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2. 形容词:
You should keep your room clean. We’d better leave the door open. 注:常用形容词充当宾语补足语的 动词有:believe, think, get, keep,
make, find, set, like, wish, see, consider, prove, have, leave, 以及 paint, drive, turn, cut 等。
---I find it _____v_e_r_y__in_t_e_r_e_st_i.ng ---What happened to the man? ---The man was kept __i_n_p__ri_s_o.n
for ...
(2)不带to的不定式,常见的跟不带 to的不定式作宾补的动词包括感官 动词,如see, hear, watch, notice, feel ... 和使役动词,如let, make, have ... (注:在被动语态 中,动词不定式前要加上to)
4. 介词短语也可以做宾语 补足语。
(1) Please keep the cat _o_u_t _(出 去).
(2) I am often kept _a_t_h_o_m_e_(在家) all day long on Sunday.
5. 宾语补足语通常在单复数形 式上与宾语保持一致。
She made Joe her_fr_ie_nd_ (friend) in China.
三. 有时动词不定式也可以充当 宾语补足语。动词不定式在某 些动词后做宾语补足语要省略 to。
My mother asked me to clean my bedroom. He often makes the people around him laugh.
动词不定式作宾语补足语表示动作 的全过程或即将发生的主动动作, 常分为两种: (1)带to的不定式,常见的跟带to的不 定式作宾补的动词有 advise, cause, allow, ask, invite, teach, tell, want, like, ask for, order, wait
Fill in the blanks with the object complement.
(1) We made him _c_h_a_ir_m__a_n(主席) of our Students’ Union.
(2) I find the novel _in_t_e_r_e_st_i_n_g_.(有趣) (3) We found the door__op_e_n__. (开着的) (4)He raised his voice to make himself
Grammar and usage
S+Link-V.+P 主系表结构
S+Vt.+O1+O2 主谓双宾结构
指出下列句子的句型结构。 1. Time flies. 2. I like music. 3. He was excited. 4. The dish tastes delicious. 5. He brings me an apple everyday. 6. I sent him a book. 7. She teaches us English. 8. I heard him singing.
__h_ea_r_d__ (hear). (5)6. She was found __ly_in_g__ (lie) at the
corner, dead.
More practice with an object compliment:
---What do you think about Harry Potter?
She made Joe and Sue
her_fr_ie_nd_s (friends) in China.
Object complement Situation one --- Did you find anything special when
you went to the classroom? --- No, I didn’t. --- You found the door open, didn’t you? --- Oh, yes. But I found nobody in the
一. 宾语补足语对宾语做出进一 步的补充和说明。宾语补足语放
在宾语后面用来补充说明宾语所表 示的人或事物所发出来的动作,或 者说明宾语的状语的特征,身份等。
They called her Loulan Beauty.
We found the ruins most beautiful.
二. 宾语补足语通常用于以下 结构:动词+宾语+宾语补足 语。宾语补足语可以常常由 名词词组或形容词担任。
make, find, call, name, elect, think, appoint, choose, consider, keep, wish, feel等。
注:充当宾语补足语的名词若 表示正式的或独一无二的头衔、 职位时,前面一般不用冠词, 如: They elected John chairman of the committee(委员会).
We consider our maths teacher a good friend.
We find our history teacher patient.
1. 名词: We made him our monitor. They considered this good advice. They named their daughter Jenny. 常用名词充当宾语补足语的动词有: