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金资助项目(50974031);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET -10-0275);教育部基本科研业务费青年教师科研启动基金资助项目(N090301002)·


第32卷第7期2011年7月东北大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science )Vol .32,No .7

Jul .2011







(1.东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳 110819;2.山东黄金归来庄矿业有限公司,山东平邑 273300)

摘 要:以归来庄金矿露天转地下开采过渡期为工程实例,采用F LAC 3D 软件,分别考虑静态和动态载荷,对预留境界矿柱的安全厚度展开分析·在动载时,采用常用的三角形波模拟爆破施工荷载,得到爆破振动作用下不同厚度境界的振动速度和应力的分布规律·根据两者之间的统计关系,并结合岩石的抗拉强度准则,分析了不同厚度境界矿柱发生破坏的临界振动速度·计算结果表明:垂直方向振动速度和拉应力最大值之间为线性关系,可采用质点最大振动速度作为安全判据·当矿房跨度分别为8,10和12m 时,在动载作用下,最小安全厚度分别为8,14和18m ·

关 键 词:采矿工程;境界矿柱;爆破荷载;数值模拟;振动速度

中图分类号:T D 323 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-3026(2011)07-1032-04

Stability Analysis of Boundary Pillars Safety Thickness for Transition from Open Pit to Underground Mining

Y ANG Y u -jiang 1

,LI Yuan -hui 1

,Y IN Guo -guang 2

,HAN Hong -jiang


(1.Schoo l of Resources &Civil Engineering ,Nor theaster n U niversity ,Shenyang 110819,China ;2.G uilaizhuang G old M ine of Shandong Gold G roup Co .,Ltd .,Pingyi 273300,China .Cor responding author :YANG Yu -jiang ,E -mail :yy j -y angyujiang @ )

A bstract :Based o n the conditions of open pit and underg round mining of Guilaizhuang gold o re ,the stability of different thickness boundary pillars w as assessed with considering the effect of static load and dynamic load ,respectively ,by using softw are of FLAC 3D .Under dynamic load ,blasting construction load was simulated with usual triangular w ave ,the vibratio n velocity and the stress distribution law s of different thickness w ere then achieved .According to the statistical relationship and the tensile strength standards of rock ,the threshold vibration velocity for the boundary pillars w ith different thickness w as analyzed .The results show ed that the relationship between the vertical vibration velocity and the maximum tensile stress is linear .The m aximum vibration velocity of a particle can be used as the safety criterion .When the o re room span is 8,10and 12m ,under the dynamic loads ,the minimum safety thickness is 8,14and 18m ,respectively .Key words :mining engineering ;boundary pillar ;explosive load ;numerical simulation ;vibration velocity





威胁;因为矿柱回采率低,贫化率大,境界矿柱如果过厚又会造成矿产资源的浪费,同时增加掘进工程量和投资[2-3];而坑底的爆破作业是露天开采中不可避免的,这势必对境界矿柱的稳定性产生影响·为此,本文以山东黄金归来庄矿业有限公司露天转地下开采过渡期为例,采用FLAC 3D 软
