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1. To meet your requirements, we would like to reduce our price by 2%, which, I hope, will be satisfactory to you. 2. We can bring the price down to $230 per set. 3. We’d be ready to give you a three percent (3%) special discount, if you order 100 sets or more. 4. If you order a large quantity, I think a discount would be possible.
3. Our prices are highly competitive when you consider quality 4. Our price is net without commission.
5. I’m awfully sorry. This is our floor price. If you find it unworkable, we may as well call the deal off.
价格谈判在经贸英语谈判当中是最重要的环节,商品价格的高低直接 关系到谈判双方的经济利益,决定了交易的成败,因此价格也是谈判
因为虽然谈判的目的是要达成双赢结果,但是在现实生活中,你坐在 一个买家面前,你们心中都抱着同样的目的,都想自己赚得多,他想 要的是最低价,你想要的是最高价。
1、讨价策略 ①以理服人,见好就收 ②揣摩心理,掌握次数 2、还价策略 ①还价原则 在外贸谈判中,要进行有效的还价就必须遵循一定的原则。在还价之 前必须充分了解对方报价的全部内容,准确了解对方提出条件的真实意图可以逐项 核对对方报价中所提的各项交易条件,如果对方的报价超出谈判协议区的范围,与 己方要提出还价条件相差甚大时。 ②还价方式 (1)逐项还价 ,即对主要设备逐台还价,对安装调试费、员工培训费、技术;指 导费、工程设计、资料费等分项还价。 (2)分组还价,根据价格分析时划出价格差距的档次分别还价。 (3)总体还价,把货物与软件分别集中还两个不同的价,或仅还一个总价。 3、还价策略 ①比照还价法,是指外贸谈判的一方通过对对方的报价的了解分析, 对比参照报 价,按照一定的升降幅度进行还价的策略方法。 ②反攻还价法,是指外贸谈判的一方采用反驳攻击的技法,部分否定甚至全部否定 对方的报价的策略方法。 ③求疵还价法,是指外贸谈判的一方采用挑剔的方法提出部分真实、部分夸大的意 见。试图否定对方报价的策略方法。

Brown (以下称为A) Tina (以下称为B) A: I’ve come to hear about your offer for the garments. B: We have the offer ready for you. Let me see ... here it is. 100 cases garments, at 10 pounds sterling each case, C.I.F European Main Ports, for shipment in June 2009. The offer is valid for five days. A: Why, your price has soared. It’s almost 25% higher than last year’s. It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such a price. B: I’m a little surprised to hear you say that. You know very well that markets for cotton have gone up a great deal in recent months. The price we offer compares favorably with quotations you can get elsewhere.
Example 1:
Background: Brown (the buyer) purchasing manager of ABC Company in America,Tina (the seller), manager of Sales & Marketing Department of Clothing Stuff Company in China. They are negotiating the price of the order.
① 有效适度的让步 ②让步要谨慎有序 ③双方共同做出让步 ④每做出一项让 步,都必须使对方明白,本方的让步是不容易的,而对对方来说这种让步是可以接 受的。 对对方的让步,要期望得高些。
①让步的实施步骤:第一步:确定谈判的整体利益。第二步:确定让步的方式。 第三步:选择让步的时机。第四步:衡量让步的结果 ②让步前的选择 ⑴时间的选择 ⑵利益对象的选择 ⑶成本的选择 ⑷人的选择 ⑸环境的选择 ③让步的方式通常可分为8种:最后一次到位 、均衡 、递增 、递减 、有限让 步 、快速让步 、退中有进 、一次性 。
1 2 3 4 5 6 学习目标 背景知识 方法介绍 案例分析 知识拓展 教学方法设计 实战演练
通过对价格概念、讨价还价过程以及价格谈判策略的学习和掌握,达 到以下的学习目标:把握价格的确切含义;掌握报价与还价的内容、 规律、能灵活运用相应的方法与技巧;通晓几种主要的价格谈判策略
6. I’m afraid that there is no room to negotiate the price.
7. I’ll have to consult my home office before I can give you a definite answer on the price terms.
(4)、表示很难再减价 1. The price is quite reasonable, and it’s the lowest one we can quote.
2. Ten percent wouldn’t be worthwhile (不划算) for my company.
1、商品的国际市场价值 2、商品的国际市场供求和竞争状况 3、本国货币与外国货币的比价关系
1、企业订价的目标 2、企业订价所用价格形式 ①固定价格 ②待定价格 ③暂定价格 ④滑动价格
1、计价货币与支付货币不同策略 。 计价货币是指合同中规定用来计算价格的货币,支付货币是指合同中规定用 来 支付结算的货币,究竟选用哪一种货币,一般要由 买卖双方来协商确定。 2、正确使用价格术语策略 3、正确、灵活运用佣金和折扣 ①佣金是代理人或经纪人、中间商因介绍交易或代买代卖所获得的报酬。佣金有明 佣和暗佣之分, 明佣,是买卖合同或发票等有关单证上公开表明的佣金,通常表示 在贸易术语后,如 CIFC5%HONGKONG;暗佣对实际买方保密,由卖方暗中支付给中间 人,不在发票等相关单证上显示。 ②折扣 是卖方在一定条件下给予买方的价格减让。 一般是以原价为基础,扣除一 定百分比来算出实际应付价款。 ③佣金折扣的支付方法,佣金习惯上应由卖方收到全部货款后,再支付给中间商。 折扣一般可由买方在支付货款时扣除。
A: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there. I must point out your price is higher than some of the quotations we’ve received from other sources. B: But you must take the quality into consideration. Everyone in the trade knows that our products are of superior quality to those from other countries. A: I agree that yours are of better quality. But there’s competition from synthetic products, too. You can’t very well ignore that. Prices for synthetic cotton haven’t changed much over the years. B: There’s practically no substitute for cotton for certain uses. That’s why demand for natural cotton keeps rising in spite of cheaper synthetic ones. To be frank with you, if it were not for the long- standing relationship between us, we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price. A: Well, we’ll have a lot of difficulties in persuading our clients to buy at this price. But I’ll have to try, I suppose.
(2)、要求减价 1. The prices and discounts are problems for us.
2. That’s a little more than we were expecting to pay.
3. We have been informed that the current price on your side is much lower than what you say.
①互利互惠的让步策略 ②予远利近惠的让步策略 ③丝毫无损的让步
(1)、询问价格 1. It’s better for us to have a talk on price terms, because it is one of the key points in our dealings. 2. Will you please quote F.O.B Brussels in U.S. dollar? 3. I can’t say offhand exactly how much. 4. The price depends on quantity. 5. The list price is $220 per yard. 6. We can give them to you for $185 per unit
4. We are not interested unless your price is reduced to a level in line with the market price.
5. Will you make the price a little cheaper? 6. How much do you think you could bring the price down? 7. If you can reduce the price by 5%, we shall be able to order 200 metric tons. 8. Business is possible if you decrease the price to $120 per piece.