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多重均衡( Multiple Equilibrium in the Coordination Failure Model )
( 3)协调失效模型的货币政策 在协调失效下的多重均衡取决于人们的乐观情绪或者悲观情绪,无关事件(黑子 sunspots) 都可以引起经济周期 ( GDP fluctuates in the model because of self-fulfilling waves of optimism and pessimism) ,所以,鼓舞性的政策可以改变经济运行。因此就可以解释为什么 名义货币供给是顺周期的( the model fits the data as well as the real business cycle model) 。 二 凯恩斯经济周期理论:黏性工资与价格( Keynesian Business Cycle Theory: Sticky Wages and Prices) 1 总供给曲线 ( 1) 黏性工资模型中的劳动市场 (The Labor Market in the Keynesian Sticky Wage Model) 为什么工资是黏性的 ?什么是凯恩斯式失业?
★LM 曲线移动与 AD 改变 ( A Shift to the Right in the LM Curve Shifts the AD Curve to the Right)
3 凯恩斯粘性工资模型( The Keynesian Sticky Wage Model )
( 1)货币供给增加 (An Increase in the Money Supply in the Sticky Wage Model )
过度需求的劳动力市场(The Labor Market in the Keynesian Sticky Wage Model When There Is Excess Demand)
( 2)黏性工资下的总供给曲线( Construction of the Aggregate Supply Curve)
由于利率下降对劳动供给的替代效应较小,所以就业增加,实际工资上升。平均 劳动生产率上升。
可见,全要素生产率的变化解释了主要宏观经济变量的变化规律。当 Z 提高后, 消费增加,投资增加,就业增加,实际工资上升,平均劳动生产率上升,价格下降。 ( 2)在真实经济周期模型中的内生货币供给(Procyclical Money Supply in the Real Business Cycle Model with Endogenous Money) 真实经济周期模型中,货币供给不仅是顺周期的,而且是先行指标。顺周期的原 因有二:银行部门会在产出增加时增加经济活动;货币当局也会对全要素生产率的提高做 出回应。 货币供给之所以是先行的,在于银行部门往往先于其他部门而行动,为其他部门 提供贷款;货币当局为了稳定物价,当预测到 Z 的上升时,为了克服货币政策的时滞,也 会也会使货币供给先于 GDP 的变化。
第七章 货币与经济周期(Monetary and the Business Cycle) 本章用货币跨期模型分析经济周期的起源,分别分析市场出清经济周期和凯恩斯 粘性价格经济周期。说明货币政策的效果以及不同流派的政策主张。 一 市场出清的经济周期模型 市场出清经济周期以家庭和企业理性为微观基础,运用全部市场出清的均衡模型 解释为什么会有经济周期,分析各宏观经济变量联动的特点。 1 真实经济周期模型( Real Business Cycle Model)中的顺周期货币供给 ( 1)基德兰德与普雷斯科特( Kydland and Prescott)认为,经济周期源于全要素生产 率的变化。全要素生产率变化决定于自然条件、技术变化、政府监管的边界和投入要素价 格的变化。
Aggregate Labor Demand with Sufficient Increasing Returns to Scale :
劳动市场均衡( The Labor Market in the Coordination Failure Model ) :
( 2)协调失效模型的产出供给曲线与多重均衡 产出供给曲线( The Output Supply Curve in the Coordination Failure Model )
2 市场分割模型 Segmented Markets Model ( 1)所谓市场分割是指产品市场与金融市场的短期分割或者市场中不同的家庭与企业 与金融市场的联系程度不同。该模型的重要特征是,市场中有些经济主体更加积极地参与 金融市场。当中央银行突然增加货币供给时,会导致利率的下降,一些主体(厂商)将会 最初感受或者预期到这种流动性效应( liquidity effect) ,将会增加劳动需求,产出供给曲线 向右移动,实际利率下降,货币需求增加,价格下降。实际工资上升,就业增加。
( 3)总供给曲线的移动( The Effect of an Increase in W or a Decrease in z)
2 总需求曲线 ( 1) IS 曲线推导( The IS Curve)
IS 的移动: 政府购买支出的增加; 税收下降; 预期收入增加; 当期资本存量的下降; 未来全要素生产率的提高。源自文库( 2) LM 曲线( Money Demand, Money Supply, and the LM Curve)
( 3)给定价格的 r 与 Y 的组合( Determination of r and Y Given P )
( 4) 总需求曲线 ( The Aggregate Demand Curve) 和总需求改变 ( A Shift to the AD)
★IS 曲线移动与 AD 改变 ( A Shift to the Right in the IS Curve Shifts the AD Curve to the Right)
• Business cycles can be caused in this model by unanticipated shocks to the money supply. • Model exhibits a liquidity effect – the interest rate falls in the short run when the money supply increases. ( 2 )积极 的货币政 策的福利 改善作用 ( A Welfare-Improving Role for Active Monetary Policy) 该模型说明,实际产出的增加是因为私人部门没有预测到货币当局的行为,导致主体 决策环境恶化。如果当局能够对全要素生产率变化作出比私人部门更快的反应,当 Z 提高 时,企业增加投资,同时当局增加货币供给,使企业不受流动性约束,增加雇佣工人,那 么产出供给将会右移到社会效率位置。
LM 曲线的移动: ★货币供给增加(The Effect of an Increase in the Money Supply on the LM Curve)
★价格上升( The Effect of an Increase in the Price Level on the LM Curve)
★货币需求增加( A Positive Shift in Money Demand Shifts the LM Curve to the Left)
全 要 素生 产率 的持 续增 长的 影响 (Effects of a Persistent Increase in Total Factor Productivity in the Real Business Cycle Model )。在图中,Z 的持久增长,使得劳动需求曲线 右移,产出供给曲线与产出需求曲线(预期投资收益与家庭财富在增加)都会右移(后者 移动幅度较小) ,产出增加。实际利率下降,劳动供给减少。由此决定了货币需求的增加。
• • •
( 3)政策含义 Business cycles are caused by fluctuations in total factor productivity. There is no role for the government in smoothing business cycles – cycles are just optimal responses to the technology shocks. Model fits the data well.
货币非中性结论: An Increase in the Money Supply • • • The LM curve and AD curve shift to the right. The real interest rate falls, the price level rises, the real wage falls, firms hire more labor, real output increases, consumption rises, investment rises. Money is not neutral in the short run when nominal wages are sticky. ( 2)粘性工资模型下投资增加( An Increase in the Demand for Investment Goods in the Sticky Wage Model) 。如果全要素生产率提高,投资增加,IS 右移,产出、就业、价 格上升,实际工资下降。
• Monetary policy can only improve the functioning of the economy if the central bank has an informational advantage over the private sector.
• Fit to the data is not as good as with the real business cycle model. 3 凯恩斯协调失效模型 Keynesian Coordination Failure Model ( 1)由于私人部门的工人与企业难以协调行动,所以存在策略互补性。即一个人参与 某项活动的意愿随着其他更多的人的参加而增大,从而有规模报酬递增的生产函数。劳动 需求曲线向上倾斜( Strategic complementarities imply that the aggregate production function has increasing returns to scale, and the labor demand function can be upward sloping) A Production Function with Increasing Returns to Scale :
( 3)名义工资的长期调整( Long-Run Adjustment of the Nominal Wage) 。如果实 际工资高于市场出清水平,名义工资将会下降,长期看,名义工资下降,价格下降,产出 增加,实际利率下降,直到市场出清。
( 4)粘性工资下的政府角色(The Role of Government Policy in the Sticky Wage Model) • Keynesian unemployment will be eliminated and economic efficiency restored in the long run when nominal wages adjust to equate supply and demand in the labor market. • • In the short run, efficiency can be restored through appropriate monetary or fiscal policy in the sticky wage model. Monetary or fiscal policy needs to act quickly enough, and given the right information, to have the predicted effects. ★稳定政策—货币政策( Stabilization Policy in the Sticky Wage Model– Monetary