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Name: Vincent Willem Van Gogh
Born: Holland 30 March, 1853 Died: France 27 July, 1890 Factions: Impressionist
•Nether lands Vincent was the son of a Dutch (荷兰) Protestant (新教徒)minister(牧师) •Unfortunately, his nature was such that anything he attempted was doomed(注定的) to failure.
•This 15 sunflowers
•Arles 1888.
•National Gallery in London(now)
•It is one of several works of sunflowers that Vincent van Gogh painted.
Introduction of the author
• When he was 27, van Gogh had been a theology (神学;宗教研究)student.
Night cafes
The crow flew in the field
商英121 叶雪娇 2013.12.3
Introduction of the sunflower Introduction • Early age of the author • Representative works
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Introduction of the sunflower
These simply in a vase of sunflower, presents chord shocks brilliant. Van with recoat brushworks , like in the relief sculpture on a piece of clay. Yellow and brown attune of color and techniques are full of hope and show the beautiful sunshine.