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Patricia Ben-Horin,Moshe Shoham,IEEE准会员



利用这些工具, 这类奇异性条件的144种组合被划定在四个平面所相交的一个点上。



不像串联机器人, 尽管并联机器人失去了在奇异配置中的自由度,而且执行器都是锁定的,但是他们的的自由度还是可以获得的。










然后我们使用Grassmann-Cayley 代数和相关的发展理论获得一个代数方程,它源于管理行机器人包含的刚度矩阵。















一个类似的例子也证实了Podhorodeski和Pittens,他发现了一个类的三足的对称并联机器人, 在每个腿上的球形关节、转动关节的平台都比其他结构潜在有利。








组合的总数,大于500 000。









我们发现,所有这些奇异点是特定情况下的条件通过(17 c)提供,这是基于有效的三足以及6:3 GSP平台的机器人的考虑。

析得来的,包括五种类型:图-c、图4-b、图4 -d,图-5 a和图5-b。









第二个例子是Simaan etal提出的the3-USR机器人。








图5-(a) 3-PPSP机器人提出Byun 5-(b)飞机和致动器螺丝


因此在本文中此类的机器人被认为是我们可以使用相同的标记点标记的6:3 GSP。


图6 6 - 3 GSP









比较的结果与结果的奇点证明了其他所有先前技术描述的奇异条件实际上是特殊情况下的几何交叉点,而一个基于Grassmann-Cayley 代数的六自由度三足并联机器人的奇异性条件在这里被提出。

Singularity Condition of
Six-Degree-of-Freedom Three-Legged Parallel Robots Based
Grassmann–Cayley Algebra Patricia Ben-Horin and Moshe Shoham, Associate Member, IEEE
This paper addresses the singularity condition of a broad class of six-degree-of-freedom three-legged parallel robots that have one spherical joint somewhere along each leg. First, the actuator screws for each leg-chain are determined. Then Grassmann–Cayley algebra and the associated superbracket decomposition are used to find the condition for which the Jacobian (or rigidity matrix) containing these screws is rank-deficient. These tools are advantageous since they facilitate manipulation of coordinate-free expressions representing geometric entities, thus enabling the geometrical interpretation of the singularity condition to be obtained more easily. Using these tools, the singularity condition of (at least) 144 combinations of this class is delineated to be the intersection of four planes at one point. These four planes are
defined by the locations of the spherical joints and the directions of the zero-pitch screws. Index Terms—Grassmann–Cayley algebra, singularity, three-legged robots.
During the last two decades, many researchers have extensively investigated singularities of parallel robots. Unlike serial robots that lose degrees of freedom (DOFs) in singular configurations, parallel robots might also gain DOFs even though their actuators are locked. Therefore, thorough knowledge of these unstable poses is essential for improving robot design and determining robot path planning.
One of the principal methods used for finding the singularities of parallel robots is based on calculation of the Jacobian determinant degeneracy. Gosselin and Angeles [1] classified the singularities of closed-loop mechanisms by considering two Jacobians that define the relationship between input and output velocities. St-Onge and Gosselin [2] reduced the arithmetical operations required to define the Jacobian determinant for the Gough–Stewart platform (GSP), and thus enabled numerical calculation of the obtained polynomial in real-time. Zlatanov et al. [3]–[5] expanded the classification proposed by Gosselin and Angeles to define six types of singularity that are derived using equations containing not only the input and output velocities but also explicit passive joint velocities.
Another important tool that has served in the analysis of singularities is the screw theory, first expounded in Ball’s 1900 treatise [6] and developed for robotic applications by Hunt [7]–[9] and Sugimoto et al. [10]. Several studies have applied this theory to find singularities of parallel robots, for example, [11]–[14]. Special attention was paid to cases in which the actuators are linear and the representing screws are
zero-pitched. In these cases, the singular configurations were solved by using line geometry, looking for possible actuator-line dependencies [15]–[17]. Other approaches taken to classify singularities of closed-loop mechanisms can be found in [18]–[22].
In this paper, we analyze the singularities of a broad class of three-legged robots, having a spherical joint at any point in each individual leg-chain. We focus only on forward kinematics singularities. First, we find the screws associated with the actuators of each chain. Since every chain contains a spherical joint, and since the actuator screws are reciprocal to the joint screws, they are zero-pitch screws passing through the spherical joints. Then we use Grassmann–Cayley algebra and related developments to get an algebraic equation which originates from the rigidity matrix containing the governing lines of the robot. The direct and efficient retrieval of the geometric meaning of the singular configurations is one of the main advantages of the method presented here.
While the previous study [53] analyzed only seven architectures of GSP, each having at least three pairs of concurrent joints, this paper expands the singularity analysis to a considerably broader class of robots that have three legs with a spherical joints somewhere along the legs. Using the reduced determinant and Grassmann–Cayley operators we obtain one single generic condition for which these robots are singular and provide in a simple manner the geometric meaning of this condition.
The structure of this paper is as follows. Section II describes in detail the kinematic architecture of the class of parallel robots under consideration. Section III contains a brief background on screws and outlines the nature of the actuator screws, which are zero-pitch screws acting on the centers of the spherical joints. Section IV contains an introduction to Grassmann–Cayley algebra which is the basic tool used for finding the singularity condition. This section also includes the rigidity matrix (or Jacobian) decomposition into coordinate-free
expressions. In Section V a general example of this approach is given. Finally, Section VI compares the results obtained using the present method with results obtained by other techniques.
II. KINEMATIC ARCHITECTURE This paper deals with 6-DOF parallel robots that have connectivity six between the base and the moving platform. Shoham and Roth [54] provided a survey of the possible structures that yield 6-DOF based on the mobility formula of Grübler and Kutzbach. They searched for all the possibilities that satisfy this formula with respect to the number of joints connected to any of the links. The GSP and three-legged robots are a subset of the structures with 6-DOF listed by Shoham and Roth. A similar enumeration was provided also by Podhorodeski and Pittens [55], who found a class of three-legged symmetric parallel robots that have spherical joints at the platform and revolute joints in each leg to be potentially advantageous over other structures. As discussed above, most of the reports in the literature limit their analysis to structures with spherical joints located on the moving platform and revolute or prismatic joints as actuated or passive additional joints. Exceptions are the family of 14 robots proposed by Simaan and Shoham [28] which contain spherical-revolute dyads connected to the platform, and some structures mentioned below which have revolute or prismatic joints on the platform. In this classification, we include five types of joints and more optional positions for the spherical joints.
We deal with robots that have three chains connected to the moving platform, each actuated by two 1-DOF joints or one 2-DOF joint. These chains are not necessarily equal, but all have mobility and connectivity six between the base and the platform. Besides the spherical joint (S), the joints taken into consideration are prismatic (P), revolute (R), helical (H), cylindrical (C), and universal (U), the first three being 1-DOF joints and the last two being 2-DOF joints. All the possibilities are shown in Tables I
and II. The list contains only the robots that have equal chains, totaling 144 different structures, but robots with any possible combination of chains can also be considered as membersof this class. The total number of combinations, , is larger than 500 000, calculated as follows:
This section deals with the screws that determine the platform motion. Since the robots under consideration have three serial chains, the direction of each actuator screw can be determined by its reciprocity to the other joint screws in the chain. The passive spherical joint in each chain forces the actuator screws to have zero-pitch (lines) and to pass through its center. Therefore, three flat pencils are created having their centers located at the spherical joints.
Following a brief introduction to the screw theory that is extensively treated in [7], [73]–[75]; we address the reciprocal screw systems of all the joints listed in Section II.
The geometric result for the singularity of the aforementioned class of robots is now compared with the results obtained by other approaches in the literature. First, we compare the singularity condition described above for the 6-3 GSP platform with the results reported for the line geometry method.
The line geometry method distinguishes among several types of singularities, according to the relative geometric condition of he lines along the prismatic actuators [81]. We show that all these singularities are particular cases of the condition provided
by (17c), which is valid for the three-legged robots under consideration as well as for the 6-3 GSP platform. The singular configurations of this structure according to line geometry analysis include five types: 3C, 4B, 4D, 5A, and 5B [17], [36].
This section determines the singularity condition for the class of robots defined in Section II. The first part consists of finding the direction of the actuator lines of action, based on the explanation introduced in Section III. The lines pass through the spherical joint center while their directions depend on the distribution and position of the joints. The second part includes application of the approach using Grassmann–Cayley algebra presented in Section IV for defining singularity when considering six lines attaching two platforms. Since every pair of lines meet at one point (the spherical joint), the solution for all the cases is symbolically equal, regardless of the points’ location in the leg or the symmetry of the legs. We exemplify the solution using three robots from the literature.
A.Direction of the Actuator Screws
The first example is the 3-PRPS robot as proposed by Behi [61] [see Fig. 3(a)]. For each leg the actuated screws lie on theplane defined by the spherical joint center and the revolute joint axis. In particular,the actuator screw is perpendicular to the axis of , and the actuator screw is perpendicular to the axis of , these directions being depicted in Fig. 3(b).
The second example is the3-USR robot as proposed by Simaan et al.[66][see Fig.4(a)].Every leg has the actuator screws lying on the plane passing through the spherical joint center and containing the revolute joint axis. The actuator screw passes through the spherical joint center and intersects the revolute joint axis and. Similarly, the actuator screw passes through the spherical joint center and intersects the revolute joint axis and , these directions being depicted in Fig. 4(b).
The third example is the 3-PPSP robot built by Byun and Cho [65] [see Fig. 5(a)]. For every leg the actuated screws lie on the plane passing through the spherical joint center and being normal to the prismatic joint axis.The actuator screw is perpendicular to the axis of , and the actuator screw is perpendicular to the axis of , these directions being depicted in
Fig. 5(b).
Fig. 3. (a) The 3-PRPS robot as proposed by Behi [61]. (b) Planes and actuator
actuator screws of the 3-USR robot.
Fig. 5. (a) 3-PPSP robot as proposed by Byun and Cho [65]. (b) Planes and actuator
B. Singularity Condition
The Jacobian (or superbracket) of a robot is decomposed into ordinary bracket monom ials using McMillan’s decomposition, namely (16). As explained in Section III-B, all the robots of the class considered in this paper have two zero-pitch actuator screws passing through the spherical joint of each chain. T opologically, this description is equivalent to the lines of the 6-3 GSP (or in [53]), which has three pairs of lines, each passing through a double spherical joint on the platform (see Fig. 6). This means that each pair of lines share one common point (in Fig. 6 these points are , , and ). Therefore for the class of robots considered in this paper, we can use the same notation of points as for the 6-3 GSP. The six lines associated with each robot pass through the pairs of points,and , in the same way as in Fig. 6. Due to the common points of the pairs of lines ,and ,denoted , and respectively, many of the monomials of (16) vanish due to (4).
Fig. 6. 6-3 GSP.
This paper presents singularity analysis for a broad family of parallel robots. These are 6-DOF three-legged robots which have one spherical joint in each leg-chain. Since the spherical joints entail the actuator screws to be pure forces acting on their centers, their location along the chain is not important. The family includes 144 mechanisms incorporating diverse types of joints that each has a different joint arrangement along the chains. Several proposed and built robots described in the literature appear in this list. A larger number of robots are relevant to this analysis if combinations of different legs are considered. The singularity analysis was performed by first finding the lines of action of the actuators using the reciprocity of screws. Then, with
the aid of combinatorial methods and Grassmann–Cayley operators, the rigidity matrix determinant was obtained in a manipulable coordinate-free form that could be translated later into a simple geometric condition. The geometric condition consists of four planes, defined by the actuator lines and the position of the spherical joints, which intersect at least one point. This singularity condition is valid for all the robots in the family under consideration.A comparison of this singularity result with results obtained by other techniques demonstrated that all the previously described singularity conditions are actually special cases of the geometrical condition of four planes intersecting at a point, a condition that was obtained straightforwardly by the method suggested here。
