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I. Grammar and Vocabulary (20%, 1 point for each, 10mins)

1.___________ there should have been gentle green waves lapping against the side

of the ship, there was nothing but dry sand.

A. Where

B. What

C. Which

D. When 2.Bargaining can go on the whole day, or even several days, with customers _______ at intervals.

A. comes and goes

ing and going

C. came and went

D. will

come and go

3.In each shop sit the apprentices—boys and youths, some of them incredibly young—______ at copper vessels of all shapes and sizes.

A. hammering

B. hammering away

C. hammer

D. hammer away

4. Here you can find beautiful pots and bowls __D_____ with delicate and intricate traditional designs.

A. engrave

B. to engrave

C. engraving

D. engraved

5. Seldom ___B____ such a world renown.

A. a city has gained

B. has a city gained

C. did a city gain

D. a city gained

6. I felt sick, and ever since then they __B____ me.

A. have tested and treated

B. have been testing and treating

C. tested and treated

D. were testing and treating

7. Stretchers and wheelchairs lined the walls of endless corridor, and nurses walked by carrying nickel-plate instruments, the very sight of ___D__ would send shivers down the spine of any healthy visitor.

A. it

B. this

C. what

D. which

8.The concentration of Carbon dioxide has increase by 25% since WWII, ___A___ a worldwide threat to the earth.

A. posing

B. poses

C. posed

D. to pose

9. Acre by acre, the rain forest ___B___ to create fast pasture for fast-food beef.

A. is burnt

B. is being burned

C. has been burning

D. has burned

10. The increased levels of chlorine disrupt the global process ___B___ the earth regulates the amount of ultraviolet radiation.

A. in which

B. by which

C. from which

D. of which

11. The din of the stall-holders crying their wares …and of __A__purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous and makes you dizzy.

A. would-be

B. will-be

C. shall-be

D. could-be

12. Little girls and elderly ladies in kimonos__A__ teenagers and women in western dress.

A. rubbed shoulders with

B. rubbed shoulder with

C. rubbed the shoulder with

D. rubbed the shoulders with

13. Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells__C___ their way among throngs of people.

A. make

B. clear

C. thread

D. penetrate

14. The earthen floor, beaten hard by countless feet, _B____ the sound of footsteps, and the vaulted mud-brick walls and roof have hardly any sound to echo.

A. weakens

B. deadens

C. softens

D. decreases

15.The sound grows louder and more ___A__, until you round a corner and see a fairyland of dancing flashes.

A. distinct

B. distinctive

C. clear

D. distinguish

16. The few Americans and Germans seemed just as ___B___ as I was.

A. inhibiting

B. inhibited

C. Inhabited

D. inhabiting

17. They would also like to ___B__ the atomic museum.

A. tear

B. demolish

C. destroy

D. damage

18. I was standing in the sun on the hot steel deck of a fishing ship _C____ processing a fifty-ton catch on a good day.

A. able to

B. equipped with

C. capable of

D. comparable to

19.Men tear tucks from elephant’s heads in ___B____threaten the beast with extinction.

A. such quality as to

B. such quantity as to

C. so quality that

D. so quantity that

20. But it is precisely that assumption which must now ___B___ so that we can think

strategically about our new relationship to the environment.

A. discard

B. be discarded

C. get rid of

D. Cast

20. But it is precisely that assumption which must now __discard____ so that we can

think strategically about our new relationship to the environment.

A. discard

B. be discarded

C. get rid of

D. Cast

21. the heat and __glare____ of a big, open square

A. glare

B. sunny

C. brightness

D. gloomy

22. the ___din___ of stall-holders crying their wares


B. voice

C. sound

D. din
