affinity of HotMaster for Taq polymerase is higher than the binding affinity of the template DNA.Between 40°C and 55°C the HotMaster competes with the template DNA for binding to the Taq polymerase, shifting the binding equilibrium towards complex formation with only target-specific primed template DNA. At temperatures above 55°C, the HotMaster inhibitor is displaced from complexes with the Taq polymerase by target-specific primed template DNA. Uniquely, the 5 PRIME HotMasterMix provides sustained temperature control throughout PCR.Temperature control is achieved because the HotMaster inhibitor can go through multiple temperature cycles of binding-equilibrium competition–dissociation and because the Taq DNA polymerase is not irreversibly activated during the first high temperature step as with other hot-start polymerases. The 5 PRIME HotMasterMix buffer is specially formulated to adjust the Mg2+ concentration in the reaction automatically. This feature eliminates the need for optimization of this critical component. The HotMasterMix buffer contains a component that weakly chelates Mg2+ ions. When Mg2+ is present in the reaction in excess, the Mg2+ remains bound to the chelating agent. As Mg2+ is needed in the reaction, the chelating agent releases it.ComponentsComponent 100 Rxn 1000 RxnOrdering number 2200400 22004102.5x HotMasterMix Solution 2 x 1 ml 20 x 1 mlStorage and StabilityStore components in a constant temperature freezer at -25°C to -15°C upon receipt.For lot specific expiry date, refer to package label, Certificate of Analysis or Product Specification Form.Quality Control5 PRIME products are manufactured using quality chemicals and materials that meet our high standards. All product components are subjected torigorous quality assurance testing process:Component testing: each component is tested to ensure the composition and quality meet stated specifications.Performance testing: each product is tested to ensure it meets the stated performance specification.Additional quality information is available from . Certificate of analysis sheets for 5 PRIME products and 5 PRIME product components can be obtained on request.ProtocolPCR is a sensitive technique capable of amplifying trace amounts of DNA, but also sensitive to cross-contamination from the environment. Ideally, the amplification reactions should be set up in a DNA-free environment using aerosol-resistant barrier tips. Analysis of the PCR products should take place in an area separated from the place where the reactions are assembled. Avoid contamination of the 5 PRIME HotMasterMix with primers and template DNA used in individual reactions.Superior product features for hot-start PCR applications include:No heat activation of the polymerase hot-start requiredEasy handling with minimal pipetting stepsExtended target size range up to 5 kbSelf-adjusting universal magnesium concentrationNo protein contamination by denatured antibodiesBefore startingMix the 5 PRIME HotMasterMix thoroughly to avoid localized differences in salt concentrations.Procedure1.Prepare the template/primer mix in a 0.2 ml tube by adjusting the total volume to the values given in Table 1 with molecular biology-grade water.2. D ispense the appropriate volume of the 5 PRIME HotMasterMix into a PCR tube (e.g., 20 µl for a 50 µl PCR reaction).3. Add the template/primer mix to the PCR tube containing the HotMasterMix. Close the tube and mix well. If necessary, centrifuge briefly to collect liquidat bottom of tube.4. Start the PCR program on a thermal cycler. The thermal cycler should be preheated (>90°C) before placing the PCR tube(s) on the cycler block.Initial template denaturation should be performed at 94°C for no longer than 2 minutes. The HotMaster Taq DNA Polymerase does not require heat activation.The magnesium concentration in the HotMasterMix is self-adjusting (up to a maximum of 2.5 mM) for all targets and does not need to be adjusted. The optimal concentrations of other variable reaction components such as template DNA and primer must be determined empirically. The recommended synthesis temperature for the primer elongation step in a PCR cycle is 65°C in an allowed range of 60–70°C. See Table 2 for suggested cycling parameters.´Table 1. PCR components for various reaction volumesComponent Reaction volume 50 µl Reaction volume 25 µl Reaction volume 20 µl Final concentration Template/primer mix 30 µl 15 µl 12 µlForward primer Variable Variable Variable 100–200 nM Reverse primer Variable Variable Variable 100–200 nMTemplate DNAVariable Variable Variable 50 pg – 200 ng gDNA or 10 pg – 20 ng episomal DNA Molecular biology grade water Up to 30 µl Up to 15 µl Up to 12 µl5 PRIME HotMasterMix (2.5x)20 µl10 µl8 µl1x including 2.5 mM Mg2+Table 2. Suggested cycling parametersLimited Label LicensesUse of this product signifies the agreement of any purchaser or user of the product to the following terms:1. The product may be used solely in accordance with the protocols provided with the product and this manual and for use with components contained in the kit only. QIAGEN Beverly, Inc. grants no license under any of its intellectual property to use or incorporate the enclosed components of this kit with any components not included within this kit except as described in the protocols provided with the product, this manual, and additional protocols available at . Some of these additional protocols have been provided by Quantabio product users. These protocols have not been thoroughly tested or optimized by QIAGEN Beverly, Inc.. QIAGEN Beverly, Inc. neither guarantees them nor warrants that they do not infringe the rights of third-parties.2. Other than expressly stated licenses, QIAGEN Beverly, Inc. makes no warranty that this kit and/or its use(s) do not infringe the rights of third-parties.3. This kit and its components are licensed for one-time use and may not be reused, refurbished, or resold.4. QIAGEN Beverly, Inc. specifically disclaims any other licenses, expressed or implied other than those expressly stated.5. The purchaser and user of the kit agree not to take or permit anyone else to take any steps that could lead to or facilitate any acts prohibited above. QIAGEN Beverly, Inc. may enforce the prohibitions of this Limited License Agreement in any Court, and shall recover all its investigative and Court costs, including attorney fees, in any action to enforce this Limited License Agreement or any of its intellectual property rights relating to the kit and/or its components.©2018 QIAGEN Beverly Inc. 100 Cummings Center Suite 407J Beverly, MA 01915 Quantabio brand products are manufactured by QIAGEN, Beverly Inc.Intended for molecular biology applications. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of a disease.HotMaster is a registered trademark of QIAGEN Inc.. Registered names, trademarks, etc. used in this document, even when not specifically marked as such, are not to be considered unprotected by law.PCR cycle Temperature PCR product size100–500 bp 500–1000 bp 1–5 kb Initial denaturation 94°C 2 min 2 min 2 min Cycled template denaturation94°C 20 sec 20 sec 20 sec Cycled primer annealing 50–70°C 10 sec 10 sec 20 sec Cycled primer extension60–70°C20–30 sec40–50 sec1 min/kb。

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批准日期:2013年01月22日修订日期:来那度胺胶囊说明书请仔细阅读说明书并在医师指导下使用【药品名称】通用名称:来那度胺胶囊商品名称:瑞复美®(Revlimid®)英文名称:Lenalidomide Capsules汉语拼音:Lainadu’an Jiaonang【成份】本品主要成份为:来那度胺。


5mg:白色胶囊,印有“REV 5 mg”字样。

10mg:蓝绿色/浅黄色胶囊,印有“REV 10 mg”字样。

15mg:浅蓝色/白色胶囊,印有“REV 15 mg”字样。

25mg:白色胶囊,印有“REV 25 mg”字样。


【规格】(1) 5mg (2) 10mg (3) 15mg (4) 25mg【用法用量】必须在有多发性骨髓瘤治疗经验的医生监督下开始并提供治疗用药。

若患者的中性粒细胞绝对计数(ANC)<1.0 ×109/L,或患者的血小板计数<50 ×109/L,且其骨髓中浆细胞占有核细胞的比例<50%,或患者的血小板计数<30 ×109/L,且其骨髓中浆细胞占有核细胞的比例>50%,则不得开始本品的治疗。


在每个重复28天周期里的第1~21天,每日口服本品25 mg,直至疾病进展。

地塞米松的推荐剂量为在每28天治疗周期的第1、8、15和22天口服40 mg地塞米松。


表1:按照肾功能状况确定来那度胺的起始剂量根据Cockcroft-Gault公式计算肌酐清除率b 如果患者可耐受10mg来那度胺剂量,且未发生药物毒性,则主治医生可决定在第2个周期后将10mg剂量增至15mg。









例如,如果起始剂量水平已为15mg,如需降低剂量时应遵循剂量下调步骤至下一剂量水平(即,起始剂量水平为15 mg [剂量下调水平-2],则应降至10 mg [剂量下调水平-3])。



∙血小板计数血小板减少时的推荐剂量调整当血小板计数推荐疗程首次降至< 25 x 109/L时暂停本品治疗,直至血小板计数恢复到≥25 x 109/L。

恢复到≥25 x 109/L 时在下一周期恢复治疗时,可按剂量下调水平-1重新开始本品治疗。

此后每当降至<25 x 109/L时暂停本品治疗,直至血小板计数恢复到≥25 x 109/L。

恢复到≥25 x 109/L时可以按下一个更低的剂量水平(剂量下调水平-2或-3)重新开始本品每日一次治疗。


∙中性粒细胞绝对计数(ANC)中性粒细胞减少时的推荐剂量调整当中性粒细胞推荐疗程首次降至< 0.5 x 109/L时暂停本品治疗,每周检查一次全血细胞计数。

恢复到≥0.5 x 109/L且中性粒细胞减少为唯一观察到的毒性时如果该事件发生在某治疗周期前15天并已得到了改善,则在本品停用7天后,即可按起始剂量重新开始本品每日一次的治疗。


恢复到≥0.5 x 109/L,但除中性粒细胞减少外还观察到了其它剂量依赖性血液学毒性时可以按剂量下调水平-1重新开始本品每日一次的治疗。

此后每当降至<0.5 x 109/L时暂停本品治疗。

恢复到≥0.5 x 109/L可以按下一个更低剂量水平(剂量下调水平-1、-2或-3)重新开始本品每日一次的治疗。




重度肾功能不全患者(肌酐清除率< 30 mL/min且不需要透析)的剂量调整对重度肾功能不全患者(肌酐清除率<30mL/min)的推荐起始剂量为每28天周期的第1~21天中隔日服用来那度胺15mg。

如果出现上述3/4级毒性反应,则根据以下步骤下调来那度胺的剂量:表4: 针对重度肾功能不全患者的来那度胺剂量下调步骤(隔日给药方案)(肌酐清除率< 30 mL/min且不需要透析)在治疗(首个周期第1天)前即有中度或重度肾功能不全的患者,如果其肌酐清除率在治疗期间有改善,则可适当增加本品剂量,依据医生的判断,可将剂量上调至适当的水平(见表1)。



【不良反应】1.MM-009和MM-010研究中复发/难治性多发性骨髓瘤患者的安全性数据总结在2项关键性、安慰剂对照的III期临床研究(MM-009 和MM-010)中,来那度胺的剂量为:每28天周期中的第1~21天每日口服来那度胺25mg。













表5:发生率≥5%并且来那度胺/地塞米松组和安慰剂/地塞米松组之间的发生率差异≥2%的不良反应1表6:发生率≥2%并且来那度胺/地塞米松组和安慰剂/地塞米松组之间的发生率差异≥1%的3/4级不良反应1表7:发生率≥1%并且来那度胺/地塞米松组和安慰剂/地塞米松组之间的发生率差异≥1%的严重不良反应11上述所有表格:研究MM-009 和MM-010 最终报告的截止日期分别为2008年7月23日和2008年3月2日。

n = 患者数量。













