




1.When Mo Yan was young, his family might be _______ .

A.big B.poor C.rich D.small

2.Where was Barack Obama born?

A.In Kansas. B.In Kenya. C.In Columbia. D.In Hawaii.

3.Which of the following is NOT true about the passages?

A.The writer Mo Yan lived in a big city before he got the prize.

B.Obama fought against his challenger Mitt Romney in the election.

C. Mo Yan is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.


In China, safety education is becoming more and more important now. The last Monday in March is for students to learn it at school. It helps students learn more about what they should do to keep themselves safe. What are the accidents at school? Take a look.

Stampedes(踩踏), earthquakes and fires are the main accidents at school.

A stampede always happens in crowded places. When students around you begin to push, just stand there and try to hold onto something. If you fall down in the crowd, move to one side and protect your head with your hands around.

When earthquakes happen, you can get under a desk quickly and hold on. It?ll protect you from falling things. If you are outdoors, find a place away from buildings, trees, and power lines.

When there?s a fire, leave the classroom quickly. It?s better to put something wet over your mouth and nose. In this way, you won?t breathe in smoke. Many people die in a fire, not because of the fire but smoke. It makes them cough and they can?t breathe. That?s very dangero us! So when you want to get out, you should make yourself close to the floor. Then you can breathe some fresh air.

4. Stampedes(踩踏), earthquakes and fires are the main accidents _________.

A. at school .

B. at home

C. on the farm.

D. in the open air.

5. A stampede always happens in ___________ places.

A. busy

B. dirty

C. crowded


6. When earthquakes happen, you can get _________ a desk quickly and hold on.

A. on

B. under

C. near


7. When there is a fire what should you do?

A. leave the classroom quickly.

B. you can get under a desk quickly

C. just stand there and try to hold onto something.

D. move to one side and protect your head with your hands around.

8. What?s the best title(标题) for the article?

A. Health Education

B. Manners Education

C. Habits Education

D. Safety Education


You want to run across the street to catch the bus which is leaving soon ? But wait ! You'd better not . If a policeman sees you , you'll have to pay a fine (罚款). New traffic laws (交通法) say that if people cross the street when the light is red , they can be fined as much as 50 yuan . Traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year . Chinese cities have more cars than ever . Drivers and pedestrians (行人) must work together to make the streets safer . The law has new rules for drivers and pedestrians(行人) . Divers have to slow down when they are close to crosswalks . If people are in a crosswalk , cars must stop to let them walk .

There are rules for bus drivers , too . If bus drivers smoke , drink or make phone calls while driving, they can be fined . Buses that carry too many people are also against the law .

Pedestrians will have to walk more safely under the new law . They must cross streets at crosswalks . Also , they shouldn't climb over the fences (栅栏) along streets .

Do you bike to school ? It's not a good idea to carry classmates on the back . You could be fined 50 yuan . And stay in the bike lane (车道) when you're riding . The big roads are for cars and buses . Do you like to ride your uncle's motorbike ? When you put on your helmet (头盔), ask him to put one on , too . People on motorbikes must wear helmets , the new law says . If they don't , they'll have to pay 200 yuan . Do you ride in cars often ? Don't forget to put on your seat belt (安全带), even if you're going for a short taxi ride . It could save your life . If you see a hit-and-run (肇事逃逸), tell the police . They may

give you a reward (奖赏). And don't be afraid to help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident . Don't worry about money . The new law says that doctors must take care of them even if they can't pay right away .

9. Don't go across the road when .

A. the light is green

B. the light is red

C. traffic is busy

10. What does the word "crosswalk" mean in Chinese ?

A. 过马路

B. 人行横道

C. 立交桥

D. 车行道

11. When you ride in a car, the first thing you must do is ___________.

A. to put on the helmet

B. to pay the driver

C. to put on the seat belt

D. to see if it carries too many people


Foolish(silly) Freddie lived in a small village. The people of the village laughed at him. They liked to show visitors how silly Freddie was. They thought this was a funny thing to do.

One day, a visitor came to the village.

"Watch this", a villager said, and called to Freddie. "Come and play a game, Freddie, " he shouted. Freddie walked slowly towards him, a silly smile on his face.

"Look! Freddie, "the villager said, "I've got something for you." He showed Freddie a dollar coin and a much larger 50-cent coin."Which would you like?" he asked Freddie.

Freddie took the 50-cent coin at once.

The villager laughed."See how foolish he is," he said."He always does that. He's too silly to learn anything." He walked away, leaving Freddie with the visitor.

The visitor felt sorry for Freddie and said to him, "Although the 50-cent coin is bigger than the$1 coin, the$1 coin is worth(值) much more.Two times as much."

"I know that," Freddie said."But once I take the$1coin, they'll stop playing the game."

12.People laughed at Freddie because__________.

A.he often made up jokes

B.he didn't like money

C.he looked very funny

D.they thought he was a fool

13.The villagers wanted to show the visitors___________.

A.how silly Freddie was

B.how clever Freddie was

C.How kind people were to Freddie

D.that Freddie had much money

14.The visitor felt sorry for Freddie because he though_________.

A.Freddie did not know money was useful

B.the villager was not kind enough to the boy

C.Freddie did not get along well with the villagers

D.Freddie did not know the dollar coin was worth more

15.From the story we know that Freddie was__________.


B. kind




1. It is h______to your health to drink cola too much.

2. Trust(信任)is very important for you to develop f______with others.

3. They don?t have the _______(勇气)to say sorry for their actions.

4. It is very exciting to make a new________(发现)。

5. You should learn to_______(克服)difficulties yourselves.You will feel proud of it.

6. You should understand that ________(财富)is not as important as health.

7.He decided to find a job in Guandong after he graduated from s_________high school.

8. Before you take the medicine, you?d better read the ________(说明) carefully.

9. It?s cruel to let the mother________(分离)from the children.

10. I __________(祝贺) them all on their achievement on the phone yesterday.

11. The old man makes a living by__________(回收利用)waste things.


My grandfather Jack is 96 years old,and he has had an____1______(interest) life. He has travelled a lot in his life in the Far East. He ____2_____(visit) the Taj Mahal in India and the Pyramids in Egypt. He hunted (狩猎) lions in Africa___3_____ rode a camel in the Sahara Desert. He says the most beautiful place he has travelled to is Kathmandu in Nepal.

Jack has married twice. His first wife died____4_____she was 32.He met his ____5_____(two) wife Maria while he was cycling round France. They have been married ____6_____ 50 years,and they ___7______(live) happily in a small village since they got married.

Jack says that he has never been ill in his life. The secret of good health,according ____8____my grandfather,is exercise. He goes swimming every morning. He has done this since he was ____9_____boy. He also has a glass 10 wine every night!Perhaps that is his secret!

1. 2 3. 4 5.

6 7. 8 9. 10


A woman was eating in a restaurant. She asked the waiter to do many (1)______ for her. Now she was (2)______ the waiter a lot of trouble. (3)______,she asked the waiter to turn on the air conditioner (空调)because she (4)______ too hot. Then she asked him (5)______ it off because she was too cold. This went on and on for (6)______ half an hour.

But the waiter was very kind and (7)______ He did everything the woman asked (8)______ to do without getting angry. (9)______,someone else in the restaurant asked why the (10)______ didn…t just throw the woman out,“Oh,I don?t care.” the waiter said,smiling. “We don…t even have an air conditioner.”

1. 2 3. 4 5.

6 7. 8 9. 10



When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend for new clothes.

Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale.

There are labels(标签)inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash by washing in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry clean only.” Washing may ruin(损坏)this coat. If you do as the directions(说明)say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best for a long time. Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check(核实)to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.

You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer.

They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit(合身)better.

Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.

Are there labels inside all new clothes? (no more than 3 words)


2. What do the labels inside the clothes usually tell you? (no more than 12 words).


3. What kind of clothes can save your money ? (no more than 12 words)


4. 把下划线句子翻译成汉语


5. What?s the best title of the passage? (no more than 10 words)



现在很多城市经常笼罩在茫茫的雾霾中,很多人戴口罩出行,雾霾天给人们的健康带来危害,给生活和工作带来不便。关于环境保护的话题再次引发热议,假如你是学生Paula, 你校要进行“如何保护我们的环境?”专题演讲比赛,请根据以下提示写一篇演讲稿。要求:





Dear teachers and friends:

My name is Paula. I?m proud that I have been chosen to speak to you all today today. My topic is “How to Protect the Environment.”
