
三、课程内容和教学安排1. 员工培训和开发的重要性1.1 企业发展的需要1.2 人才的战略位置1.3 员工培训开发的意义2. 成人培训的原则和方法2.1 成人学习的特点2.2 成人学习的原则2.2 不同类型培训的特点3. 培训需求分析方法和需求评估3.1 培训需求分析的概念3.2 培训需求分析步骤3.3 培训需求评估方法4. 培训设计流程和要点4.1 培训设计的概念4.2 培训设计的流程4.3 培训计划的编制5. 培训评估的方法和标准5.1 培训评估的概念5.2 培训评估的方法5.3 教育评价指标6. 坚持持续学习的重要性和方法6.1 持续学习的重要性6.2 自我学习的方法和技巧7. 课程总结7.1 课程回顾7.2 课程总结四、教学方法(1)讲授法(2)案例教学法(3)讨论法(4)角色扮演法(5)小组活动(6)自主学习五、教材和参考书目1. 教材[1]《人员培训与开发(第三版)》王敬业,中国人民大学出版社,2014年[2]《成人教育学》邓凡霞,中国教育出版社,2013年2. 参考书目[1]《成人教育原理与方法》邓凡霞,中国教育出版社,2011年[2]《培训设计与评估——理论与实践》李俊杰,北京师范大学出版社,2011年六、考核办法考试成绩占总评成绩的70%,平时表现占总评成绩的30%。

a.Training in National ContextThe National Training Framework is made up of information from a number of sources, both government and the network of organizations, geared towards helping organizations and individuals to develop.In Scotland, the Scottish Executive identifies key priorities for achieving business development.Training National Context includes any agents:1.Scottish Enterprise / Local Enterprise CompaniesThe Scottish Enterprise Network is central to the delivery of the Scottish Executive vision for a ‘Smart Successful Scotland’. One of the key aims for the Enterprise Networks is to enable Scotland to become a nation where creating learning and connecting faster is the basis for sustained productivity growth, competitiveness and prosperity.One of the key themes for the Enterprise Network is learning and skills and the target under this heading is ‘Every Scot ready for tomorrow’s job’. To achieve this, the networks play key roles in meeting national targets for training and are responsible for the delivery of some nation training schemes.Scottish Enterprise is Scotland’s main economic development agency. The Scottish Executive funds the agency. Scottish Enterprise consists of Scottish Enterprise and 12 Local Enterprise Companies covering special geographical areas. Scottish Enterprise may provide funding for local initiatives aimed at achieving the government’s national targets for education and training. Many of these initiatives might include:●Investors in people●Modern apprenticeships●National vocational qualificationsScottish Enterprise works in partnership with companies individuals and universities, colleges, local authorities and other public sector bodies to achieve these goals.2.Learndirect ScotlandAnother key agency for achieving the Scottish Executive’s vision of a smart, successful Scotland is Learndirect Scotland. This agency offers advices to both individuals and employers to help them access the training they need.3.Sector Skills CouncilsUK-wide, independent organizations, Sector Skills Councils are develops by groups of influential employer industry or business sectors of economic of strategic significance. Employer-led and actively involve trade unions, professional bodies and other stakeholders in the sector, SSCs are licensed by the Secretary of State for Education and Skill, in consultation with government ministers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their role is to tackle the skills and productivity needs of relevant sectors throughout the UK.The aims of SSCs are reduce skills gaps shortages; improving productivity, business and public service performance; increase opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector’s workforce including action on equal opportunities; improving learning supply, including apprenticeships, higher education and national occupational standards.b.Training in National Context operates some initiatives:a)Investors in PeopleThe Investors in Peoples Standards sets out a level of good practice for the training and development of people to achieve business goals. It provides a national framework for improving business performance and competitiveness. Organization working towards the Standard must show a planned approach to setting and communicating business objectives and developing people to meet these objectives.The Investors in Peoples Standards is based on four key principles: Commitment: to invest in people to achieve business goalsPlanning: how skill, individuals and teams are to be developed to achieve these goals Action: taking action to develop and use necessary skill in well defined and continuing programme directly tied to business objectivesEvaluation: outcomes of training and development for individuals progress towardsgoals, the value achieved and future needs.Being recognized as an ‘Investor in People’ involves a number of step:●Understanding the standard and its strategic implications for your organization. ●Undertaking a review against the standard to identify any gaps in current practice.●Making the commitment to meet the standard and communicating that commitment to all members of staff.●Planning and taking action to bring about change.●Bring together the evidence for assessment against the standard.●Achievement or recognition as an investor in people.b)Get Ready for WorkGet Ready for Work supports young people to move into a job, further training or college, by helping them focus on what they want to do. Participant learn new skills and get the confidence they need to progress. People taking part in the programme get the chance to try out ‘work tasters’ and work placements-helping them decide on the job that’s best for them.Get Ready for Work helps young people identify their individual needs ands offer training in a number of skills.c)Modern ApprenticeshipsModern Apprenticeships offer people aged over 16 the chance of paid employment linked with the opportunity to train for jobs at craft, technician and management level. They are an exciting way for people to gain skills and qualification that will help to start a career without having to study full-time, and are available now across a wide range of industries. Modern Apprentices develop expertise and knowledge through on-the-job assessment as well as can also gain vital skills in areas such as teamwork and problem solving.Two of the initiative usefulness for A G Bell LtdInvestor in People is has benefits for A G Bell Ltd, has four key principles: commitment、planning、action、evaluation. This is a very important project for Bell. First, company give a promise to employee can achieve business goals, then planning how skill, individual and teams are to be development achieving these goals. Givestaff confidence to get ready for the project. After all of these, company can take action to achieve the goals. For A G Bell Ltd, through this standards can improve the company’s performance, also can let public has a good impression on company. Also this project can help organization earn more profits. And can improve the staff knowledge level.Get ready for work is suit for Bell. Get ready for work aim at help people to seek for career dream and has position to their future, then offering the training for them. Because Bell recruit the disadvantage people, let them know what they need and how to get the goals is very important. Most significantly, the training is necessary for them. Through this project can let employee has a very strong realize for their value company. And this is will a base for new staff to start work.The implementation of National Training Framework in AG BellInvestor in people, can be implement in A G Bell Ltd. It has four key principles, commitment, planning, action, evaluation.First, let employee know through this project can get any business goals. Them can know achieve the goals, can earn more profits. After this make a detailed planning to achieve the goals. Then take action to make sure the goals will be practice on time. Last evaluation the efforts of practice.If achieve the standards, company may get many help of government. The impression on public also has been increased. Then the profits must be increase. Sure, if there not, company know where should be improve. Then make more progress, is a process to improve.Get ready for work, can be implement in the A G Bell Ltd. Get Ready for Work helps young people identify their individual needs and offer training in a number of skills. In AG Bell, they need the new staff can take part in the work needs high skills.A training allowance is paid to participants. Do this can let employee suit the company’s environment. Get Ready for Work can also is suitable for recruit staff from disadvantaged group, as they can be provided good skills training when they start to work. Good for the company improve the level of staff.。

a.Training in National ContextThe National Training Framework is made up of information from a number of sources, both government and the network of organizations, geared towards helping organizations and individuals to develop.In Scotland, the Scottish Executive identifies key priorities for achieving business development.Training National Context includes any agents:1.Scottish Enterprise / Local Enterprise CompaniesThe Scottish Enterprise Network is central to the delivery of the Scottish Executive vision for a ‘Smart Successful Scotland’. One of the key aims for the Enterprise Networks is to enable Scotland to become a nation where creating learning and connecting faster is the basis for sustained productivity growth, competitiveness and prosperity.One of the key themes for the Enterprise Network is learning and skills and the target under this heading is ‘Every Scot ready for tomorrow’s job’. To achieve this, the networks play key roles in meeting national targets for training and are responsible for the delivery of some nation training schemes.Scottish Enterprise is Scotland’s main economic development agency. The Scottish Executive funds the agency. Scottish Enterprise consists of Scottish Enterprise and 12 Local Enterprise Companiescovering special geographical areas. Scottish Enterprise may provide funding for local initiatives aimed at achieving the government’s national targets for education and training. Many of these initiatives might include:●Investors in people●Modern apprenticeships●National vocational qualificationsScottish Enterprise works in partnership with companies individuals and universities, colleges, local authorities and other public sector bodies to achieve these goals.2.Learndirect ScotlandAnother key agency for achieving the Scottish Executive’s vision of a smart, successful Scotland is Learndirect Scotland. This agency offers advices to both individuals and employers to help them access the training they need.3.Sector Skills CouncilsUK-wide, independent organizations, Sector Skills Councils are develops by groups of influential employer industry or business sectors of economic of strategic significance. Employer-led and actively involve trade unions, professional bodies and other stakeholders in the sector, SSCs are licensed by the Secretary of State for Education and Skill, in consultation with government ministers in Scotland, Wales and NorthernIreland. Their role is to tackle the skills and productivity needs of relevant sectors throughout the UK.The aims of SSCs are reduce skills gaps shortages; improving productivity, business and public service performance; increase opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector’s workforce including action on equal opportunities; improving learning supply, including apprenticeships, higher education and national occupational standards.b.Training in National Context operates some initiatives:a)Investors in PeopleThe Investors in Peoples Standards sets out a level of good practice for the training and development of people to achieve business goals. It provides a national framework for improving business performance and competitiveness. Organization working towards the Standard must show a planned approach to setting and communicating business objectives and developing people to meet these objectives.The Investors in Peoples Standards is based on four key principles: Commitment: to invest in people to achieve business goals Planning: how skill, individuals and teams are to be developed to achieve these goalsAction: taking action to develop and use necessary skill in well definedand continuing programme directly tied to business objectives Evaluation: outcomes of training and development for individuals progress towards goals, the value achieved and future needs.Being recognized as an ‘Investor in People’ involves a number of step:●Understanding the standard and its strategic implications for yourorganization.●Undertaking a review against the standard to identify any gaps incurrent practice.●Making the commitment to meet the standard and communicating that commitment to all members of staff.●Planning and taking action to bring about change.●Bring together the evidence for assessment against the standard.●Achievement or recognition as an investor in people.b)Get Ready for WorkGet Ready for Work supports young people to move into a job, further training or college, by helping them focus on what they want to do. Participant learn new skills and get the confidence they need to progress. People taking part in the programme get the chance to try out ‘work tasters’ and work placements-helping them decide on the job that’s best for them.Get Ready for Work helps young people identify their individualneeds ands offer training in a number of skills.c)Modern ApprenticeshipsModern Apprenticeships offer people aged over 16 the chance of paid employment linked with the opportunity to train for jobs at craft, technician and management level. They are an exciting way for people to gain skills and qualification that will help to start a career without having to study full-time, and are available now across a wide range of industries. Modern Apprentices develop expertise and knowledge through on-the-job assessment as well as can also gain vital skills in areas such as teamwork and problem solving.Two of the initiative usefulness for A G Bell LtdInvestor in People is has benefits for A G Bell Ltd, has four key principles: commitment、planning、action、evaluation. This is a very important project for Bell. First, company give a promise to employee can achieve business goals, then planning how skill, individual and teams are to be development achieving these goals. Give staff confidence to get ready for the project. After all of these, company can take action to achieve the goals. For A G Bell Ltd, through this standards can improve the company’s performance, also can let public has a good impression on company. Also this project can help organization earn more profits. And can improve the staff knowledge level.Get ready for work is suit for Bell. Get ready for work aim at helppeople to seek for career dream and has position to their future, then offering the training for them. Because Bell recruit the disadvantage people, let them know what they need and how to get the goals is very important. Most significantly, the training is necessary for them. Through this project can let employee has a very strong realize for their value company. And this is will a base for new staff to start work.The implementation of National Training Framework in AG Bell Investor in people, can be implement in A G Bell Ltd. It has four key principles, commitment, planning, action, evaluation.First, let employee know through this project can get any business goals. Them can know achieve the goals, can earn more profits. After this make a detailed planning to achieve the goals. Then take action to make sure the goals will be practice on time. Last evaluation the efforts of practice.If achieve the standards, company may get many help of government. The impression on public also has been increased. Then the profits must be increase. Sure, if there not, company know where should be improve. Then make more progress, is a process to improve.Get ready for work, can be implement in the A G Bell Ltd. Get Ready for Work helps young people identify their individual needs and offer training in a number of skills. In AG Bell, they need the new staff can take part in the work needs high skills. A training allowance is paid toparticipants. Do this can let employee suit the company’s environment. Get Ready for Work can also is suitable for recruit staff from disadvantaged group, as they can be provided good skills training when they start to work. Good for the company improve the level of staff.。

# 培训与开发三级 ## 1. 课程简介 - 课程目标: 帮助学习者掌握高级培训与开发技能,提升职业素养。 - 培训对象: 那些对培训与开发有兴趣或从事相关工作的人员。 - 课程安排: 分为培训部分和开发部分,全程共计16周。
通过讲座、案例分析和小组讨论等多种方式,使学生深入了解培训与开和取得的成果,巩 固所学知识。
通过考试来评估学生对培训与开 发的掌握程度。
为完成课程的学生颁发证书,证 明他们的学习成果。
通过实际项目进行设计和编码实践,培养学生在开发过程中的工作技巧和解决问 题的能力。

Case studyAG Bell Ltd。
Bell Ltd., is a private sector company specialising in 24/7 call centre services。
Based in High Town, Scotland, the company prides itself on achieving exceptional service levels, and exploiting cutting edge technology。
The company encourages a team based approach to meeting its demanding targets for response rates.When traditional manufacturing industries were at their peak, High Town experienced very little unemployment. With the downturn in traditional industry, unemployment rates reached an all time high。
In addition to these high levels of unemployment, the potential workforce tends to be low skilled with higher than average representation among disadvantaged groups。
AG Bell Ltd relocated to High Town five years ago attracted to the area by inward investment grants offered by the Government。

I ntroductionThe main content of this report describes the difficulties faced by the A G Bell Ltd. in High town and the solutions. How to solve the problem of human resource management.This report is divided into three main parts. The three main parts are policy statement the main body of the training and strategy responsibilities for training at AG Bell Ltd Training and developing the workforce is important in company.Section 1: policy statement1.Policy StatementA G Bell Ltd. is provide 24/7 call center services. The company provides services to customers by high level of service and high technology applications. The company’s structure is flat organization structure. The department of the company is made up of teams. The company's less hierarchy is conducive to communication between organizations, Inter Organizational Communication is conducive to the development of the company and to avoid mistakes in the work.The company’s organization wants to recruit 40 new employees in High Town. The company will relocate to larger premises for the next two months. The recruitment and training of employees is very important. The company carries on the personalized training to the staff, to be trained by the company staff to improve work efficiency to meet the needs of the company. The company recruitment is diversified. The company recruiting vulnerable groups. The company give attention to vulnerable group of employees. Employees contribute to the organization through training.2.The main body of the Training StrategyA.the nature of AG Bell LtdAG Bell Ltd.’s vision is provides services to customers by high level of service andhigh technology applications. Customers are satisfied with the service from AG Bell Ltd. AG Bell Ltd development to get more market share. The company’s structure is flat organization structure. The company’s recruitment is distinctively, Ltd. AG Bell Ltd. will recruits staff from a disadvanged group, it is very important for the company to train the staff from a disadvanged group.B.the commitment and the contributionCommitment:AG Bell Ltd. come to High Town to face a lot of difficulties. The difficulties includes local economic decline, local employment rate is low and laborer’s skills is low. But AG Bell Ltd. to overcome these difficulties. The company training staff to improve skills and work efficiency. The company is committed to the fair treatment of each employee. The company encourage every employee to work better. The good performance of the staff is good for the organization to achieve the goal and profit maximization.Contribution: The AG Bell Ltd. has made a lot of contributions to the society. AG Bell Ltd. will recruits staff from a disadvanged group. AG Bell Ltd. helped High Town down the unemployment rate. The company helped d isadvanged group’s ease the burden on the family. Companies can open lectures and psychological counseling to help disadvanged group overcome psychological barriers. The Company can strengthen exchanges and cooperation between employees. The company's good reputation is good for the company to get the customer's satisfaction and more market share.Section 2: The main body of the training strategyA.the major issues of AG Bell Ltd.AG Bell Ltd. will face a lot of difficulties in the next two years. AG Bell Ltd. wants to recruit 40 new employees in High Town. High proportion of traditional industries in High Town, so High Town employee has no experience in call center services.AG Bell Ltd. concerned about disadvantage groups. AG Bell Ltd. recruitment has a characteristic, recruit staff from disadvantage groups. They may have psychological barriers. Staff from disadvantage groups may have an inferiority complex and they may not be willing to communicate with their colleagues. They need equal treatment and training.High Town’s local economic downturn. The unemployment rate of High Town’s traditional manufacturing industry is low. So the skills of the unemployed workers are low. The company takes a long time to train the staff.B.Training needsAG Bell Ltd. moved to High Town five years ago. AG Bell Ltd. needs to have a familiar process in High Town. The contents of AG Bell Ltd. training staff include personal team leadership; information technology; safety and health knowledge; Fluent communication skills.C.Resource implication of training needsAbout health and safety training and customers service training both of training for organizational group and individual. The organizational short-term training includes to understand the local cultural environment and lecture of employee psychological enlighten, organizational medium to long-term training includes cultivate customer loyalty and to update employee benefits policy. Group’s short-term training includes familiar with work flow training and the training of the employees are familiar with each other. Group’s medium to long-term training includes training for group leader; and improve the training of group work efficiency. Individual short-term training includes job skills training and mental health training Individual medium to long-term training includes the training of employees' loyalty to the company and training of employees' benefits and features.Section 3: responsibilities for training at AG Bell LtdA.ManagerManager analyzed the company's performance and achievements. Managersupports an employee who works hard.B.Team leaderTeam leader has different training for different job roles.C.Training professionalsTraining professional’s organization design training and development strategy.Training professionals designed and produced materials for training.D.IndividualDetermine individual training needs.ConclusionWith the help of human resource management, the company has solved many problems about training. A G Bell Ltd. has a good social reputation. A G Bell Ltd. is concerned about the vulnerable groups. A G Bell Ltd. helped to lighten the burden of society. Wish A G Bell Ltd. a better and better development.R eferenceHallier, J. and Butts, S. (2000) ‘Attempts to advance the role of training: process and context’, Employee Relations, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 375-402.King, N. (1994), ‘The qualitative research interview’, in Cassell, G., Symon, G. (Eds), Qualitative Methods in Organisational Research, Sage Publications, London.。
第三章 培训与开发(三级)

培训需求分析目的 培训需求分析作用
通过分析,找出差距,确定培训目标 通过分析,找出解决问题的方法 X(如何培训、培训什么) 通过分析,为培训计划的制定提供前瞻性分析依据 通过分析,可以确定培训成本的预算 通过分析,可以提供实施培训的依据,从而赢得各方支持
途径 (1)大中专院校教师; (2)专职培训教师;(3)顾问公司 的培训顾问;(4)本专业的专家、学者;5)网络寻找 (4)成本较高。
B、内部培训教师 优点(1)对各方面比较了解,培训更 有针对性,更有效果; (2)与学员熟识便于交流; (3)培训易于控制;(时间、地点、内容、方式等) (4)成本低。 缺点(1)老师不容易树立威望,影响学员参与态度; (2)选择范围小,不容易开发出高质量的教师队伍; (3)受环境长期影响,不容易上升到新的高度。
组织层次与岗位之间差异决定员工培训程度、 培训节奏不同,以此提高培训的针对性与系统性。 ●最需要培训的三种人: 1、通过必备技能缺项测评,确实需要补充单项 技能的人; 2、因组织需要,准备提拔、转岗、晋升或因新 技术、新工艺、新设备、新流程推广使用需要培训 的人; 3、因组织需要或个人长远发展需要而需要培训 的人。
科技时代培训方法 其他培训方法
理论知识培训 解决问题能力培训 创造性培训 技能培训 态度、价值观品德培训 基本能力开发
要与具体工作任务有针对性 与培训目的、目标相适应 与受训群体特征相适应 与企业培训文化相适应 与培训资源相适应

At beginning of this assessment, I would introduce the interview in order to be better for designing a training programme for managers within AG Bell Ltd at first. For all managers, the interview of ready working is very important. If we do my best, not only it could keep all work convenient with developing, but also we know we need do next necessary work. Such as: What is the aim or aims throughput the interview. What kind of requirements candidates should have. How we do this programme. When and where to ask prepare the questions and tests in interview. We need choose the concrete times, place, cost and staffs. Prepare some equipment, which needed during the interview.Thus, during the interview, Interviewers must be able to apply an appropriate verity of questioning techniques. Interviewers must be able to take legible note which accurately reflect the satisfaction of the interview. Interviewers must be able to rate different candidates using the company’s candidates rating scheme. Interviewers must be able to provide information about conditions of service and company background. Interviewers must be able to apply to the company’s policy on equality of opportunity and recruitment. Interviewers must be able to observe the response of candidate to make sure whether he nervous and than change the topic of have free talk. However, during the process of the interview, we should mainly create an agreeably, friendly and comfortable environment to the interviewees in order to have a good communication with each other interviewers can ask some simple questions to help interviewees relieve stress and nervous. For us, the interview of core, it is the most important parts in this programme. In this stage, interviewers put their energies mainly on collect the informatio n about the interviewee’s work abilities. We should pay more attention on how to ask questions. There are different kinds of questions, like closing questions, opening questions and guiding questions, we should use these questions together. Interviewers ca n make a judgment about the interviewee’s work abilities. Interviewees can use this stage to check themselves whether forget the core questions and information; also they can ask whether they have opportunities to take the next interviews. After this interview, interviewers can choose and decide who will take part in the next interviews. Then the suitable interviewees will have the written interviews to decide who will obtain the vacancy.At the end of interview, though evaluating the records in the interview, we would analyze the qualification of candidates, and talk about each candidate with the relevant managers who also took part in the interview.According to the theory by Kolb 1975, we could make a good use of it to evaluate the work, which suggests that the process by which people learn is through the learning cycle. There are four main elements of this cycle and it is important to note that a learning process can begin at any point. It is also important for us to be aware that to complete the learning process learners need to work all the way around the cycle. This is important for designing training Activities, as we need to guide learners through the four elements of the learning cycle. The elements in the Kolb’s Learning Cycle are contain the concrete experiences, observations and reflections, formation of abstract concepts and generalization and testing the implications of concepts in new situations. According to this training programme, it also required the trainers to usetheir concrete experiences, and pay attention on observations or reflections about the process of the training programme. After this, that required the trainers to make the information that they observed form into abstract concepts and generalization. At last, all the information has formed as one kind of experience, so the trainers or the managers in the organization could use the information to testing the implications of concepts in new situations.In this a training programme, we must pay attention to four points.Preparing for the interviewPrepare relevant the interview of information or things are necessary before the work. Before interview, the managers should make a job description to improve the effectiveness of interview. Then that need to design the objectives for the interview to know what they want to get. First, we need choose the concrete times, place, cost and staffs. Second, according to the job description, they may draw up some questions, such as working environment, attitude, experience, requirement, career ability, degree and other about the interviewees. Then make use of the right answer for the questions to evaluate the answer of interviewees.Conducting the interviewInterviewers should pay attention to the techniques when Questioning, Listening and Observing. Interviewers must be able to apply an appropriate of question techniques and demonstrate action active listening skills. They must be able to take legible note which accurately reflect the satisfaction of the interview and they must be able to rate diff erent candidates using the company’s candidates rating scheme. Interviewers must be able to provide information about conditions of service and company background. They must be able to apply to the company’s policy on equality of opportunity and recruitment. Interviewers must be able to apply the current legislation framework for recruitment and observe the response of candidate to make sure him never nervous.Advantages and disadvantages of the interviewThere are some many advantages of holding an interview.Through the interview it is a good way to select a suitable person to work for us it is good for our works. And it is easy for us to select a suitable person. We could make communications between interviewers and interviewees. They could ask information about interviewees. We could easy directly face them and hear their sounds.But, do this way. There are some disadvantages of holding and inappropriate interview. Compare whit the phone interview, if an interview is not arranged well, it will cost a lot but dose not absorb suitable person, and it’s time-consuming, so we waste a lot of money and time to do an ineffective thing.Discrimination and how to avoid itTraining interviewer ought to let them know the relevant legislations about discrimination: The Race Discrimination Act, The Gender Discrimination Act, The Sex Discrimination Act and so on. Or, before the face to face interview, hold a telephone interview, so interviewers will not discriminate by some points. Basing on the relevant videotapes and case study, we can have a discussion about how is the behavior of the interviewers in those documents, the purpose of using these methodsof delivering is make the managers find out good points and bad points of these resources by themselves so that they will have a good practice when they do it in the future. In order to avoid appearing the different discriminations in interview, such as sex discrimination, race discrimination, disability discrimination, etc. Everyone should try to avoid it. Before the interview, interviewers should know relevant act clearly. Like the Sex Discrimination Act; the Equal Pay Act 1975; the Race Relations Act 1976; the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, etc. And at the interview, try to use less discriminate words and avoid discrimination. It not only can help company findIf trying to complete a measurement of costs, trainers may look at the direct and indirect costs. The costs are associated with the planning and delivery of the training activity. The direct costs might include resources accommodation, equipment, materials and the indirect costs include time, loss of productivity and downtime. Then the generally cost may contain the following parts:As a tool of evaluation, in order to be better, we ought to make a good use of it. Though this evaluation tools, we could know how training can be better. Thus, Evaluation can also help trainers improve training efficiency, meanwhile, based on feedback, they would do their best. What’s more, we understand that the importance of aligning training Activity with business goals and performance improvement. Thus, we just make four levels to be convenient for evaluation.Level 1: Reaction- this level evaluates the learners’ perception of the training course. We should use oral text or according to observing to k now about learners’ perception. Level 2: Learning- we identified that learning objectives can be defined in relation to skills, knowledge and attitude. At this level of evaluation, participants have learned new skills, attained new knowledge or changed their attitudes.Level 3: Behavior- this level of evaluation, it could prove in behavior demonstrated by learners as a result of having the learning experience.Level 4: Result- at this final level, evaluation is focused on trying to establish the extent to which learners have been able to use their learning in new situations. The impact on the organization’s objectives is also measured.According to these four levels of evaluation, it shows the reaction of trainees on the course for managers. We could just know the result of evaluation though using four levels, which reflect the level of how they accept the knowledge, skills and so on. From it, we would analyze clearly their advantage and disadvantage. Therefore, we just understand what result is the best.。

对收集到的数据和信 息进行分析,得出评 估结果。
根据评估结果,制定 相应的改进措施,以 提高培训效果。
在评估结束后,及时将结果反 馈给相关人员,以便及时调整
对评估结果进行详细的说明和 分析,让相关人员了解具体情 况。
根据评估结果,提供相应的建 议和改进措施,帮助相关人员 提高培训效果。
分析特定职位或角色的工 作要求,确定完成这些任 务所需的技能和知识。
评估员工的当前能力和发 展需求,确定培训需求以 提高其绩效。
收集和分析数据,了解员工在技 能、知识和态度方面的差距。
明确培训的目标,包括提高绩效、 解决特定问题或实现组织变革。
确定培训所需的资源,包括时间、 人员、资金和技术。
对改进措施进行跟踪和监督, 确保改进措施的有效实施。
1 2 3
根据员工的职业目标、兴趣和潜力,制定个人发 展计划,明确发展目标和学习路径。
提供内部和外部的培训机会,包括技能培训、领 导力培训和管理培训等,以提升员工的职业技能 和素质。
• 培训与开发概述 • 培训需求分析 • 培训方法与技术 • 培训效果评估 • 员工发展与晋升 • 培训与开发的未来趋势

1、流行什么就培训什么 2、培训是一种成本 企业效益好时, 3、企业效益好时,无需培训 企业效益差时, 4、企业效益差时,无钱培训 5、高层管理人员不需要培训 6、培训是灵丹妙药 7、培训后员工流失不合算
【需求分析阶段 】实际操作 1.确定员工需求的两大来源 1.确定员工需求的两大来源 2.对知识能力进行分类 2.对知识能力进行分类 3.把知识能力按照掌握程度进行分类 3.把知识能力按照掌握程度进行分类 4.填写每个岗位应知应会表 4.填写每个岗位应知应会表 5.通过应知应会表分析员工不足 5.通过应知应会表分析员工不足 6.对员工需求培训进行汇总排序 6.对员工需求培训进行汇总排序 7.形成员工最终需求培训 7.形成员工最终需求培训
分析对象: 分析对象 : 特别背景: 特别背景 : 员工类别 营销人员 管理人员 生产人员…… 生产人员 培训内容/ 培训内容/ 课程 培训形式 培训师 效果
精细发展 资源建设 引入课程 了解学习
2006年11月考试简答题: 培训需求收集的方法有哪些?P122-P124
2003.06 ( )是进行培训的物质基础,是培训工作所必须具备的场所、 培训师等项目的重要保证。 A.培训预算 B.培训经费 C.培训设施 D.培训基地
1、( )是整个课程设计过程中的一个实质性阶段。 (A)课程实施 B)课程安排 C)课程规划 D)课程评价 2、 培训项目即将实施之前需做好的准备工作包括( )。 (A)通知学员(B)后勤准备 (C)确认时间(D)准备教材 (E)确认讲师 3、 在培训过程中,教室布置的决定因素有( )。

Training and Developing theWorkforce:An Introduction Training Strategy for the AG Bell LtdTutor:Liu LuStudent:Liu XuaoContentsIntroduction 1 Policy Statement 1 Major issues 2 Training needs analysis 2-3 Resources allocation 3 Responsibilities for Training 3-4 References 4IntroductionDue to the expansion of AG Bell Ltd, the workforce in the company will expand by 40 employees. This report is to AG Bell companies develop training strategies, the main purpose of the strategy is to improve the staff's ability to work and make the company more competitive in the futurePolicy StatementThroughout the staff training system, a comprehensive detailed staff training programs is undoubtedly the most important aspect. Staff training programs to prepare, prepare a direct impact on training practice. Therefore, the characteristics of the modern enterprise based on their own, and draw up business plans and goals for the future development of staff training programs is essential..Without training, will not grow, or not according to company needs to grow, efficiency will become increasingly worse. Without training only work, will eventually form a mindset, it is difficult to change. Company does not have uniform training, everyone will form their own unique style of work or management style, the company does not have a strong culture. Staff training is to improve the capacity and competitiveness in an important way the company does not train the company's production capacity will not increase beyond the final competition to be sure, be eliminated.AG Bell Ltd recognizes that its most important resource is its staff. The employees in the company will gain the necessary skills to reach their full potential with the help of the company or the training institution provided by the government. This will enable the company to achieve its aims and objectives. Also, by increasing the skills and knowledge of its staff the company will improve the efficiency of working and performance of team work so as to provide the best goods and services to the customers.Training is an organized knowledge transfer, skills transfer, standard transmission, information transmission, belief transmission, management, reprimand behavior. In order to achieve uniform standards of science and technology, standardization of operations, planning through goal setting, knowledge and information transfer, skilled training, job evaluation to achieve the results announcements and other modern information exchange process, the staff education and training by some technical means, raise the level to achieve the desired goal. Staff training is a business strategic investment which has the least risk and the largest income.Major issues that AG Bell Ltd will be facing in the next 2 yearsThere are three major issues identified:1. The first thing to consider is size. After the establishment of call centers have received many calls come in and dial out? According to the size of traffic and then decide the number of seats, which is directly related to the cost of the call center need to invest. Standard is necessary to ensure that each agent has a certain degree of labor intensity, but also to ensure that each call can be answered in time. If the traffic less than one hundred a day, then twenty-three seat enough; if daily traffic of about six hundred five, you can consider the establishment of more than ten-seat call center; course, if the service industry hotline, thousands of calls every day, you can also consider the construction of hundreds of people call centers.2. The second consideration is the construction program, which is also very necessary. If the customer call center service area concentrated in a city, you can choose a centralized call center solution, but if the customer service call centers in various cities in geographical distribution, you can choose a distributed call center program, established at different locations call center agents, but can use the same access number..3.The company's workforce needs, because the extension of 40 employees, an increase in personnel to expand the company should be restructured in some sectors or something else, so how familiar the company's new location is a problem which is promoted or transferred to other the work forceTraining needs analysisHowever, in the current fiercely competitive market, a company must be developing constantly, so it can survive. As a result, the staff needs a training when to compare current performance with required level of performance. There is a table below listed the training needs and some detailed information attached about AG Bell Ltd.Resources allocationDetermine training needs of individual, group or organization level, in order to form effective execution. The purpose of the training demand analysis to ensure that training, solve problems, which is based on organizational goal, is an effective and has cost effective way to provide.Organization: Need to understand the organization's culture and strategic objectives. By understanding the organization to develop the organization's future development plansGroup : Need a team leader to manage the staff and develop team cooperation ability,in order to enhance better service to customersIndividual: Through a full range of training to adapt to work,understand the organizational culture, clarify their mission and bring greater efficiency to the organization.Of course, they also need an experienced manager' help.Because of the expansion the company will face a problem how to allocate the resources reasonably. Firstly, there is a in-house delivery to fit the training to the company’s needs. Secondly, the place and the equipment for the training are limited in the company, so we should utilize the external courses provided by government. However, the number of training providers is small and the number of staff at AG Bell Ltd is now more than 180. So the company should consider how to utilize the resources effectively. In addition, distance learning is a method to allocate the resources and the schedule should be planed in advanced to avoid some conflict which can affect the working process.Responsibilities for TrainingOne of the key elements of a training strategy is how training objectives are to be achieved. To be able to identify how things will happen, we need to consider who has responsibility for training within the organization. A table given below will clarify the responsibility for training in AG Bell Ltd.ReferenceTraining and Developing the Workforce: An Introduction. Publisher: China Times Economic publisher./question/281439690.html/hr/jcnr/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=42/Article/Articledetail/900810940038.aspx。
培训与开发 三级理论

8 受训群体
10 组织与管理 培训效果信息的收集渠道 1 生产管理或计划部门 2 受训人员 3 主管领导
4 培训师
培训效果评估的指标 认知、技能、情感、绩效、投资回报率
态度型培训法 角色扮演法、拓展训练、 科技时代的培训方式 网上培训、虚拟培训
选择培训方法的程序 确定活动领域、分析适用性、根据要求择优、与企业文 化适应、资源限制
企业外部培训的实施 培训计划实施的控制
1 培训需求分析 2 培训规划制定 3 培训的组织与实施 4 培训效果的评估 5 培训方法的选择
6 培训制度的建立与推行
1 及时性
5 教师
2 目的设定合理与否
6 培训时间 7 场地
3 内容
4 教材选用
1 培训需求分析 2 培训规划制定 3 培训的组织与实施 4 培训效果的评估 5 培训方法的选择
6 培训制度的建立与推行
1. 培训需求分析(知识)
培训需求分析的定义:who why what
1.培训目标 2.解决问题的方法 3.前瞻性预测分析 4.成本预算 5.促进企业各方达成共识 培训需求分析的内容 1.培训需求的层次分析:战略层、组织层、个人层 2.培训需求的对象分析:新员工、在职员工 3.培训需求的阶段分析:现在、未来

华为 愿景
丰富人们的沟通和生活 使命
聚焦客户关注的挑战和压力,提供有竞争力的通信解决方案和服务,持 续为客户创造最大价值。
以客 户为中心的战略
为客户服务是华为存在的唯一理由;客户需求是华为发展的原动力。 质量好、服务好、运作成本低,优先满足客户需求,提升客户竞争力和
赢利能力。 持续管理变革,实现高效的流程化运作,确保端到端的优质交付。 与友商共同发展,既是竞争对手,也是合作伙伴,共同创造良好的生存
分析需求 需求排序
定义培训目标 甄选培训者
培训课程开发 选择实施方法与技术
3P模型是描述人力资源管理中岗位(Position)、绩效 (Performance)、人(Person)及薪酬之间的运动关系,强调“为岗 位付薪、为绩效付薪、为人付薪”的付薪理念。这一模型可以用下图 描述:
把学习成果分为五种类型,并把教学过程分为九个教学 事件构成,详尽区分不同学习成果对每一种教学事件的
言语信息 智力技能 认知策略 动作技能 态度
通过培训环境的创建提高培训的质量 培训环境指影响受训者学习的环境条件,包括学习的自然环境、 实践机会、信息反馈与接收等。

1.Policy StatementA G Bell Ltd is a call center service company. The company prides itself on achieving exception service levels, and exploiting cutting edge technology. The company encourages a team based approach to meeting its demanding targets for response rates. And the company’s structure is flat organization structure, facilitates a supportive, enabling culture, where people are valued as a key resource and developed to meet business needs. And the company has 180 staff through the innovative way select.Training is very important for every company. In A G Bell Ltd training is to improve staff skills. Especial face with the disadvantage group. Training can motivate employees to improve work. Staff training can improve the efficiency of AG Bell Ltd. There has so many advantages so the company’s senior manager should pay more attention to it.The company mission: through the innvative apporach to select the staff. The person is most important captial to A G Bell Ltd. And it also using a unique technology company's sales and management to enable enterprises to increase market share.The company vision:is AG Bell Ltd want to increase market share, expand markets, and service more customers, sure at last make more profits. Make company develop more smoothly.For the training, company promise all employees has equal training opportunities. And every employee can get benefits from the training process. Staff training can improve their professional levels and responsibilities for the company goals.Training is a very necessary part for AG Bell Ltd. It has a lot of benefits for company.First of all, AG Bell Ltd select staff from a varity of disadvanged group. For improve employee’s skill the training is must be. It can helps employees make up the knowledge necessary and fulfill the performance gap between the actual operation and expected situation.Beside, and the training can let AG Bell Ltd to achieve goals more easily. If theorganization has the a lot of high levels employees, this can improve company’s working efficience. And help company achieve goals more quickly.Third, Training could help employees developing their problem solving abilities and enhance communication abilities these can support the mission of AG Bell Ltd .For employee also have many benefits. Through training, employee can feel organization pay a lot of attention to them, and then increase the loyalty. And this can make supervisor and staff has a good cooperation, know each other more, then increase the cohesion. Faced with the company vision, enlarge the market share, must improve the employee’s professional knowledge for meet the future needs.All of these can conclude training is a must be. For company to develop more good, AG Bell Ltd should be support training, and introduction the policy back the training.2.The Main Body of the Training Strategya.(1)Because A G Bell Ltd want to rapid expansion , the organization need to expand workforce by 40 employees.New employees, training can let them know their responsibilities, and improve their working skill. This is the basic for working in the future for company.(2)The Investors in People Standard, Investors in People award which is the national award for good practice of training, this project should make employee has a good knowledge about it.All staff should join in the project. To achieve this aim, training is a fastest way.(3)For AG Bell Ltd, one feature is them employ lots of disadvantaged employees.Faced with these staff, training can make them master the knowledge and equipment, health and safety knowledge and respond to questions using the techniques.b.For achieve the training purpose, there needs any resources.Foremost, the finance resource should satisfy the training.Before implement training, the financial resource should be calculate, make sure have enough budgets to meet the needs of training. This is the basic demand of training.Second, the training place is very important, before training implement must be confirmed. The size、condition、environment and so on, relevant items must be sure. This is the key factors of training.Then the training facility is also neccessory, such as the audio visuals、projector 、the site arrangement, the trainees need a plan outline and copy reading materials,and so on.Beside, the teacher of training should be arrangement proper. When training start everything should be taking their place.Next, about management training should be take decentralization of authority. To do so, let middle-level manager more loyalty for company. And also make staff can has a good know of their manager, can let the atmosphere in the workplace more harmonious. Contribute to a very high enthusiasm for work.All of these should be determine before training. For make sure that training be successful, every details should be embody.3.Responsibilities for Training at A G Bell LtdAccording to A G Bell Ltd’s organization chart, and the service it provide, about the responsibilities I affirm manager、team leader、training professional and individual should:。
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Individual ReportA6HC34Training and Developing the workforceOutcome 3NAME:SCN:CLASS:ContentsIntroductory Preamble⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..3a. Theories of Learning 4b. The Learning Cycle⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..4c. Learning Style⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ (5)How to conduct a Selection Interview⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..5a. Preparing for the interview⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..6b. Conducting the interview⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..7c. Advantages and disadvantages of the interview⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ .8d. Discrimination and how to avoid it⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..9 Training Session Plan⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.10 Costs of Preparing and Delivering for Course⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.10 Evaluation⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯12Introductory PreambleThe report includes human resource managers to prepare for training activities, and the training time is 2 to 3 hours.The report includes the resources used by human resources managers in training and the content of the interview.The theme of the training is“Howto conduct a selection interview . ”The report first introduces the learning method, a good learning method can support the training.The methods of study include theories of learning the learning cycle and learning style. The second part introduces the process of the interview. The content and process of the interview include Preparing for the interview conducting the interview advantages and disadvantages of the interview and discrimination and how to avoid it. Training interview must follow the principle of equality and respect, so the place must be carefully chosen and make choice. Reflect the importance of business professionals, as much as possible to ease the pressure, to create an equal, warm and harmonious atmosphere.The report in the form reflects the training arrangementsand resources used in the training, interview with what resources, training and training of the specific arrangements and resources used.The training program mainly consists of four parts:Preparing for the interviewConducting the interviewAdvantages and disadvantages of the interviewDiscrimination and how to avoid itTraining program is supported by three theories:Theories of learningThe learning cycleLearning style.Theories of learningLearning is a process of active engagement with experience. It is what people do when they want to make sense of the world. It may involve an increase in skills, knowledge or understanding, a deepening of values or the capacity to reflect. Effective learning will lead to change, development and a desire to learn more.The learning cycle:One theory of learning suggests that the process by which people learn is through the learning cycle. There are four main elements of the cycle and it is important to note that a learning process can begin at any point. It is also important for us to be aware that to complete the learning process learners need to work all the way around the cycle.Concrete experiencesTesting the implication of concepts Observations and reflectionsin new situationsFormation of abstract conceptsand generalizationLearning styleThere are four sessions in the learning style include activists, reflector, theorist,pragmatists.Learning styles refer to a range of competing and contested theories that aim to account for differences in individuals' learning. These theories propose that all people can be classified according to their 'style' of learning, although the various theories present differing views on how the styles should be defined and categorized. A common concept is that individuals differ in how they learn.Activists: Although these people do not have learning experience, their learning style is modest, take action and consider the future impact. They are active learning.Reflectors:Their learning style is to observe the situation from different angles. They like to collect data and think about any conclusions before.Theorists:They think the problem through step by step. They consider learningnew knowledge through logical observation.Pragmatists:They acquire new knowledge by practice and practice. They take the initiative to acquire new ideas, theories and techniques.They positively search out new ideas and take the first opportunity to experiment with applications. They tend to be impatient with ruminating and open-ended discussions.Training Session PlanTraining of conducting a selection interview Overall objective: Interviewing people for people customer service rolesTraining Session Plan 1Subject1: Preparing for the interview Length of Session:40minutes Objective:To establish a fair atmosphere and an efficient working environment.Time Title Duration Method Resources 1:20pm-Arrange a final10Trainer lecture Pens;1:30 pm interview minutes Handouts;environment.Water1:30pm-1:40Ready to use10Trainer lecture Pens;pm hardware and minutes Handouts;software Water;facilities1:40pm-List the10Trainer lecture Pens;1:50pm questions in the minutes Handouts;interview Water;1:50pm-Determine the 10minutes Trainer lecture Pens;2:00pm number of Handouts;people who Water;need to beinterviewed.Training Session Plan 2Subject2: Conducting an interview Length of Session:40 minutes Objective:Ask questions about the participants, listen carefully to their answers, and record the key points.Time Title Duration Method Resources 2:00pm-2:10 Question10minutes Case study PC;PPT; pm Projection;Desks;2:10pm-2:20 Listening10Case study PC;PPT; pm minutes Projection;Desks;2:20pm-2:40 Observing10Case study PC;PPT; pm minutes Projection;Desks;Training Session Plan 3Subject3: Advantages and disadvantages of Length of Session:20minutes the interviewObjective:By understanding the participants to understand the interview to choose what advantage and disadvantage.Time Title Duration Method Resources 2:40pm-2:50Analysis10Lecture Meetingpm Advantage of minutes room;2:50pm-3:00pm interviewAnalysisdisadvantageof interview10minutesLectureHandouts;PC;PPT;Projection;Meetingroom;Handouts;PC;PPT;Projection;Training Session Plan 4Subject4:Discrimination and how to avoid Length of Session:30 hoursitObjective:Interviewers and participants should avoid the occurrence of discrimination.Time Title Duration Method Resources 3:00pm-3:20Training20Lecture PPT;pm instructors tell minutes Projection;the interviewer Desks;to avoid Recordingdiscrimination.pen;The interviewer Conferencerespects the roominterviewer.3:20pm-3:40The interviewer20minutes Lecture PPT;pm ask questions.Projection;Desks;Recordingpen;3:40pm-4:00 pm Trainersummary20minutes TrainerConferenceroomPPT;Projection;Desks;Recordingpen;ConferenceroomEvaluationEvaluation is a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards. It can assist an organization, program, project or any other intervention or initiative to assess any aim, realizableconcept/proposal, or any alternative, to help in decision-making; or to ascertain the degree of achievement or value in regard to the aim and objectives and results of any such action that has been completed. The primary purpose of evaluation, in addition to gaining insight into prior or existing initiatives, is to enable reflection and assist in the identification of future change.Level 1 Reaction:This level is assessedby the learner's perception of the training course.In the case, AG Bell Ltd.?s managers should observe how learners feel.This level can assess the course response to company representatives.Level 2 Learning: The degree to which the participants in the training program got the knowledge and skills. In the case, the trainer of AG Bell Ltd.?s can learn the skills of the trainees through the test.Level 3 Behavior: Training in the work of the training, the trainers with their training in what they have learned to carry out training.In this case, this level can assessAG Bell Ltd.'s goals, which can assess financial progress.Level 4 Results: As a result of the training to what extent the results reflect the established objectives.In this case, it can measure employee turnover and customer satisfaction. At the same time. The company can understand the company's advantages and disadvantages.Evaluation refers to the evaluation and demonstration of the program to determine whether or not to take. In the process of designing a training programmer, human resource managers should assess whether it is the goal of achieving the future.Costs of Preparing and Delivering for CourseList of appropriate cost (preparing part)Resource CostCost of buying relevant books£ 100Brochures£ 100Cost of Questionnaire£ 200Total cost£ 400List of appropriate cost(delivery part)Resource CostComputer£ 900Interactive whiteboards£ 100Handout£ 100Pen£ 50Paper£ 50Questionnaires£ 50Conference Room£ 200PC£ 300Trainer£ 600Total cost£ 2350EvaluationEvaluation is a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards. It can assist an organization, program, project or any other intervention or initiative to assess any aim, realizableconcept/proposal, or any alternative, to help in decision-making; or to ascertain the degree of achievement or value in regard to the aim and objectives and results of any such action that has been completed. The primary purpose of evaluation, in addition to gaining insight into prior or existing initiatives, is to enable reflection and assist in the identification of future change.Level 1Reaction:This level is assessedby the learner's perception of the training course.Level 2 Learning: The degree to which the participants in the training program got the knowledge and skills.Level 3 Behavior: Training in the work of the training, the trainers with theirtraining in what they have learned to carry out training.Level 4 Results: As a result of the training to what extent the results reflect theestablished objectives.Evaluation refers to the evaluation and demonstration of the program to determine whether or not to take. In the process of designing a training programmer, human resource managers should assess whether it is the goal of achieving the future.ReferenceHallier, J. and Butts, S. (2000) ,Attempts to advance the role of training: processand context?,Employee Relations, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 375-402.King, N. (1994), ,The qualitative research interview?, in Cassell, G., Symon, G. (Eds), Qualitative Methods in Organisational Research, Sage Publications, London.。