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剑10 1-2
It is important for ChiIdren to Iearn the difference between right and Wrong at an early age. Puni Shme nt is n ecessary to help them lear n this disti ncti on.
To What exte nt do you agree or disagree With this opinion?
What sort of PUni Shme nt should Pare nts and teachers be allowed to USe
to teach good behavior to ChiIdre n?
One important Stage in a child?S growth is Certainly the development of a conSCience, WhiCh is Iinked to the ability to tell right from wrong. ThiS skill comes With time and good Parenting, and my firm conviction is that PUni Shme nt does not have much of a role to play in this. TherefOre I have to disagree almost en tirely With the give n Stateme nt.
To some exte nt the questi on depe nds on the age of the child. To PUniSh a Very young child is both wrong and foolish, as an infant will not un dersta nd What is happening or Why he or She is being PUnished. OnCe the age of reason is reached however, a child Can be rewarded for good behavior and discouraged from bad. ThiS kind but firm approach will achieve more than harsh PUni Shme nts, WhiCh might en tail many n egative con SeqUe nces Uninten ded by the Pare nts.
To help a child learn the difference between right and wrong, teachers and Pare nts should firstly PrOVide good role modelli ng in their own behavior. After that, if SanCtions are needed, the PUniShment should not be of a PhySiCaI nature, as that merely SendS the message that it is acceptable for Iarger people to hit smaller ones-an outcome WhiCh may well result in the child Starti ng to bully others. Nor should the PUni Shme nt be in any Way cruel.
Rather, teachers and Parents Can USe a Variety Of methods to discipline their young charges, SUCh as detention, WithdraWaI of PriVileges, and time-out. Making
the PuniShment fit the Crime is a USefUI notion. WhiCh would See ChiIdren being made to PiCk UP rubbish they have dropped, clean UP graffiti they have draw n, or apologise to some one they have hurt. In these WayS responSibiIity is developed in the child, WhiCh leads to much better future behavior tha n does PUni Shme nt.
剑10 2-1
The tables below give information about sales of Fairtrade-labelled COffee and bananas in 1999 and 2004 in five EUrOPean countries.
SUmmariSe the in formatio n by SeIeCt ing and report ing the mai n features, and make COmPariS ons Where releva nt.
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Offida,ty agrwd⅛沁fTOfn映切咖COUntn e S have been P ai d Bn
The two tables Contain sales date for Fairtrade Coffee and bananas in 1999
and 2004, in five n ati OnS of Europe.
The first shows low-level COffee sales in CreaS ing in all five Coun tries, albeit to WideIy Varying degrees. In two PIaCeS sales inCreaSed by the Same small
amount: 1.8-2 million euros in Denmark, and 0.8-1 million in SWeden. The in Creme nt WaS SIightIy Iarger in Belgium, from 1-1.7 millio n euros. Mea nwhile, in SWitZerIa nd sales doubled from 3-6 millio n euros. Fin ally, i n the UK there
WaS an eno rmous in crease, from 1.5-20 milli on euros.
In the SeCond table, it is SWitZerIand WhiCh Stands out as buying far more Fairtrade bananas tha n the other four coun tries. SWiSS sales figures jumped from 15-47 milli on euros across these five years, while in the UK and BeIgiUm sales only grew from 1-5.5 and from 0.6-4 milli on euros respectively. SWede n and Denmark ShOWed a differe nt Patter n, With fails in banana sales from 1.8-1 and 2-0.9 millio n euros.
COmPari ng the two tables, it is clear that in 1999 Fairtrade COffee sales ran ged from 0.8-3 millio n euros in these five coun tries, while banana sales also mostly CIUSter betwee n 0.6 and 2 milli on euros, With SWitZerIa nd the outlier at a huge 15 millio n euros. By 2004, sales figures for both PrOdUCtS had rise n across the board, except for SWede n and Demark WhiCh recorded drops in banana sales.
剑10 3-2
Coun tries are beco ming more and more SimiIar because people are able to buy the Same PrOdUCtS any Where in the world.
Do you thi nk this is a POSitiVe or n egative developme nt?
It is Said that countries are becoming SimiIar to each other because of the global SPread Of the Same products, WhiCh are now available for PurChaSe almost any where. I stro ngly believe that this moder n developme nt is largely detrime ntal to CUItUre and traditi ons worldwide.
A country z⅛ history, Ianguage and ethos are all inextricably bound UP in its manu factured artefacts. If the rele ntless adva nce of i nternatio nal brands in to every COrner of the world continues, these bland PaCkageS might one day completely
oust the traditi onal ObjeCtS of a n ati on, WhiCh would be a loss of rich ness and diversity in the world, as well as the Sad disappeara nce of the manifestations of a place r? CharaCter. What would a JaPanese tea Ceremony be WithOUt its specially Crafted teapot, or a Fiiia n kava ritual WithOUt its bowl made from a Certa in type of tree bark?
Let US not forget either that traditi onal products, Whether these be medic in es, cosmetics, toys, clothes, Ute nsils or food, PrOVide employme nt for local people. The SPread of mult in ati onal PrOdUCtS Can ofte n br ing in its Wake a loss of jobs, as people tur n to buying the new brand, PerhaPS thi nking it more glamorous than the one they are USed to. ThiS eve ntually PUtS old-school craftspeople out of work.
Finally, tourism numbers may also be affected, as travellers become disillusioned With finding every place just the Same as the one they ViSited previously. To See the Same PrOdUCtS in shops the world over is bori ng, and does not impel ViSitOrS to ope n their wallets in the Same Way that tri nkets or souve nirs UniqUe to the PartiCUIar area do.
Some may argue that all people are entitled to have access to the Same products, but I Say that local ObjeCtS SUit local conditions best, and that faceless Uni formity worldwide is an Un welcome and dreary prospect.
剑10 4-1
The diagrams below ShoW the Iife cycle Of a SPeCieS Of large fish called the salm on.
SUmmariSe the in formatio n by SeIeCt ing and report ing the mai n features, and make COmPariS OnS Where releva nt.
①占___________ ___________
Salm On begi n life as eggs On a PebbIy riverbed, hidde n among reeds in the slow-m OVing UPPer reaches of a river. After five to SiX mon ths the eggs hatch into
fry ” For approximately the next four years, these baby salmOn will live in the lower, faster-flowi ng WaterS of their river. DUring this time they measure betwee n three and eight Cen timetres in Ien gth.
By the time Salm On reach twelve to fiftee n Cen timetres, they are termed ,smolt?
and at this time they migrate further dow nriver in to the ope n sea. After five years at Sea the salmon will have grown to adult size, WhiCh is between SeVe nty and SeVe nty-six Cen timetres. They the n beg in SWimmi ng back to their birthplace, Where they will lay their eggs, and the cycle StartS an ew.
In summary, the salmon PaSSeS through three distinet PhySiCaI StageS as it grows to maturity. EaCh of these StageS takes place in a Very differe nt aquatic loCati
on .It is no teworthy that the first two StageS of this fish ? life occur in a freshwater en Vir Onment, while the third Stage is lived in SaItWater.。