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2011年 06 月
微型数控车床又称数字控制(Numerical control,简称NC)机床。它是基于数字控制的,采用了数控技术,是一个装有程序控制系统的机床。它是由主机,CNC,驱动装置,数控机床的辅助装置,编程机及其他一些附属设备所组成。该数控车床主要由教学型车床机械装置、计算机数控系统、电源驱动装置三部分组成,此次设计包括机床的机械传动主运动系统设计,其中还包括齿轮模数计算及校核,主轴的设计及其刚度的校核,主轴组件的设计与选型,传动轴的设计及其刚度校核和传动轴组件的设计与选型等,纵向进给传动系统运动设计,横向进给传动系统运动设计,床身与导轨设计和控制系统的设计,变频调速电动机和步进电动机型号的选择以及刀架型号的选择等。该车床结构简单、成本低、体积小,适于教学,该系统人机界面友好、操作方便。本文是对整个设计工作较全面的介绍和总结。
The miniature numerically controlled lathe calls digital control (Numerical control , shorter form NC) a machine tool. That it has been digital control-based , has adopt the numerical control technology, is that a dress has controlling the systematic machine tool by program. It is from the lead plane , CNC , driving device, numerical control machine tool auxiliary device , what programming machine and their his some subsidiary equipment is composed of. Design designing that the mechanical drive including a machine tool betokens motion system this time, including the module of the gear, the principal axis calculate and rigidity revise, the principal axis subassembly design and choose, the transmission shaft calculate and rigidity revise, the transmission shaft subassembly design and choose. longitudinal mechanical drive feeds systematic motion design. latitudinal mechanical drive feeds systematic motion design. The type of frequency conversion timing electromotor choose and the type of walking electromotor choose, and the type of knife rest choose. This paper is more compehensive introduction and summing-up for the whole design work.
Key words: miniature,numerically controlled lathe mechanical,drive system betokens systematic, feed drive system, design.
第一章引言 ............................................................ - 1 -
1.1 课题的背景.................................................. - 1 -
1.2 课题的目的和意义........................................... - 1 - 第二章微型数控车床主传动系统设计.................................. - 3 -
2.1 主要设计技术指标与参数.................................... - 3 -
2.2主传动系统的大分类......................................... - 3 -
2.3 确定合适的切削参数 ........................................ - 4 -
2.4 主传动系统的设计计算...................................... - 5 -
2.5齿轮的设计计算.............................................. - 6 -
2.6主轴组件设计 .............................................. - 12 - 第三章纵向进给传动系统设计 ........................................ - 24 -
3.1概述........................................................ - 24 -
3.2电机与丝杠之间的联接..................................... - 24 -
3.3滚珠丝杠螺母副............................................ - 25 -
3.4滚珠丝杠螺母副的设计与选型 ............................. - 29 -
3.5 步进电动机的计算和选型.................................. - 31 - 第四章横向进给传动系统设计 ........................................ - 34 -
4.1滚珠丝杠螺母副的设计与选型 ............................. - 34 -
4.2步进电动机的计算和选型 .................................. - 36 -
4.3滚珠丝杠的保护............................................ - 37 -
4.4刀架的选型................................................. - 38 - 第五章床身与导轨 ................................................... - 39 -
5.1 床身设计 .................................................. - 39 -
5.2导轨设计................................................... - 40 - 第六章控制系统设计................................................. - 42 -
6.1 确定硬件电路的总体方案.................................. - 42 -
6.2 主控制器CPU的选择 ...................................... - 42 -
6.3 存储器扩展电路设计 ...................................... - 42 -
6.4 主轴电机驱动电路......................................... - 43 -
6.5 越界报警 .................................................. - 43 -