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外文出处:Department of Engineering of
fujian Agriculture and forestry university
附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原

Weiqing Lin 1, 2, Jianzhong Fu 1
1 Institute of Manufacture Engineering of ZheJiang University,
2 Department of Engineering of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
E-mail: lethe_lwq@















Y. Altintas 和C. Brecher认为:VMT引入了“虚拟原型”技术从而降低了硬件测试的成本和时间并且对实际原型不断进行了改进。










2 .建模的虚拟工具







图2显示之间的关系建模要素机床结构[ 10 ]。


2.1. 根据







2.2. 运动学模型

要塑造VMT,在每个对组分之间输入动力学4个× 4同类的变形矩阵。
















4. 虚拟机应用
4.1. 支持VMT应用

对VMT技术开发商和对那些严密与工业先驱一起使用导致真正的应用, VMT应用的价值是毫无疑问的。



图4 。

福特火神锻造(左)和VR 培训(右) [12] 实习生被暴露在4000磅连接杆锻件锤子(图4)的运动,以指示移动在一个声音掩没的环境噪声环境里被传递的一个溶解的酒吧。






4.2. 学会和训练在一个虚拟机环境












C++节目被开发解码输入北卡罗来纳G 代码然后指示CNC用机器制造的序列,塑造网上制件形状和几何,给用机器制造的过程赋予生命和显示在网上用机器制造表现。







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Modeling and Application of Virtual Machine Tool
Weiqing Lin 1, 2, Jianzhong Fu 1
1 Institute of Manufacture Engineering of ZheJiang University,
2 Department of Engineering of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
E-mail: lethe_lwq@
The recent years of the 21th Century are associated with the advent of virtual reality technologies for modern industry and manufacturing engineering. Virtual Machine Tool Technology is given to design ,test, control and machine parts in a virtual reality environment. This paper presents the methods to model and simulate the virtual machine tools in response to change in the machining requirements. Specifically, as et of module combination rules and a modeling method of the structure of machine tools using connectivity graph are developed. By this way virtual machine tool is implemented. The developed virtual machine tool can be efficiently used for industry training and machine leaning and operating.
1. Introduction
It is widely accepted understanding that CNC machine tool industry in the 21st century faces big challenges. To stay competitive, machine tool builders must be able
to design new machine tools for rapid response to the variable market. They also need to employ advanced technology to enhance products’ quality and reduce cost. Virtual reality (VR) technology may partially satisfy these needs. VR technology has exploded in to the engineering arena in the last 10 years [1]. The core part of a virtual system is the VR control algorithms that are used for dynamic control of the changing virtual environment and real-time communication among different units in a VR system. A typical VR system is shown in Figure1. The four basic components of a VR system are human in a virtual environment, VR devices, VR models and VR control mechanism [2].
How could employ the virtual reality to the current manufacture engineering? To do this, a new concept named virtual machine tool (VMT) is presented in the recent 5 years. Different scholars have different definitions. Y. Altintas and C. Brecher think that: VMT employs “virtual prototyping” technology to reduce the cost and time of hardware testing and iterative improvements of the physical prototype. The virtual prototype of a machine tool is a computer simulation model of the physical product that can be presented, analyzed and tested like a real machine [3].Hitchcock presents that: VMT is an integrated, synthetic design and manufacturing environment exercised to enhance all levels of decision and control in a manufacturing enterprise [4]. From all of these, it is obvious that VMT is abstract of realistic manufacturing [5~9].
Figure 1. A typical virtual reality system [2].
The virtual machine tool technologies are not only helpful for the design process but also for the virtual initial start-up of the machine tool or the simulation of the
machining operations on the digital model of the machine tool. This technology can be used to set up kinds of machine tool models and the virtual reality environment can provide machine tool learning training. Section 2 covers the modeling of virtual machine tool, which is the ultimate goal in realizing a complete digital model of the machine tool. The Implementation of virtual machine tool is presented in Section 3. The present research challenges which have to be put the virtual machine tool technology into use are discussed in Section 4. The paper is concluded by assessing the effectiveness and future trends in virtual machine tool and machining systems.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence--Workshops (ICAT'06)
0-7695-2754-X/06 $20.00 © 2006
2. Modeling of Virtual Machine Tools
To systematically generate the structure of machine tools in virtual reality environment in response to different requirements, definitions of component modules and the relations between them are required.The structure of machine tools is represented by a connectivity graph.
Component modules of machine tool contain the information on size, motion, motion type, etc. and are stored in a module library. Functional and shape characteristics of component module are utilized to visualize machine tools on computer and to derive contact and kinematics relations. Contact relations show the linkages between adjacent component modules. Various types of feasible machine tools’structure can be derived by applying module combining rules, which regulate the mating feasibility of two component modules. Finally, kinematics relations required to show the motions of machine tools can be derived by using functional characteristics of modules and connectivity relations. Figure 2 shows the relationships between the modeling elements of machine tools’ structure [10].
2.1. Geometric Model
Based on the virtual machine tool configuration, the shape of the machine tool can be graphically represented. Since the machine tool is a kinematic chain of mechanical components, it can be displayed by combining the geometry of the mechanical components. Each component has a geometrical model including the shape and object coordinate frame, and the machine tool geometry can be generated. Since VMT modeling aims mainly for functionality, rather than exact shaping, the shape of the mechanical components can be represented by simple shape elements, such as blocks and cylinders [11].
For instance, bed, column, table, and spindle can be represented by solid blocks, cylinders or a combination. By this way, bed, column, and table are represented by blocks with a translational matrix, spindle is presented by a block with a rotational matrix, and tool by a cylinder and a rotational matrix. By combining the geometric models of the components in the world coordinate frame, the complete geometric model of the machine tool can be completely defined.
2.2. Kinematic Model
The machine tool is structured as a kinematic chain of mechanical components, and functions by the translational and/or rotational movements. To model VMT, the 4 ×4 homogeneous transformational matrices of kinematics between each pair of components are input.
The machine tool can be built up by assembling the geometrical units. According to Shin no and Yoshimi[10], the mechanical units of machine tools can be classified into 9 basic mechanical units: spindle, slide, swivel slide, cross-slide, column, table, base, column base, and bed, and they can be combined under specific constraints. The mechanical units can be combined to represent the assembly sequence for the kinematic components by a certain connectivity graph scheme[11].
3. Implementation of Virtual Machine Tool
Virtual machine tool structural modeler (VMSM) is implemented using OpenGL and VC++ based on the proposed modeling method of machine tools. It can generate easily and quickly initial alternatives of machine tools which satisfies the functions and structures required by user. Consequently, virtual machine tool structural modeler can automate the routine processes needed to design machine tools [10]. Also, to consolidate expert knowledge for structural design into VMSM, initial alternatives can be modified by adaptation process followed.
In this research, module and structure library contains various subordinated libraries: module library, module shape library, module combination rule library and structure library. Module library contains component modules, module shape library includes the complicated module shapes, module combination rule library for combination rules, and structure library stores the complete machine tools. The library is useful for information sharing, reusability and standardization of modules or machine tool’s structures.Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence--Workshops (ICAT'06)
0-7695-2754-X/06 $20.00 © 2006
Among initial alternatives automatically generated to meet the user requirements, the user can select one structure and modify the structure configurations in detail level. After modification, users can control and simulate the machine tool generated on computer monitor. If user does not satisfy with the initial alternatives, user can regenerate them after adding new modules or new module combination rules. The VMSM supports the modification process by providing user interfaces to edit module specifications, contact relations between modules, accessory modules, etc.
In Figure 3, various types of machines tools are presented to show the proposed modeling methods. A vertical (left) and a horizontal (right) machine tool are presented in the Figure 3.
4. Virtual Machine Application
4.1. Manufacturing Industry Supporting VMT Application
Both with “technology push” and “market pull”, users demand lower technology costs, more efficient utilization and manpower performance improvements .To the developers of VMT technology and to those working closely with industrial pioneers to produce real applications, the value of VMT application has been unquestionable.
A “classic” industrial study was conducted at Ford's Vulcan Forge in Dearborn, Michigan. Here, safety is of paramount importance [12]. Trainees are exposed to the movements of a 4000-pound connecting-rod forging hammer (Figure 4), with instructions to move a molten bar being relayed in a voice-masking ambient noise environment. Late actions could result in damage to equipment, not to mention the spraying of harmful molten metal. It has to be added that operators are expected to perform this function for many hours at a time. The hammer and local forge environment were reproduced for display to trainees using immersive virtual machine tool technologies. The VMT emphasized the need for additional sensory stimulation, including plant noises, the voice of a trainer and a pneumatic cylinder system to deliver realistic impact forces to the VR user. The training results show that the one who had been trained using VMT (over a 2-day period) were 20% more efficient than the one who had been exposed to conventional training using an on-line hammer.
4.2. Learning and Training in a Virtual Machine Environment
Studies have shown that changing from a traditional teaching approach such as lectures into an interactive lecturing and teaching approach is feasible and has a positive influence on the student motivation [13].With the virtual machining system, students are able to evaluate how well they understand the related machining theories and assess how good their operating skills are. VMT based on computer animation has shown that knowledge-integrated display of online process performance can enhance students’ physical understanding of machining principles and theories. This may be regarded as an additional advantage of a virtual machine over a real machine, from the viewpoint of effective learning in machining theories and knowledge. All
students have a one-to-one opportunity to operate the virtual machine tool and study what happens with their selection of machining process parameters. With the assistance of the online display of predicted process performance, students are able to operate the virtual machine tool while observing what is happening during the machining operation by varying process parameters. This enhances their physical understanding of machining processes.
4.3. Virtual Machine Tool Operation
To show how to operate a virtual machine tool, an example is given. For the operation on a virtual CNC machine tool, the trainee writes an NC G-code program through the compute keyboard or inputs the program
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence--Workshops (ICAT'06) 0-7695-2754-X/06 $20.00 © 2006 generated by CAD/CAM packages, and then selects machining parameters, the virtual work piace, and virtual cutting tools. The virtual machining system generates the cutting sequences to follow the trainee’s manual and CNC control commands [2]. The entire VMT system is that machining theories and process is viewed in stereo glasses. Trainees are also able to interact with the virtual CNC machine using interactive VR gloves.
C++ programs were developed to decode the input NC G-codes and then to instruct CNC machining sequences, model the on-line workpiece shape and geometry, animate the machining process, and display on-line machining the performance.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, the aim of virtual machine tool engineering is to design, test, optimize, control and machine parts in a virtual reality environment. A virtual machine tool modeling method is presented to generate automatically the structures of machine tools in response to the functional and structural requirements by user. The proposed method automates the machine tools’ structure generation using the module combining rules and connectivity graphs and automatically derives kinematics chain using functional elements of modules and connectivity graph. Based on proposed modeling method, the virtual machine tool modeler is implemented and it can be used
on internet. The proposed virtual machine tool system can be utilized for industry application and be applied to machine learning and training system. These goals have been rapidly realized by the research community and industrial pioneers at the present.
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