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example 2
Red sky in the morning, Shepherd's warning. Red sky at night, Shepherd's delight.
This rhyme also works if you replace shepherds with sailors.
It's show time. 你演我猜: 天气变变变,你我猜猜猜!
1. sunny 2. cloudy 3. snowy 4. rainy 5. windy
Which season do you like best?
What a sunny day!
Nice weather, isn't it?
English people have many sayings about the weather.
Perhaps this is because English people talk about the weather a lot.
• 咱也没啥侃的,要不,侃侃天气? • 有这么一个关于英国人谈论天气的小故事,萧伯纳 (George Bernard Shaw)有一次在散步时遇到个老先生, 老先生跟他打招呼说:Good afternoon, Mr. Shaw! It's such a lovely day, isn't it?
Many of them are about the possibility of rain. It rains a lot in England.
When it rains, many young children sing:
Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day! Little Johnny wants to play, Rain, rain, go away.
无论天气是好是坏, 无论天气怎么样变化。 不管我们是否喜欢, 我们都将经受风吹雨打, 战胜困难。
Time for Babies, let's listen to the radio! exercise
Exercise P104 A & B
(1) 基础:阅读光盘听录音。 (2) 干货:重点词汇听写(强调重点), 句型运用。 (3) 拓展:Reading exercises
It is a tongue twቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱster.
It is meant to be (注定是) difficult to say quickly,
and makes a joke of the fact that “weather” and “whether” sound the same.
example 5
Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not whatever the weather We'll weather the weather Whether we like it or not!
Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not whatever the weather We'll weather the weather Whether we like it or not!
example 4
Other sayings include:
Rain before seven; fine before eleven. A sunshiny shower won't last half an hour.
Perhaps, of all weather sayings, this one is the truest (although it is very difficult to say).
Anyone working outdoors
would be glad if it did not rain!
example 3
Red sky in the morning, Sailor's warning. Red sky at night, Sailor's delight.
早晨天发红,船员要慎行。 夜里天发红,船员笑开颜。

萧伯纳回答到:Oh, yes.But twenty people have told me about it in past two hours. Thank you. 萧伯纳先生表示很无奈啊,合着一天下来每个人都这 么跟他打招呼,换了谁都受不了啊,唉,看来真的是伤不 起啊伤不起。

English weather is hard to predict(预测), so there are many sayings that are supposed to (应该,本该) help you decide what the weather will be like.
example 1
Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day! Little Johnny wants to play, Rain, rain, go away.
So how can you tell if it is going to rain?
Here are a few sayings to help you.