
公路与水路联运通常在起点和终点都有公 路和水路两种运输方式可供选择。在起点 ,货物通过公路运输至港口,再通过水路 运输至目的地;在终点,货物通过水路运 输至港口,再通过公路运输至目的地。这 种联运方式能够降低运输成本,提高运输 速度,减少货物在途损耗。
航空与公路联运是一种快速、高效的联运方 式,特别适合对时间要求较高的货物运输。
美国的多式联运系统是全球最大的物流运输系统之一,它 通过多种运输方式将货物运输到全国各地,具有高效、便 捷的特点。
美国的多式联运系统由铁路、公路、水路等多种运输方式 组成,具有高度的灵活性和可靠性。该系统的建设得到了 美国政府的支持,通过建设大量的基础设施和采用先进的 信息技术,实现了货物的快速、安全运输。美国的多式联 运系统已经成为全球最大的物流运输系统之一,为美国经 济的快速发展提供了有力支持。
加强多式联运对生态环境影响的监测和管理,推 动绿色生态的多式联运发展。
加强基础设施建设- 总结词
优化运输组织与管理- 总结词
- 详细描述
多式联运能够实现货物在不同运输方式间 的快速、高效转运,减少中间环节和等待 时间,提高物流的整体效率。
多式联运能够减少单一运输方式的能源消 耗和排放,降低交通对环境的影响,促进 可持续交通发展。

鹿特丹港口物流发展案例 Last revision date: 13 December 2020.港口物流发展案例------荷兰鹿特丹港[录入者:系统管理员 | 时间:2013-10-06 | 作者:浙江舟山群岛新区研究中心 | 来源:浙江舟山群岛新区研究中心 | 浏览:283次]荷兰是世界范围内物流产业比较发达的国家,其主要依托为海港城市鹿特丹,围绕鹿特丹港基本形成了比较完善的物流系统和服务体系。
虽然荷兰的 GDP 仅占全欧洲的 5 % ,但每年到达欧洲的货物中有 50 %是经鹿特丹港进人欧洲的,荷兰的过境运输总量占到全欧洲的 36 % ,可以说鹿特丹港是整个欧洲,乃至世界物流中心之一。
1.基本情况鹿特丹港位于北纬 51 " 55 ’、东经 4 " 30 ' ,地处荷兰莱茵河与马斯河的人海口,是西欧国际贸易主要进出口港,内陆交通十分发达,经济腹地包括荷兰、法国、德国、比利时等工业发达的国家,为欧洲内陆大约4 亿家企业服务。
鹿特丹港始建于 16 世纪,港口早期的码头多建于新马斯河北岸,后扩展至南岸。
港口和工业区域占地 105 平方公里,是欧洲最重要的石油化工、集装箱、铁矿石、煤炭、食品和金属运输港口。
鹿特丹港有 3 座较大的港区:一是马斯平原港区。
这是由吹填土形成的陆域,港区面积 33 平方公里,港区水深 23 . 5 米,可停靠 25 万吨级矿砂船和 30 万吨级油船。
总面积 36 平方公里,水深约22 . 65 米,可停靠 20 万吨级油船, 1 万标箱的世界最大集装箱船也可以毫无阻碍的进人鹿特丹港,主要吞吐原油和石油化工产品,港区附近建有炼油厂和石油化工厂。
这是最早建成的港区,总面积 12 . 5 平方公里,港区水深 12 . 65 米,可停靠 6 万吨级船舶,装卸货物的种类主要是矿石、石油和散粮等。
鹿特丹港还有 50 万吨级干船坞;在欧罗港区和马斯平原港区的南面开凿了与老马斯河相通的哈特尔运河,在海水与河水交界处建有大型船闸一座。
第四章案例分析 国际港口物流中心揽胜

① 货运代理、报关功能 ② 信息服务功能 ③ 提供银行金融保 Nhomakorabea服务功能
① ② ③ ④ 物流基础设施项目的开发功能 商业交易平台的构筑功能 改善环境,提升城市形象功能 辐射、拉动功能
3.成功的港口物流园区应具备以下几个基 本要素: 优越的地理位置 便捷的交通条件 足够的空间和充足的人力资源 先进的信息支持系统 完善的口岸服务系统 必要的公共物流服务设施。
世界港口物流在不断的发展过程中,主要在港口管理 模式、港口物流运作模式以及港口物流发展的驱动力三个方 面表现不同。
(1)以新加坡港口为代表的各方共同管理模式 ( 2)以香港港口为代表的私人企业管理模式
(1)鹿特丹港口物流运作模式——“地主港”物流中 心模式 (2)新加坡港口物流运作模式——供应链型与联合型 物流中心模式 (3)香港港口物流运作模式——独立型物流中心模式
集疏运条件十分优 主要从事高质量商 越,周边还有内河 品的堆存和配送服 码头、铁路枢纽以 务 及沿海支线泊位等 众多多式联运设施。
交通集疏运条件十 以化工品为主要服 分优越,周边公路、 务对象的仓储、配 铁路、内河等多种 送和分拣等物流服 运输方式齐备
与Delta集装箱码头 有专用通道连接。 在物流园区周边还 分布着铁路场站、 高速公路和内河驳 船码头等众多的多 式联运设施
物流园区 瓦尔-埃 姆港区物 流园区 博特莱克 港区 物 流园区 马斯莱可 迪港区 物流园区

FCR(Full Containerload Receipt)是一种提单形式,是由一家货运代理人或担保人发放的证书,证明收到了全部装载在该货柜中的货物,并按照运输合同的要求发运。

Analysis about Port of RotterdamName : 刘沁Student ID : 1302041077Class : 13级国贸2班Key wordsPort of Rotterdam LogisticsContents1.Location Advantages (2)2.Development Status (2)3.Logistics Analysis (3)4.Summary (5)1、Location AdvantagesThe Port of Rotterdam is Europe's largest seaport, and it is the second biggest city in The Netherlands. Located about 34 nautical miles downstream from the Port of Moerdijk on the New Meuse and 70 kilometers southwest of the Port of Amsterdam, the Port of Rotterdam is about 100 nautical miles directly east of the Port of Felixstowe in England. In my point of view , Location is one of the vital elements to all ports,It can provides a lot of convenience.Rotterdam's logistic success is largely based on its strategic location .The port area includes 12,500 ha (land and water, of which approx 6,000 ha is business sites). The total length of the port area is more than 40 km. Approximately 30,000 seagoing vessels and 110,000 inland vessels visit the port of Rotterdam every year. With depth of 24 meters, the Port of Rotterdam has no locks. Rotterdam experiences a temperate oceanic climate similar to almost all of the Netherlands. Located near to the coast, its climate is slightly milder than locations further inland, so the Port of Rotterdam can handle the largest ocean-going vessels 24 hours a day throughout the year. From these information we can see that broad waters and favorable climatic conditions also contribute to the development of a port.The Port of Rotterdam is the base of the city's economy. Located in the heart of Europe's industrialized, highly-populated triangle of the German Ruhr district, Paris, and London, the Port of Rotterdam is strategically positioned on the world's busiest sea. It is an important distribution point for products going all over inland Europe. These economic conditions based the possibility of the development of the Port of Rotterdam.2、Development statusThe port of Rotterdam’s annual throughput amounts to some 465 million tonnes. This makes the port of Rotterdam the largest port in Europe. Rotterdam’s main target countries are the Federal Republic of Germany, Britain, France, Italy and other EU countries. Moreover, bulk cargo transit shipments accounted for 85% of the total, of which crude oil and petroleum products accounted for 70%, the rest for ore, coal, grain and fertilizer.Today's high-profile project is the construction of Maasvlakte 2, a newindustrial zone and port providing 1000 hectares of industrial sites with direct access to the deep waters of the North Sea.When it is completed, the port area will grow by 20%.The Port of Rotterdam handled general cargoes that included over 112 million tons of containerized cargoes, 16.7 million tons of roll-on/roll-off cargoes, and 6.9 million tons of other general cargoes. In 2010, the Port of Rotterdam handled a total of 11.1 million TEUs of containerized cargo. This included 5.7 million TEUs of imports and 5.4 million TEUs of exports.In 2010, the Port of Rotterdam handled a total of almost 430 million tons of cargo, including almost 305 million tons of imports and over 125 million tons of exports. Within this total was 84.6 million tons of dry bulk cargoes, 209.4 million tons of liquid bulk, 23.7 million tons of breakbulk cargo, and 112.3 million tons of containerized cargo. There is no doubt that these quantities are very large,no wonder it would take steps to expand the port.3、Logistics AnalysisIn 2010, the Port of Rotterdam was the fourth busiest port in the world based on cargo volumes. The Port of Rotterdam follows Shanghai (650 million tons), Ningbo/Zhou Shan (627 million tons), and Singapore (502.5 million tons). The Port of Rotterdam was the only non-Asian port in the ten busiest ports of the world. Even now, it’s still the 10th largest cargo port in the world. It has the following characteristics:(1) The Port of Rotterdam is really a collection of smaller specialized ports. It can handles all imaginable types of cargoes and is a vital link in the "supply chain" necessary to get products from factories to consumers. There are many companies in the region that specialize in storage, transshipment, transport, and industrial processing of cargoes. Cargoes are handled by specialized companies that work with chemicals, liquid and dry bulk, ores, refrigerated cargoes and food, vehicles, general cargo, and containers.Rotterdam consists of five distinct port areas and three distribution parks that facilitate the needs of a hinterland with 40,000,000 consumers.The three most important ports are Eur0p00rt、Botlek、Maasvlaskte.(2)The Port of Rotterdam distributes cargoes to inland Europe's huge market of consumers through five transportation modes: roads, railways,pipelines, inland ships, and coastal ships. All industrial and economic centers in Western Europe can be reached from the Port of Rotterdam within 24 hours of arriving at port. The extensive distribution system have earned Rotterdam the nickname " Gateway to Europe ", and, conversely; " Gateway to the World" in Europe.(3) For many years, the Port of Rotterdam has been an important world center for oil and chemicals. Many leading international oil and chemicals companies have offices in the Port of Rotterdam. There are four world-class refineries in Rotterdam, over 40 chemical and petrochemical companies, three industrial gas producers, and 13 tank storage and distribution companies. These operations are connected through a network of over 1500 kilometers of pipelines.We can find this feature from the related data, Bulk cargoes handled in the Port of Rotterdam in 2010 included 84.6 million tons of dry bulk goods and 209.4 million tons of liquid bulk goods. Liquid bulk cargoes included crude oil (100.3 million tons), mineral oil products (77.6 million tons), and other liquid bulk (31.5 million tons). Dry bulk cargoes through the Port of Rotterdam included ores and scrap (39.8 million tons), coal (24.1 million tons), agribulk (8.4 million tons), and other dry bulk goods (12.3 million tons).(4) The Port of Rotterdam Authority develops, operates, and manages the Port of Rotterdam facilities and industrial area. The Port Authority is a limited public company owned by the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Netherlands. The Port Authority for the Port of Rotterdam is responsible for promoting safe and effecting shipping in the port and developing, constructing, and managing the port area.The Port Authority is committed to sustainable economic development of the Port of Rotterdam by working with government and business, both local and international, to maintain a climate that attracts new businesses, retains established businesses, and strengthen the Port of Rotterdam's competitive position. Finally, the Port Authority conducts marketing and promotional activities to further the interests of the Port of Rotterdam and the community.(5)Modern facilitie sand EDI service systemThe Port of Rotterdam contains 122 jetties and 23 berths on buoys. It maintains 29 tug boats and 6 pilot boats. The Port of Rotterdam has ample cargo-handling equipment, including 162 multi-purpose cranes, 103 container gantry cranes, 25 floating cranes, 22 ship-to-shore bulk cranes, 12 container cranes (rail terminals), and ten sheer leg cranes. And much of the container loading and stacking in the port is handled by autonomous robotic cranes andcomputer controlled chariots.EDI is the electronic, computing transfer of standard business documents between firms.With EDI, Data can be exchanged through serial links and peer-to-peer networks, though most exchanges currently rely on the Internet for connectivity.EDI is primarily used by large companies to have a uniform processing system, enabling efficiency. Cost, speed, accuracy and efficiency are the major benefits of EDI. The system is expensive to implement and usually requires help from a consultant that specializes in the field. In Rotterdam, EDI technology has been widely used, almost every company can master the operation of this system. Using EDI systems eliminates the need - and therefore cost - to print, file, store, post and retrieve paper documents. The goal is to get rid of paper and have everyone working with the same invoice so that information is processed and read easily.4、summaryRotterdam is Netherland’s transportation hub and industrial center, contribution to the economy accounted for more than 10% of the Dutch GDP. Rotterdam is the world's most important port, the annual throughput of more than 300 million tons, the port area of over 80 square kilometers, is a typical estuary port. The port's main activities are petrochemical industries and general cargo handling and transshipment. The harbour functions as an important transit point for bulk materials and between the European continent and overseas. From Rotterdam goods are transported by ship, river barge, train or road. With a mature logistics operations system and its spirit of innovation, Rotterdam was a success. Port of Rotterdam in the logistics system construction experience and the pattern is worth learning.。

物流案例概括英文作文英文:Logistics is an essential part of any business that involves the movement of goods. It is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the movement of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption. Logistics involves the coordination of various activities such as transportation, warehousing, and inventory management.In my experience, I have seen logistics play a critical role in the success of a business. For example, when I worked at a retail store, we relied heavily on logistics to ensure that our products were delivered to our customers on time. We had to coordinate with our suppliers to ensurethat they delivered the products to our warehouse on time. We also had to ensure that our warehouse was properly managed, and our inventory was accurately tracked.Another example is when I worked at a manufacturing company. We had to ensure that our raw materials were delivered to our factory on time, and our finished products were shipped to our customers on time. We had to coordinate with our suppliers, transportation companies, and customers to ensure that everything was delivered on time.Logistics can be challenging, especially when dealing with unexpected events such as delays in transportation or changes in customer demand. However, with proper planning and coordination, these challenges can be overcome.中文:物流是涉及货物运输的任何企业不可或缺的部分。
物流管理专业《案例21 鹿特丹港的国际物流及其对广州港的启示》

鹿特丹港的国际物流及其对广州港的启示一、鹿特丹港介绍鹿特丹港的经济地位鹿持丹是全球吞吐量最大的港口,它是荷兰的工业中心并促进着荷兰经济的开展,鹿特丹港对荷兰经济的奉献占荷兰GNP 的10%,并提供38万个就业岗位。

香港地处亚太地区中心,具有优越的深水港湾,与旧金山、里约热内卢并 称为世界三大天然良港。依托腹地经济及对外贸易的蓬勃兴旺,香港的港口 目前已成为全球重要的航运中心和第二大集装箱港。目前共有大型集装箱码 头9个,泊位总数24个,码头岸线长7694米,面积275公顷。
域 物流园区案例分析
新加坡港位于马六甲海峡咽喉, 新加坡港位于马六甲海峡咽喉,国际航 线的必经之处, 线的必经之处,是全球重要的航运中心和 最繁忙的港口之一。2005年新加坡港共完 最繁忙的港口之一。2005年新加坡港共完 成货物吞吐量4 23亿吨,居全球第二位; 成货物吞吐量4.23亿吨,居全球第二位; 亿吨 其中;集装箱吞吐量达到2319万TEU, 其中;集装箱吞吐量达到2319万TEU,为全 2319 球第一大集装箱港。目前,新加坡港共有4 球第一大集装箱港。目前,新加坡港共有4 个集装箱码头,泊位总数43个 个集装箱码头,泊位总数43个,年通过能 43 力约2400万TEU。 力约2400万TEU。 2400
为满足日益增长的物流需求j新加坡港最主 为满足日益增长的物流需求 新加坡港最主 要的码头商—一 要的码头商 一PSA集团围绕港口运输先 集团围绕港口运输先 后建立了4个物流园区,分别为:Keppel 后建立了 个物流园区,分别为: 个物流园区 物流园区、 物流园区、 物流园区、Tanjong Pagar物流园区、 物流园区 Pasir Panjang物流园区和 物流园区和Alexander物流 物流园区和 物流 园区。 园区。

香港位于我国广东省南端, 处于珠江出口之东,临南海, 香港连续7年保持世界第一繁忙货柜港的美誉,是世界最大的港口物流中心。其港口物流发展的经验与模式分析如下:
二、 港口物流的经营模式分类
(一) 航运中心模式(二) 港口区域物流体系模式(三) 虚拟供应链式联盟模式 (四) 区港联动——保税港区物流模式(五) 港口物流“网状布局”模式 (六) 第三方物流的发展模式
(一) 航运中心模式
1. 航运中心的概念及主要特征 航运中心是指具有稠密航线的集装箱枢纽港、深水航道、集疏运网络等硬件设施和为航运业服务的金融、贸易、物流、信息等软件功能的港口城市。

⏹Facts: B offered to sell his car to A for $500. A said he would buyit but he needed time to raise the money. B said he would wait until Sunday to allow him to find the money. However, on Friday C offered B $600 for the car and B accepted C’s offer and so ld it to him. B tried to ring A to tell him the car had already been sold so he could not buy it. A’s sister answered the phone and took the message, but forgot to tell A. On Sunday A arrived at B’s flat with the money.⏹Issue: Question: Is there a binding contract between B and A?⏹Rule:⏹This question is about offer and acceptance. An offer can beaccepted until it is revoked, but a promise to keep an offer open untila certain date is not binding unless it is supported by consideration.⏹It can be revoked at any time before acceptance, but revocation isnot effective until it is communicated to the offeree.⏹In order to be effective an acceptance must be firm andcommunicated.⏹Application/Analysis :In this case there is an offer by B to sell A hiscar for $500. When A says he will buy if it he can raise the money, this is not an acceptance, because it is conditional –not firm. B promises to keep the offer open until Sunday, but he is not bound by this promise as it is gratuitous. B is therefore entitled to revoke the offer on Friday, but the revocation is not effective until it iscommunicated to A. A’s sister failed to pass on the message because she forgot and therefore A did not receive notice of the revocation.So when he turned up at B’s flat with the money, he was accepting the offer.Conclusion: Therefore, there is a binding contract between B andA .。

鹿特丹(Rotterdam)作为荷兰的第二大港口城市,其地 理位置非常优越。 1961年,鹿特丹港的吞吐量首次超过纽 约港(1.8亿吨),成为世界第一大港。鹿特丹港区服务最 大的特点是储、运、销一条龙。通过一些保税仓库和货物 welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content 分拨中心进行储运和再加工,提高货物的附加值,然后通 design, 10 years experience 过公路、铁路、河道、空运、海运等多种运输路线将货物 送到荷兰和欧洲的目的地。在2003年,鹿特丹港失去了原 有的全球第一大港地位,让位于亚洲大港上海,一年过后, 新加坡又夺走了它的第二位。
集装箱货物吞吐量 (万TEU) 651.92 622.12 658.26 709.00 825.68 911.09 948.02 1046.29 1069.99 1002.80 1122.93
中国. 中国.中学政治教学货物吞吐量
年份 年货物吞吐量 (亿吨) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 4.43 5.37 5.60 5.82 5.90 6.53 集装箱吞吐量 (万TEU) 1808 2172 2615 2801 2500 2906
中国. 中国.中学政治教学网崇尚互联共享
集装箱货物吞吐量 (万TEU) 402.94 442.83 456.61 500.50 524.17 530.67 585.72 614.39 662.55
中国. 中国.中学政治教学网崇尚互联共享
年份 货物吞吐总量 (亿吨) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 3.22 3.15 3.22 3.28 3.53 3.70 3.82 4.09 4.21 3.87 4.30

• 尽管已经拥有了最现代化的设备和充足的 存储能力,鹿特丹港还在不断地进行投资 以确保其世界最重要铁矿砂港口的地位。 在现代化的装卸设备的帮助下,只需要短 短的4天就可以将巨轮完全卸空。鹿特丹的 铁矿砂约有50%来自巴西,剩下50%中,绝 大部分产自加拿大和澳大利亚,还有少量 来自南非和瑞典。
• Botlek物流园区位于哈特尔(Hartel)运河 和塞纳河港区之间,也是鹿特丹港石油化 学工业区/港区的中心位置。Botlek物流园 区占地104公顷,其中仓库面积约30万m2。 • 与Eemhaven物流园区类似,Botlek物 流园区的交通集疏运条件十分优越,周边 公路、铁路、内河等多种运输方式齐备。 Botlek物流园区的定位是以化工品为主要服 务对象的仓储、配送和分拣等物流服务。
鹿特丹港腹地广大,荷兰、德国、法 国、比利时的重要工商业中心都在以鹿特 丹为中心、半径为 500公里的范围内。四通 八达的内河航道网、公路网、铁路网,以 及管道、航空将该港与欧洲各重要城市工 业区连接起来,使它成为西欧散货、原油、 集装箱的最大集散中心。
• 鹿特丹是欧洲农产品的交易中心。鹿特丹 港每年装卸的散装农产品约有1000万吨, 其中包括各类谷物及其副产品、种子、黄 豆、玉米、木薯淀粉等等。农产品通过甲 板吊装或者直接利用传送带将船舶和粮食 筒仓相连。码头上的筒仓和普通型仓库可 以满足各类农产品的短期或长期贮存的不 同要求。
• 鹿特丹是世界上最大的废料港之一,每 年大约处理300万吨的废料。这与它作为 欧洲运输枢纽的位置相对应。事实上, 所有的废料相关业务集中在Botlek附近 的现代化废物处理区,那里有着一流的 码头设备用以装卸这些废料。

鹿特丹港2020年的远景规划从6个方面创建高质量的港口。一是建设多方位综合性 港口。二是建设可持续发展不断创新的港口。三是建设知识智慧型港口。四是建 设快捷安全的港口。五是建设环境友好型港口。六是建设洁净港口。
(2) 港口物流带动区域经济发展
• 鹿特丹港务局一直将发展港口物流作为重要任务之一,并不断根据国际航运业和国际市场的发展为鹿特丹港口物流的发展不断 扩充,提高港口集装箱的吞吐能力。同时,鹿特丹政府不断强化物流理念发展物流所需的必要技术手段,从而带动鹿特丹市和 整个荷兰经济的发展。从鹿特丹港城一体化的发展经验来看,港口物流的发展带动了城市经济发展以及区域相关产业的发展, 并使荷兰政府从鹿特丹港口物流的发展中获得丰厚的回报。
工,提高货物的附加值,然后再通过公路、铁路、河道、空运、海运等多种运输路线将货物送到荷兰和欧洲的目的地。鹿特丹港有一套完整、强大的港口服务体系和公共信息 平台,为客商提供贸易上的便利。鹿特丹港有完善的海关设施、优惠的税收政策,保税仓库区域内企业在海关允许下可进行任何层次加工。港区和各个工业区内的物流配送基 地可为集装箱货物的仓储和配送提供最完善的增值服务。在通关方面,海关可以提供24小时通关服务(周日除外),先存储后报关,以公司账册管理及存货数据取代海关查验, 企业还可以选择适合的通关程序,运作十分便利。
鹿特丹旅游业发达,拥有一系列具有港口特色的观光景点,例如高达185米、可以 鸟瞰整个鹿特丹市的“欧洲之桅”。

2010年港口吞吐量43000万吨,集装箱吞吐量1110万 TEU。 2011年上半年鹿特丹港货物吞吐量为2.15亿吨,同 比增长1%,其中杂货吞吐量为7500万吨,同比增12%, 集装箱吞吐量542万TEU同比增 9.8%。 2012全年鹿特丹港货物吞吐量达4.42亿吨,增长 1.7%。其中,货物进口吞吐量逾3.11亿吨,增长 0.8%;货物出口吞吐量近1.31亿吨,增长4%
荷兰鹿特丹市是世界上典型的实行地主港模式的著名港口城市 。在
建设港口过程中,由政府或是现有的港口管理局对基础设施进行投资, 也可将港口建筑的开发任务交给私营企业。并以租赁方式把港口码头租 给国内外港口经营企业或船公司经营,实行产权和经营权分离,特许经 营机构收取一定租金,用于港口建设的滚动发展。鹿特丹港在地主港管 理模式下, 港区建设、物流园区、临港产业及集疏运体系等4个方面非常 有特色。
成员:NO.10 NO.21 NO.26
NO.46 NO.47
主要采用集装 箱、子母船; 货种则是森林 木材、其他杂 货、水果、蔬 菜、浓缩果汁 等
• 气候:温带海洋性气候, 受北大西洋暖流影响,常 年不冻港,适宜通航输送 货物。
• 地形:地处河口三角洲平 原,为港区基础设施建设 提供可能;同时是天然避 风深水良港。
• 河流:莱茵河贯穿,适合 欧洲内陆地区货物外运, 提供强大的经济腹地。


• 港口经营业务主要包括装卸、仓储、物流、 船舶拖带、引航、外轮代理、外轮理货、 海铁联运、中转服务以及水路客运服务等。 • 上海市内河港区共有 3250 个泊位,最大靠 泊能力为 2000 吨级。 2003 年上海港内河 港区累计完成货物吞吐量 9857 万吨,其中 进口 8368 万吨,出口 1489 万吨。
位于荷兰西部北海沿岸,莱茵河与新马 斯河汇合口港区由市中心沿新水道一直 伸延到河口,直通北海,新水道与北海 相连,全长32千米。入海口低潮平均水 位21~22米,平均潮差1.65米。港区面 积100平方千米,水域29.l平方千米。其 中海船水域21.48平方千米,内河航船 水域7.6平方千米。自东向西主要港区 是马斯、瓦尔、博特莱克、欧罗波特和 马斯低地港。
2007年上海港货物吞吐量5.6亿吨,比上年增长4.2%,连续第三年位居全球第一;集 装箱吞吐量完成2615万标准箱,增长20.4%,跃居世界第二 。 2009年全年 上海港货物吞吐量达到5.9亿吨,集装箱吞吐量达到2500万标准箱,分别 位居世界第一、第二位。 2010上海港完成集装箱吞吐量2905万标准箱,超过新加坡港50万标准箱左右,首次成 为世界第一大集装箱港;“枢纽港”重要标志的集装箱水水中转比例达37.7%;货物吞 吐量完成6.5亿吨左右,继续保持世界第一。
吴淞口,是上海市北部水上门户,中国近现代史上著名的军事要塞, 上海的卫星城、工业区和现代化外贸港区。在中国的历史上,这里 曾经有过多个著名的“第一”。中国海运史上第一座官建航标、中 国铁路交通史上第一条营运铁路、中国开埠史上第一个自主的开埠 处。今天,吴淞口又将迎来新的“第一”——中国国内最大的国际 邮轮港,即吴淞口国际邮轮港。

四团镇位于奉贤区,该地区由于远离市区, 经济社会基础都较差,对外形象不利于发展
做为大浦东的经济腹地,在大浦东战略的实 施背景下,如何对接大浦东,分担该地区城市 职能是本地区发展亟需解决的问题。 伴随上海市产业升级,知识经济和服务业将 在产业构成中占据重要地位,而四团镇由于工 业基础较差,土地价格较低,发展新型产业成 本较低。 四团镇东边的重型临港工业和北部的迪斯尼 规划将为本地区的人口导入创造机遇。
功能:物流、办公和商业 规划原则:强调建筑物的视觉冲击力、注重历史建筑的保护与改
Zuidkade Landtong
(2) Zuidkade地区
定位:交通枢纽,商业中心 功能:商业 规划原则:突出本地区交通结点和商业中心的作用 详细规划:
造、集城市设计、土地规划和交通规划于一体 详细规划: 规划各种汽车道、步行道、自行车道和物流专线 规划一系列的广场以引导人从内部走向边缘的外部空间 规划超过200000平方米的办公用地 规划建设面积为40000平方米的世界港口中心,物流公司和 市政港口机构的办公场所 规划KPN电信大楼,超高层建筑,由意大利建筑师Renzo Piano设计 规划一座包含1500个座位Luxor剧院 改造新马斯河沿岸的旧码头,赋予其休闲娱乐功能,供在当 地上班族放松 改造荷兰美洲航线酒店 重建荷兰美洲客运航线
Kop van zuid地区的产业构成
Kop van zuid
Kop van zuid周边地区的产业构成
(1) 临港工业及相关产业
主要分布在临海沿河工业带 石化工业租用了52km2的港口工业区中的60%,拥有BP/Texaco、Esso、Kuwait Petroleum、 Shell和Koch5个公司的大型炼油厂,年原油加工能力8500万t以上,成为世界三大炼油中心之一 临港工业区内的化工厂原材料主要依靠5个炼油厂提供 鹿特丹的地理位置使其成为欧洲的主要化学品港口,每年大约有1亿多吨原油海运至鹿特丹 有7个大型造船厂拥有30多个浮船坞 主要为半成品加工和成品加工工业 食品公司(如联合利华、可口可乐)的贸易、存储、加工以及运输等也都集中在港区,由此形成 了欧洲最重要的农产品交易中心 主要业务包括船舶分级、船舶监测、船舶配件供应、物资补给、检查测试、保养、废物处理、船 舶修理和船员招募与更换等业务 有11万人从事与港口直接或间接相关的产业 包括金融、贸易、保险、信息、代理和咨询等服务业


港口-期末报告题 目: 鹿特丹港港口之物流研究班 级: 物流081指导老师: 王一帆组 名: 三缺一组 员: 郁包樑 3080125041徐 璨 3080125038 陆恒杰3080125034宁波理工学院目录一、鹿特丹港港组织(一)、历史沿革 (2)(二)、组织结构 (4)(三)、经营理念/企业文化 (6)二、鹿特丹港港服务(一)、服务项目 (7)(二)、服务特色 (8)三、鹿特丹港港港口设施(一)、码头类型及港口设施 (9)(二)、未来投资计划 (11)四、鹿特丹港港港口物流港口物流发展 (13)五、结论与建议结论及建议....................................................................................... .. (16)一、鹿特丹港港组织(一)历史沿革鹿特丹(Rotterdam)是荷兰第二大城市,世界最大的港口,位于欧洲莱茵河与马斯河汇合处。

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Analysis about Port of RotterdamName : 刘沁Student ID : 1302041077Class : 13级国贸2班Key wordsPort of Rotterdam LogisticsContents1.Location Advantages (2)2.Development Status (2)3.Logistics Analysis (3)4.Summary (5)1、Location AdvantagesThe Port of Rotterdam is Europe's largest seaport, and it is the second biggest city in The Netherlands. Located about 34 nautical miles downstream from the Port of Moerdijk on the New Meuse and 70 kilometers southwest of the Port of Amsterdam, the Port of Rotterdam is about 100 nautical miles directly east of the Port of Felixstowe in England. In my point of view , Location is one of the vital elements to all ports,It can provides a lot of convenience.Rotterdam's logistic success is largely based on its strategic location .The port area includes 12,500 ha (land and water, of which approx 6,000 ha is business sites). The total length of the port area is more than 40 km. Approximately 30,000 seagoing vessels and 110,000 inland vessels visit the port of Rotterdam every year. With depth of 24 meters, the Port of Rotterdam has no locks. Rotterdam experiences a temperate oceanic climate similar to almost all of the Netherlands. Located near to the coast, its climate is slightly milder than locations further inland, so the Port of Rotterdam can handle the largest ocean-going vessels 24 hours a day throughout the year. From these information we can see that broad waters and favorable climatic conditions also contribute to the development of a port.The Port of Rotterdam is the base of the city's economy. Located in the heart of Europe's industrialized, highly-populated triangle of the German Ruhr district, Paris, and London, the Port of Rotterdam is strategically positioned on the world's busiest sea. It is an important distribution point for products going all over inland Europe. These economic conditions based the possibility of the development of the Port of Rotterdam.2、Development statusThe port of Rotterdam’s annual throughput amounts to some 465 million tonnes. This makes the port of Rotterdam the largest port in Europe. Rotterdam’s main target countries are the Federal Republic of Germany, Britain, France, Italy and other EU countries. Moreover, bulk cargo transit shipments accounted for 85% of the total, of which crude oil and petroleum products accounted for 70%, the rest for ore, coal, grain and fertilizer.Today's high-profile project is the construction of Maasvlakte 2, a newindustrial zone and port providing 1000 hectares of industrial sites with direct access to the deep waters of the North Sea.When it is completed, the port area will grow by 20%.The Port of Rotterdam handled general cargoes that included over 112 million tons of containerized cargoes, 16.7 million tons of roll-on/roll-off cargoes, and 6.9 million tons of other general cargoes. In 2010, the Port of Rotterdam handled a total of 11.1 million TEUs of containerized cargo. This included 5.7 million TEUs of imports and 5.4 million TEUs of exports.In 2010, the Port of Rotterdam handled a total of almost 430 million tons of cargo, including almost 305 million tons of imports and over 125 million tons of exports. Within this total was 84.6 million tons of dry bulk cargoes, 209.4 million tons of liquid bulk, 23.7 million tons of breakbulk cargo, and 112.3 million tons of containerized cargo. There is no doubt that these quantities are very large,no wonder it would take steps to expand the port.3、Logistics AnalysisIn 2010, the Port of Rotterdam was the fourth busiest port in the world based on cargo volumes. The Port of Rotterdam follows Shanghai (650 million tons), Ningbo/Zhou Shan (627 million tons), and Singapore (502.5 million tons). The Port of Rotterdam was the only non-Asian port in the ten busiest ports of the world. Even now, it’s still the 10th largest cargo port in the world. It has the following characteristics:(1) The Port of Rotterdam is really a collection of smaller specialized ports. It can handles all imaginable types of cargoes and is a vital link in the "supply chain" necessary to get products from factories to consumers. There are many companies in the region that specialize in storage, transshipment, transport, and industrial processing of cargoes. Cargoes are handled by specialized companies that work with chemicals, liquid and dry bulk, ores, refrigerated cargoes and food, vehicles, general cargo, and containers.Rotterdam consists of five distinct port areas and three distribution parks that facilitate the needs of a hinterland with 40,000,000 consumers.The three most important ports are Eur0p00rt、Botlek、Maasvlaskte.(2)The Port of Rotterdam distributes cargoes to inland Europe's huge market of consumers through five transportation modes: roads, railways,pipelines, inland ships, and coastal ships. All industrial and economic centers in Western Europe can be reached from the Port of Rotterdam within 24 hours of arriving at port. The extensive distribution system have earned Rotterdam the nickname " Gateway to Europe ", and, conversely; " Gateway to the World" in Europe.(3) For many years, the Port of Rotterdam has been an important world center for oil and chemicals. Many leading international oil and chemicals companies have offices in the Port of Rotterdam. There are four world-class refineries in Rotterdam, over 40 chemical and petrochemical companies, three industrial gas producers, and 13 tank storage and distribution companies. These operations are connected through a network of over 1500 kilometers of pipelines.We can find this feature from the related data, Bulk cargoes handled in the Port of Rotterdam in 2010 included 84.6 million tons of dry bulk goods and 209.4 million tons of liquid bulk goods. Liquid bulk cargoes included crude oil (100.3 million tons), mineral oil products (77.6 million tons), and other liquid bulk (31.5 million tons). Dry bulk cargoes through the Port of Rotterdam included ores and scrap (39.8 million tons), coal (24.1 million tons), agribulk (8.4 million tons), and other dry bulk goods (12.3 million tons).(4) The Port of Rotterdam Authority develops, operates, and manages the Port of Rotterdam facilities and industrial area. The Port Authority is a limited public company owned by the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Netherlands. The Port Authority for the Port of Rotterdam is responsible for promoting safe and effecting shipping in the port and developing, constructing, and managing the port area.The Port Authority is committed to sustainable economic development of the Port of Rotterdam by working with government and business, both local and international, to maintain a climate that attracts new businesses, retains established businesses, and strengthen the Port of Rotterdam's competitive position. Finally, the Port Authority conducts marketing and promotional activities to further the interests of the Port of Rotterdam and the community.(5)Modern facilitie sand EDI service systemThe Port of Rotterdam contains 122 jetties and 23 berths on buoys. It maintains 29 tug boats and 6 pilot boats. The Port of Rotterdam has ample cargo-handling equipment, including 162 multi-purpose cranes, 103 container gantry cranes, 25 floating cranes, 22 ship-to-shore bulk cranes, 12 container cranes (rail terminals), and ten sheer leg cranes. And much of the container loading and stacking in the port is handled by autonomous robotic cranes andcomputer controlled chariots.EDI is the electronic, computing transfer of standard business documents between firms.With EDI, Data can be exchanged through serial links and peer-to-peer networks, though most exchanges currently rely on the Internet for connectivity.EDI is primarily used by large companies to have a uniform processing system, enabling efficiency. Cost, speed, accuracy and efficiency are the major benefits of EDI. The system is expensive to implement and usually requires help from a consultant that specializes in the field. In Rotterdam, EDI technology has been widely used, almost every company can master the operation of this system. Using EDI systems eliminates the need - and therefore cost - to print, file, store, post and retrieve paper documents. The goal is to get rid of paper and have everyone working with the same invoice so that information is processed and read easily.4、summaryRotterdam is Netherland’s transportation hub and industrial center, contribution to the economy accounted for more than 10% of the Dutch GDP. Rotterdam is the world's most important port, the annual throughput of more than 300 million tons, the port area of over 80 square kilometers, is a typical estuary port. The port's main activities are petrochemical industries and general cargo handling and transshipment. The harbour functions as an important transit point for bulk materials and between the European continent and overseas. From Rotterdam goods are transported by ship, river barge, train or road. With a mature logistics operations system and its spirit of innovation, Rotterdam was a success. Port of Rotterdam in the logistics system construction experience and the pattern is worth learning.。