Major Economies
of Five
Group of
– United States
– Britain – France
– The Group of
Seven, plus
– Germany
– Japan
Sweden the Netherlands Belgium
Regional Economic Integration
of economic integration
– Free Trade Area Goods and services are freely trades among all members. Each country maintains its own trade barriers vis-à nonmembers. -vis – Customs Union Members establish a common trade policy with respect to nonmembers.
of Seven
– The Group of Five, plus Italy Canada
The Expanding Triad
1997 figures
N. American Free Trade Area
U.S., Canada, Mexico
GNP (billion)
Population (million)
The net result of these factors has been the increased interdependence of countries/economies and increased competitiveness.
国际市场营销策划方案英文doc1. IntroductionThe purpose of this marketing plan is to provide a detailed strategy for entering and succeeding in international markets. The plan will outline market analysis, target audience segmentation, marketing objectives, marketing mix strategies, and budgeting considerations.2. Market Analysis2.1 Market Size and GrowthThe first step in developing a successful international marketing plan is to thoroughly analyze the target market. The market size and growth potential will provide insight into the viability and profitability of the venture. This analysis will consider factors such as population size, purchasing power, GDP growth rate, and market trends.2.2 Competitive AnalysisUnderstanding the competitive landscape is crucial for developing effective marketing strategies. Analyze competitors' strengths and weaknesses, market share, pricing strategies, and distribution channels. Identify any competitive advantages that can be leveraged to gaina competitive edge in the target market.2.3 Cultural AnalysisCultural factors play a significant role in international marketing. Analyze the target country's cultural norms, values, beliefs, and consumer behavior. Tailor marketing messages, product positioning, and packaging to align with the cultural preferences of the target audience.3. Target Audience SegmentationSegmentation enables effective targeting and positioning strategies. Identify and segment the target audience based on demographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors. For example, identify age, gender, income level, lifestyle, and purchasing behavior to hone in on the most profitable segments.4. Marketing ObjectivesClear marketing objectives are essential for measuring success and guiding marketing strategies. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) objectives provide a framework for setting clear goals. Examples of marketing objectives may include:- Increase market share in the target market by 10% within the first year.- Generate $1 million in revenue from international markets within the first year.- Increase brand awareness by 20% in the target market within the first six months.5. Marketing Mix StrategiesThe marketing mix, also known as the Four Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion), must be adapted to fit the target market. Develop strategies for each element of the marketing mix based on market analysis and segmentation.5.1 Product StrategyTailor the product or service offering to meet the needs and preferences of the target market. This may involve product customization, packaging modifications, or offering additional features to appeal to the target audience.5.2 Pricing StrategyPricing strategies should take into account factors such as local market conditions, competition, and customer perceptions of value. Consider using market penetration pricing, skimming pricing, or competitive pricing strategies based on the target market analysis.5.3 Place StrategyDistribution channels play a crucial role in international markets. Determine the most effective distribution channels for reaching the target audience. This may involve utilizing local distributors, establishing partnerships, or developing an e-commerce platform.5.4 Promotion StrategyPromotion strategies should be tailored to the target market's media preferences, cultural norms, and communication channels. Develop a comprehensive promotional plan that includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and digital marketing initiatives. 6. Budgeting ConsiderationsAllocate appropriate financial resources to support the international marketing efforts. Considerations should include market entry costs, promotional expenses, distribution costs, and any other relevant expenses. Develop a detailed budget plan to ensure sufficient funding for all marketing activities.7. Implementation and ControlThe final step in the international marketing plan is to develop an execution timeline, assign responsibilities, and establish control mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the success of the marketing efforts. Regularly review key performance indicators, adjust strategies as necessary, and ensure that the marketing plan aligns with the overall business objectives. ConclusionA well-developed international marketing plan is essential for successfully entering and thriving in international markets. Thorough market analysis, effective target audience segmentation, clear marketing objectives, and tailored marketing mix strategies are key components of a successful plan. Continuous monitoring and evaluation are crucial to ensure the plan remains relevant and effective in achieving the desired marketing outcomes.。
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
starting point focus means endsSelling factory products selling profit and through promotion sales volumeMarketing target customer integrated profit market needs marketing through and wants customer satisfaction
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
Why do companies engage in International Marketing? - To increase their profit by increasing total revenue or decreasing the cost of goods. - The attractiveness of International market - The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition - (be continue)
and through摩根,英联,达能与蒙牛Political-试和你的小组成员就以下问题展开讨论:19:20:3719:20:3719:2010/30/2022 7:20:37 PM2008年1月1日,中国运动品牌老大李宁将其触角伸向了美国耐克总部所在地的波特兰,建立第一个海外鞋产品研发中心。11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。Political-海尔相信本土化制造是海尔国际化道路上关键的一步。世界跨国公司大多选择劳力成本低的地区开设工厂。在马城旗舰店开张之前,两位荷兰企业家曾多次上门拜访李宁北京总部,试图说服李宁与他们联手,共同打拼欧洲市场。市场营销学中4P指的是什么? 4C呢?and throughProduct– standaliation or adaptation?.15、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。
成本加成定价法 Markup Pricing
产品售价= 单位产品总成本×(1+加成率)
进货价格 1-加成率
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
1. 例:某小型收录机单位成本100元,利润率 为40%,则其价格: 100X(1+40%)=140(元)
Price Elasticity of Demand
Q1)/ P1)/
Q1 P1
A. Inelastic Demand Demand Hardly Changes With a Small Change in Price.
Quantity DemandQe2d pQe1r Period
Maximum Current Profit, Etc.
Market Share Leadership Low as Possible Prices to Become
the Market Share Leader.
Product Quality Leadership High Prices to Cover Higher
国际市场营销(双语)ch0531 Global customers
Population with income>$2500 2.3%
Average household size
Growth Rate
* One of the lowest rates of access in the world
Chapter 5/ 17
Latin America
Chapter 5/ 14
•Home of most demanding customers •Home market of global customers •Home market of global competitors •Significant market of global competitors •Major source of industry innovation.
Developed Countries Global Buyers Global Marketing Plan Summary
Chapter 5/ 2
Learning Objectives
Become familiar with different regional markets Learn how transitional & developing markets
Chapter 5/ 9
Eastern & Central Europe Before – After Market Economy
Before After
% World GNP 6.9%
GNP per Capita $3,665 $2,219
Chapter 5/ 10
Marketing in Eastern & Central Europe
国际市场营销(双语版) 国际市场营销战略
· Expand the market demand is mainly from three aspects: (1) looking for new users; (2) the development of new uses; (3) to increase usage.
· (2)不同策略群体的竞争者。凡采取不同竞争策略 的 企业,可以划为不同策略群体。在不同的策略群体 之 间也存在着竞争:企业具有相同的目标市场,从而 相 互之间存在着争夺市场的竞争;策略差异的不明确 性 ,使顾客混淆了企业之间的差别;企业策略的多元 性 ,使不同策略群体企业的策略发生了交叉;企业可 能 改变或扩展自己的策略,加入另一策略群体的行列。
选择本企业 的竞争对策
1. 确定企业的竞争对手
· How to determine the competitors of the enterprise: (1) From the perspective of the industry to find competitors;(2) To find the competitors from the market, consumer demand perspective; (3) To find the competitors from the perspective of market segmentation.
①阵地防御(Position Defense)。 ②侧翼防御(Flanking Defense)。 ③先发防御(Preemptive Defense)。
· ④反攻防御(Counteroffensive Defense)。当市场领导者遭 到对手发动降价或促销攻势,或改进产品、占领市场阵地等 进攻时,应主动反攻入侵者的主要市场阵地,以切断进攻者 的后路。但有时企业在反攻以前会稍作停顿,有很多理由使 企业不能急于行事,因为在等待过程中企业可更全面地了解 竞争者,发现其过失,找到反击的突破口。
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
Understand the procedure and methods to conduct the marketing research 掌握市场调查的程序和方法
(4) Analyse the information 分析信息
Statistical methods:
Excel, SPSS, Minitab
Researchers can use them to build tables and graphs, and draw the conclusion.
Vanessa Chen School of Foreign Languages & Trade, GZPYP
(5) Report the findings 撰写调研总结报告
the research report contains the following parts:
Cover (封面) Contents (目录) Abstract (摘要) Introduction (引言) Methodology and result analysis (方法与数据分析) Conclusion and suggestions (结论与建议) Appendix (附录)
Secondary data
由他人搜集并整理的现成资料。 •内部二手资料,会计账目,销售记录等 •外部的二手资料
Vanessa Chen School of Foreign Languages & Trade, GZPYP
International marketing research approaches国际市场营销调研方法
Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural
values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy
II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value
Prosperity production employment demand
Recession production employment demand
Recovery production employment demand
• Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers 6
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the
business cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery.
4. Culture
5. PoliticalLegal
3. Economy 3. Economy
International Marketing (双语教学)
山西财经大学 国际贸易学院 药朝诚
第一部分 国际市场营销导论
Guiding Theories of International Marketing
Marketing Essentials
国际贸易、国际金融、跨国公司、现代技术 革命
Coca-cola - from international to global
Before the mid-1990s
In charge of U.S. operations
In charge of international operations
贸易保护主义 Trade Protectionism
贸易区域集团化 Regional Economic Bloc
The Economic Globalization
经济全球化是指世界各国经济在生产、交换、 分配及消费四大环节的全球一体化,是资源 与生产要素在全球范围进行配置,使各国经 济彼此之间的联系及相互依赖日益加强,任 何一个国家或地区都不能与世界经济脱节而 单独生存和发展
Characteristics of the International Marketing
市场容量大,竞争激烈 Bigger market and Stronger Competition
• The enterprises are faced with the problems: the shortages of the natural resoures the pollution of the natural environment
The solution: 1、setting up the green marketing concept 2、sustainable development
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the business cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery. Prosperity production employment demand Recession production employment demand Recovery production employment demand • Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers buy products
• The people living in a particular society hold many core beliefs and values that tend to persist,and the beliefs are passed on parents,schools,religious,government, business,groups. For example: the government of singapor encourage the people speak mandarin.
国际营销International Marketingis the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.国际营销市场细分International marketing market segmentationEnterprises after entry into a foreign market, due to customer demand is varied in the country, businesses cannot meet all the needs of customers, and can be broken down into a number of markets, meet the needs of one or several markets.After that when the company decides to enter an overseas market, it will find that customer demand on the local market there is still a difference, need to be further subdivided into a number of markets, with a view to selecting one or several markets to target markets.文化culture(1)is the sum of the "value, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and through processes that are learned and shared by a group of people ,then transmitted from generation to generation."(2)Is the human made part of human environment-the sum total of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society营销渠道Marketing channelsMarketing (Marketing channels) refers to the product or service path along the transfer, transfer from participating product or service activities in order to make the product or service is easy to use or consumption of all organizations.销售促进销售促进(英文为:Sales Promotion,简称SP)Sales promotion (English: Sales Promotion, known as SP), also known as a marketing promotion, it is an enterprise using a variety of short-term incentives to encourage consumers and brokers to buy promotional activities, distribution of products and services.1.国内营销与国际营销区别和共同点International marketing is developed on the basis of marketing. As the different branches of marketing, international marketing and domestic marketing of existing linkages, and differentiated.(A)Link1. Based on commonality of international marketing and domestic marketing are based on the principles of economics as a theoretical basis.2. Consistency of concepts in contemporary economic activity, international marketing and domestic marketing concepts are consistent in nature, are "marketing concept" as a guiding principle, to meet consumer demand and user-centric.3. Operation is easy, in management, international marketing and domestic marketing there is often a certain amount of contact. Their business processes, international marketing is an extension of domestic marketing(B) the difference1. International marketing environment has become more complex2. Uncertainties facing the international market moreChanging trend of the market demand for our products, as well as consumer buying motives, consumer psychology, evaluation of products, it is difficult to determine. Enterprises ' difficulty in timely, accurate information about competitors ' reactions, and multinational market research more difficult. Companies are struggling to choose the more suitable advertising media and advertising tools, selection and control of international marketingchannel is more difficult to determine.3. selection of international than domestic marketing more diverse, more difficult.4. International marketing marketing harder2.文化具有哪些特点?文化具有的一些特征。
3. A country can invoke temporary 'safeguard' protection of one of its industries suffering serious injury due to a surge of imports.
4. Temporary quantitative restrictions can be invoked by a country with serious balance-of-payment problems.
(The latter two cases are temporary exceptions and a public investigation has to be undertaken for limited relief from GATT obligations.)
Market Groups • V. Marketing in a Developing Country
I. GATT 1. GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs)
1947, Marrakech, Morocco Three basic elements: ▪Trade shall be conducted on a nondiscriminatory basis. ▪Protection shall be afforded to domestic industries through customs tariffs rather than quotas. ▪Consultation shall be the primary method used to solve global trade problems
3. Learning Objectives
LO1 The benefits of international markets LO2 The changing face of U.S. business LO3 The scope of the international marketing task LO4 The importance of the self-reference criterion (SRC) in international marketing LO5 The increasing importance of global awareness LO6 The progression of becoming a global marketer
• Marketing is a process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships to capture value from customers in return
Products(13,14) Place/Channels(15) Price (18) Promotion(16,17)
The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing
Key terms
6) Stages of International Marketing Involveng Process
A. Design a customer-driven marketing strategy B. Build profitable relationships and create customer delight C. Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value
Getting the product to the consumer
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
Understand the definition of distribution channel, and its structure 掌握分销渠道的概念及类型
Wide and narrow
密集型分销 Intensive Distribution
选择分销 Selective Distribution
独家专营 Exclusive Distribution
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
Intensive distribution: channel policy in which a manufacturer of a convenience product attempts to saturate the market
Selective distribution: channel policy in which a firm chooses only a limited number of retailers to handle its product line
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
渠道宽 窄比较
中间商1 中间商2 中间商3
中间商1 中间商2
…… 中间商n (n有限)
目标 市场
统计公关活动在各类媒体上的曝光 次数和覆盖范围。
分析企业在公关活动中体现的社会 责任意识和行为。
评估企业在危机事件中的公关表现 和应对能力。
通过调查了解公关活动对企业公众 形象的改善程度。
04 促销案例分析
在视频ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ享网站、在线视频平台等新媒体 上发布广告,吸引观众的注意力。
通过发送电子邮件的方式,向目标客户推 广产品或服务。
为客户提供一定的折扣优惠,吸引客户购 买。
在购买特定产品或服务时,向客户 提供免费的赠品或礼品,以增加客
推出会员卡服务,为客户提供一定的优惠 和特权,增加客户忠诚度和购买意愿。
统计促销活动参与人数和参与率,了解活动 吸引力。
调查客户对促销活动的满意度,了解客户对 活动的评价。
评估促销活动期间销售量的提升情况,分析 活动对销售的拉动作用。
分析促销活动后客户的复购情况,评估活动 的长期效果。
为客户提供积分奖励计划,客户在购买产 品或服务时可以累积积分,累积到一定程 度可以兑换礼品或折扣。
03 促销效果评估
Learn how cultural values, beliefs, and norms shape consumer behavior and marketing strategies in different countries.
Political Factors
Discover the importance of international marketing and how it differs from domestic marketing. Understand the challenges and opportunities of operating in a global marketplace.
3 Social Factors
Understand the impact of social groups, family, reference groups, and social media on consumer behavior in global markets.
Developing Global Branding Strategies
Team Diversity
Explore how diversity within international marketing teams can bring unique perspectives and enhance creativity.
Symbolic Meanings
Discover how cultural symbols and meanings can influence product design, packaging, and advertising strategies.
国际市场营销英语International marketing is a crucial aspect of business, as it involves the sale and promotion of goods and servicesin foreign countries. Companies engage in international marketing to expand their customer base, increase profits, and tap into new markets. However, it is not an easy task, as companies need to navigate through different cultures, languages, and regulations.One important factor in international marketing is market segmentation. Companies need to understand the cultural, economic, and social differences among various countries and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly. For example, what works in one country might not work in another, so it is crucial to conduct thorough market research and target the right audience with the right message.Another key aspect of international marketing is branding. Companies need to develop a strong and consistent brand image that resonates with consumers across different countries.This requires careful consideration of cultural differences and preferences, as well as the adaptation of branding and marketing materials to suit each target market.Moreover, pricing and distribution are critical components of international marketing. Companies need to consider factors such as exchange rates, import/export duties, and local pricing strategies when setting prices for their products. Additionally, they need to develop efficient distribution channels to ensure that their products reach consumers in a timely and cost-effective manner.In the digital age, online marketing has become increasingly important in international marketing. Companies can leverage social media, search engine optimization, and online advertising to reach global audiences and engage withpotential customers in different countries. However, they need to be mindful of cultural nuances and language barriers when crafting online marketing campaigns.In conclusion, international marketing is a complex and challenging endeavor, but it offers great opportunities for companies to expand their business and reach new customers around the world. By understanding and adapting to the unique characteristics of each target market, companies can develop successful international marketing strategies and achieve sustainable growth in the global marketplace.。
mothers. They thought
just changed diapers for
Pampers were too thick,
babies twice a day—morning
because they changed Pampers from P & G and evening. Therefore
The Marketing Environment
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
2.1.2 市场营销环境与企业营销活动
市场营销环境是企业生存和发展的条件, 对企业具有强制性,企业必须适应环境, 然而企业又具有能动性,对环境具有反作 用。
正面影响 负面影响
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
新住房 新汽车 节日 旅行 分期消费 交通 退休 疾病 保险 购物 饮食
正面影响 负面影响
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
= PI-所得税- 非商业性开支 = 个人消费+储蓄/投资 eg.2001我国城镇人均DPI=6,280元,Max上海=10,000
△ 可自由支配的个人收入 = DPI-储蓄-购买生活必需品的固定开支
2、区别货币收入 & 实际收入
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版) International Marketing Training HandbookSession 1: Introduction to International Marketing1.1 Definition of International Marketing- Explanation of international marketing and its importance in today's globalized world.- Overview of key concepts, such as globalization, market segmentation, and cultural diversity.1.2 Benefits and Challenges of International Marketing- Discussion on the advantages of expanding into international markets, such as increased sales and new business opportunities. - Identification of common challenges, such as cultural differences, legal and regulatory complexities, and competitive pressures.1.3 International Marketing Strategies- Introduction to different strategies for entering international markets, including exporting, licensing, joint ventures, and direct investment.- Examination of factors influencing strategy selection, such as market potential, risk assessment, and resource allocation. Session 2: Market Research and Analysis2.1 Understanding Global Consumers- Analysis of cultural differences and their impact on consumer behavior.- Identification of global consumer segments and trends to targeteffectively.2.2 Market Research Methods- Overview of primary and secondary research methods for gathering market intelligence.- Explanation of techniques for analyzing market data, such as surveys, focus groups, and data mining.2.3 Assessing Market Potential- Examination of key factors to consider when evaluating market potential, including market size, growth rate, and competition.- Introduction to tools and frameworks for assessing market attractiveness and competitiveness.Session 3: Market Entry Strategies3.1 Exporting and Importing- Discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of exporting and importing.- Explanation of export and import processes, including logistics, documentation, and international trade regulations.3.2 Licensing and Franchising- Overview of licensing and franchising as market entry strategies. - Examination of the benefits, risks, and considerations involved in entering into licensing and franchising agreements.3.3 Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances- Introduction to joint ventures and strategic alliances as collaborative market entry strategies.- Analysis of the advantages, challenges, and factors for successful partnerships.Session 4: Product and Brand Management4.1 Adaptation vs. Standardization- Examination of product and brand adaptation strategies to suit local market preferences.- Discussion on the benefits and risks of standardizing products and brands across international markets.4.2 Product Development and Innovation- Overview of product development processes for international markets.- Introduction to strategies for fostering innovation and staying competitive in global markets.4.3 Branding and Positioning- Explanation of brand building and positioning strategies for global brands.- Examination of the role of culture, communication, and customer perception in successful international branding.Session 5: Communication and Promotion5.1 Integrated Marketing Communications- Introduction to integrated marketing communications (IMC) and its role in international marketing.- Explanation of different promotional tools and channels, such as advertising, public relations, and digital marketing.5.2 Cultural Sensitivity in Communication- Discussion on the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptation in international communication.- Analysis of successful cross-cultural marketing campaigns and the lessons learned.5.3 Digital Marketing in International Markets- Overview of digital marketing strategies and tactics for reaching global audiences.- Examination of the challenges and opportunities in leveraging digital platforms for international marketing.Note: This training handbook provides an overview of key topicsin international marketing and can be customized to suit specific training objectives and participant needs.Session 6: Pricing and Distribution6.1 Pricing Strategies in International Markets- Explanation of factors affecting pricing decisions in international markets, such as currency fluctuations, local market conditions, and competition.- Introduction to pricing strategies, such as cost-based pricing, market-based pricing, and value-based pricing.6.2 Distribution Channels and Logistics- Overview of distribution channel options in international markets, including direct sales, distributors, agents, and e-commerce.- Examination of logistics considerations, such as transportation, warehousing, and customs regulations.6.3 Channel Management and Relationship Building- Discussion on the importance of effective channel management and relationship building with international partners.- Introduction to strategies for selecting, managing, and incentivizing channel partners.Session 7: Legal and Ethical Considerations7.1 International Legal Framework- Overview of international trade laws and regulations, such as tariff and non-tariff barriers, intellectual property protection, and contract laws.- Explanation of the role of international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), in promoting fair trade practices.7.2 Ethical Issues in International Marketing- Analysis of ethical dilemmas and challenges in international marketing, such as cultural sensitivity, advertising standards, and environmental sustainability.- Discussion on the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in international business practices.7.3 Risk Management and Compliance- Introduction to risk management strategies for mitigating legal and ethical risks in international marketing.- Explanation of compliance standards, such as anti-corruption laws and data privacy regulations, that businesses need to adhere to in global markets.Session 8: Market Expansion and Growth8.1 Emerging Markets and Opportunities- Analysis of emerging markets and their potential for business expansion and growth.- Discussion on strategies for entering and succeeding in emerging markets, such as adaptation to local conditions and collaboration with local partners.8.2 International Business Development- Overview of strategies and considerations for expanding and growing international business operations.- Discussion on factors such as market diversification, innovation, and strategic partnerships.8.3 Sustainable International Marketing- Examination of sustainability and responsible business practices in international marketing.- Introduction to concepts such as green marketing, social entrepreneurship, and inclusive business models.Session 9: Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation9.1 The Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication- Explanation of the challenges and opportunities presented by cross-cultural communication in international business.- Analysis of cultural dimensions and their impact on communication styles and business practices.9.2 Cross-Cultural Negotiation- Overview of negotiation strategies and techniques in cross-cultural settings.- Examination of cultural norms and practices that influence negotiation processes and outcomes.9.3 Managing Cultural Differences- Discussion on strategies for managing and leveraging cultural differences in international business.- Introduction to intercultural competence skills, such as empathy, adaptability, and cultural intelligence.Session 10: International Marketing Plan10.1 Developing an International Marketing Plan- Step-by-step guide to developing an international marketing plan. - Explanation of key components, such as market analysis, target market selection, marketing objectives, and implementation strategies.10.2 Evaluating and Monitoring International Marketing Performance- Introduction to metrics and tools for evaluating the performance of international marketing activities.- Discussion on the importance of monitoring and adjusting strategies based on market feedback and changing conditions. 10.3 Case Studies and Best Practices in International Marketing- Analysis of real-world case studies and best practices in international marketing.- Examination of successful international marketing campaigns and their underlying strategies and tactics.Note: This training handbook provides an overview of key topics in international marketing and can be customized to suit specific training objectives and participant needs. The content can be expanded upon by incorporating additional case studies, interactive exercises, and group discussions to enhance participant engagement and learning.。
国际市场营销学第八版英文版International Marketing: 8th EditionAbstract:International marketing plays a crucial role in the global business landscape. It involves various activities and strategies aimed at expanding products and services into international markets. This article explores the key concepts, principles, and strategies of international marketing as discussed in the 8th edition of the book "International Marketing."Introduction:In today's interconnected world, businesses are increasingly looking towards international markets to expand their reach and increase profitability. International marketing involves the planning, implementation, and coordination of marketing activities across national boundaries to meet the diverse needs and preferences of global consumers. The 8th edition of "International Marketing" offers comprehensive insights into this dynamic field.1. Global Market Entry Strategies:International market entry strategies are vital for businesses aiming to establish a presence in foreign markets. This section explores several strategies, such as exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, and direct investment. Each strategy has its benefits and challenges, and selecting the most suitable approach depends on factors like market characteristics, resources, and objectives.2. International Market Research and Analysis:Understanding the international marketplace is critical for successful market penetration. This segment emphasizes the significance of market research and analysis in international marketing. Topics covered include the identification of target markets, assessing market potential, consumer behavior analysis, and conducting competitive analysis. By utilizing these research techniques, companies can make informed decisions and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.3. Global Product and Brand Management:Adapting products and brands to international markets is essential for success. This section covers the challenges faced in global product and brand management, including product development, standardization versus adaptation, and brand positioning strategies. With insights from the 8th edition, businesses can effectively manage their product and brand portfolios across diverse cultures and markets.4. International Pricing Strategies:Pricing is a critical element in international marketing as it directly influences market acceptance and profitability. This segment explores various pricing strategies, such as cost-based pricing, market-based pricing, and competitive-based pricing. The 8th edition highlights the importance of considering factors such as local market conditions, currency exchange rates, and cost structures when determining international pricing strategies.5. Global Distribution and Supply Chain Management:Efficient distribution and supply chain management are essential for delivering products and services to international customers. This section addresses topics such as channel selection, logistics management, and transportation strategies. The 8th edition provides insights into the complexities and challenges of managing global distribution networks.6. International Marketing Communications:Effectively communicating with consumers in diverse cultural contexts is crucial for international marketing success. This segment examines the intricacies of international marketing communications, including advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and personal selling. The 8th edition highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity, language adaptation, and media selection in international marketing communications.7. Ethical and Sustainable International Marketing:The 8th edition delves into the ethical and sustainable aspects of international marketing. It covers topics such as fair trade, social responsibility, and green marketing. In an era of increased environmental consciousness and social awareness, businesses must consider these factors when formulating their international marketing strategies.Conclusion:The 8th edition of "International Marketing" provides valuable insights into the intricacies and dynamics of global marketing. By understanding the concepts, principles, and strategies discussed in this book, businesses can navigate the complexities of international markets and achieve success in their global endeavors. International marketing continues to evolve, and theknowledge shared in this edition paves the way for businesses to excel in an increasingly interconnected world.。
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• Shift of Secondary Cultural Values through Time : for example in Guangzhou , the attitude of Chinese youths change during these years.
Technological Environment
Population Environment
• Population environment including: age quantity sex income the state of education race and so on • Facing the problem: the population aging
2.3 Macroenvironment
macroenviroment : P-political environment E-economic S-sociocultural T-technological N-natural environment P-population environment
• The people living in a particular society hold many core beliefs and values that tend to persist,and the beliefs are passed on parents,schools,religious,government, business,groups. For example: the government of singapor encourage the people speak mandarin.
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
• Various groups shared different values emerging form their special life experience or circumstance. Existence of subculture exhibit different wants and consumption behavior, so markets can choose subcultures as their target market.
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value • Scientific knowledge Research Inventions making up பைடு நூலகம்lements innovations • The most important thing for firms is keeping up with technology changes and catching the opportunities
Political pressure
This pressure may exist in global marketers. They are affected by agreements between countries and by the laws in countries in which the operate. Some of the more vital political and legal factors in the global environment are international trade agreements.
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the business cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery. Prosperity production employment demand Recession production employment demand Recovery production employment demand • Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers buy products
Law and regulations
The marketing activities covered by laws and regulations including product testing, packaging, pricing, advertising, and sales to minors. Everything has to sides. So is the influences of laws and regulations. They can limit marketing activities but also be a source of opportunity for organizations that provide goods and services.
• The enterprises are faced with the problems: the shortages of the natural resoures the pollution of the natural environment
The solution: 1、setting up the green marketing concept 2、sustainable development
Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
2.3.1 Political-legal environment
An organization doesn’t function strictly by its own set of rules. It has to serve its customers as well as special interest groups; together, these comprise the political-legal environment. Political-legal environment influences marketing strategies through laws, regulations and political pressures.
Natural Environment
• The effect of natural environment : 1) operation of the company 2) the structure of the area economy 3) the environment of the local economy 4) the environment of the local population and so on