人教版高中英语必修五第五单元 First Aid Reading

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M5U5 First Aid
--- Reading
1. ___se__n_s_e_o__f _t_o_u_c_h____触觉
2. ____f_a_l_l _il_l__________生病 3. _o__v_e_r_a_n_d__o_v_e__r_a_g_a__in_____反反复复,多次 4. ___s_q_u_e_e_z_e__o_u_t______榨出,挤出
and it acts as a 2.__b_a__r_r_ie__r___against being burned
as well as gives us a sense of touch. However, our
skins can sometimes be burned due to our
carelessness. Therefore, first aid shows its
• 2.What is an essential part of your body and its largest
• A.The skin.
A B.The head.
• C.The heart. D.The blood.
3.Which of the following is NOT the reason for
be divided into three types—first degree, second
degree and third degree burns 5._d_e__p_e_n__d_i_n__g__on
the injured layers of the skin.
All various degree burns need first aid. If
To minor burns, 7.__r_u_n__n_i_n_g__water proves
to be helpful in stopping the burning
8._p_r_o__c_e_s_s_, stopping the pain and preventing or reducing 9.__s_w__e_l_li_n_g___. But to severe burns, get the 10.__v_i_c_t_im____to the doctor
one’s body
Warming up
• 1. What is first aid?
• First aid is a ___te__m_p_o__ra__ry__ form of
help given to someone who suddenly
_____f_a_ll_s_i_ll_______or __g__e_ts__in__ju_r_e_d______before a doctor
one is burned, you should not only take
clothing off the burned area unless it is
6._s_t_u_c_k__t_o_ it, but also other clothing and
jewellery near burns.
D cooling burns?
A.Stopping the burning process.
B.Preventing the pain becoming unbearable.
C.Reducing swelling.
D.Preventing breaking any blisters.
4.What’s the main idea of the text? A.The function of the skin.
5. __e_l_e_c_t_ri_c_s_h__o_c_k_____触电,电休克
6._____s_t_ic_k________粘在…上面 7. ____fi_r_s_t_a_i_d_________急救 8.__w__it_h_i_n_a__d_a__y_o_r__tw__o____ 在一两天内 9. __用__胶___布__固__定____ hold the bandage in place 10. __身__体___必__不__可__少___的__一__部___分____an essential part of
can be found.
Discuss: What kind of first aid should you
give in these situation?
What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation? Make a list of your ideas.
stuck to the burns.
9) Do not cool the burns with ___ic__y_________
Байду номын сангаасwater.
10) Do not put cold water on ___t_h__ir_d_______
degree burns.
11) Do not _____r_u_b__________ the burns, it
1. There are ___t_h_r_e__e___ layers of skin. They can act as ___b_a__r_r_ie__r___; Keep us _w__a__r_m___o_r__c_o_o__l___; prevent us from__l_o_s_i_n_g___t_o_o__m___u_c_h__w__a__t_e_r____ and give us the _p__r_o_t_e__c_t_i_o_n__.
the burn.
2) ____c_o__o_l_____ burns immediately with
cool but not icy water.
3) ____p__la__c_e____ cool, clean wet cloths on the
4) _____d_r_y______ the burned area gently. 5) ____c_o__v_e_r____ the burned area with a dry
B text?
A.See whether the burns are dry, red or mildly swollen. B.Depend on which layers of the skin are burned. C.Depend on whether the burns are rough, red or swollen. D.Depend on whether the tissue under the burns can be seen.
B.The characteristics of burns.
C.The burns and the first aid treatment.
D.How to carry out the first aid for burns.
5.If someone gets burned and his hands get black
C and white and charred,it belongs to________.
A.the first degree
B.the second degree
C.the third degree
D.none of the above
Scanning for specific information
importance in the 3.__t_re__a_t_m__e_n__t_of burns.
Generally speaking, burns, which are caused by
4.__l_i_q_u__id__s__, steam, fire, radiation and so on, can
The top layer The second layer
The third layer
2. First aid treatment. Here comes the list of
does and don’ts.
1) ____r_e_m__o_v_e___ clothing and jewellery near
should ____s_it__u_p________. 7) ____g_e__t___ the victim __t_o____the doctor or
hospital at once, if the injuries are second or
third degree burns.
8) Do not ___r_e__m__o_v_e____ the clothing that is
clean bandage.
6) If burns are on arms or legs, __k_e_e_p______ the burned area ___h_i_g_h__e_r___ than the heart,
if possible. If burns are on the face, the victim
will break the blisters.
12) Do not ____p_u_t__________ butter, oil,
ointment on burns.
As everyone knows, the skin is 1._e_s_s_e_n__t_ia__l to us,
First Aid for Burns
Fast reading
• Scan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text.
• 1.How to judge first, second or third burns according to the