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南京艾斯医药系统是公司根据现在的潮流,增加公司药品的销售额而开发的,是非常前沿的一个运用于实际当中的网站, 就是现在网上购物的实际运用。也是市场发展中必然出现的产物,是实际当中的技术运用。采用html、javascript等语言开发网站页面,用jsp,Ajax 的技术实现动态设计,用Mysql制作系统数据库。本系统是根据实际的需求而设计,通过对计算机硬件和软件解决方案的论证,对实际应用领域进行深入的调查分析,已经基本上成功地实现了设计要求。实现了客户的药物购买、搜索相关信息、用户注册功能、网上药店、后台管理、游客浏览商品等功能。系统一大特设:用户不需要注册也可浏览,购买物品下订单。友好、简单易用的Web界面,丰富实用的功能设置,将吸引更多的上网者浏览购买自己所需要的东西,不用出门就买到自己所需的物品。网上购物是现在生活当中的必不可少的!今后有很好的发展前途。
Fly along with the fast development in computer technology, we have got ten big progresses in school science and information management. So it needs equal development in every part. The school will be building an information management and educational plat from hardware and software two sides. I developed this system is in order to reduce the teacher's pressure, enhance the work efficiency, optimize the process of student's testing, enhance the student’s identity and papers' secrecy. It can save more people money and time thantraditionmethods.
This paper gives the basic design idea of the Browser/Server structure based online course elect system by analyzing the characteristic of the Browser/Server structure and combining with the actual public elective courses conditions of our school.It introduces the function module and database design briefly,followed by a discussion on database accessing technology and the active page technology of the course elect system based on JSP and Mysql.By using this system,students can elect courses online efficiently.This Browser/Server structure system is developed under Myeclipse platform in Windows XP operating system, using Java as JSP development language and Mysql as the database. This system is of higher security and better performance. The character string, which is used to connecting to the database, can be modified at any time in the file “web.config”. The string is encoded and encrypted, increasing flexibility of the system and security of the database. In code, making use of stored procedure and minimizing the database opening time to improve performance of the system..
KEYWORDS:FACT; Shopping on the Internet; Jsp; Mysql
摘要 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。ABSTRACT............................................................ II 1 绪论 . (1)
1.1引言 (1)
1.2南京艾斯医药系统构架 (1)
1.2.1 南京艾斯医药系统需求分析 (1)
1.2.2 类似网上购物系统 (2)
2 JSP技术综述 (3)
2.1T OMCAT6.0与JSP的结合 (3)
2.2JSP的内部特点 (3)
2.2.1 JSP内部9特点 (3)
2.3利用JDBC访问数据库 (4)
2.3.1 装入JDBC驱动程序 (4)
2.3.2 定义JDBCURL (4)
2.3.3 建立连接 (5)
2.3.4 创建语句并操作数据库 (5)
2.3.5 关闭数据对象和链接对象 (5)
2.4JSP与CGI的比较 (5)
3 总体规划与设计 (8)
3.1系统可行性分析 (8)
3.1.1当前购物网站的现状 (8)
3.2系统设计思想 (8)
3.3系统设计目标 (9)
3.3.1南京艾斯医药商务系统 (9)
3.4系统整体结构及其说明 (10)
4 南京艾斯医药商务系统开发与实现 (11)
4.1开发环境 (11)
4.1.1 硬件环境 (11)
4.1.2 软件环境 (11)
4.2程序系统结构 (13)
4.2.1 Web应用程序设计 (16)
4.2.2 Web应用程序具体内容 (16)
4.2.3 Web页面的设计与制作 (17)
4.2.4 设计过程中使用的主要技术及元素 (20)
4.3 Web数据库的建立及链接 (20)
4.3.1 数据库简介 (20)
4.3.2 数据分析——数据库中表的建立 (21)