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ecome very important in many areas of work and play. There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. In space, computers help astronauts and pilots control the speed and direction of a spaceship’s flight. With the help of computers, doctors can find diseases easily and solve other problems. For example, tiny computers inside people’s bodies keep their hearts beating well. In factories, robots controlled by computers can do work that is dangerous to humans. Computers are also used in business to place and cancel orders. At the same time, they have made the workplaces safer and better. Since the Internet came into being, people’s lives at home have changed, too. More and more people have personal computers, and they use them to play games and watch movies. Thanks to the Internet, people can do shopping and do business at home. Instead of writing letters on paper, people communicate by sending e-mails and chatting on line. The whole world is connected. Computers have made the world smaller, like a ‘village’. Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems, too. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes. If we play computer games too much, we won’t study well and get enough exercise. Although computers help us at work and at home, we must use them properly.
testing reading comprehension rather than teaching readers how to comprehend
阅读教学不能以检测学生理解的活动为主线进行。以 检测阅读理解结果为主导的阅读活动不完全能提高学 生的阅读技能。
阅读教学应该以帮助学生去理解为核心目标,即要 以帮助学生学会阅读;帮助他们解决如何理解等问题。

4.能读懂相应水平的、常见体裁的读物; 5 . 能 根 据 不 同 的 阅 读 目 的 运 用 简 单 的阅读读策策略略 获
第一讲 导言 第二讲 阅读教学的设计思路与教学途径 第三讲 如何在阅读中实施语言知识教学? 第四讲 重视学生自主性阅读能力的培养
When authors write, they often include context clues to the meaning of words they use but think that some of their readers may not know… …
Teach for comprehension
1. experience 感受、体验
2. inspect 观察、检验、检查
3. read
观看察阅、感受、联想、想象、思考… 识默别、读识记、思维、理解、记忆… 领诵悟、读记忆、表达、抒情、创造…
Arouse interest / emotion / motivation …
Cultivate vocabulary
Teach Increase Verify
f1ortcoopmreppreahrenasniodnuse …
21.totowdoirskchoavredr t…o develop a
rpe2aardtioicnucglharearctsekkoillu,ta…ttitude, or quality
1.能正确地朗读课文; 2.能理解并执行有关学习活动的简短书面指令; 三 3.能读懂简单故事和短文并抓住大意; 级 4.能初步使用简单的工具书; 5.课外阅读量应累计达到4万词以上。
1.能连贯、流畅地朗读朗读课文; 2.能理理解解简易读物中的事件发生顺序和人物行为; 3.能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意; 四 4.能根据上下文猜猜测测生生词词的的意意思思; 级 5.能理解并解释图表提供的信息; 6.能读懂简单的个人信件、说明文等应用文体材
料; 7.能使使用用英英汉汉词词典典等等工工具具书书帮助阅读理解; 8.课课外外阅阅读读量应累计达到10万词以上。
词汇量(vocabulary size)
词汇能力(vocabulary skills)
运用词汇的能力,如识别单词的意思、在说话 和写作中选择合适的单词、在语境中猜测单词的意 思等。
Building Vocabulary:
Using Context Clues to Learn Word Meaning
r3eatodimngaksteraatnegeifefosrt to develop …
Evaluate progress
happy 高兴的、愉快的 pleased 满意的、乐意的
情感 感情
Cultivate vocabulary …
词汇是阅读教学研究关注的重点之一; 词汇量与阅读技能有着明显的相关性; 词汇量与词汇技能是值得探讨的问题。
Let’s share our happiness.
If you share your problems and worries, you’ll
feel better. 分享?
Strategy: You will learn to use new words better if you use a learner’s dictionary. A bilingual dictionary sometimes gives the wrong meaning for the situation you want.
讲导言 讲阅读教学的设计思路与教学途径 讲如何在阅读中实施语言知识教学?
• 英语教与学的重要途径 • 能力与素质的基本要求 • 终身自主性学习的基础 • 运用英语最迫切的需求 • 评价与考试的重要内容
三级 四级
能读懂小故事及其他文体的简单书面材料 能读懂常见文体的小短文和相应水平的报 刊文章 能读懂相应水平的读物和报刊、杂志,克 服生词障碍,理解大意。能根据阅读目的 运用适当的阅读策略。
词汇和语篇之间是存在很大障碍的。教英语 不等于就是教词汇。(Teaching English is NOT a matter of teaching words.)语感是完 成词汇到语篇之间飞跃的助力。语感只有在语 篇(会话与课文)和其他英语信息的感觉与学 习中才能获得并得以强化和发展。