贝多芬 英语故事

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Beethoven on December 16, 1770 was born in Bonn, Germany. Father was the local court choir tenor, unsuccessfully, alcoholic life; mother was the daughter of the palace chefs, a kind gentle woman, married life much torture, in the age of 17 have died of Beethoven. Beethoven was 7 the first two children, premature death due to elder brother, the eldest son of Beethoven actually become. The first time his mother to marry a servant, widow, married after the change of Beethoven's father. Beethoven's life difficult in school right away, he showed musical talent at an early age, so that his father had wanted him to become a musical prodigy's desire to become his cash cow. He cursed at Beethoven, Beethoven forces since the age from 4 to practice all day long endless harpsichord and violin. Beethoven debut at age 8, a huge success, known as a second Mozart. Apprentice at the organist Nifu then began to study composition. Published the first piece 11 years old "Piano Variations." 13 years old to participate in the court orchestra, pianist Ren Fengqin and ancient divisions. Began to follow the 1787 Vienna of Mozart, Haydn, who studied composition. In 1800, after his first victory, a

bright future in front of the start of Beethoven. But three to four years, a terrible thing to stop harass him, and Beethoven found himself become deaf ears. Beethoven's love of practicing the piano, but for a musician, there is no more terrible than the deaf. Thus one can in his early piano sonatas in the adagio movement understand that the pain of heartbreak.

Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven's Piano

Beethoven's ever-filled with a fiery heart, but his enthusiasm is very unfortunate, he always alternately experiencing the hope and enthusiasm, disappointment and resistance, which no doubt will become the source of his inspiration. In 1801, Zhu listed the tower fell in love with Beethoven? Guyana Qiadi Er, he "Moonlight Sonata" dedicated to her. But the trend for CMV naive selfish too do not understand his love of the noble soul. Married in 1803 and Jialunbaobo Jazz, which is desperate moment, he had written a suicide note.

In 1803 he came out from the dark, writing a clear optimistic, "Second Symphony." After more and better music in his works a steady stream of emerging. "Third Symphony"

(Hero), "Fifth Symphony" (destiny), "Sixth Symphony" (Pastoral), as well as a beautiful, full of joy of the Violin Concerto, and the gorgeous piano concertos and sonatas .

Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven's Desk

In 1823, Beethoven completed the last of a masterpiece "Ninth Symphony" (Chorus). This work has created his ideal world. December 1826 Beethoven with a bad cold, leading to pulmonary edema. March 26, 1827, Beethoven finally last breath, because liver disease. In his deathbed suddenly hit by snowstorms, thunder rumbling, it seems that even God for this great mourning the death of musician! Beethoven's funeral is very grand, twenty thousand people automatically follow the coffin funeral and his body buried in Shengmai Si Cemetery, and his tomb is next to the graves of Schubert. Never married.

Mr. Beethoven the great composer spent only 57 years on earth, life, completed over a hundred works. Major works are Symphony 9; orchestral scores of the first ("Aigemengte Overture" the most famous); Piano Concerto 5, a violin concerto; other Concerto 5; Piano Sonata 32
